It seems the newest and most popular banal bogey today is ... military-style. Well, there are reasons why military equipment is often the best equipment for a particular job ...

1. It's been designed to a higher quality standard
2. It's been tested in the field
3. Because it's often surplus military equipment, it's much cheaper than the same equipment made for civilians.

There is nothing remotely offensive about a personnel carrier ... they carry personnel. Those personnel could be doctors, nurses, stock brokers, school children, or ... heaven help us ... police officers.
So... are the police supposed to be indistinguishable from the military?

If we enforced the law effectively, and stopped attacking the police, and instead supported them.... then no we wouldn't need this.

Unfortunately this country has allowed the forces of evil and hate, to grow to the point that we need such things.

No, the police need to quit beating and killing people. They've killed 418 people so far this year. 55 police have died in the line of duty and only 27 by gunshot.

Total Line of Duty Deaths: 55

And we damn sure don't need to militarize them based in these numbers.

lol cuz nobody ever violently attacks police, resist arrests using weapons, etc.

You're an idiot, that's all. The number of 'cop killings' is statistically completely insignificant, and less than dozen of them are bad to boot.

So you just can't handle the truth.

And here we have a loser gimp who has to use lines from movies as responses. lol lol lol.
It doesn't happen.
Been happening for 70 years, as we all know. We've been seeing them do it, and they openly admit it, and brag about it (to those of us who speak Spanish, as I do - I'm 50% Hispanic) They especially talk a lot after they've had a couple of beers.
So please explain to us mighty carnac, how did Obama help a man assassinate 13 soldiers who was then shot and paralyzed and now sits in a military prison trying to get out of a death sentence?
I will be glad to. Always ready to help an information-deprived liberal in distress (ignorance). During the year of 2009, Nidal Hasan, then an Army psychologist major, began being mentored by al Qaeda operative al-Awlaki in Yemen. Hasan turned into a full-blown jihadist, walking around Fort Hood in middle eastern clothes (in violation of US Army regulations, started giving lectures about the Koran and jihad (instead of Army psychology as he was supposed to), and passed on treasonous information that advocated the overthrow of the US govt, and replacement with an Islamic state (as documented/directed in the Muslim Brotherhood Explanatory Memorandum - plan for North America).

Obama's negligence, or treason, by not removing Hasan with a dishonorable discharge (if not arresting him for treason), as was requested by every Army officer in Fort Hood from the rank of major and above, allowed Hasan to continue his jihadism for months. There is only one reason why Hasan was even there (instead of in a federal prison), in Fort Hood on the day he massacred the troops. That one reason can be summed up in one word >> OBAMA (Commander in Chief of the US military)

Also, Obama's idiotic policy of having "gun-free zones" enabled Hasan to attack, with no resistance, since the Obama policy had the troops unarmed and defenseless.

Obama's gun-free zone policy also caused other shooting massacres (San Bernardino, Pulse club, Chattanooga recruiting center, etc)

You won't get this critical information in OMISSION media CNN, PBS, MSNBC, etc. They cover it up.

The problem with this malarkey is the military doesn't need the president to court martial and a court martial is the procedure whereby a person can be dishonorably discharged. So your story s bullshit.
No, the police need to quit beating and killing people. They've killed 418 people so far this year. 55 police have died in the line of duty and only 27 by gunshot.

Total Line of Duty Deaths: 55

And we damn sure don't need to militarize them based in these numbers.
I wouldn't care if police killed a MILLION, if they are doing it properly in the course of enforcing the law against criminals who are breaking laws, fighting with police, and trying to escape. 418 less dirtbags stealing from us, robbing us, attacking us, Good.
So please explain to us mighty carnac, how did Obama help a man assassinate 13 soldiers who was then shot and paralyzed and now sits in a military prison trying to get out of a death sentence?
I will be glad to. Always ready to help an information-deprived liberal in distress (ignorance). During the year of 2009, Nidal Hasan, then an Army psychologist major, began being mentored by al Qaeda operative al-Awlaki in Yemen. Hasan turned into a full-blown jihadist, walking around Fort Hood in middle eastern clothes (in violation of US Army regulations, started giving lectures about the Koran and jihad (instead of Army psychology as he was supposed to), and passed on treasonous information that advocated the overthrow of the US govt, and replacement with an Islamic state (as documented/directed in the Muslim Brotherhood Explanatory Memorandum - plan for North America).

