Military Grade Nerve Agent used in assassination attempt.

I don't think it was an assassination attempt, but as OP says to send a clear message. If the Russians/KGB wanted them dead, they'd be dead
Any time you introduce a chemical nerve agent into a public place its big news... The only reason the death toll wasn't big is the rain. Rain renders VX impotent once dispersed. If it had been dry air and those around were able to inhale it undiluted, the game would have been over. This was a screw up or a desperation attempt to get them despite the rain.

Don't you think the Russians knew of this? If they wanted to make sure to kill in such weather conditions, then they would have used something else.

That's why I think it wasn't a botched assassination.........but a public message
I don't think it was an assassination attempt, but as OP says to send a clear message. If the Russians/KGB wanted them dead, they'd be dead
Any time you introduce a chemical nerve agent into a public place its big news... The only reason the death toll wasn't big is the rain. Rain renders VX impotent once dispersed. If it had been dry air and those around were able to inhale it undiluted, the game would have been over. This was a screw up or a desperation attempt to get them despite the rain.

Don't you think the Russians knew of this? If they wanted to make sure to kill in such weather conditions, then they would have used something else.

That's why I think it wasn't a botched assassination.........but a public message

Interesting angle and something to think about. However, I have never heard of such messages in another country. At home, yes where you can control the outcome of the courts and the narrative, in another country, they are risking far too much.

I ask what benefit would be gained by this to simply "send a message" in this way and they are arrested, the world suspects them, and, it could cost them economically and/or could have cost a well trained spy who is clearly comfortable with mayhem, his freedom, and maybe other assets at risk if he sings?

A message you speak of, would have been a well disguised guy walking up to him, starting a conversation and threatening him, or saying something to him in Russian to let him know "we know where you live and are watching you". Could have been a letter handed to him, or placed in his pocket, something in his mailbox, whatever.

I just don't think there is much gained. Both of them are unconscious, it's a reality they could die or have other serious injuries. Russian spies definitely know if they defect and flip, they could be targeted at any time. They know the rules of the Russian spy game very well, this isnt a new revelation to them. This message provides little value in my opinion unless it was for the purposes of "justice" as they see it.
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I don't think it was an assassination attempt, but as OP says to send a clear message. If the Russians/KGB wanted them dead, they'd be dead
Any time you introduce a chemical nerve agent into a public place its big news... The only reason the death toll wasn't big is the rain. Rain renders VX impotent once dispersed. If it had been dry air and those around were able to inhale it undiluted, the game would have been over. This was a screw up or a desperation attempt to get them despite the rain.

Don't you think the Russians knew of this? If they wanted to make sure to kill in such weather conditions, then they would have used something else.

That's why I think it wasn't a botched assassination.........but a public message

Interesting angle and something to think about. However, I have never heard of such messages in another country. At home, yes where you can control the outcome of the courts and the narrative, in another country, they are risking far too much.

I ask what benefit would be gained by this to simply "send a message" in this way and they are arrested, the world suspects them, and, it could cost them economically and/or could have cost a well trained spy who is clearly comfortable with mayhem, his freedom, and maybe other assets at risk if he sings?

A message you speak of, would have been a well disguised guy walking up to him, starting a conversation and threatening him, or saying something to him in Russian to let him know "we know where you live and are watching you". Could have been a letter handed to him, or placed in his pocket, something in his mailbox, whatever.

I just don't think there is much gained. Both of them are unconscious, it's a reality they could die or have other serious injuries. Russian spies definitely know if they defect and flip, they could be targeted at any time. They know the rules of the Russian spy game very well, this isnt a new revelation to them. This message provides little value in my opinion unless it was for the purposes of "justice" as they see it.

Who knows, heh? All speculation on my part, but I didn't think they made mistakes like this. Maybe they still need him for some thing and.the message to him and to any other spies 'if you double cross us, you and your family will be targeted'.........or could include the general population :dunno:
I don't think it was an assassination attempt, but as OP says to send a clear message. If the Russians/KGB wanted them dead, they'd be dead
Any time you introduce a chemical nerve agent into a public place its big news... The only reason the death toll wasn't big is the rain. Rain renders VX impotent once dispersed. If it had been dry air and those around were able to inhale it undiluted, the game would have been over. This was a screw up or a desperation attempt to get them despite the rain.

Don't you think the Russians knew of this? If they wanted to make sure to kill in such weather conditions, then they would have used something else.

That's why I think it wasn't a botched assassination.........but a public message
The point was "desperation" attempt.
I don't think it was an assassination attempt, but as OP says to send a clear message. If the Russians/KGB wanted them dead, they'd be dead
Any time you introduce a chemical nerve agent into a public place its big news... The only reason the death toll wasn't big is the rain. Rain renders VX impotent once dispersed. If it had been dry air and those around were able to inhale it undiluted, the game would have been over. This was a screw up or a desperation attempt to get them despite the rain.

