They don't.
Just that they COULD is enough reason to abolish mail voting. Also goes against voter ID. Every voter should be required to show proof of citizenship, when voting in person.

The laws are waaaay too lax on this. That's one of the reasons why so many illegals vote. Nothing to stop them.

This is one where I have to agree. If you doubt that illegals, are illegally voting... then just ask yourself a simple question:

Why did Clinton start a program called "Mi Sueño, Tu Voto", which was specifically to campaign among 'undocumented workers'?

This program cost the Campaign money to run. Please explain how a program costing thousands, to campaign among people who can't legally vote, makes any sense?

Seems to me, that this would be political suicide to spend money recruiting and campaigning for people who can't vote for you.... unless... you happen to know they will anyway.

I agree as well...
There are not millions of aliens voting to change large elections. That is just a figment of someone's imagination.
The most important elections in the nation are not large ones though, they are small ones with low turn outs.

This is why we need a uniform national voter ID card, available free of charge to anyone who registers to vote.It would have a picture ID. That is the first step.

The second step is to modernize the voting machines so that a trucker on a run from his home in Washington State to Washington DC can cast his ballot in Washington, Illinois as he travels through there on election day. The machine will scan his card and up pops his ballot from Tacoma. There are a great many people who work out of state who may not be able to get home in time to vote. Lets make it easier for them to vote.

The third step is to make sure all machines create a paper trail that officials can access for re-counts.

  1. No…the first step is to require picture ID for voting.
  2. The second step is to require hand-counting of actual paper ballots in ALL elections, no exceptions.
  3. The third step is to totally eliminate mailed ballots for everyone except military personnel.
  4. The final step is to punish vote fraud with death.
I’m all for 1 and 2. If We can make the process more sterile than it is; why not do it? Again, there is no proof that illegals vote in numbers to change large elections. There is also no proof that ballots filed in the wrong precinct are done so in numbers to sway an election. AS for West Palm Beach County in 2000, you can’t fix people who don’t understand the ballot.

Three I’m against. If anything, I’m for making balloting an entire week.

Four…crazy; I hope you were being facetious.
Absolutely one hundred percent dead serious. Vote fraud is indistinguishable from treason.

I never said voting couldn't take place over more than one day...simply that it should be in person. No more non-military mail ballots.
Just that they COULD is enough reason to abolish mail voting. Also goes against voter ID. Every voter should be required to show proof of citizenship, when voting in person.

The laws are waaaay too lax on this. That's one of the reasons why so many illegals vote. Nothing to stop them.

This is one where I have to agree. If you doubt that illegals, are illegally voting... then just ask yourself a simple question:

Why did Clinton start a program called "Mi Sueño, Tu Voto", which was specifically to campaign among 'undocumented workers'?

This program cost the Campaign money to run. Please explain how a program costing thousands, to campaign among people who can't legally vote, makes any sense?

Seems to me, that this would be political suicide to spend money recruiting and campaigning for people who can't vote for you.... unless... you happen to know they will anyway.

I agree as well...
There are not millions of aliens voting to change large elections. That is just a figment of someone's imagination.
The most important elections in the nation are not large ones though, they are small ones with low turn outs.

This is why we need a uniform national voter ID card, available free of charge to anyone who registers to vote.It would have a picture ID. That is the first step.

The second step is to modernize the voting machines so that a trucker on a run from his home in Washington State to Washington DC can cast his ballot in Washington, Illinois as he travels through there on election day. The machine will scan his card and up pops his ballot from Tacoma. There are a great many people who work out of state who may not be able to get home in time to vote. Lets make it easier for them to vote.

The third step is to make sure all machines create a paper trail that officials can access for re-counts.

  1. No…the first step is to require picture ID for voting.
  2. The second step is to require hand-counting of actual paper ballots in ALL elections, no exceptions.
  3. The third step is to totally eliminate mailed ballots for everyone except military personnel.
  4. The final step is to punish vote fraud with death.
I’m all for 1 and 2. If We can make the process more sterile than it is; why not do it? Again, there is no proof that illegals vote in numbers to change large elections. There is also no proof that ballots filed in the wrong precinct are done so in numbers to sway an election. AS for West Palm Beach County in 2000, you can’t fix people who don’t understand the ballot.

Three I’m against. If anything, I’m for making balloting an entire week.

Four…crazy; I hope you were being facetious.
Absolutely one hundred percent dead serious. Vote fraud is indistinguishable from treason.

I never said voting couldn't take place over more than one day...simply that it should be in person. No more non-military mail ballots.

And according to the Brennan Center, voter fraud is basically non existent. According to the logic of those like yourself we all should pay income tax for lottery winnings even though our chances to win the lottery is 1 in several million.
Purposely over arming a governance against a peaceful populace shouldn't worry fascists at all

This about America, not North Korea.
I have no problem with the police having the best equipment possible to do their jobs effectively, while minimizing the risks to them. However, I think there needs to be a balance, especially with the day to day police officer, and how they dress, and act. I do get a sense there is more of an intimidation factor today, in how they are perceived. That may do with more, and more wearing "SWAT" type gear, and wielding some of the military equipment they have a little too freely.

