Military man fails to show respect to former president

Milley is responsible for the deaths of service men and women during the evacuation of Afghanistan. He never apologized to the families.
Marines doing dangerous duty in a dangerous place lost their lives. Do you think that`s ever happened before? :rolleyes:
Why don`t you care about the 2,000+ other soldiers killed in Afghanistan or the 4,400 killed in Iraq who were searching for WMDs that we knew didn`t exist?
Marines doing dangerous duty in a dangerous place lost their lives. Do you think that`s ever happened before? :rolleyes:
Why don`t you care about the 2,000+ other soldiers killed in Afghanistan or the 4,400 killed in Iraq who were searching for WMDs that we knew didn`t exist?
I was opposed to the Iraq and Afghanistan occupations. Now what is your next question?
Enlisted members who leave the Military sign a document that acknowledges legal responsibility not to criticize the military or their former commanding officers. Don't high ranking members of the military have a legal and moral responsibility not to criticize the former Commander in Chief as well as the current one? The president and the former president are under no restraints when it comes to disrespecting former Generals who disrespect themselves and their Country.
I'm afraid I'll have to have some proof on this.

Such a document would be legally unenforceable since the government would be silencing the political speech of a citizen

Other than the debrief where I was reminded of my non-disclosures I signed nothing that would inhibit my speech about the military.
What happened to the days when people respected those who were above them? What a shame those days are gone. The only thing Milley accomplished was showing he lacks class.

---Former President Donald Trump renewed his attacks on retired U.S. Army General Mark Milley after the exiting chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff seemingly suggested that Trump is a "wannabe dictator."---

A "former President" is not above anyone in the military. They could not order a private to pick up a piece of trash.

Another name for "former president" is civilian with not authority.
Milley showed his true colors a long time ago. Worthless bootlapping bureaucrat. That's what it takes to get to be a general these days.
A person who has obviously never served.

This is how ALL officers get to flag rank.
Unlike in the movies there are no "rogue" officers too good at their jobs to be passed over. No Stallones, no Arnolds...
You make rank by playing the game and those that don't play get gone, not promoted.
It was a long time back that I was in the US Army and I had the copy of the UCMJ that I used in my desk. I am aware that when on duty, troops may not criticise the president, the Governor and other department officials. But when discharged, I think that does not apply now nor then.
It was a long time back that I was in the US Army and I had the copy of the UCMJ that I used in my desk. I am aware that when on duty, troops may not criticise the president, the Governor and other department officials. But when discharged, I think that does not apply now nor then.

It does not. He just made it up and then ran like the coward he is
A person who has obviously never served.

This is how ALL officers get to flag rank.
Unlike in the movies there are no "rogue" officers too good at their jobs to be passed over. No Stallones, no Arnolds...
You make rank by playing the game and those that don't play get gone, not promoted.
Flag Officers get a lot more education to be at those ranks. I believe in general, it is wrong to think of Flag officers as bad for the country and not qualified. They are definitely trained to be qualified. I was not a Flag officer and think much of the bad said about them amounts to pure BS.

General Tommy Franks who defeated Saddam Hussein and the Taliban in Afghanistan came up from an enlisted rank to 4 star and the man is splendidly qualified to be a 4 star.
A person who has obviously never served.

This is how ALL officers get to flag rank.
Unlike in the movies there are no "rogue" officers too good at their jobs to be passed over. No Stallones, no Arnolds...
You make rank by playing the game and those that don't play get gone, not promoted.

Actually you sound like one who has never served.

There are a lot of great officers out there that will never make it past Maj or LtCol due to not playing the game and actually putting their troops first.
Marines doing dangerous duty in a dangerous place lost their lives. Do you think that`s ever happened before? :rolleyes:
Why don`t you care about the 2,000+ other soldiers killed in Afghanistan or the 4,400 killed in Iraq who were searching for WMDs that we knew didn`t exist?
The two wars were not about WMD. Saddam had his sent to Syria by Truck and by airplane. ?That is why none was found that the press admits to. But some who were there on active duty says the press flat out lied by saying nothing was found. But no bombs were in Iraq that were nukes.
Actually you sound like one who has never served.

There are a lot of great officers out there that will never make it past Maj or LtCol due to not playing the game and actually putting their troops first.
I can only speak for the Army but I get some of what they go through as officers is pretty similar to the Army. A lot of good officers at the ranks above simply elect to get out of the Army. If they stayed in, they would have better chances of being a General officer. Some misfit officers I served with in the Army but this is not the general case of officers. If anybody saw the way in Band of Brothers, Capt. Sobel was supper arrogant and was very poor at leading infantry troops. He was not able to read maps for instance. I served with a 1st Lt who also was that same way. He got lost very easily. And he was ultra arrogant and hard on troops.
I can only speak for the Army but I get some of what they go through as officers is pretty similar to the Army. A lot of good officers at the ranks above simply elect to get out of the Army. If they stayed in, they would have better chances of being a General officer. Some misfit officers I served with in the Army but this is not the general case of officers. If anybody saw the way in Band of Brothers, Capt. Sobel was supper arrogant and was very poor at leading infantry troops. He was not able to read maps for instance. I served with a 1st Lt who also was that same way. He got lost very easily. And he was ultra arrogant and hard on troops.

Yes, there are asshole officers just like there are asshole senior enlisted. There are also some amazing officers. The CO of the last squadron I was in was simply amazing and took care of his troops. Which is why he got out as a LtCol.
Flag Officers get a lot more education to be at those ranks. I believe in general, it is wrong to think of Flag officers as bad for the country and not qualified. They are definitely trained to be qualified. I was not a Flag officer and think much of the bad said about them amounts to pure BS.

General Tommy Franks who defeated Saddam Hussein and the Taliban in Afghanistan came up from an enlisted rank to 4 star and the man is splendidly qualified to be a 4 star.
I never said anything about qualifications. All flag officers are "qualified"

I spoke to how an officer becomes a flag and THAT is by playing the game.
Yes, there are asshole officers just like there are asshole senior enlisted. There are also some amazing officers. The CO of the last squadron I was in was simply amazing and took care of his troops. Which is why he got out as a LtCol.
In my Real Estate Career, I was fortunate to work with a number of officers of various services and believe they were very capable officers. Today they are college graduates just to become an officer. And in the military they are afforded more and more training. My CO was also amazing. His XO is the dumb ass 1st Lt I spoke of.
Actually you sound like one who has never served.

There are a lot of great officers out there that will never make it past Maj or LtCol due to not playing the game and actually putting their troops first.
So you tell me I didn't serve then go on to agree with everything I said?

Isn't that EXACTLY what I said?
That making rank, especially flag is about playing the game.
At O4 and below the troops are people you know, work with, live with...
At O5 and above the troops are statistics and acceptable losses.

Those that cannot make that transition do not make flag.
I never said anything about qualifications. All flag officers are "qualified"

I spoke to how an officer becomes a flag and THAT is by playing the game.
I believe that the game is played by being very good officers. A Col is not very impressed by some 2nd Lt kissing his ass.
So you tell me I didn't serve then go on to agree with everything I said?

Isn't that EXACTLY what I said?
That making rank, especially flag is about playing the game.
At O4 and below the troops are people you know, work with, live with...
At O5 and above the troops are statistics and acceptable losses.

Those that cannot make that transition do not make flag.
Well the Generals do have responsibility not for a few hundred troops, but tens of thousands of them.

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