Militants bomb Gaza YMCA library

Recent enough?
Hamas segregates Gaza schools by gender
New law means boys and girls in Gaza will attend separate schools, as critics accuse Hamas of imposing hard-line agenda.
Abeer Ayyoub Last Modified: 11 Apr 2013 09:29

Gaza City, occupied Palestinian territories - Beginning this September, girls and boys above the age of nine in the Gaza Strip will be segregated in school under a new law passed by Hamas, which governs the coastal Palestinian enclave.

The law passed earlier this month will also exclude male staffers from working in girls' schools in Gaza. The legislation has been criticised by human rights groups and women's organisations as an attempt to impose Hamas' political agenda on Gazan society. The new measures are the latest in a series of controversial steps taken recently by the Islamist movement, which has ruled here since 2007. Regarding the most controversial aspect of the law, which seeks to ban gender mixing in schools, Mezher said this was the case already. The difference now is that it would be law and not merely social tradition. "Even for the schools which are run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency [UNRWA] and not our government, the two genders are separated based on the Palestinian traditions," he said.


The law will also affect the seven percent of schools in Gaza that are private, including Christian schools. They will need to expand their buildings to be able to hold special classes for each gender. In a press statement, the Gaza Centre for Womens' Legal Research and Consulting condemned the decision as "gender-based discrimination". "Such decisions don't help to base Palestinian society on equality and justice, neither do they help the Palestinian cause towards national unity," the statement read.
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so post a current link, my little iraqi arab

ROFLMAO you are getting more and more IRANIAN
minute by minute -----are you still denying it?
I know irose, it's quite funny isn't it? He forgot that it's the Iraqi Arabs that invaded and raped Iran and shoved Islam and Arab culture down their throats at the point of a sword. Ha ha ha.
Why is the YMCA even over there?
Stupid people thought Muslims would protect them and treat them equally.

anti-christian bigot!!!
How did you figure that one genius, or are you up to your tricks again? Any person of a faith other than Islam who believes Muslims will protect them, treat them equally, and respect their faith is delusional and STUPID. That includes Jews, Christians, Baha'i s, Buddhists, Hindus, etc.
Stupid people thought Muslims would protect them and treat them equally.

anti-christian bigot!!!
How did you figure that one genius, or are you up to your tricks again? Any person of a faith other than Islam who believes Muslims will protect them, treat them equally, and respect their faith is delusional and STUPID. That includes Jews, Christians, Baha'i s, Buddhists, Hindus, etc.
Don't mind Seal, Roudy. It's obvious that he closes his eyes to the actual anti-Christian bigots.
Egyptian Cleric Threatens Christian Copts with Genocide | Raymond Ibrahim
anti-christian bigot!!!
How did you figure that one genius, or are you up to your tricks again? Any person of a faith other than Islam who believes Muslims will protect them, treat them equally, and respect their faith is delusional and STUPID. That includes Jews, Christians, Baha'i s, Buddhists, Hindus, etc.
Don't mind Seal, Roudy. It's obvious that he closes his eyes to the actual anti-Christian bigots.
Egyptian Cleric Threatens Christian Copts with Genocide | Raymond Ibrahim
I'd really like to find out which one of the parallel universes Seal exists in, where Muslims are tolerant of non Muslims and treat them equally. Maybe I can hyperjump to it using my quantum mechanics time / space travel machine. LOL

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