Mike Pence Subpoenaed By Special Counsel Jack Smith

When in doubt you always use an ugly slur.
Go fuck yourself you pathetic pussy. No doubt at all.

And in the future, try to remember to post on topic. I’m case your feeble brain isn’t able to retain the information, the topic of this thread is the subpoena of Pence by “special” counsel.

At an allegedly “investigatory” stage, the special counsel would be remiss in failing to get information from Pence.
Go fuck yourself you pathetic pussy. No doubt at all.

And in the future, try to remember to post on topic. I’m case your feeble brain isn’t able to retain the information, the topic of this thread is the subpoena of Pence by “special” counsel.

At an allegedly “investigatory” stage, the special counsel would be remiss in failing to get information from Pence.

Your last idea died from lack on interest. You have a distinct lack of any real original process. You continue lash out and use 3-Grade Slurs against anyone who dares to challenge you own inability to think for yourself.

I post facts, you post Reich Wing Conspiracy theories that no real basis in reality.

You resort to name calling when you have no real argument left to make, you are a drone who thinks what he is told to think and has deep seated fear of any form independent thinking, which is not surprising at because Conservative are known for their lack of independent thought and love to told what to think.
Your last idea died from lack on interest. You have a distinct lack of any real original process. You continue lash out and use 3-Grade Slurs against anyone who dares to challenge you own inability to think for yourself.

I post facts, you post Reich Wing Conspiracy theories that no real basis in reality.

You resort to name calling when you have no real argument left to make, you are a drone who thinks what he is told to think and has deep seated fear of any form independent thinking, which is not surprising at because Conservative are known for their lack of independent thought and love to told what to think.
You don’t seem to have a good grasp on grammar. I’d venture a guess:

You’re a foreign troll.
I have the feeling we are getting ready to see how far the putrid rot of MAGA has infected multiple federal enforcement agencies, including the FBI, and Capitol police.
These the same federal enforcement agencies that were caught, at the time you mention, conspiring to take out a sitting president?
Zzzzz. Pence did right as he saw it. I think he was right.

I also think that anyone claiming that anyone literally sought to “hang” Pence is an ignorant retard.
Mike Pence argued that he shouldn't testify to Congress because he was part of the Executive Branch.

Now Mike Pence is arguing that he shouldn't testify to the Special Counsel because he's part of the Legislative Branch, as President of the Senate.


It's preposterous, and will get promptly dismissed.
Mike Pence argued that he shouldn't testify to Congress because he was part of the Executive Branch.

Now Mike Pence is arguing that he shouldn't testify to the Special Counsel because he's part of the Legislative Branch, as President of the Senate.


It's preposterous, and will get promptly dismissed.

Libtards like Syndi are uncomfortable with reality. It’s not Pence’s problem that the Constitution set up the Vice President with a foot in each branch.

Syndi just can’t wrap his petty little mind around such concepts.

Libtards like Syndi are uncomfortable with reality. It’s not Pence’s problem that the Constitution set up the Vice President with a foot in each branch.

Syndi just can’t wrap his petty little mind around such concepts.
Dumbass. He's not a Senator. The Speech and Debate clause does not apply to him.

You must have been a shitty lawyer, even as an ambulance chaser.
Dumbass. He's not a Senator. The Speech and Debate clause does not apply to him.

You must have been a shitty lawyer, even as an ambulance chaser.
Retard. I didn’t suggest that he was a Senator. What I said, you ignorant dishonest simpleton, was that the Constitution set him up with a foot in two branches. You can deny it. But your petty quibble doesn’t change that fact.

See? You can’t even be honest for one moment. You’re a shitty person, even for a hack libtard.
Retard. I didn’t suggest that he was a Senator. What I said, you ignorant dishonest simpleton, was that the Constitution set him up with a foot in two branches. You can deny it. But your petty quibble doesn’t change that fact.

See? You can’t even be honest for one moment. You’re a shitty person, even for a hack libtard.
Then what basis can he claim that he can't be forced to testify, if it's not the Speech and Debate Clause?
Then what basis can he claim that he can't be forced to testify, if it's not the Speech and Debate Clause?
You think that’s the sole provision that would allow him to assert a privilege?

If he is Constitutionally the President of the Senate, why wouldn’t he be permitted to invoke the Speech and Debate Clause, anyway?

The speech and debate clause says:

The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.
United States Constitution, Article 1, clause 6.

Now look at: the 4th clause:

The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided.

The VP gets a vote in the legislative branch under certain conditions.

So why wouldn’t he, as President of the Senate, also be a recipient of the benefit of the Speech and Debate Clause?

As I said (correctly) the Constituiton gave him a foot in both branches: Executive and Legislative.

So, aside from your self-serving and
myopic conclusion that his claim is ridiculous, feel obligated to state exactly how and why that is true.
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No, I think I'm a better lawyer than you and I've never been a lawyer. But I can read. And I'm not a Trump-sucker.
You’re an asshole sucker.

You’re not a better lawyer since you’re not a lawyer at all. If you were, I would stomp you into the dust — just as you regularly get exposed as a hapless loser here at a mere message board.

Your pomposity notwithstanding, you can’t answer my prior post. For good reason. You’re an imbecile.

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