Military man fails to show respect to former president

I believe that the game is played by being very good officers. A Col is not very impressed by some 2nd Lt kissing his ass.
Of course he is.

AS opposed to a O1 publicly challenging his decisions and critiquing him in front of the troops?

More reason to believe you never served.
Well the Generals do have responsibility not for a few hundred troops, but tens of thousands of them.
And when in charge of thousands a few hundred dead here or there are "acceptable losses"
but an officer in charge of 20 troops knows them all by name, knows their families...and for this guy there are no "acceptable losses"

But if the latter cannot make the transition to the former he gets out rather than going up.

It is the nature of the world.
The two wars were not about WMD. Saddam had his sent to Syria by Truck and by airplane. ?That is why none was found that the press admits to. But some who were there on active duty says the press flat out lied by saying nothing was found. But no bombs were in Iraq that were nukes.

That was hysterically funny. The claim that Saddam Hussein was trucking his wmds back and forth from Sudan to Syria is as lame a lie as ever was.
You demand perfection in fighting a new pandemic? Trump threw out the handbook for pandemics that came out in 2005. It was effective in dealing with Zika and Ebola, but it interfered with Trump's campaign rallies so he decided to wing it
And yet Trump killed fewer people with covid than your almost dead fake president did while armed with dictatorship powers and a plethora of vaccines….weird huh?
He also put Kushner in charge of Middle East peace and prison reform.
Why wouldn’t he….for once we had real peace in the Middle East
Social distancing, hand washing, masks was an obvious strategy.
So obvious that you killed more people using said strategy?
Vaccine and boosters reduce hospitalizations by 50% which is a big plus.. except for big winey babies like you.
Experimental vaccines and boosters can be great for Father Government loving sheeple…core Americans don’t like the idea of being forced to do anything.
What kinds of assholes politicize a damned virus?
Ummm….All Democrats, CNN, Twitter, the Google faggots, Zuckerberg
And yet Trump killed fewer people with covid than your almost dead fake president did while armed with dictatorship powers and a plethora of vaccines….weird huh?

Why wouldn’t he….for once we had real peace in the Middle East

So obvious that you killed more people using said strategy?

Experimental vaccines and boosters can be great for Father Government loving sheeple…core Americans don’t like the idea of being forced to do anything.

Ummm….All Democrats, CNN, Twitter, the Google faggots, Zuckerberg

How many Americans would have died without those precautions?
What happened to the days when people respected those who were above them? What a shame those days are gone. The only thing Milley accomplished was showing he lacks class.

---Former President Donald Trump renewed his attacks on retired U.S. Army General Mark Milley after the exiting chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff seemingly suggested that Trump is a "wannabe dictator."---

He’s auditioning for a job at CNN or MSNBC. He probably already has an offer. Those networks have a good track record of hiring traitors.
Miley committed treason, America was in crisis and in a very vulnerable position. He called and let our enemy know that. If China would have used that info and launched an attack, we would have all been fucked. We are very lucky that did not happen. He should be tried and given the most harsh sentence, just to be made an example of.
Miley committed treason, America was in crisis and in a very vulnerable position. He called and let our enemy know that. If China would have used that info and launched an attack, we would have all been fucked. We are very lucky that did not happen. He should be tried and given the most harsh sentence, just to be made an example of.
No he did not....but thanks for showing your ignorance.
No he did not....but thanks for showing your ignorance.
Thanks for showing yours. Like I said, we are lucky the Chinese, N Koreans, Russians and Iranians didn’t make their move.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The leaders of a House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection said Thursday they have sought records related to calls from Gen. Mark Milley, the top U.S. military officer, to his Chinese counterpart in the turbulent final months of Donald Trump’s presidency.
Thanks for showing yours.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The leaders of a House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol insurrection said Thursday they have sought records related to calls from Gen. Mark Milley, the top U.S. military officer, to his Chinese counterpart in the turbulent final months of Donald Trump’s presidency.
That's fine.

I love how MAGAts hate this:
“We don’t take an oath to a king, or a queen, or to a tyrant or dictator, and we don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator,” Milley said. “We don’t take an oath to an individual. We take an oath to the Constitution, and we take an oath to the idea that is America, and we’re willing to die to protect it.”

“Every soldier, sailor, airman, Marine, guardian and Coast Guardsman, each of us commits our very life to protect and defend that document, regardless of personal price,” Milley continued. “And we are not easily intimidated.”

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