Mike Pence is a Dangerous Bigot and Theocrat

While Trump is no champion of LGBT causes, Pence is a dangerous ideologue and theocrat who fervently opposes LGBT people. While Trump is driven by personal gain and what ever seems to be politically expediate at any given moment, Pence believes that he is pursuing a divine cause at the direction of God.

White House Streams Church Service Claiming ‘Demonic Spirit’ Causes Homosexuality

Vice President Mike Pence called for people to remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “in these divided times” while attending a church where a bishop described how “the devil” is to blame for gay people.

Pence spoke at the Holy City Church of God in Christ in Memphis, Tennessee, on Sunday ahead of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in order to pay tribute to the civil rights icon.

My God! The hypocrisy! Promoting hate while paying tribute to King!! Now, we do not know what position King would take today on the various aspects af LGBT issues , but there is good reason to believe that he would not be engaging in the sort of vicious bigotry and fear mongering that we see here.

Here is an example of how King conducted himself as opposed to what we see today on the part of Pence and these ass hat preachers

What would Martin Luther King Jr think of the LGBT rights movement?

“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Though Dr King’s response may seem ill-informed by modern standards, his advice to the boy is remarkably calm and polite, given the fears and active scaremongering about gay people at the time.

Dr King responded: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.”

He continued: “In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences

How is he supposedly dangerous?
See post 105

ONe sentence, telling us your primary fear. Or "fear".

LIke. "He won't let grown men pee with little girls".
I posted twelve reason why he is dangerous scum, and that's all that your limited intellect can come up with?
If you think that none of this makes him a pig, and it probobly [sic] doesn't , it tells me that I need to know about you

A Dozen Reasons Why Mike Pence Is Just As Bad As Donald Trump | Right Wing Watch

Yet again, it is you who is the problem, here.

Mike Pence disgusts you, not because there is anything wrong with him, but because you are disgusted by the positive values for which he stands. This is damning to you, not to him.
Positive values ??:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

Are you shitting me? Hate and fear mongering are positive values?. Bigotry and misogyny are positive values? Diverting funding from HIV research to discredited conversion therapy is a reflection of positive values? :asshole::asshole::asshole:
Pigpence is a vicious sicko. He hates LGBTQs. He hates women. But he has this karen thing that he can have his way with any time he wants to do with what he likes, and he still makes a point of attacking others to make their lives miserable. He spends all of his time worried about other people's sex lives. What he needs is a good psychiatrist.

You off your meds? You sound delusional.
Theory: She's obsessed with Pence. Wants him more than air.

But since he's faithful to his wife, she knows she can never have him.

Someone alert the Secret Service not to let Lys into Pence's kitchen with a pot and a rabbit.

They are constantly complaining about Trump's personal life and the fact that he is a philanderer. Now they are complaining about Pence and his personal life and the fact that he is absolutely 100% faithful to his marriage mate to the point where he even refuses to meet alone with a member of the opposite sex to avoid the appearance of impropriety.

Both cases are showing a glaring disrespect for women.
I posted twelve reason why he is dangerous scum, and that's all that your limited intellect can come up with?

The whole of your complaint with Mr. Pence is that he stands for positive moral values. We know that such values disgust you, but the problem is you, and not those who hold to such values.
What you call "positive moral values " I call hate, bigotry , discrimination, and policies that destroy human lives. Deal with it Bobby Boy
The vast majority of real/normal/non-perverted women would find this an admirable quality in a man, I would imagine.

Perverts live in their own damned world

My wife on occasion has to meet with the city attorney. I asked her once what she thought if I said she could not meet with him alone to prevent any appearance of impropriety.

She just laughed at me. Most women would. Denying women the same opportunity as you would a man in business or in your role as a government is wrong. If your faith requires you to discriminate in your position as a government official you need to find another line of work.
I would expect nothing less from a leftist.

I worked in a major hotel chain and then I was younger.

