And this proves exactly what?
What I said before. They are a voting rights advocacy organization, and thus not a valid source to talk about illegal alien voting.

Here's the first sentence from the link article >> "On September 17, 2007, the Brennan Center and other voting rights advocates filed a lawsuit challenging Florida's requirement that the driver's license or Social Security number on a registration form be verified before a voter can be registered to vote."
Pretending they do is the stuff of morons like yourself.
Pretending that we pretend, is moronic. You should stop that, if you want to stop labeling yourself that way. :rolleyes:

Feel free to offer proof of any sizable number of votes being done by illegal aliens in any state.

One is too many.

Agreed. However, our insecure President and his moronic enablers somehow feel that there are millions of votes that were cast by illegals. Simply asking for proof the numbers....
They found two... Trump supporters.

You never know who illegals vote for which further weakens the already silly notion that millions of illegals voted for HRC
Just that they COULD is enough reason to abolish mail voting. Also goes against voter ID. Every voter should be required to show proof of citizenship, when voting in person.

The laws are waaaay too lax on this. That's one of the reasons why so many illegals vote. Nothing to stop them.

This is one where I have to agree. If you doubt that illegals, are illegally voting... then just ask yourself a simple question:

Why did Clinton start a program called "Mi Sueño, Tu Voto", which was specifically to campaign among 'undocumented workers'?

This program cost the Campaign money to run. Please explain how a program costing thousands, to campaign among people who can't legally vote, makes any sense?

Seems to me, that this would be political suicide to spend money recruiting and campaigning for people who can't vote for you.... unless... you happen to know they will anyway.

I agree as well...
There are not millions of aliens voting to change large elections. That is just a figment of someone's imagination.
The most important elections in the nation are not large ones though, they are small ones with low turn outs.

This is why we need a uniform national voter ID card, available free of charge to anyone who registers to vote.It would have a picture ID. That is the first step.

The second step is to modernize the voting machines so that a trucker on a run from his home in Washington State to Washington DC can cast his ballot in Washington, Illinois as he travels through there on election day. The machine will scan his card and up pops his ballot from Tacoma. There are a great many people who work out of state who may not be able to get home in time to vote. Lets make it easier for them to vote.

The third step is to make sure all machines create a paper trail that officials can access for re-counts.
No...the first step is to require picture ID for voting. The second step is to require hand-counting of actual paper ballots in ALL elections, no exceptions. The third step is to totally eliminate mailed ballots for everyone except military personnel.

The final step is to punish vote fraud with death.
1) it only results in suppressing votes,ie in arizona
2) I suppose paper ballot counting is one way to prevent russia hacking. But th
e registration databases were hacked also.
3) as long as the polling places stay open.
4) penalty not necessary since its a myth.

If picture IDs suppress votes, wouldn't they suppress college admission, persons getting drivers licenses, etc...? There is nothing in the Constitution that says anything about society bending over backwards to make voting effortless. Some could claim that the booth is claustrophobic so we can't have booths, or that the impediment is lifting the pencil to check a box so voice voting will then have to be available....

Getting a picture ID; as long as it is free, is no impediment. The technology is cheap, available, minimally intrusive, and it works. I support a nationwide standardized card that will be good in all 50 states just like money. This will end the patchwork nonsense of different picture IDs being accepted in different states. And if the Democrats are reliant upon a block of voters who are too scared, too bothered, or frankly too stupid to acquire the proper ID, they deserve to lose.
Myself personally, I cant see how anybody can get by in life without a proper ID. But i suppose some people do.
but the reality is that in so many cases, voter ID laws have violated constitution and voting rights act. Also, is just like a poll tax.
Ultimately, if you have to prevent people from voting to win, then youre not winning.
This is one where I have to agree. If you doubt that illegals, are illegally voting... then just ask yourself a simple question:

Why did Clinton start a program called "Mi Sueño, Tu Voto", which was specifically to campaign among 'undocumented workers'?

This program cost the Campaign money to run. Please explain how a program costing thousands, to campaign among people who can't legally vote, makes any sense?

Seems to me, that this would be political suicide to spend money recruiting and campaigning for people who can't vote for you.... unless... you happen to know they will anyway.

I agree as well...
There are not millions of aliens voting to change large elections. That is just a figment of someone's imagination.
The most important elections in the nation are not large ones though, they are small ones with low turn outs.

This is why we need a uniform national voter ID card, available free of charge to anyone who registers to vote.It would have a picture ID. That is the first step.

