Nope... not a good answer.
HA HA. Yeah, the name of Michael Savage's book "Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder" gets confirmed here in USMB, every day. LOL

So you don't mind getting shot and killed, then. Well, the Army could put you on the trainfire line, and use you as a target for the recruits to practice their sharpshooting. You have no objection right ? Pheeeew! Is there a doctor in the house ?

If liberalism is a mental disorder; what is your excuse?
If liberalism is a mental disorder; what is your excuse?
That's how mentally disordered you are. You think sane people need excuses. More confirmation of your disorder. Keep your chin up, though. I was a liberal for 40 years. I even voted for Dukakis in 1988 (gag!). I recovered. You could too.
He can't. He's an example of a loser white male angry because he didn't get what he thinks he is entitled to.
Yeah. Like equal protection of the law (14th amendment) + freedom from racial discrimination (Affirmative Action) covered by 1964 civil rights law.
Except Obama never did that.
See how information-deprived liberals are ? Here's another example. This is what you get when you watch CNN (Concocted News for Nitwits), and avoid Fox News, Breitbart, Brigitte Gabriel, Robert Spencer, Andrew McCarthy, etc, as liberal dogs are ordered to do by their masters.'ve never done it. I think you've been out in the sun too long gramps.
Good grief. You mean I have to post it AGAIN - and we have to go through all that yet again ? I'm not getting paid to train you, you knw.

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