Don't you think the Russians knew of this? If they wanted to make sure to kill in such weather conditions, then they would have used something else.

That's why I think it wasn't a botched assassination.........but a public message
Whoever did this 1. doesn't expect to be caught.. and 2. If caught doesn't fear retaliation. That narrows the field of potential actors substantially.
Well its now confirmed. It was a military grade toxin, of which only three public labs and the military's of the world are capable of creating, according to British Intelligence sources.

The Victims of the attack are responding to treatment. Something tells me we won't hear much more about this as sourcing is going dark.

LONDON, March 10 (Reuters) - Russian ex-spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia remain in hospital in a critical but stable condition after they were poisoned with a nerve agent, interior minister Amber Rudd said on Saturday.

Russian ex-spy, daughter still critical after nerve agent attack -...
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A recently deleted LinkedIn account revealed that the British security consultant is based in Salisbury, and his employer is Orbis Business Intelligence – Steele’s firm. Steele notoriously assembled a series of memos containing anti-Trump opposition research to Fusion GPS, the first seventeen of which were compiled into the unverified “Trump-Russia” dossier which the FBI relied on to obtain a spy warrant against a Trump campaign associate.

If true, this is a stunning link back to the Clintons...
This is a new twist... UK news agencies are now reporting that a gift was received by the ex-spy from a 'friend' in Russia and that they opened that gift on the bench, at which time the toxin was released into the air in a small cloud....

They have massive EOD teams on site around the mans home now.. Looks like this was indeed military grade nerve toxin (VX). No one is talking about the disperser and who now has it.....

How did it get into Britain? Did it pass current aircraft screening process? Did it pass other screening processes? Someone went through a lot of effort to do this..
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I don't think it was an assassination attempt, but as OP says to send a clear message. If the Russians/KGB wanted them dead, they'd be dead
Any time you introduce a chemical nerve agent into a public place its big news... The only reason the death toll wasn't big is the rain. Rain renders VX impotent once dispersed. If it had been dry air and those around were able to inhale it undiluted, the game would have been over. This was a screw up or a desperation attempt to get them despite the rain.

Don't you think the Russians knew of this? If they wanted to make sure to kill in such weather conditions, then they would have used something else.

That's why I think it wasn't a botched assassination.........but a public message
A little more information has come out. It appears that a family friend brought a small gift package back from Russia on a plane from a family friend. It was opened while they were sitting on the bench, from witness accounts, when a "puff" pushed a cloud of smoke like matter into the air. They described it as smoke and not a powder. This would be consistent with a small aerosol burst dispersion.

I'm speculating here, but this looks like it was luck of the draw that it was opened in open, wet, atmosphere, with wind. Had it been dry or opened at home they would have simply found bodies.

How in hell did that get past airport scanning and x-rays?
I don't think it was an assassination attempt, but as OP says to send a clear message. If the Russians/KGB wanted them dead, they'd be dead
Any time you introduce a chemical nerve agent into a public place its big news... The only reason the death toll wasn't big is the rain. Rain renders VX impotent once dispersed. If it had been dry air and those around were able to inhale it undiluted, the game would have been over. This was a screw up or a desperation attempt to get them despite the rain.

Don't you think the Russians knew of this? If they wanted to make sure to kill in such weather conditions, then they would have used something else.

That's why I think it wasn't a botched assassination.........but a public message
A little more information has come out. It appears that a family friend brought a small gift package back from Russia on a plane from a family friend. It was opened while they were sitting on the bench, from witness accounts, when a "puff" pushed a cloud of smoke like matter into the air. They described it as smoke and not a powder. This would be consistent with a small aerosol burst dispersion.

I'm speculating here, but this looks like it was luck of the draw that it was opened in open, wet, atmosphere, with wind. Had it been dry or opened at home they would have simply found bodies.

How in hell did that get past airport scanning and x-rays?

I agree, but also what kind of people do they hang out with..........a friend of a friend?

Also.......maybe that's why they opened the package outside :dunno:

Whoever did this 1. doesn't expect to be caught.. and 2. If caught doesn't fear retaliation. That narrows the field of potential actors substantially.

^^plausible vv

If true, this is a stunning link back to the Clintons...
I don't think it was an assassination attempt, but as OP says to send a clear message. If the Russians/KGB wanted them dead, they'd be dead
Any time you introduce a chemical nerve agent into a public place its big news... The only reason the death toll wasn't big is the rain. Rain renders VX impotent once dispersed. If it had been dry air and those around were able to inhale it undiluted, the game would have been over. This was a screw up or a desperation attempt to get them despite the rain.

