Zone1 Military age, chinese males coming across our southern border......what could go wrong?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
You are hearing that military age chinese males are coming across out southern border.

What could be the problem with this?

They arrive in their target cities, near critical infrastructure. They wait for the cargo ships from china with their military equipment to arrive, living off of money sent to them and their company from china, maybe through the chinese embassy.....

then, instead of our power plant security having to deal with a small terrorist team attacking, you have a fully trained chinese special forces group, with military grade weapons....actual military grade weapons........

Yeah, an open border is just great....right?
Is there any group that you people will ever accept migrating here?
Is there any group that you people will ever accept migrating here?

I have no problem with immigrants coming to this long as they want to be Americans, and believe in our culture, laws and customs........they have to support our system of government.....

Chinese males of military age are not coming here to participate peacefully in our country.........
I have no problem with immigrants coming to this long as they want to be Americans, and believe in our culture, laws and customs........they have to support our system of government.....

Chinese males of military age are not coming here to participate peacefully in our country.........

And you know that because they told you?
Would they just tell you if they weren't? :uhh:
Yeah.....China isn't a threat....don't worry......go back to sleep.

So, the answer, as we already knew, is no. This is just your typical rightwing xenophobia.

Have you paid attention to what has been happening in China, particularly in the last three years? The way they were locking people in their homes and letting them starve to death or die from illness in order to achieve zero COVID? Have you seen the vicious crackdowns on freedom in Hong Kong? Gee, could it be that maybe those events have something to do with it?

By the way, this isn't the first time white people have had a problem with Asians migrating here. The "Yellow Scare" goes all the way back to the late 19th century when they were migrating to San Francisco in large groups. Given that these people are fleeing a Communist nation, one would think they'd be ripe for the picking by the Republican Party, but as usual, you people will fall over your own feet and drive them straight to the Democrats like you do every other group who doesn't look just like you.
Is there any group that you people will ever accept migrating here?

You know thats not a proper form of immigration.I might be a form of migration, but its not legal immigration thats citizens deserve to have for their country. We pay our tax, property tax etc.... why can't the people we elect , do the rudimentary minimum of their job description? without making excuses?
So, the answer, as we already knew, is no. This is just your typical rightwing xenophobia.

Have you paid attention to what has been happening in China, particularly in the last three years? The way they were locking people in their homes and letting them starve to death or die from illness in order to achieve zero COVID? Have you seen the vicious crackdowns on freedom in Hong Kong? Gee, could it be that maybe those events have something to do with it?

By the way, this isn't the first time white people have had a problem with Asians migrating here. The "Yellow Scare" goes all the way back to the late 19th century when they were migrating to San Francisco in large groups. Given that these people are fleeing a Communist nation, one would think they'd be ripe for the picking by the Republican Party, but as usual, you people will fall over your own feet and drive them straight to the Democrats like you do every other group who doesn't look just like you.

If they were undocumented white males from Russia, with no papers, people who "looked like us" there would be the same concern. In these cases its not the people that matters as much , but the governments involved
You are hearing that military age chinese males are coming across out southern border.

What could be the problem with this?

They arrive in their target cities, near critical infrastructure. They wait for the cargo ships from china with their military equipment to arrive, living off of money sent to them and their company from china, maybe through the chinese embassy.....

then, instead of our power plant security having to deal with a small terrorist team attacking, you have a fully trained chinese special forces group, with military grade weapons....actual military grade weapons........

Yeah, an open border is just great....right?
Lol, ya worried? Good luck to them we are armed and have home field advantage! I'm not losing any sleep over it. Show me a society that eliminated illegal border crossing then we can mimic it. Till then you are just another fear mongering crying because it is the same it ever was.
During Vietnam, American men came across Canada's southern border and many stayed.

Per capita comparisons would suggest that Chinese would be coming to America at a rate of 7 or 8 times the number of American draft dodgers.

It could become a significant problem if they all choose to own AR's and other military type weapons.

