Mike Pence Subpoenaed By Special Counsel Jack Smith

That's the one he's citing, dumbass!
Again, you fail to consider the rest of article 1.

You’re nothing more than a retarded loser a hack. :itsok:
You still can't cite what grounds he would use to avoid testifying!
I did post what he could use. So did he. It’s called the Constitution. Maybe you’ve heard of it? Of course, you’ll never comprehend it.
When are you going to realize what a loser you are?
Never since I’m not. You, otoh, are obviously a loser.

Post some more and keep proving it, Syndi. 👍
Where did Uber-Coward BackAgain run off to?

I asked you a question
I answered your stupid question, ya cockbite.
on what grounds can Pence decline to testify to the Special Counsel?
Syndi, you malignant filthy enema nozzle, go back and read our exchange in this ignorant thread. Do it slowly. Get an adult to assist you. 👍
I did post what he could use. So did he. It’s called the Constitution. Maybe you’ve heard of it? Of course, you’ll never comprehend it.

Never since I’m not. You, otoh, are obviously a loser.

Post some more and keep proving it, Syndi. 👍
Cite the exact section of the Constitution, and why.

You can't, Shitty Lawyer.

Pence's lawyers cited the Speech and Debate clause. I cited why he couldn't use that.

Keep hand-waving and deflecting for all of us to see.
Cite the exact section of the Constitution, and why.

I already did. Go back and read. I can’t help the fact that you’re too retarded to comprehend however.
You can't,

I did already, you dishonest hack.
Pence's lawyers cited the Speech and Debate clause. I cited why he couldn't use that.
No. You asserted merely a claim as to why he allegedly can’t.
Keep hand-waving and deflecting for all of us to see.
I leave that to you.

Again, read BOTH of the Article I Clauses which i quoted. Then, try to stretch that tiny mind of yours to see if you can grasp something else I noted: it is our Constitution which put the VP with some Article I authority. Again, not just Executive Branch. 👍

You’re quite slow even for a libtard. 😎
I guess they found NOTHING since the media has gone silent....
No. You asserted merely a claim as to why he allegedly can’t.
Lady G already had that shot down when he tried to avoid patriotism. And he's an actual Senator.

Paulski Manafortski tried the executive privilege and was shot down.

Christina Bobb and a host of other degenerates tried the attorney-client privilege and were shot down.

Because there is no privilege when it's a criminal case.

Why don't you know that, Shitty Lawyer?
Lady G already had that shot down when he tried to avoid patriotism. And he's an actual Senator.

Paulski Manafortski tried the executive privilege and was shot down.

Christina Bobb and a host of other degenerates tried the attorney-client privilege and were shot down.

Because there is no privilege when it's a criminal case.

Why don't you know that,
Shitty fake human, Syndi, you don’t have the first clue about the shit you’re babbling about.

The day you understand anything will be a first. In your life. 😎

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