Military man fails to show respect to former president

When we drink beer, we usually go to local micro-breweries for porters, stouts, and scottish ales. Real beers. You drink that fizzy yellow stuff?
Most people drink the yellow fizzy stuff, lager.
Bush and Cheney weren't Democrats. Dubya said he was fighting Gog and Magog.
As I recall we were attacked at that time. Did Ukraine attack us? Biden blew up Russia's pipeline and re started a cold war.

Biden vows U.S. will 'bring an end' to Nord Stream 2 pipeline if Russia invades Ukraine​

That's some evidence of the US actually blowing up the pipeline? Or are your fee-fees enough?
To his counterpart...equal to equal. Of course, MAGAts have a problem with that. :heehee:
To whoever, Dumbocraps are setting a precedent that it is now up to the discretion of a military leader to violate the chain of command and start relaying messages about our vulnerabilities to our enemies. Of course, since being treasonous goes with being a Democrat nowadays, they completely agree with Miley‘s actions.
Idiot. There was good reason to shoo Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait and no reason at all to invade. Franks is loyal, but he knows the truth. Iraq was toothless and fearful of Iran. All we did with our stupid blunder was put Iran in the catbird seat and create ISIS.
I would name the Generals book, debunking your claims. BUT, I am pretty sure you can't read.
Enlisted members who leave the Military sign a document that acknowledges legal responsibility not to criticize the military or their former commanding officers. Don't high ranking members of the military have a legal and moral responsibility not to criticize the former Commander in Chief as well as the current one? The president and the former president are under no restraints when it comes to disrespecting former Generals who disrespect themselves and their Country.
I'm going to need to see that document or any official reference to it. Sounds ridiculously unconstitutional.

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