Oh you can't do that. You get a year in prison. Same reason illegals don't even try to vote--another ridiculous GOP myth.
I guess this is the idiocy that is passed around on CNN, MSNBC, PBS, New York Times, etc.

There is nothing to stop illegals from voting. If you think there is, I challenge you to tell us right here now, what it is.
They have to register, stupid. They have to prove their citizenship then. It's just too big of a risk for very little snap out of it.
People vote against their best interest all the time. Look in the mirror for exhibit A.
The top example of people voting against their best interest is American workers believing the malarkey from Democrats that they are for the American worker.

How in the world can they believe this when Democrats are in full support of illegal immigration which has taken 9 million jobs away from American workers, and which robs the US economy of $138 Billion/year (Pew Research Center) + a long list of other harms to Americans, which I've posted here dozens of times.

More opinions and half truths. Congratulations on making it to the "half truth" status; new high for you.
Total BS straight from Fox and Rush... Very scary.
More opinions and half truths. Congratulations on making it to the "half truth" status; new high for you.
Opinions ? HAHA. I've posted the links to these FACTS so many times, for so many years that I feel silly even posting them again. Everyone in this forum has seen them repeatedly. But sine you've been asleep at the monitor screen I'll post them yet again, just do you, and I won't call you "fuckface" like you did to me. So here's your links, trashbag >>

5 facts about illegal immigration in the U.S. (states the number of illegal aliens WORKING in the US as 8 million)

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2016 (shows US losses$$$ to remittances to be $138 Billion/year - worst in the world - USA # 1 victim of 21st century imperialism)
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They have to register, stupid. They have to prove their citizenship then. It's just too big of a risk for very little snap out of it.
They never have to prove their citizenship. I just registered again just before the 2016 Primaries. I did it by mail, no birth certificate. It's ZERO risk.......Stupid.
They have to register, stupid. They have to prove their citizenship then. It's just too big of a risk for very little snap out of it.
They never have to prove their citizenship. I just registered again just before the 2016 Primaries. I did it by mail, no birth certificate. It's ZERO risk.......Stupid.
You re-registered stupid LOL not the same.
Total BS straight from Fox and Rush... Very scary.
I just refuted her (Post # 183)

Dumbasses...both of you. :rolleyes:
the greedy idiot mega-rich who run the GOP love cheap easily bullied labor, dupe. The wall is a bad joke that won't work. Thanks for another 4 or 8 years of this crap. Pass a good ID card god dammit
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I agree as well...
There are not millions of aliens voting to change large elections. That is just a figment of someone's imagination.
The most important elections in the nation are not large ones though, they are small ones with low turn outs.

This is why we need a uniform national voter ID card, available free of charge to anyone who registers to vote.It would have a picture ID. That is the first step.

The second step is to modernize the voting machines so that a trucker on a run from his home in Washington State to Washington DC can cast his ballot in Washington, Illinois as he travels through there on election day. The machine will scan his card and up pops his ballot from Tacoma. There are a great many people who work out of state who may not be able to get home in time to vote. Lets make it easier for them to vote.

The third step is to make sure all machines create a paper trail that officials can access for re-counts.
A simple ID is worthless when it comes to voting. So it shows that you are you. So what ? That doesn't mean you're eligible to vote. Millions of illegal aliens have photo ID's.

Are people here reading this thread ? I said many posts ago, that we need a voter ID system that requires proof OF CITIZENSHIP.

In Texas, they used to use the registered voter rolls as their pool of Jury Duty call ups. They quit doing that, because so many of the hispanics called up would get out of jury duty by admitting they were illegal aliens, some 13% of so in fact, in San Antonio and Ft. Worth and Dallas; the media broke the story and they had to change to using drivers' licenses. lol lol lol it was a hilariously corrupt cover up, and of course the media quickly dropped it and 'moved on', much like they now deliberately won't cover 'negative stories' about homos, illegals, black hate crimes, that sort of news.
Still waiting for the proof of illegal aliens voting by the millions fuck face

No, you aren't waiting for anything. The proof has already been posted in many many responses in threads for years now. Quit lying for once.

Okay, what was the exact number of illegal aliens who voted in the 2016 election? You got proof, lets see it.

Already posted; no point in posting it all over and over and over and over, just because some lying troll spammer with no cred at all thinks it gets to make demands. Just do a search for it, dumbass. We know why you won't; that's because you're a liar, and all you're going to do is play 'I Touched You Last!!!' for 20 posts.

Post proof of your citizenship.
Still waiting for the proof of illegal aliens voting by the millions fuck face

No, you aren't waiting for anything. The proof has already been posted in many many responses in threads for years now. Quit lying for once.

Okay, what was the exact number of illegal aliens who voted in the 2016 election? You got proof, lets see it.

Already posted; no point in posting it all over and over and over and over, just because some lying troll spammer with no cred at all thinks it gets to make demands. Just do a search for it, dumbass. We know why you won't; that's because you're a liar, and all you're going to do is play 'I Touched You Last!!!' for 20 posts.

Post proof of your citizenship.

dishonesty is your only tool.
Still waiting for the proof of illegal aliens voting by the millions fuck face

No, you aren't waiting for anything. The proof has already been posted in many many responses in threads for years now. Quit lying for once.

Okay, what was the exact number of illegal aliens who voted in the 2016 election? You got proof, lets see it.

Already posted; no point in posting it all over and over and over and over, just because some lying troll spammer with no cred at all thinks it gets to make demands. Just do a search for it, dumbass. We know why you won't; that's because you're a liar, and all you're going to do is play 'I Touched You Last!!!' for 20 posts.

