
One has nothing to do with the other. What a waste of good thread space.
I have no problem with the police having the best equipment possible to do their jobs effectively, while minimizing the risks to them. However, I think there needs to be a balance, especially with the day to day police officer, and how they dress, and act. I do get a sense there is more of an intimidation factor today, in how they are perceived. That may do with more, and more wearing "SWAT" type gear, and wielding some of the military equipment they have a little too freely.

Some units are beginning to look like a Standing Army instead of civilians that "Protect, and Serve".
It';s easy to justify all the toys ,all one needs do it maintain the attention of a worried public, point out having to 'keep up' with other area departments, and they'll fork over all kinds of tax $$$'s

the problem is ,when all you've got is a hammer, everything looks like a nail

30 yrs ago, as a noob FF/EMS , we saw one truck, one piece of paperwork, these days it's everything short of black choppers (which the staties can call in) for incidents that are justified via scene and/or public safety

The years end portrays XXX volume of calls , which the dept heads stand on to build their fifedoms


I have heard some police chiefs saying they are getting these large military surplus vehicles "For Free". Well they are not free. They have to be maintained, and operated for training. Those annual costs are huge. I am not saying it "isn't worth it", but just because the Feds gave it to you, doesn't mean it is "Free".
It seems the newest and most popular banal bogey today is ... military-style. Well, there are reasons why military equipment is often the best equipment for a particular job ...

1. It's been designed to a higher quality standard
2. It's been tested in the field
3. Because it's often surplus military equipment, it's much cheaper than the same equipment made for civilians.

There is nothing remotely offensive about a personnel carrier ... they carry personnel. Those personnel could be doctors, nurses, stock brokers, school children, or ... heaven help us ... police officers.
Stupid statement.
It seems the newest and most popular banal bogey today is ... military-style. Well, there are reasons why military equipment is often the best equipment for a particular job ...

1. It's been designed to a higher quality standard
2. It's been tested in the field
3. Because it's often surplus military equipment, it's much cheaper than the same equipment made for civilians.

There is nothing remotely offensive about a personnel carrier ... they carry personnel. Those personnel could be doctors, nurses, stock brokers, school children, or ... heaven help us ... police officers.
So... are the police supposed to be indistinguishable from the military?

If we enforced the law effectively, and stopped attacking the police, and instead supported them.... then no we wouldn't need this.

Unfortunately this country has allowed the forces of evil and hate, to grow to the point that we need such things.
If the police acted less like the lawless thugs that many are, they would get a lot more support.
They don't.
Just that they COULD is enough reason to abolish mail voting. Also goes against voter ID. Every voter should be required to show proof of citizenship, when voting in person.

The laws are waaaay too lax on this. That's one of the reasons why so many illegals vote. Nothing to stop them.

This is one where I have to agree. If you doubt that illegals, are illegally voting... then just ask yourself a simple question:

Why did Clinton start a program called "Mi Sueño, Tu Voto", which was specifically to campaign among 'undocumented workers'?

This program cost the Campaign money to run. Please explain how a program costing thousands, to campaign among people who can't legally vote, makes any sense?

Seems to me, that this would be political suicide to spend money recruiting and campaigning for people who can't vote for you.... unless... you happen to know they will anyway.

I agree as well...
There are not millions of aliens voting to change large elections. That is just a figment of someone's imagination.
The most important elections in the nation are not large ones though, they are small ones with low turn outs.

This is why we need a uniform national voter ID card, available free of charge to anyone who registers to vote.It would have a picture ID. That is the first step.

The second step is to modernize the voting machines so that a trucker on a run from his home in Washington State to Washington DC can cast his ballot in Washington, Illinois as he travels through there on election day. The machine will scan his card and up pops his ballot from Tacoma. There are a great many people who work out of state who may not be able to get home in time to vote. Lets make it easier for them to vote.