The manager had to ask a young woman to leave (she was a prostitute). I had to go with him. We had to leave open. door open while in the room.

Do you understand why?

I think you have said enough. Equating a business women with a prostitute.
The point is, even if YOU are perfect, you cannot predict what the other may accuse you of. Pence is prudent. You are a leftist fool.

You don't discriminate against half the population because you are afraid someone may accuse you of something.

Stand up for yourself.

Sorry, that is NOT discrimination. Pence does not refuse to meet these women. Only that a third party must be present. Given the actions and lies of Dims all over the place, a very smart move on his part. You’re just mad you can’t make up any phony charges on Pence.
While Trump is no champion of LGBT causes, Pence is a dangerous ideologue and theocrat who fervently opposes LGBT people. While Trump is driven by personal gain and what ever seems to be politically expediate at any given moment, Pence believes that he is pursuing a divine cause at the direction of God.

White House Streams Church Service Claiming ‘Demonic Spirit’ Causes Homosexuality

Vice President Mike Pence called for people to remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “in these divided times” while attending a church where a bishop described how “the devil” is to blame for gay people.

Pence spoke at the Holy City Church of God in Christ in Memphis, Tennessee, on Sunday ahead of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in order to pay tribute to the civil rights icon.

My God! The hypocrisy! Promoting hate while paying tribute to King!! Now, we do not know what position King would take today on the various aspects af LGBT issues , but there is good reason to believe that he would not be engaging in the sort of vicious bigotry and fear mongering that we see here.

Here is an example of how King conducted himself as opposed to what we see today on the part of Pence and these ass hat preachers

What would Martin Luther King Jr think of the LGBT rights movement?

“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Though Dr King’s response may seem ill-informed by modern standards, his advice to the boy is remarkably calm and polite, given the fears and active scaremongering about gay people at the time.

Dr King responded: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.”

He continued: “In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences
Pence publicly stands by everything Trump does, but he's probably the biggest
backstabber lurking there.

Pence is just doing his job. He's not president. He is VP, which is effectively nothing.

His job is to support the President, and even Trump supporters know that Trump is utterly unpredictable. He's got a hard job, and he's doing it best he can.
And that makes Pence a nice guy? He is next in line for President and he is dangerous. He also has influence as VP. He is the President of the Senate and has a lot of friends on capital hill. He may also have a lot of influence with McDonald T-Rump

So, dangerous, that you cannot express ONE ACTUAL DANGER YOU supposedly fear.

YOu are just saying "dangerous" to smear him and because you are a drama queen.
While Trump is no champion of LGBT causes, Pence is a dangerous ideologue and theocrat who fervently opposes LGBT people. While Trump is driven by personal gain and what ever seems to be politically expediate at any given moment, Pence believes that he is pursuing a divine cause at the direction of God.

White House Streams Church Service Claiming ‘Demonic Spirit’ Causes Homosexuality

Vice President Mike Pence called for people to remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “in these divided times” while attending a church where a bishop described how “the devil” is to blame for gay people.

Pence spoke at the Holy City Church of God in Christ in Memphis, Tennessee, on Sunday ahead of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in order to pay tribute to the civil rights icon.

My God! The hypocrisy! Promoting hate while paying tribute to King!! Now, we do not know what position King would take today on the various aspects af LGBT issues , but there is good reason to believe that he would not be engaging in the sort of vicious bigotry and fear mongering that we see here.

Here is an example of how King conducted himself as opposed to what we see today on the part of Pence and these ass hat preachers

What would Martin Luther King Jr think of the LGBT rights movement?

“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Though Dr King’s response may seem ill-informed by modern standards, his advice to the boy is remarkably calm and polite, given the fears and active scaremongering about gay people at the time.

Dr King responded: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.”

He continued: “In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences

How is he supposedly dangerous?
See post 105

ONe sentence, telling us your primary fear. Or "fear".