Obama's negligence, or treason, by not removing Hasan with a dishonorable discharge (if not arresting him for treason), as was requested by every Army officer in Fort Hood from the rank of major and above, allowed Hasan to continue his jihadism for months. There is only one reason why Hasan was even there (instead of in a federal prison), in Fort Hood on the day he massacred the troops. That one reason can be summed up in one word >> OBAMA (Commander in Chief of the US military)

Also, Obama's idiotic policy of having "gun-free zones" enabled Hasan to attack, with no resistance, since the Obama policy had the troops unarmed and defenseless.

Later, (and before the 2012 election) Obama took action to try to distance himself from blame for the Fort Hood massacre, by ordering the assassination of al-Awlaki, in 2011. Then al-Awlaki was killed by US drones, in Yemen.

Obama's gun-free zone policy also caused other shooting massacres (San Bernardino, Pulse club, Chattanooga recruiting center, etc)

You won't get this critical information in OMISSION media CNN, PBS, MSNBC, etc. They cover it up.

Your wacky opinions are noted....You need some rest
It doesn't happen.
Been happening for 70 years, as we all know. We've been seeing them do it, and they openly admit it, and brag about it (to those of us who speak Spanish, as I do - I'm 50% Hispanic) They especially talk a lot after they've had a couple of beers.

Sure. Yeah. Right. Now you are half Hispanic after claiming you were denied AA for being white. Lookee here we have the chameleon man!
The problem with this malarkey is the military doesn't need the president to court martial and a court martial is the procedure whereby a person can be dishonorably discharged. So your story s bullshit.
Dumb ass. The POTUS is IN COMMAND over all the officers in Fort Hood. They could not make a move, when he opposed that move, AND HE DID. Get it ?

Elementary school kids know this.
They don't.
Just that they COULD is enough reason to abolish mail voting. Also goes against voter ID. Every voter should be required to show proof of citizenship, when voting in person.

The laws are waaaay too lax on this. That's one of the reasons why so many illegals vote. Nothing to stop them.

This is one where I have to agree. If you doubt that illegals, are illegally voting... then just ask yourself a simple question:

Why did Clinton start a program called "Mi Sueño, Tu Voto", which was specifically to campaign among 'undocumented workers'?

This program cost the Campaign money to run. Please explain how a program costing thousands, to campaign among people who can't legally vote, makes any sense?

Seems to me, that this would be political suicide to spend money recruiting and campaigning for people who can't vote for you.... unless... you happen to know they will anyway.

I agree as well...
There are not millions of aliens voting to change large elections. That is just a figment of someone's imagination.
The most important elections in the nation are not large ones though, they are small ones with low turn outs.

This is why we need a uniform national voter ID card, available free of charge to anyone who registers to vote.It would have a picture ID. That is the first step.

The second step is to modernize the voting machines so that a trucker on a run from his home in Washington State to Washington DC can cast his ballot in Washington, Illinois as he travels through there on election day. The machine will scan his card and up pops his ballot from Tacoma. There are a great many people who work out of state who may not be able to get home in time to vote. Lets make it easier for them to vote.

The third step is to make sure all machines create a paper trail that officials can access for re-counts.
Still waiting for the proof of illegal aliens voting by the millions fuck face
Already posted it, scum all over your ugly face. Get your head out of your fat ass.

No, you did not. you said you had proof of millions of illegals voting. you have nothing.