The third step is to make sure all machines create a paper trail that officials can access for re-counts.
No...the first step is to require picture ID for voting. The second step is to require hand-counting of actual paper ballots in ALL elections, no exceptions. The third step is to totally eliminate mailed ballots for everyone except military personnel.

The final step is to punish vote fraud with death.
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I have no problem with the police having the best equipment possible to do their jobs effectively, while minimizing the risks to them. However, I think there needs to be a balance, especially with the day to day police officer, and how they dress, and act. I do get a sense there is more of an intimidation factor today, in how they are perceived. That may do with more, and more wearing "SWAT" type gear, and wielding some of the military equipment they have a little too freely.

Some units are beginning to look like a Standing Army instead of civilians that "Protect, and Serve".

Which is, of course, deliberate. Many now have the appearance-and the mentality-of an occupying force.
Some time back, the PD dropped the guise of "protect and serve".

Now it's simply "Enforce the laws".

(No matter how silly)
I can see the cops using the "Bearcat" in certain circumstances, however cops should not be dressing in military special forces uniforms; that is not needed in their job.
I have seen cops on bicyces wearing this type of uniforms her in south florida. Not only is it not needed but it looks really stupid.
I have heard some police chiefs saying they are getting these large military surplus vehicles "For Free". Well they are not free. They have to be maintained, and operated for training. Those annual costs are huge. I am not saying it "isn't worth it", but just because the Feds gave it to you, doesn't mean it is "Free".
They generally need no more service than the medium-duty trucks they are based on. Seriously, the running gear of an MRAP is no different from the running gear of one of these:
It seems the newest and most popular banal bogey today is ... military-style. Well, there are reasons why military equipment is often the best equipment for a particular job ...

1. It's been designed to a higher quality standard
2. It's been tested in the field
3. Because it's often surplus military equipment, it's much cheaper than the same equipment made for civilians.

There is nothing remotely offensive about a personnel carrier ... they carry personnel. Those personnel could be doctors, nurses, stock brokers, school children, or ... heaven help us ... police officers.
And the military style ones are set up to PROTECT those inside (Police or anyone) from bullets, rocks, explosives, etc). Only cop-hater lunatics would be opposed to that.
What neighborhoods have rockets?
there are some situations when you would need this type of vehicle/etc
remember the Hollywood Shootout where the police were totally outgunned??
remember the ambush in Dallas?
Texas Tower sniper?
..Miami-Dade Shootout where the FBI was outgunned?? you want the law to have better weapons/etc than the criminals/terrorists
this vehicle would've been perfect/needed
North Hollywood shootout - Wikipedia
standard rifle rounds can go right through standard ricochets/shrapnel/etc
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the other need is terrorism!!!
what if terrorists attack/take hostages/etc??
you want/need this vehicle
the world is far different than 1950
They don't.
Just that they COULD is enough reason to abolish mail voting. Also goes against voter ID. Every voter should be required to show proof of citizenship, when voting in person.

The laws are waaaay too lax on this. That's one of the reasons why so many illegals vote. Nothing to stop them.

This is one where I have to agree. If you doubt that illegals, are illegally voting... then just ask yourself a simple question:

Why did Clinton start a program called "Mi Sueño, Tu Voto", which was specifically to campaign among 'undocumented workers'?

This program cost the Campaign money to run. Please explain how a program costing thousands, to campaign among people who can't legally vote, makes any sense?

Seems to me, that this would be political suicide to spend money recruiting and campaigning for people who can't vote for you.... unless... you happen to know they will anyway.

I agree as well...
There are not millions of aliens voting to change large elections. That is just a figment of someone's imagination.
The most important elections in the nation are not large ones though, they are small ones with low turn outs.

This is why we need a uniform national voter ID card, available free of charge to anyone who registers to vote.It would have a picture ID. That is the first step.