LIke. "He won't let grown men pee with little girls".
I posted twelve reason why he is dangerous scum, and that's all that your limited intellect can come up with?

You posted a link. That is not a reason, that is you asking other people to do your research for you, because you are too lazy.

Also, because on some level, you know that your position, is crazy talk that you cannot actually support.
Pence is just doing his job. He's not president. He is VP, which is effectively nothing.

His job is to support the President, and even Trump supporters know that Trump is utterly unpredictable. He's got a hard job, and he's doing it best he can.
Are you sure ?
That's what they originally said about Cheney isn't it ?

Pence is stating the policies he's given to state. Cheney may have had a bit more influence, but still ultimately Bush made all the choices.
While Trump is no champion of LGBT causes, Pence is a dangerous ideologue and theocrat who fervently opposes LGBT people. While Trump is driven by personal gain and what ever seems to be politically expediate at any given moment, Pence believes that he is pursuing a divine cause at the direction of God.

White House Streams Church Service Claiming ‘Demonic Spirit’ Causes Homosexuality

Vice President Mike Pence called for people to remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “in these divided times” while attending a church where a bishop described how “the devil” is to blame for gay people.

Pence spoke at the Holy City Church of God in Christ in Memphis, Tennessee, on Sunday ahead of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in order to pay tribute to the civil rights icon.

My God! The hypocrisy! Promoting hate while paying tribute to King!! Now, we do not know what position King would take today on the various aspects af LGBT issues , but there is good reason to believe that he would not be engaging in the sort of vicious bigotry and fear mongering that we see here.

Here is an example of how King conducted himself as opposed to what we see today on the part of Pence and these ass hat preachers

What would Martin Luther King Jr think of the LGBT rights movement?

“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Though Dr King’s response may seem ill-informed by modern standards, his advice to the boy is remarkably calm and polite, given the fears and active scaremongering about gay people at the time.

Dr King responded: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.”

He continued: “In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences
Pence publicly stands by everything Trump does, but he's probably the biggest
backstabber lurking there.

Pence is just doing his job. He's not president. He is VP, which is effectively nothing.

His job is to support the President, and even Trump supporters know that Trump is utterly unpredictable. He's got a hard job, and he's doing it best he can.
And that makes Pence a nice guy? He is next in line for President and he is dangerous. He also has influence as VP. He is the President of the Senate and has a lot of friends on capital hill. He may also have a lot of influence with McDonald T-Rump

I love that... he's dangerous.... yeah, how? Oh that's right, because he has conservative values. Which makes him no more dangerous than Warren, Sanders, Clinton, or Biden.

All your guys, are all "dangerous" to me. So that just means Pence is the perfect next president in my view.
I love that... he's dangerous.... yeah, how? Oh that's right, because he has conservative values. Which makes him no more dangerous than Warren, Sanders, Clinton, or Biden.

All your guys, are all "dangerous" to me. So that just means Pence is the perfect next president in my view.
Proud of your own insanity ? At least you're honest.

"So Pence thinks the earth is 6000 years old and would start World War 3 at the drop of a yarmulke or a cowboy hat because he believes Armageddon is inevitable anyway."

What's the big deal about that ?
I bet Trump can't even make eye contact with that soulless creep.
While Trump is no champion of LGBT causes, Pence is a dangerous ideologue and theocrat who fervently opposes LGBT people. While Trump is driven by personal gain and what ever seems to be politically expediate at any given moment, Pence believes that he is pursuing a divine cause at the direction of God.

White House Streams Church Service Claiming ‘Demonic Spirit’ Causes Homosexuality

Vice President Mike Pence called for people to remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “in these divided times” while attending a church where a bishop described how “the devil” is to blame for gay people.

Pence spoke at the Holy City Church of God in Christ in Memphis, Tennessee, on Sunday ahead of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in order to pay tribute to the civil rights icon.