The second step is to modernize the voting machines so that a trucker on a run from his home in Washington State to Washington DC can cast his ballot in Washington, Illinois as he travels through there on election day. The machine will scan his card and up pops his ballot from Tacoma. There are a great many people who work out of state who may not be able to get home in time to vote. Lets make it easier for them to vote.

The third step is to make sure all machines create a paper trail that officials can access for re-counts.
No...the first step is to require picture ID for voting. The second step is to require hand-counting of actual paper ballots in ALL elections, no exceptions. The third step is to totally eliminate mailed ballots for everyone except military personnel.

The final step is to punish vote fraud with death.
1) it only results in suppressing votes,ie in arizona
2) I suppose paper ballot counting is one way to prevent russia hacking. But th
e registration databases were hacked also.
3) as long as the polling places stay open.
4) penalty not necessary since its a myth.

If picture IDs suppress votes, wouldn't they suppress college admission, persons getting drivers licenses, etc...? There is nothing in the Constitution that says anything about society bending over backwards to make voting effortless. Some could claim that the booth is claustrophobic so we can't have booths, or that the impediment is lifting the pencil to check a box so voice voting will then have to be available....

Getting a picture ID; as long as it is free, is no impediment. The technology is cheap, available, minimally intrusive, and it works. I support a nationwide standardized card that will be good in all 50 states just like money. This will end the patchwork nonsense of different picture IDs being accepted in different states. And if the Democrats are reliant upon a block of voters who are too scared, too bothered, or frankly too stupid to acquire the proper ID, they deserve to lose.
Myself personally, I cant see how anybody can get by in life without a proper ID. But i suppose some people do.
but the reality is that in so many cases, voter ID laws have violated constitution and voting rights act. Also, is just like a poll tax.
Ultimately, if you have to prevent people from voting to win, then youre not winning.
So I should be able to go to any polling station I want, pretend to be a local, and be allowed to vote? Visiting as many polling station and voting as much as I want?
Myself personally, I cant see how anybody can get by in life without a proper ID. But i suppose some people do.
but the reality is that in so many cases, voter ID laws have violated constitution and voting rights act. Also, is just like a poll tax.
Ultimately, if you have to prevent people from voting to win, then youre not winning.
The only people that Republicans are looking to prevent from voting, are those who are not citizens, and thus, not eligible to vote.

If you have to arrange for, and allow people to vote who are not citizens, then THAT is when you're not really winning. With Democrats, they don't care how they win (or try to). They are just concerned to be ABLE to win (by any means necessary (see Post # 160).
You never know who illegals vote for which further weakens the already silly notion that millions of illegals voted for HRC
HA HA. Well seeing as how 99% of Democrats are voting for Sanctuary cities for them, while Republicans are voting 99% to abolish the sanctuary cities, one would quite suppose the illegals are voting Democrat.

Illegals also have Democrats working to get them amnesty, driver licenses, birthright citizenship, catch & release, welfare benefits, and other favors. To have an illegal alien vote Republican, is about as likely as a cow jumping over the moon.

But now we're told >> "You never know who illegals vote for" ? Just goes to confirm >> Liberals Say the Darndest Things
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Myself personally, I cant see how anybody can get by in life without a proper ID. But i suppose some people do.
but the reality is that in so many cases, voter ID laws have violated constitution and voting rights act. Also, is just like a poll tax.
Ultimately, if you have to prevent people from voting to win, then youre not winning.
The only people that Republicans are looking to prevent from voting, are those who are not citizens, and thus, not eligible to vote.

If you have to arrange for, and allow people to vote who are not citizens, then THAT is when you're not really winning. With Democrats, they don't care how they win (or try to). They are just concerned to be ABLE to win (by any means necessary (see Post # 160).
Post #160 is about sanctuary cities.
There isnt anyplace now where non-citizens can vote in federal elections.
This is one where I have to agree. If you doubt that illegals, are illegally voting... then just ask yourself a simple question:

Why did Clinton start a program called "Mi Sueño, Tu Voto", which was specifically to campaign among 'undocumented workers'?

This program cost the Campaign money to run. Please explain how a program costing thousands, to campaign among people who can't legally vote, makes any sense?

Seems to me, that this would be political suicide to spend money recruiting and campaigning for people who can't vote for you.... unless... you happen to know they will anyway.

I agree as well...
There are not millions of aliens voting to change large elections. That is just a figment of someone's imagination.
The most important elections in the nation are not large ones though, they are small ones with low turn outs.

This is why we need a uniform national voter ID card, available free of charge to anyone who registers to vote.It would have a picture ID. That is the first step.