Some units are beginning to look like a Standing Army instead of civilians that "Protect, and Serve".
I'm more concerned with safety and saving lives, than what things look like.
It';s easy to justify all the toys ,all one needs do it maintain the attention of a worried public, point out having to 'keep up' with other area departments, and they'll fork over all kinds of tax $$$'s

the problem is ,when all you've got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail

30 yrs ago, as a noob FF/EMS , we saw one truck, one piece of paperwork, these days it's everything short of black choppers (which the staties can call in) for incidents that are justified via scene and/or public safety

The years end portrays XXX volume of calls , which the dept heads stand on to build their fifedoms


Don't worry, About 5 minutes of being in uniform and badge, and having the bad guys shooting at you, and rioting at you, will cure you of all these pathologies.
They don't.
Just that they COULD is enough reason to abolish mail voting. Also goes against voter ID. Every voter should be required to show proof of citizenship, when voting in person.

The laws are waaaay too lax on this. That's one of the reasons why so many illegals vote. Nothing to stop them.

This is one where I have to agree. If you doubt that illegals, are illegally voting... then just ask yourself a simple question:

Why did Clinton start a program called "Mi Sueño, Tu Voto", which was specifically to campaign among 'undocumented workers'?

This program cost the Campaign money to run. Please explain how a program costing thousands, to campaign among people who can't legally vote, makes any sense?

Seems to me, that this would be political suicide to spend money recruiting and campaigning for people who can't vote for you.... unless... you happen to know they will anyway.

I agree as well...
There are not millions of aliens voting to change large elections. That is just a figment of someone's imagination.
The most important elections in the nation are not large ones though, they are small ones with low turn outs.

This is why we need a uniform national voter ID card, available free of charge to anyone who registers to vote.It would have a picture ID. That is the first step.

The second step is to modernize the voting machines so that a trucker on a run from his home in Washington State to Washington DC can cast his ballot in Washington, Illinois as he travels through there on election day. The machine will scan his card and up pops his ballot from Tacoma. There are a great many people who work out of state who may not be able to get home in time to vote. Lets make it easier for them to vote.

The third step is to make sure all machines create a paper trail that officials can access for re-counts.
No...the first step is to require picture ID for voting. The second step is to require hand-counting of actual paper ballots in ALL elections, no exceptions. The third step is to totally eliminate mailed ballots for everyone except military personnel.

The final step is to punish vote fraud with death.
1) it only results in suppressing votes,ie in arizona
2) I suppose paper ballot counting is one way to prevent russia hacking. But th
e registration databases were hacked also.
3) as long as the polling places stay open.
4) penalty not necessary since its a myth.

If picture IDs suppress votes, wouldn't they suppress college admission, persons getting drivers licenses, etc...? There is nothing in the Constitution that says anything about society bending over backwards to make voting effortless. Some could claim that the booth is claustrophobic so we can't have booths, or that the impediment is lifting the pencil to check a box so voice voting will then have to be available....

Getting a picture ID; as long as it is free, is no impediment. The technology is cheap, available, minimally intrusive, and it works. I support a nationwide standardized card that will be good in all 50 states just like money. This will end the patchwork nonsense of different picture IDs being accepted in different states. And if the Democrats are reliant upon a block of voters who are too scared, too bothered, or frankly too stupid to acquire the proper ID, they deserve to lose.
Last edited:
If the police acted less like the lawless thugs that many are, they would get a lot more support.
FALSE! There are not "many" police who act like thugs. One must be above the dopey propaganda spread by liars like Obama, Sharpton, etc
It seems the newest and most popular banal bogey today is ... military-style. Well, there are reasons why military equipment is often the best equipment for a particular job ...

1. It's been designed to a higher quality standard
2. It's been tested in the field
3. Because it's often surplus military equipment, it's much cheaper than the same equipment made for civilians.

There is nothing remotely offensive about a personnel carrier ... they carry personnel. Those personnel could be doctors, nurses, stock brokers, school children, or ... heaven help us ... police officers.
So... are the police supposed to be indistinguishable from the military?

You can't tell? Are you blind?
I have no problem with the police having the best equipment possible to do their jobs effectively, while minimizing the risks to them. However, I think there needs to be a balance, especially with the day to day police officer, and how they dress, and act. I do get a sense there is more of an intimidation factor today, in how they are perceived. That may do with more, and more wearing "SWAT" type gear, and wielding some of the military equipment they have a little too freely.

Some units are beginning to look like a Standing Army instead of civilians that "Protect, and Serve".
I'm more concerned with safety and saving lives, than what things look like.