Post proof of your citizenship.

dishonesty is your only tool.

Projection, of course. Fact is you can't respond with any honesty, because you don't know any facts to respond with. Now run along and do that search, and prove you've read the evidence, then prove you're a citizen of the U.S.
Still waiting for the proof of illegal aliens voting by the millions fuck face

No, you aren't waiting for anything. The proof has already been posted in many many responses in threads for years now. Quit lying for once.

Okay, what was the exact number of illegal aliens who voted in the 2016 election? You got proof, lets see it.

Already posted; no point in posting it all over and over and over and over, just because some lying troll spammer with no cred at all thinks it gets to make demands. Just do a search for it, dumbass. We know why you won't; that's because you're a liar, and all you're going to do is play 'I Touched You Last!!!' for 20 posts.

Post proof of your citizenship.

dishonesty is your only tool.

Projection, of course. Fact is you can't respond with any honesty, because you don't know any facts to respond with. Now run along and do that search, and prove you've read the evidence, then prove you're a citizen of the U.S.

Surely then, you can tell us how many of these illegals voted in, oh, lets say Maryland. Obviously, that hasn't been posted yet.
Oh you can't do that. You get a year in prison. Same reason illegals don't even try to vote--another ridiculous GOP myth.
I guess this is the idiocy that is passed around on CNN, MSNBC, PBS, New York Times, etc.

There is nothing to stop illegals from voting. If you think there is, I challenge you to tell us right here now, what it is.
They have to register, stupid. They have to prove their citizenship then. It's just too big of a risk for very little snap out of it.
You're adorable.
The mission of a soldier is to do whatever her/his commanders tell them to do. As for the nonsense about illegals voting, it's just that; utter nonsense brought up by an insecure victor of the last GE.
Pretending that millions of illegal aliens don't vote, and haven't been for 70 years (except after Operation Wetback), won't help to keep them voting. We're getting rid of them at unprecedented rates now that catch & release is over, and deportations are soaring.

The govt still needs to stop mail voting, though. The deported ones could still vote by mail from Mexico
They have?

Why don’t you point to actual cases of illegals voting?
With millions voting, it should be easy
There has been some criticism of the use of military equipment and vehicles the , by police departments. Just one example is the
Lenco Bearcat,
multi-purpose, wheeled, armored personnel carrier. It is in use by numerous military forces and law enforcement agencies around the world. But some libertarians see the Bearcat as overdoing it, in the law enforcement area.


One example is the Cato Institute, a libertarian think thank, which considers the Bearcat to be synonomous with SWAT team raids against nonviolent drug offenders, which sometimes mistakenly target the wrong residence. This then seems to be blown up to a framing of the Bearcat (and general militarization of police tactics) to be akin to fascist, big brotherism.

Generally, BearCats are typically referred to by law enforcement agencies as being "armored rescue vehicles" with their primary use being to transport tactical officers to and from hostile situations, and to assist with the recovery and protection of civilians in harm's way during terrorist threats, hostage incidents, or encounters with large gatherings of aggressors. The Bearcat is designed to provide protection from a variety of small arms, explosives, and IED threats. It also is fitted with devices making it capable of engaging in a variety of actions to rescue people in distress (ex. moveable elevated platform systems called the Liberator and ARC to enable cops to access a variety of elevated structures such as multi-story buildings, ships at docks, or aircraft during hostage or terrorist situations).


View attachment 194433

So, what has actually occurred with this militarization of police ? The answer is >> some darn good things. Lenco BearCats have been credited with saving the lives of officers in armed confrontations on numerous occasions. In 2010 in Athens, Texas, an armed offender fired more than 35 rounds from a semi-automatic AK-47 rifle (their bullets known for being able to penetrate metal), at tactical police. Not one round penetrated the Bearcat.

In November 2015, a BearCat was used by police to rescue civilians during the Colorado Springs planned Parenthood shooting. The Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office Bearcat was shot between four and seven times with a rifle, during an incident on December 29, 2015. Sheriff Whetsel was quoted as saying the Bearcat saved the Deputies' lives. On June 12, 2016, a Bearcat was used to breach the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, FL, after a the terrorist Omar Mateen shot and killed 49 clubgoers, and injured 53 others.

All in all, I'd say, the characterization of the use of military type vehicles like the Bearcat, and maybe even tanks, is the overkill, and these things are a good idea to quell riots, protect police, manage hostage situations, and rescue citizens in distress.
Yes, most conservatives are truly this ridiculous, childish, and reprehensible.
It seems the newest and most popular banal bogey today is ... military-style. Well, there are reasons why military equipment is often the best equipment for a particular job ...

1. It's been designed to a higher quality standard
2. It's been tested in the field
3. Because it's often surplus military equipment, it's much cheaper than the same equipment made for civilians.

There is nothing remotely offensive about a personnel carrier ... they carry personnel. Those personnel could be doctors, nurses, stock brokers, school children, or ... heaven help us ... police officers.
So... are the police supposed to be indistinguishable from the military?
Humanoid Viruses

Criminals are indistinguishable from the enemies the military face on the battlefield.
The problem with this malarkey is the military doesn't need the president to court martial and a court martial is the procedure whereby a person can be dishonorably discharged. So your story s bullshit.
Dumb ass. The POTUS is IN COMMAND over all the officers in Fort Hood. They could not make a move, when he opposed that move, AND HE DID. Get it ?

Elementary school kids know this.
Tie a Yellow Ribbon to Hang From a Surrender Medal

Just like Carter ordered the Marines in Tehran to stand down and let a mob of teenage religious wackos take over our embassy.

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