My God! The hypocrisy! Promoting hate while paying tribute to King!! Now, we do not know what position King would take today on the various aspects af LGBT issues , but there is good reason to believe that he would not be engaging in the sort of vicious bigotry and fear mongering that we see here.

Here is an example of how King conducted himself as opposed to what we see today on the part of Pence and these ass hat preachers

What would Martin Luther King Jr think of the LGBT rights movement?

“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Though Dr King’s response may seem ill-informed by modern standards, his advice to the boy is remarkably calm and polite, given the fears and active scaremongering about gay people at the time.

Dr King responded: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.”

He continued: “In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences
Pence publicly stands by everything Trump does, but he's probably the biggest
backstabber lurking there.

Pence is just doing his job. He's not president. He is VP, which is effectively nothing.

His job is to support the President, and even Trump supporters know that Trump is utterly unpredictable. He's got a hard job, and he's doing it best he can.
And that makes Pence a nice guy? He is next in line for President and he is dangerous. He also has influence as VP. He is the President of the Senate and has a lot of friends on capital hill. He may also have a lot of influence with McDonald T-Rump

Which is why it is so funny you want to impeach Trump.

Pence takes over....and he knows how to get stuff done. You'll get creamed on the social issues.

And you can spare me the impeach Pence talk...

1. He's a choir boy
2. If you somehow shammed that one through, even I'll join in the shooting match.
My wife on occasion has to meet with the city attorney. I asked her once what she thought if I said she could not meet with him alone to prevent any appearance of impropriety.

She just laughed at me. Most women would. Denying women the same opportunity as you would a man in business or in your role as a government is wrong. If your faith requires you to discriminate in your position as a government official you need to find another line of work.
I would expect nothing less from a leftist.

I worked in a major hotel chain and then I was younger.

The manager had to ask a young woman to leave (she was a prostitute). I had to go with him. We had to leave open. door open while in the room.

Do you understand why?

I think you have said enough. Equating a business women with a prostitute.
The point is, even if YOU are perfect, you cannot predict what the other may accuse you of. Pence is prudent. You are a leftist fool.

You don't discriminate against half the population because you are afraid someone may accuse you of something.

Stand up for yourself.

Sorry, that is NOT discrimination. Pence does not refuse to meet these women. Only that a third party must be present. Given the actions and lies of Dims all over the place, a very smart move on his part. You’re just mad you can’t make up any phony charges on Pence.

There is nothing phony about what I say. I am simply discussing what he admits to.
While Trump is no champion of LGBT causes, Pence is a dangerous ideologue and theocrat who fervently opposes LGBT people. While Trump is driven by personal gain and what ever seems to be politically expediate at any given moment, Pence believes that he is pursuing a divine cause at the direction of God.

White House Streams Church Service Claiming ‘Demonic Spirit’ Causes Homosexuality

Vice President Mike Pence called for people to remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “in these divided times” while attending a church where a bishop described how “the devil” is to blame for gay people.

Pence spoke at the Holy City Church of God in Christ in Memphis, Tennessee, on Sunday ahead of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in order to pay tribute to the civil rights icon.

My God! The hypocrisy! Promoting hate while paying tribute to King!! Now, we do not know what position King would take today on the various aspects af LGBT issues , but there is good reason to believe that he would not be engaging in the sort of vicious bigotry and fear mongering that we see here.

Here is an example of how King conducted himself as opposed to what we see today on the part of Pence and these ass hat preachers

What would Martin Luther King Jr think of the LGBT rights movement?

“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Though Dr King’s response may seem ill-informed by modern standards, his advice to the boy is remarkably calm and polite, given the fears and active scaremongering about gay people at the time.

Dr King responded: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.”

He continued: “In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences
Pence publicly stands by everything Trump does, but he's probably the biggest
backstabber lurking there.

Pence is just doing his job. He's not president. He is VP, which is effectively nothing.