Although that's probably quite a stretch for the Chinese culture.
So, the answer, as we already knew, is no. This is just your typical rightwing xenophobia.

Have you paid attention to what has been happening in China, particularly in the last three years? The way they were locking people in their homes and letting them starve to death or die from illness in order to achieve zero COVID? Have you seen the vicious crackdowns on freedom in Hong Kong? Gee, could it be that maybe those events have something to do with it?

By the way, this isn't the first time white people have had a problem with Asians migrating here. The "Yellow Scare" goes all the way back to the late 19th century when they were migrating to San Francisco in large groups. Given that these people are fleeing a Communist nation, one would think they'd be ripe for the picking by the Republican Party, but as usual, you people will fall over your own feet and drive them straight to the Democrats like you do every other group who doesn't look just like you.

I dont care if they migrate here...I support immigration so your childish accusations are wrong....I oppose military age young males with connections to the chinese military crossing the border.....without being detained and detwrmined who and what they are
If they were undocumented white males from Russia, with no papers, people who "looked like us" there would be the same concern. In these cases its not the people that matters as much , but the governments involved

If the Chinese come here and are authoritarian, what is the difference if our own are the same and we all do a slow burn with their ego driven power. At least I know the enemy.
So, the answer, as we already knew, is no. This is just your typical rightwing xenophobia.

Have you paid attention to what has been happening in China, particularly in the last three years? The way they were locking people in their homes and letting them starve to death or die from illness in order to achieve zero COVID? Have you seen the vicious crackdowns on freedom in Hong Kong? Gee, could it be that maybe those events have something to do with it?

By the way, this isn't the first time white people have had a problem with Asians migrating here. The "Yellow Scare" goes all the way back to the late 19th century when they were migrating to San Francisco in large groups. Given that these people are fleeing a Communist nation, one would think they'd be ripe for the picking by the Republican Party, but as usual, you people will fall over your own feet and drive them straight to the Democrats like you do every other group who doesn't look just like you. respond to your childish, uninformed accusation....

I believe in immigration from any country anywhere........

1) it must be legal and follow the law

2) the individuals must want to actually become Americans, and obey our laws and support the Bill of Rights and Constitution...

They do those two things and I don't give F*** where they come from.....they will be Americans.........

The childish, silly, uninformed accusations against people like me who want the laws followed, so that immigrants who have spent years of time and thousands of dollars following the law aren't screwed over for doing so, simply to get more votes in this country for democrats......are try again to respond to this thread.....
I have no problem with immigrants coming to this long as they want to be Americans, and believe in our culture, laws and customs........they have to support our system of government.....

Chinese males of military age are not coming here to participate peacefully in our country.........

Contact the FBI immediately if you have actual proof of what you're claiming. If not, just admit you're just another deranged xenophobe who watches too much foxnews.
Those Chinese men are not coming here to be good democrats. They are coming here as part of china's plans.
And you know that because they told you?

You were saying….

Getting out of China, an openly communist country, is not an easy matter, even for those with high social credit scores. You can bet that those who have actually challenged the regime do not have high social credit scores to be permitted to so much as buy a plane ticket out of the country and would very likely be denied passports or exit routes out. So all who didn't have trouble getting out of China in order to turn up at the U.S.'s open border need extra scrutiny, which they are not getting.

There's additional evidence that the Chinese military is getting itself into the U.S., too.


Journalist Michael Yon reported two weeks ago that Chinese migrants heading into the U.S. from Panama's Darien Gap were seen conducting a chicken-blood drinking ritual, which is something China's special forces do as a rite of passage.

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Is there any group that you people will ever accept migrating here?
Legal immigration where the immigrants meet the visa requirements as in that person's skills are required (if you need more doctors as opposed to more burger flippers), they bring X amount of money with them, have a job sponsor to go to, speak English, and if they lose their job, you send them home.
I guess they could start a small buisness, hire people and contribute to the economy.

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