The second step is to modernize the voting machines so that a trucker on a run from his home in Washington State to Washington DC can cast his ballot in Washington, Illinois as he travels through there on election day. The machine will scan his card and up pops his ballot from Tacoma. There are a great many people who work out of state who may not be able to get home in time to vote. Lets make it easier for them to vote.

The third step is to make sure all machines create a paper trail that officials can access for re-counts.

  1. No…the first step is to require picture ID for voting.
  2. The second step is to require hand-counting of actual paper ballots in ALL elections, no exceptions.
  3. The third step is to totally eliminate mailed ballots for everyone except military personnel.
  4. The final step is to punish vote fraud with death.
I’m all for 1 and 2. If We can make the process more sterile than it is; why not do it? Again, there is no proof that illegals vote in numbers to change large elections. There is also no proof that ballots filed in the wrong precinct are done so in numbers to sway an election. AS for West Palm Beach County in 2000, you can’t fix people who don’t understand the ballot.

Three I’m against. If anything, I’m for making balloting an entire week.

Four…crazy; I hope you were being facetious.
Illinois should order 20 of those armored cars for the City of Chicago and 5 for the rest of the State of Illinois.

Ordering a couple of M1A1 Abrams for dealing with Chicago's South and West Sides is probably a good idea, as long as we're at it.

When they're not in-use, they can lend 'em to places like Ferguson, Missouri.
Illinois should order 20 of those armored cars for the City of Chicago and 5 for the rest of the State of Illinois.

Ordering a couple of M1A1 Abrams for dealing with Chicago's South and West Sides is probably a good idea, as long as we're at it.

When they're not in-use, they can lend 'em to places like Ferguson, Missouri.

Another dumb post.
They don't.
Just that they COULD is enough reason to abolish mail voting. Also goes against voter ID. Every voter should be required to show proof of citizenship, when voting in person.

The laws are waaaay too lax on this. That's one of the reasons why so many illegals vote. Nothing to stop them.

This is one where I have to agree. If you doubt that illegals, are illegally voting... then just ask yourself a simple question:

Why did Clinton start a program called "Mi Sueño, Tu Voto", which was specifically to campaign among 'undocumented workers'?

This program cost the Campaign money to run. Please explain how a program costing thousands, to campaign among people who can't legally vote, makes any sense?

Seems to me, that this would be political suicide to spend money recruiting and campaigning for people who can't vote for you.... unless... you happen to know they will anyway.

I agree as well...
There are not millions of aliens voting to change large elections. That is just a figment of someone's imagination.
The most important elections in the nation are not large ones though, they are small ones with low turn outs.

This is why we need a uniform national voter ID card, available free of charge to anyone who registers to vote.It would have a picture ID. That is the first step.

The second step is to modernize the voting machines so that a trucker on a run from his home in Washington State to Washington DC can cast his ballot in Washington, Illinois as he travels through there on election day. The machine will scan his card and up pops his ballot from Tacoma. There are a great many people who work out of state who may not be able to get home in time to vote. Lets make it easier for them to vote.

The third step is to make sure all machines create a paper trail that officials can access for re-counts.
No...the first step is to require picture ID for voting. The second step is to require hand-counting of actual paper ballots in ALL elections, no exceptions. The third step is to totally eliminate mailed ballots for everyone except military personnel.

The final step is to punish vote fraud with death.
1) it only results in suppressing votes,ie in arizona
2) I suppose paper ballot counting is one way to prevent russia hacking. But th
e registration databases were hacked also.
3) as long as the polling places stay open.
4) penalty not necessary since its a myth.
Illinois should order 20 of those armored cars for the City of Chicago and 5 for the rest of the State of Illinois.

Ordering a couple of M1A1 Abrams for dealing with Chicago's South and West Sides is probably a good idea, as long as we're at it.

When they're not in-use, they can lend 'em to places like Ferguson, Missouri.

Another dumb post.
Not really... dey needs jus' 'nuff ta keep dee Darkies in line when dey gets uppity and burns down dare own 'hoods.

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