Just once in your miserable excuse for a life, can you actually follow through on something you say? Stop being so god damned pathetic that you're embarrassing anyone who knows you.
Sure. Yeah. Right. Now you are half Hispanic after claiming you were denied AA for being white. Lookee here we have the chameleon man!
You moron. "Now" ? HA HA HA. I've mentioned my Hispanic (Central American) ancestry 1000 times in this forum over the last 5 years. You think this is new ?

I've also mentioned many times, for years, that I'm proud to have never filled out an affirmative action questionnaire, like the low-lifes who do, and use it to unfairly and racistly push themselves ahead.

Clown Show At Academy Awards
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When can you imagine the police needing to fix bayonet? I only ask because that was one of the items that Obama decided the police did not need and would not get from the military.

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I agree as well...
There are not millions of aliens voting to change large elections. That is just a figment of someone's imagination.
The most important elections in the nation are not large ones though, they are small ones with low turn outs.

This is why we need a uniform national voter ID card, available free of charge to anyone who registers to vote.It would have a picture ID. That is the first step.

The second step is to modernize the voting machines so that a trucker on a run from his home in Washington State to Washington DC can cast his ballot in Washington, Illinois as he travels through there on election day. The machine will scan his card and up pops his ballot from Tacoma. There are a great many people who work out of state who may not be able to get home in time to vote. Lets make it easier for them to vote.

The third step is to make sure all machines create a paper trail that officials can access for re-counts.
A simple ID is worthless when it comes to voting. So it shows that you are you. So what ? That doesn't mean you're eligible to vote. Millions of illegal aliens have photo ID's.

Are people here reading this thread ? I said many posts ago, that we need a voter ID system that requires proof OF CITIZENSHIP.
No, you did not. you said you had proof of millions of illegals voting. you have nothing.

Just once in your miserable excuse for a life, can you actually follow through on something you say? Stop being so god damned pathetic that you're embarrassing anyone who knows you.
Oh, so now I've got to go through the work to find it, and tell you what post it is, just because you're too lazy to look for it, or are cowardly pretending you didn't see it.

OK -Post # 66, lazy bones. And while you're at it, check out the map in post # 67, for more proof of what I've been saying.
When can you imagine the police needing to fix bayonet? I only ask because that was one of the items that Obama decided the police did not need and would not get from the military.
I fixed my bayonet on my M-1 rifle (as did my fellow soldiers), in 1964, in the Harlem riots, when I was in the National Guard. Awesome sound. 600 bayonets clicking into place.

You should have seem those rioters run. They ran through the places where a rabbit couldn't go. They ran so fast the hounds couldn't catch'm. LOL.

Also, Obama's executive order # 13688, which blocked local and state law enforcement from purchasing military surplus gear, was reversed by Trump in August 2017. Trump's new order removing Obama's order said >> "The recommendations issued pursuant to Executive Order 13688 do not reflect the policy of the executive branch. All executive departments and agencies are directed, as of the date of this order and consistent with Federal law, to cease implementing those recommendations and, if necessary, to take prompt action to rescind any rules, regulations, guidelines, or policies implementing them."


More good work from our protectionist president, to PROTECT the American people, and get rid of bad policies by the previous criminal president (Obama)
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No, you did not. you said you had proof of millions of illegals voting. you have nothing.

Just once in your miserable excuse for a life, can you actually follow through on something you say? Stop being so god damned pathetic that you're embarrassing anyone who knows you.
Oh, so now I've got to go through the work to find it, and tell you what post it is, just because you're too lazy to look for it, or are cowardly pretending you didn't see it.

OK -Post # 66, lazy bones. And while you're at it, check out the map in post # 67, for more proof of what I've been saying.

It proves nothing other than you're more of an idiot than I thought you were.
It proves nothing other than you're more of an idiot than I thought you were.
What a coincidence. That's exactly what I was thinking about what you're saying.
Never expect a liberal to exercise common sense.

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