When can you imagine the police needing to fix bayonet? I only ask because that was one of the items that Obama decided the police did not need and would not get from the military.
I fixed my bayonet on my M-1 rifle (as did my fellow soldiers), in 1964, in the Harlem riots, when I was in the National Guard. Awesome sound. 600 bayonets clicking into place.

You should have seem those rioters run. They ran through the places where a rabbit couldn't go. They ran so fast the hounds couldn't catch'm. LOL.

Also, Obama's executive order # 13688, which blocked local and state law enforcement from purchasing military surplus gear, was reversed by Trump in August 2017. Trump's new order removing Obama's order said >> "The recommendations issued pursuant to Executive Order 13688 do not reflect the policy of the executive branch. All executive departments and agencies are directed, as of the date of this order and consistent with Federal law, to cease implementing those recommendations and, if necessary, to take prompt action to rescind any rules, regulations, guidelines, or policies implementing them."


More good work from our protectionist president, to PROTECT the American people, and get rid of bad policies by the previous criminal president (Obama)
Tuscaloosa, the Longest Sustained Firefight USMC in Vietnam

One of the most ominous things I saw in Vietnam was when a squad returned to the company still wielding fixed bayonets. Also, another squad had run out of rifle ammo and had to unlink machine-gun belts bullet by bullet and feed them into their M-14s. When the living hell started the three lead men suddenly fell with bullets in their heads from snipers using Czech hunting scopes.
the other need is terrorism!!!
what if terrorists attack/take hostages/etc??
you want/need this vehicle
the world is far different from 1950
Soft on Crime Shows a Hard Hatred of Powerless Citizens

Criminals terrorize Americans 24/7. They are subhuman predatory beasts who should be exterminated rather than imprisoned. Better yet, eliminate the vicious lawmaking ruling class that turned these animals loose on us.
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They have?

Why don’t you point to actual cases of illegals voting?
With millions voting, it should be easy
What do you mean by "actual cases" ? Could you show us "actual cases" of citizens voting, by the criterea you are talking about ? Should that be "easy" for you ?
Tie a Yellow Ribbon to Hang From a Surrender Medal

Just like Carter ordered the Marines in Tehran to stand down and let a mob of teenage religious wackos take over our embassy.
Democrats have a habit of ordering soldiers and police to stand down. Like the mayor of Baltimore who (after talking to Al Sharpton- sent by Obama) allowed rock throwing punks, while the cops could only hold up shields and back off, instead of wading into the punks and arresting them. The rioters were also allowed to loot freely and destroy police cars. Everybody was asking "Where's the police ?" They were right there - watching. With orders to do nothing.




Like Mayor Bob Buckhorn of Tampa, FL, who allowed protestors to block traffic for over an hour (zero arrests), and other Democrat mayors in other cities, who did the same. In the link's photo, note the cops standing still in a line, just looking at the traffic blockers, and doing nothing.

Black Lives Matter protesters call for change in Tampa demonstration

Like Missouri Democrat governor Jay Nixon, who called in the National Guard, during the Ferguson riot, and then moved them miles away from the rioting.

Like Democrat Mayor Sam Liccardo whose police chief Eddie Garcia did exactly as he was instructed - do nothing, while mobs of Mexican flag-waving illegal aliens attacked Trump rallygoers. Liccardo later blamed Trump for the violence that his police ALLOWED to occur.

Donald Trump Supporters Terrorized By Raging Mobs In San Jose – A Democrat Mayor and Police Chief Watched It All…

THIS is what you get when Democrats are given power as mayors, governors, or God help us, presidents.
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Most of our cops could probably be safe walking around unarmed if we had an all-white population. Instead you need an assault squad when entering some negrohoods.
Racist much?!
Inferior in Everything Else, Degenerates Need the Delusion of Moral Superiority

The race card is a Joker. Losers play it to make themselves feel like winners.
Tie a Yellow Ribbon to Hang From a Surrender Medal

Just like Carter ordered the Marines in Tehran to stand down and let a mob of teenage religious wackos take over our embassy.
Democrats have a habit of ordering soldiers and police to stand down. Like the mayor of Baltimore who (after talking to Al Sharpton- sent by Obama) allowed rock throwing punks, while the cops could only hold up shields and back off, instead of wading into the punks and arresting them. The rioters were also allowed to loot freely and destroy police cars. Everybody was asking "Where's the police ?" They were right there - watching. With orders to do nothing.