No you aren't
It';s easy to justify all the toys ,all one needs do it maintain the attention of a worried public, point out having to 'keep up' with other area departments, and they'll fork over all kinds of tax $$$'s

the problem is ,when all you've got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail

30 yrs ago, as a noob FF/EMS , we saw one truck, one piece of paperwork, these days it's everything short of black choppers (which the staties can call in) for incidents that are justified via scene and/or public safety

The years end portrays XXX volume of calls , which the dept heads stand on to build their fifedoms


Don't worry, About 5 minutes of being in uniform and badge, and having the bad guys shooting at you, and rioting at you, will cure you of all these pathologies.

We all live on the same streets.
This is one where I have to agree. If you doubt that illegals, are illegally voting... then just ask yourself a simple question:

Why did Clinton start a program called "Mi Sueño, Tu Voto", which was specifically to campaign among 'undocumented workers'?

This program cost the Campaign money to run. Please explain how a program costing thousands, to campaign among people who can't legally vote, makes any sense?

Seems to me, that this would be political suicide to spend money recruiting and campaigning for people who can't vote for you.... unless... you happen to know they will anyway.

I agree as well...
There are not millions of aliens voting to change large elections. That is just a figment of someone's imagination.
The most important elections in the nation are not large ones though, they are small ones with low turn outs.

This is why we need a uniform national voter ID card, available free of charge to anyone who registers to vote.It would have a picture ID. That is the first step.

The second step is to modernize the voting machines so that a trucker on a run from his home in Washington State to Washington DC can cast his ballot in Washington, Illinois as he travels through there on election day. The machine will scan his card and up pops his ballot from Tacoma. There are a great many people who work out of state who may not be able to get home in time to vote. Lets make it easier for them to vote.

The third step is to make sure all machines create a paper trail that officials can access for re-counts.

  1. No…the first step is to require picture ID for voting.
  2. The second step is to require hand-counting of actual paper ballots in ALL elections, no exceptions.
  3. The third step is to totally eliminate mailed ballots for everyone except military personnel.
  4. The final step is to punish vote fraud with death.
I’m all for 1 and 2. If We can make the process more sterile than it is; why not do it? Again, there is no proof that illegals vote in numbers to change large elections. There is also no proof that ballots filed in the wrong precinct are done so in numbers to sway an election. AS for West Palm Beach County in 2000, you can’t fix people who don’t understand the ballot.

Three I’m against. If anything, I’m for making balloting an entire week.

Four…crazy; I hope you were being facetious.
Absolutely one hundred percent dead serious. Vote fraud is indistinguishable from treason.

I never said voting couldn't take place over more than one day...simply that it should be in person. No more non-military mail ballots.

And according to the Brennan Center, voter fraud is basically non existent. According to the logic of those like yourself we all should pay income tax for lottery winnings even though our chances to win the lottery is 1 in several million.

It is basically non-existent. I 100% agree with that. Your chances of being hit by lightning are basically non-existent too. But you don't go golfing in a thunderstorm just the same. Your chances of being killed by an Arab Terrorist are basically non-existent but for almost 20 years now, we've been taking our shoes off to get on planes because some guy tried to set his on fire and blow up the plane; once. We have all sorts of faux safeguards in place in this country. As was proven with untold millions of us who were born to mothers that smoked; the chances of birth defects were incredibly low. As was proven with untold millions of us who were jumping around the back seat of a car while dad drove the asbestos laden buggy over dirt roads that have never seen a regulation; we didn't really need seat belts, traffic markers, or complete asbestos abatement; but we've done all of that.

Please tell me the reason you feel that we shouldn't make our elections as sterile a process as possible. As mentioned, the ability to make an ID with a picture on it is readily available, cheap to acquire, and institutions have been doing it for about 50 years now....
If picture IDs suppress votes, wouldn't they suppress college admission, persons getting drivers licenses, etc...? There is nothing in the Constitution that says anything about society bending over backwards to make voting effortless. Some cold claim that the booth is claustrophobic so we can't have booths, or that the impediment is lifting the pencil to check a box so voice voting will then have to be available....

Getting a picture ID; as long as it is free, is no impediment. The technology is cheap, available, minimally intrusive, and it works. I support a nationwide standardized card that will be good in all 50 states just like money. This will end the patchwork nonsense of different picture IDs being accepted in different states. And if the Democrats are reliant upon a block of voters who are too scared, too bothered, or frankly too stupid to acquire the proper ID, they deserve to lose.
I never thought I'd be agreeing with with you, but I am. With just a little something to add to what you say. The IDs need to be such that they PROVE ELIGIBILITY to vote. Last I heard that meant being a US citizen. Should be, you don't have citizenship ID, you don't vote.
We all live on the same streets.
Not really. When I went to a riot in Harlem (black ghetto in NYC), as a National Guardsman, I found it mighty different than the upper east side, or Riverdale.

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