Don't you think the Russians knew of this? If they wanted to make sure to kill in such weather conditions, then they would have used something else.

That's why I think it wasn't a botched assassination.........but a public message
A little more information has come out. It appears that a family friend brought a small gift package back from Russia on a plane from a family friend. It was opened while they were sitting on the bench, from witness accounts, when a "puff" pushed a cloud of smoke like matter into the air. They described it as smoke and not a powder. This would be consistent with a small aerosol burst dispersion.

I'm speculating here, but this looks like it was luck of the draw that it was opened in open, wet, atmosphere, with wind. Had it been dry or opened at home they would have simply found bodies.

How in hell did that get past airport scanning and x-rays?

I agree, but also what kind of people do they hang out with..........a friend of a friend?

Also.......maybe that's why they opened the package outside :dunno:

Whoever did this 1. doesn't expect to be caught.. and 2. If caught doesn't fear retaliation. That narrows the field of potential actors substantially.

^^plausible vv

If true, this is a stunning link back to the Clintons...

The scary part about this is, it could have come from either the US or Russia.. The tactic used here is of the Russian KGB as they have used it before but I simply cant say who did it with certainty.. I would love to be a fly on the wall in the lab over there..
The murder probe also sprang an American dimension. He was discovered to have been close to a consultant who worked with the firm of Christopher Steele, the former British spy named in the Mueller investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Steele was found to have built a damaging dossier against candidate Donald Trump out of materials provided by sources close to Hillary Clinton. The ramifications of the new discoveries almost certainly prompted the urgent Cobra committee session Saturday. It also came amid wide accusations that Moscow orchestrated the attempted assassination of the former GRU agent and his daughter. The Russians angrily rejected the charges as no better than mudslinging without evidence.

UK probe of nerve agent attack on former Russian spy uncovers an active British agent - DEBKAfile
The murder probe also sprang an American dimension. He was discovered to have been close to a consultant who worked with the firm of Christopher Steele, the former British spy named in the Mueller investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Steele was found to have built a damaging dossier against candidate Donald Trump out of materials provided by sources close to Hillary Clinton. The ramifications of the new discoveries almost certainly prompted the urgent Cobra committee session Saturday. It also came amid wide accusations that Moscow orchestrated the attempted assassination of the former GRU agent and his daughter. The Russians angrily rejected the charges as no better than mudslinging without evidence.

UK probe of nerve agent attack on former Russian spy uncovers an active British agent - DEBKAfile
If you think about it, he very well could be the Clinton Collusion with a foreign government link and they wanted it gone... Uranium one anyone?

Lots of speculation.... A tangled web it may take some time to sort out....
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This settles it.... It was VX and it was dispersed..

SALISBURY, England (Reuters) - Hundreds of people who visited the Zizzi restaurant or the Mill pub in the English city of Salisbury were told on Sunday to wash their clothes after traces of nerve agent used to attack a former Russian spy last week were found at both sites.

Public Health England said there was no immediate health risk to anyone who may have been in either the restaurant or the pub, but their was a small chance that any of the agent that had come into contact with clothing or belongings could still be present in minute amounts and contaminate skin.

Damn good thing it was raining... Or there would have been a lot of dead people...

Hundreds urged to wash clothes after UK nerve agent attack
The murder probe also sprang an American dimension. He was discovered to have been close to a consultant who worked with the firm of Christopher Steele, the former British spy named in the Mueller investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election. Steele was found to have built a damaging dossier against candidate Donald Trump out of materials provided by sources close to Hillary Clinton. The ramifications of the new discoveries almost certainly prompted the urgent Cobra committee session Saturday. It also came amid wide accusations that Moscow orchestrated the attempted assassination of the former GRU agent and his daughter. The Russians angrily rejected the charges as no better than mudslinging without evidence.

UK probe of nerve agent attack on former Russian spy uncovers an active British agent - DEBKAfile
If you think about it, he very well could be the Clinton Collusion with a foreign government link and they wanted it gone... Uranium one anyone?

Lots of speculation.... A tangled web it may take some time to sort out....

This involuntary thought keeps creeping into my mind. >> Hillary.

And I'm not a conspiracy theorist.

I just hope no one sneaks into the hospital and finishes off the two victims.
Seven days after the event, they tell people who had been in the restaurant and the pub, to wash their clothes. Seven days!
That is because the VX breaks down rapidly into its base components which can still cause issues long term... Carcinogens and such... This is why it is considered a "non-persistent agent"

If you read the instructions on the old Bug Bombs and Raid cans, it tells you to wipe all hard surfaces, wash all exposed clothing and use a 5 micron filtration bag on a vacuum to clean up the house after use..
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