Military man fails to show respect to former president

Milley did more than anyone to destroy the American respect for the military.

However, his replacement will be just as bad. A dumbass low IQ diversity hire Negro.

Now we have a dumbass Negro as Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff.

Putting dumbasses in charge of the military is exactly what Biden's Chinese buddies are paying him to do.
And you are the kind of loser the military rejects for very very very good reason. We don't need racist MAGAts in the world's greatest military.
And yet Trump killed fewer people with covid than your almost dead fake president did while armed with dictatorship powers and a plethora of vaccines….weird huh?

Not really weird, Trump killed them all in less than 11 months while it has taken Biden more than 3 years. Trump was far better at it
That was hysterically funny. The claim that Saddam Hussein was trucking his wmds back and forth from Sudan to Syria is as lame a lie as ever was.
An Iraqi General officer reported this and he was inside the Hussein government. I believe him over things you say. He did not say they were trucked back and forth, he said they went to Syria by both truck and airplane.
That was hysterically funny. The claim that Saddam Hussein was trucking his wmds back and forth from Sudan to Syria is as lame a lie as ever was.
BS alert. Forum, that is not what I said about WMD.
Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. They had no wmds and were no threat to the US or their neighbors.
Well you need to let General Tommy Franks know about that. Franks reported in his book that the Iraqis fought like hell. What Bush's dad failed to do that his son did do is take out Saddam Hussein. Notice Iraq has not waged war since Bush took him out.
Not really weird, Trump killed them all in less than 11 months while it has taken Biden more than 3 years. Trump was far better at it
All of the Prog states that killed many people including the elderly. "Cuomo the executioner" is just one of them. COVID was released on purpose. It was an act of war. Then people like Fauci who was in the hideous biological war experimentation field of employment changed his mind every couple of weeks on what we should do. Seemed like a novice or a sadistic treasonous traitor. I am certain there are thing that even Trump has not said about this. Then Joe and Progs told us utopia was coming. Instead, it is suffering for a growing percentage of the population in a nation where the real inconvenient truth is we have massive yearly and growing deficits with a President and Prog congress that is selling us out lock, stock and barrel. Joe and his employment lies. All of the manufacturing employment that we were supposed to get while he eliminated all tariffs and paid companies to leave.
Enlisted and NCOs sign no such documents. Officers are still governed by the UCMJ even when out of service. I don't think Milley broke the law, but he did break custom. So good that he did. All America needs to know what a shit ass is Donald Duck.
I signed no such BS when I retired. I signed a document relating to acknowledging classified information remains classified under penalty of law both military and other federal statutes, but that is about it.
Milley did more than anyone to destroy the American respect for the military.

However, his replacement will be just as bad. A dumbass low IQ diversity hire Negro.

Now we have a dumbass Negro as Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff.
Stephen Miller wouldn't let that crap happen.
Well you need to let General Tommy Franks know about that. Franks reported in his book that the Iraqis fought like hell. What Bush's dad failed to do that his son did do is take out Saddam Hussein. Notice Iraq has not waged war since Bush took him out.

Idiot. There was good reason to shoo Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait and no reason at all to invade. Franks is loyal, but he knows the truth. Iraq was toothless and fearful of Iran. All we did with our stupid blunder was put Iran in the catbird seat and create ISIS.
Kuwait was stealing from Iraq and wouldn't forgive the OPEC quota from their war debt. Do you know what I'm talking about?

Did Iraq invade Kuwait? Do you even remember what you posted? Evidently not ya dimwit. Scroll up

A hint: Iraq was crippled and no threat to...

Ding ding.... dingbat
You think our military swears an oath to a person, not the Constitution, don't you?
"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

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