Military man fails to show respect to former president

Thank goodness for Milley. I hope he keeps it up, and that others follow.

He sees what's happening, because he's been there.
It’s banana republic mentality assholes like Miley that decide to do coups like the one we saw in Niger. If you allow one military leader to do it, then others with opposing political leanings, will follow. There was no reason for Miley to make that call, other than let China know that Joe Biden, the guy China paid for, will soon be in the White House.
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It’s banana republic mentality assholes like Miley that decide to do coups like the one we saw in Niger. If you allow one military leader to do it, then others with opposing political leanings, will follow. There was no reason for Miley to make that call, other than let China know that Joe Biden, the guy China paid for, will soon be in the White House.

Miley had already filed his papers for retirement and this was the last action he had. I know of a number of Military Leaders that gave their farewell speech and criticized the Military and/or it's leaders. The next action they did was get in their civilian car and drive off the base as a civilian. You Fascists want to curb 1st amendment rights on everyone except yourselves. The rest of us prevent you from having your banana republic.
Miley had already filed his papers for retirement and this was the last action he had. I know of a number of Military Leaders that gave their farewell speech and criticized the Military and/or its leaders. The next action they did was get in their civilian car and drive off the base as a civilian. You Fascists want to curb 1st amendment rights on everyone except yourselves. The rest of us prevent you from having your banana republic.
Whether he was retired or not, which he wasn’t, a military leader calling our enemies in the middle of a national crisis isn’t a first amendment right. Hard to imagine where you people come up with this garbage.
Whether he was retired or not, which he wasn’t, a military leader calling our enemies in the middle of a national crisis isn’t a first amendment right. Hard to imagine where you people come up with this garbage.
Enemies? We at war with China?
What happened to the days when people respected those who were above them? What a shame those days are gone. The only thing Milley accomplished was showing he lacks class.

---Former President Donald Trump renewed his attacks on retired U.S. Army General Mark Milley after the exiting chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff seemingly suggested that Trump is a "wannabe dictator."---

He is entitled to his opinion just like we all are. Don't like the man but his first amendment rights are not lessened because of who he is.
I thought you lefties were all about the “gay” movement, and yet you use the term as if it's an insult. Will you make up your mind, already?
Who's insulting you? We want to encourage you to stop fighting your real nature... it's healthier for you.
Who's insulting you? We want to encourage you to stop fighting your real nature... it's healthier for you.
Naw, you're using the sexuality you exercise as a weapon/insult. That tells others that YOU may consider it a bad thing deep down.
When was the last time you saw a straight person insult someone for being straight or a white person mock another white person for being white? How bout religion? Ever see a Christian use the practice of Christianity as an insult?

You calling a straight person a queer is as stupid as me calling you a heterosexual.
Who's insulting you? We want to encourage you to stop fighting your real nature... it's healthier for you.
Gosh ... I guess that means I need two wives. I hereby announce my support for polygamy.
Whether he was retired or not, which he wasn’t, a military leader calling our enemies in the middle of a national crisis isn’t a first amendment right. Hard to imagine where you people come up with this garbage.

What the hell are you talking about? He said disparaging remarks about Rump as the Deity and he's all things to you but to the rest of us, he's the worst and most dangerous President this nation has ever had. He's just a wannabe dictator.
What the hell are you talking about? He said disparaging remarks about Rump as the Deity and he's all things to you but to the rest of us, he's the worst and most dangerous President this nation has ever had. He's just a wannabe dictator.
No. What made (makes) him dangerous is his willingness to pussify the American military by encouraging fags, transgenders, and other mentally ill “men” to fill leadership positions. Also, circumventing a sitting, American President by apologizing to America's archenemy is literally called, TREASON!
Whether he was retired or not, which he wasn’t, a military leader calling our enemies in the middle of a national crisis isn’t a first amendment right. Hard to imagine where you people come up with this garbage.

There are penalties for following an illegal order or coddling a madman.
Enemies? We at war with China?
The problem was Iran, not China. When Trump was CIC, he had every right to call for nuclear strikes on Iran. Obviously Milley was all wrong.

---Gen. Milley warned Trump on possible Iran strikes: ‘You’re gonna have a f—— war’---

Whether he was retired or not, which he wasn’t, a military leader calling our enemies in the middle of a national crisis isn’t a first amendment right. Hard to imagine where you people come up with this garbage.

Wow, that is one strange translator you have converting English to MAGAt.
And when they can’t come up with a coherent response as to why Miley committed treason, they resort to their MAGA this and MAGA that, like cowards hiding from the truth.
MIley didn't commit treason. He was headed out the door to retirement. It was his right to condemn what he thought as a dangerous individual.

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