Military man fails to show respect to former president

Enlisted members who leave the Military sign a document that acknowledges legal responsibility not to criticize the military or their former commanding officers. Don't high ranking members of the military have a legal and moral responsibility not to criticize the former Commander in Chief as well as the current one? The president and the former president are under no restraints when it comes to disrespecting former Generals who disrespect themselves and their Country.
Enlisted members who leave the Military sign a document that acknowledges legal responsibility not to criticize the military or their former commanding officers. Don't high ranking members of the military have a legal and moral responsibility not to criticize the former Commander in Chief as well as the current one? The president and the former president are under no restraints when it comes to disrespecting former Generals who disrespect themselves and their Country.

I didn't sign a damned thing that said what you claim. Once the discharge came through, I was reintroduced to the Constitution of the United States and all the rights given to me by it. Now I don't know what banana republic your served in but it wasn't in the United States of America where the 1st amendment applies.
The DD214 reminds you that you are released from active duty but as a inactive reservist you are still liable under the UCMJ for disrespect to officers and your former post.

Nope. All the bits of the 1st Amendment is reinstated. Now, I spent 6 months recalled and during that time, the 1stA was suspended. And if you think that the discussions around the picnic table in the Military Shops didn't have any discussion about the leaders you would be wrong. We just didn't go out into the public and discuss the leaders.
What happened to the days when people respected those who were above them? What a shame those days are gone. The only thing Milley accomplished was showing he lacks class.

---Former President Donald Trump renewed his attacks on retired U.S. Army General Mark Milley after the exiting chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff seemingly suggested that Trump is a "wannabe dictator."---

The operative words are Former and retired. I served and don't respect a lot of Presidents.
What happened to the days when people respected those who were above them? What a shame those days are gone. The only thing Milley accomplished was showing he lacks class.

---Former President Donald Trump renewed his attacks on retired U.S. Army General Mark Milley after the exiting chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff seemingly suggested that Trump is a "wannabe dictator."---


not really.

blatant hypocrisy and hyperwhining is standard for trumptards.
Milley is responsible for the deaths of service men and women during the evacuation of Afghanistan. He never apologized to the families.
Enlisted members who leave the Military sign a document that acknowledges legal responsibility not to criticize the military or their former commanding officers. Don't high ranking members of the military have a legal and moral responsibility not to criticize the former Commander in Chief as well as the current one? The president and the former president are under no restraints when it comes to disrespecting former Generals who disrespect themselves and their Country.
What document is that?
That no military person swore any oaths to.

The Oath of Enlistment (for enlisted):​

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

Thanks. They don't swear an oath to wannabe dictators.
Are you TDS’ers sure you know what a dictataor is?
Don’t dictators force people to take experimental medicine they may not want, don’t they force people to wear face diapers that don’t work, don’t they force people to close their businesses, don’t they suppress speech that doesn’t align with their ideals, don’t they collude with a corrupt and complicit media/social media?
Yes, I do...The actions of Donald were those of a wannabe dictator until he got scared when the military would not support him not leaving office after losing.
Are you TDS’ers sure you know what a dictataor is?
Don’t dictators force people to take experimental medicine they may not want, don’t they force people to wear face diapers that don’t work, don’t they force people to close their businesses, don’t they suppress speech that doesn’t align with their ideals, don’t they collude with a corrupt and complicit media/social media?

You demand perfection in fighting a new pandemic? Trump threw out the handbook for pandemics that came out in 2005. It was effective in dealing with Zika and Ebola, but it interfered with Trump's campaign rallies so he decided to wing it and turn the whole thing over to Jared Kushner. He also put Kushner in charge of Middle East peace and prison reform.

What is wrong with you? Are you a petulant child?

Social distancing, hand washing, masks was an obvious strategy.

Vaccine and boosters reduce hospitalizations by 50% which is a big plus.. except for big winey babies like you.

What kinds of assholes politicize a damned virus?
What happened to the days when people respected those who were above them? What a shame those days are gone. The only thing Milley accomplished was showing he lacks class.

---Former President Donald Trump renewed his attacks on retired U.S. Army General Mark Milley after the exiting chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff seemingly suggested that Trump is a "wannabe dictator."---

Respect those "above" them?
Enlisted members who leave the Military sign a document that acknowledges legal responsibility not to criticize the military or their former commanding officers. Don't high ranking members of the military have a legal and moral responsibility not to criticize the former Commander in Chief as well as the current one? The president and the former president are under no restraints when it comes to disrespecting former Generals who disrespect themselves and their Country.
Since when do enlisted have to sign a document upon discharge that says they won't criticize? Didn't in 1971 and I searched and searched last night, you're simply full of shit.

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