The second step is to modernize the voting machines so that a trucker on a run from his home in Washington State to Washington DC can cast his ballot in Washington, Illinois as he travels through there on election day. The machine will scan his card and up pops his ballot from Tacoma. There are a great many people who work out of state who may not be able to get home in time to vote. Lets make it easier for them to vote.

The third step is to make sure all machines create a paper trail that officials can access for re-counts.
No...the first step is to require picture ID for voting. The second step is to require hand-counting of actual paper ballots in ALL elections, no exceptions. The third step is to totally eliminate mailed ballots for everyone except military personnel.

The final step is to punish vote fraud with death.
1) it only results in suppressing votes,ie in arizona
2) I suppose paper ballot counting is one way to prevent russia hacking. But th
e registration databases were hacked also.
3) as long as the polling places stay open.
4) penalty not necessary since its a myth.

If picture IDs suppress votes, wouldn't they suppress college admission, persons getting drivers licenses, etc...? There is nothing in the Constitution that says anything about society bending over backwards to make voting effortless. Some could claim that the booth is claustrophobic so we can't have booths, or that the impediment is lifting the pencil to check a box so voice voting will then have to be available....

Getting a picture ID; as long as it is free, is no impediment. The technology is cheap, available, minimally intrusive, and it works. I support a nationwide standardized card that will be good in all 50 states just like money. This will end the patchwork nonsense of different picture IDs being accepted in different states. And if the Democrats are reliant upon a block of voters who are too scared, too bothered, or frankly too stupid to acquire the proper ID, they deserve to lose.
Myself personally, I cant see how anybody can get by in life without a proper ID. But i suppose some people do.
but the reality is that in so many cases, voter ID laws have violated constitution and voting rights act. Also, is just like a poll tax.
Ultimately, if you have to prevent people from voting to win, then youre not winning.

I'll take you at your word on that. As long as it--the picture ID-- is free, I don't see the poll tax angle.

The ID laws are written for one purpose and one purpose only, to prevent people from voting. That is a certainty.

I believe it is a false choice between having wide open elections and having stringent laws. We can have stringent laws and have as many people vote as are registered. Much of the confusion comes from the random nature of the elections; once every 2 years in some places, volunteers who are not usually the most motivated persons in the world acting as voting czars at the voting halls, the usual confusion between voting "for" something that will Prohibit something else.
You never know who illegals vote for which further weakens the already silly notion that millions of illegals voted for HRC
HA HA. Well seeing as how 99% of Democrats are voting for Sanctuary cities for them, while Republicans are voting 99% to abolish the sanctuary cities, one would quite suppose the illegals are voting Democrat.

Illegals also have Democrats working to get them amnesty, driver licenses, birthright citizenship, catch & release, welfare benefits, and other favors. To have an illegal alien vote Republican, is about as likely as a cow jumping over the moon.

But now we're told >> "You never know who illegals vote for" ? Just goes to confirm >> Liberals Say the Darndest Things

People vote against their best interest all the time. Look in the mirror for exhibit A.
Post #160 is about sanctuary cities.
There isnt anyplace now where non-citizens can vote in federal elections.
You're 100% wrong. there is EVERYplace in America where they can vote. There's nothing to stop them. Nobody has any way of knowing they're unqualified to vote - ie, not a citizen (as I showed with the map somewhere back in the thread. Here it is again >>
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People vote against their best interest all the time. Look in the mirror for exhibit A.
The top example of people voting against their best interest is American workers believing the malarkey from Democrats that they are for the American worker.

How in the world can they believe this when Democrats are in full support of illegal immigration which has taken 9 million jobs away from American workers, and which robs the US economy of $138 Billion/year (Pew Research Center) + a long list of other harms to Americans, which I've posted here dozens of times.
I agree as well...
There are not millions of aliens voting to change large elections. That is just a figment of someone's imagination.
The most important elections in the nation are not large ones though, they are small ones with low turn outs.

This is why we need a uniform national voter ID card, available free of charge to anyone who registers to vote.It would have a picture ID. That is the first step.

The second step is to modernize the voting machines so that a trucker on a run from his home in Washington State to Washington DC can cast his ballot in Washington, Illinois as he travels through there on election day. The machine will scan his card and up pops his ballot from Tacoma. There are a great many people who work out of state who may not be able to get home in time to vote. Lets make it easier for them to vote.