His job is to support the President, and even Trump supporters know that Trump is utterly unpredictable. He's got a hard job, and he's doing it best he can.
And that makes Pence a nice guy? He is next in line for President and he is dangerous. He also has influence as VP. He is the President of the Senate and has a lot of friends on capital hill. He may also have a lot of influence with McDonald T-Rump

So, dangerous, that you cannot express ONE ACTUAL DANGER YOU supposedly fear.

YOu are just saying "dangerous" to smear him and because you are a drama queen.

See post 105

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While Trump is no champion of LGBT causes, Pence is a dangerous ideologue and theocrat who fervently opposes LGBT people. While Trump is driven by personal gain and what ever seems to be politically expediate at any given moment, Pence believes that he is pursuing a divine cause at the direction of God.

White House Streams Church Service Claiming ‘Demonic Spirit’ Causes Homosexuality

My God! The hypocrisy! Promoting hate while paying tribute to King!! Now, we do not know what position King would take today on the various aspects af LGBT issues , but there is good reason to believe that he would not be engaging in the sort of vicious bigotry and fear mongering that we see here.

Here is an example of how King conducted himself as opposed to what we see today on the part of Pence and these ass hat preachers

What would Martin Luther King Jr think of the LGBT rights movement?

How is he supposedly dangerous?
See post 105

ONe sentence, telling us your primary fear. Or "fear".

LIke. "He won't let grown men pee with little girls".
I posted twelve reason why he is dangerous scum, and that's all that your limited intellect can come up with?

You posted a link. That is not a reason, that is you asking other people to do your research for you, because you are too lazy.

Also, because on some level, you know that your position, is crazy talk that you cannot actually support.
The link is the research. Apparently you are to lazy to read it. I will point out just one of the reasons why he is a dangerous scum that I documented . He diverted funds from HIV research to discredited and dangerous gay conversion therapy . Now get off of your ass and read the rest of it.
While Trump is no champion of LGBT causes, Pence is a dangerous ideologue and theocrat who fervently opposes LGBT people. While Trump is driven by personal gain and what ever seems to be politically expediate at any given moment, Pence believes that he is pursuing a divine cause at the direction of God.

White House Streams Church Service Claiming ‘Demonic Spirit’ Causes Homosexuality

Vice President Mike Pence called for people to remember the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “in these divided times” while attending a church where a bishop described how “the devil” is to blame for gay people.

Pence spoke at the Holy City Church of God in Christ in Memphis, Tennessee, on Sunday ahead of Martin Luther King Jr. Day in order to pay tribute to the civil rights icon.

My God! The hypocrisy! Promoting hate while paying tribute to King!! Now, we do not know what position King would take today on the various aspects af LGBT issues , but there is good reason to believe that he would not be engaging in the sort of vicious bigotry and fear mongering that we see here.

Here is an example of how King conducted himself as opposed to what we see today on the part of Pence and these ass hat preachers

What would Martin Luther King Jr think of the LGBT rights movement?

“I am a boy, but I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don’t want my parents to know about me. What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help?”

Though Dr King’s response may seem ill-informed by modern standards, his advice to the boy is remarkably calm and polite, given the fears and active scaremongering about gay people at the time.

Dr King responded: “Your problem is not at all an uncommon one. However, it does require careful attention. The type of feeling that you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency, but something that has been culturally acquired.”

He continued: “In order to do this I would suggest that you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you in bringing to the forefront of conscience all of those experiences
Oh the gay drama

Mike pence is friggin harmless


If Pence is such a bad man, why are the Democrats working so hard to make him the next President?
See post 105

See post 105

Post 105 was bullshit when you first posted it, it was bullshit the first time you referred back to it, it was bullshit the second time you referred back to it, and it will always remain bullshit no matter how many times you refer back to it.

Only in your twisted, delusional mind, will this lie ever gain a vestige of truth, if it is repeated or referred back to often enough.

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