Like Mayor Bob Buckhorn of Tampa, FL, who allowed protestors to block traffic for over an hour (zero arrests), and other Democrat mayors in other cities, who did the same. In the link's photo, note the cops standing still in a line, just looking at the traffic blockers, and doing nothing.

Black Lives Matter protesters call for change in Tampa demonstration

Like Missouri Democrat governor Jay Nixon, who called in the National Guard, during the Ferguson riot, and then moved them miles away from the rioting.

Like Democrat Mayor Sam Liccardo whose police chief Eddie Garcia did exactly as he was instructed - do nothing, while mobs of Mexican flag-waving illegal aliens attacked Trump rallygoers. Liccardo later blamed Trump for the violence that his police ALLOWED to occur.

Donald Trump Supporters Terrorized By Raging Mobs In San Jose – A Democrat Mayor and Police Chief Watched It All…

THIS is what you get when Democrats are given power as mayors, governors, or God help us, presidents.
Plug a Thug

The rules necessary for the security of a free state must be:

1. Anyone who verbally assaults a policeman gets maced and billyclubbed.

2. Anyone who physically assaults a policeman gets shot dead.
Plug a Thug

The rules necessary for the security of a free state must be:

1. Anyone who verbally assaults a policeman gets maced and billyclubbed.

2. Anyone who physically assaults a policeman gets shot dead.
That's what happened to Officer Michael Slager, but the black guy (Walter Scott)who attacked him, started getting the worst of the fight. Seeing that he was going to get his ass handed to him (and get arrested), he ran away, and got shot in the process.

Then, Slager wound up in jail and is still serving time (20 years) for what the judge David C.Norton, said he saw it as a murder. That's strange, when the law sees it as a cop doing his job, to prevent a fleeing felon from escaping and thereby endangering the community (Fleeing Felon Rule)

Whole thing smells of nasty politics, in a black majority district, where judges and politicians careers depend on VOTES.

Fleeing felon rule - Wikipedia
Plug a Thug

The rules necessary for the security of a free state must be:

1. Anyone who verbally assaults a policeman gets maced and billyclubbed.

2. Anyone who physically assaults a policeman gets shot dead.
That's what happened to Officer Michael Slager, but the black guy (Walter Scott)who attacked him, started getting the worst of the fight. Seeing that he was going to get his ass handed to him (and get arrested), he ran away, and got shot in the process.

Then, Slager wound up in jail and is still serving time (20 years) for what the judge David C.Norton, said he saw it as a murder. That's strange, when the law sees it as a cop doing his job, to prevent a fleeing felon from escaping and thereby endangering the community (Fleeing Felon Rule)

Whole thing smells of nasty politics, in a black majority district, where judges and politicians careers depend on VOTES.

Fleeing felon rule - Wikipedia

Can't read your own link?

"Under U.S. law the fleeing felon rule was limited in 1985 to non-lethal force in most cases by Tennessee v. Garner, 471 U.S."

Have a nice day! :D
Can't read your own link?

"Under U.S. law the fleeing felon rule was limited in 1985 to non-lethal force in most cases by Tennessee v. Garner, 471 U.S."

Have a nice day! :D
I can not only read it, I can even read the WHOLE thing, including the most important part which you left out) >>

"The justices held that deadly force "may not be used unless necessary to prevent the escape and the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious bodily harm to the officer or others."[2]

Got it now ?
Can't read your own link?

"Under U.S. law the fleeing felon rule was limited in 1985 to non-lethal force in most cases by Tennessee v. Garner, 471 U.S."

Have a nice day! :D
I can not only read it, I can even read the WHOLE thing, including the most important part which you left out) >>

"The justices held that deadly force "may not be used unless necessary to prevent the escape and the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious bodily harm to the officer or others."[2]

Got it now ?

Then, in that case, you simply didn't understand it. The suspect in the case you mentioned was also unarmed, meaning he was not a threat to the officers or others.

Try getting some help with that reading problem. :D

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