The third step is to make sure all machines create a paper trail that officials can access for re-counts.
No...the first step is to require picture ID for voting. The second step is to require hand-counting of actual paper ballots in ALL elections, no exceptions. The third step is to totally eliminate mailed ballots for everyone except military personnel.

The final step is to punish vote fraud with death.
1) it only results in suppressing votes,ie in arizona
2) I suppose paper ballot counting is one way to prevent russia hacking. But th
e registration databases were hacked also.
3) as long as the polling places stay open.
4) penalty not necessary since its a myth.

If picture IDs suppress votes, wouldn't they suppress college admission, persons getting drivers licenses, etc...? There is nothing in the Constitution that says anything about society bending over backwards to make voting effortless. Some could claim that the booth is claustrophobic so we can't have booths, or that the impediment is lifting the pencil to check a box so voice voting will then have to be available....

Getting a picture ID; as long as it is free, is no impediment. The technology is cheap, available, minimally intrusive, and it works. I support a nationwide standardized card that will be good in all 50 states just like money. This will end the patchwork nonsense of different picture IDs being accepted in different states. And if the Democrats are reliant upon a block of voters who are too scared, too bothered, or frankly too stupid to acquire the proper ID, they deserve to lose.
Myself personally, I cant see how anybody can get by in life without a proper ID. But i suppose some people do.
but the reality is that in so many cases, voter ID laws have violated constitution and voting rights act. Also, is just like a poll tax.
Ultimately, if you have to prevent people from voting to win, then youre not winning.
So I should be able to go to any polling station I want, pretend to be a local, and be allowed to vote? Visiting as many polling station and voting as much as I want?
Oh you can't do that. You get a year in prison. Same reason illegals don't even try to vote--another ridiculous GOP myth.
The ID laws are written for one purpose and one purpose only, to prevent people from voting. That is a certainty.
If that is why they were written, then they are a 100% FAILURE. They only show WHO is voting, not if the person is legally eligible to vote by being a citizen. And 17 states don't even require ANY ID at all. Many others don't require a photo ID. NONE require citizenship ID (ie. legal eligibility to vote)

All 50 states need to adopt a strict policy of requiring CITIZENSHIP ID, with tough safeguards against document fraud. Only then will millions of illegal aliens be prevented from voting.
People vote against their best interest all the time. Look in the mirror for exhibit A.
The top example of people voting against their best interest is American workers believing the malarkey from Democrats that they are for the American worker.

How in the world can they believe this when Democrats are in full support of illegal immigration which has taken 9 million jobs away from American workers, and which robs the US economy of $138 Billion/year (Pew Research Center) + a long list of other harms to Americans, which I've posted here dozens of times.
Democrats would have ended illegal immigration in 2010 with a SSID card that can't be faked. And good minimum wage Health Care daycare infrastructure cheap training and education. Ignoramus dupe. Like most of the GOP
Oh you can't do that. You get a year in prison. Same reason illegals don't even try to vote--another ridiculous GOP myth.
I guess this is the idiocy that is passed around on CNN, MSNBC, PBS, New York Times, etc.

There is nothing to stop illegals from voting. If you think there is, I challenge you to tell us right here now, what it is.
Democrats would have ended illegal immigration in 2010 with a SSID card that can't be faked. And good minimum wage Health Care daycare infrastructure cheap training and education. Ignoramus dupe. Like most of the GOP
Are you reading this thread ? I've been saying over and over, that only ID proving CITIZENSHIP can stop illegals from voting. Your card (no link) doesn't do that. Plus the 2010 bill was tied in with an amnesty proposal, making the whole bill unpassable just from that. The bill was basically a legalization maneuver, which Repubicans didn't fall for.

As for Healthcare Obama tried to do it. It got so expensive it flopped. Infrastructure is one of TRUMP's policies, coming up soon if Democrats ever stop distracting him with witch hunt BS. Since when is cheap training and education a liberal policy only ?

And you are in 100% DODGE mode, since you sidestepped the post you quoted, about Democrats being in full support of illegal immigration, which has taken 9 million jobs away from American workers, and which robs the US economy of $138 Billion/year + many other harms.
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People vote against their best interest all the time. Look in the mirror for exhibit A.
The top example of people voting against their best interest is American workers believing the malarkey from Democrats that they are for the American worker.

How in the world can they believe this when Democrats are in full support of illegal immigration which has taken 9 million jobs away from American workers, and which robs the US economy of $138 Billion/year (Pew Research Center) + a long list of other harms to Americans, which I've posted here dozens of times.

More opinions and half truths. Congratulations on making it to the "half truth" status; new high for you.

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