Military spending: Do we really need this?


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2012
I'd be curious to know how many righties want to keep this bit of spending in the DOD budget. They've already spent millions developing this robot mule to carry things for the troops. Now, it can throw cinder blocks! Wow! I'll bet that scares the terrorist's to death!

DARPA?s BigDog robot can throw cinder blocks farther than you - SlashGear

So long as there's foolishness like this buried in the DOD budget, don't tell me we can't cut defense spending.

Note to DOD: What the hell would be wrong with a real mules? They're a whole lot cheaper.
And yet increasing their budget by only 3% instead of 5% means we furlough troops.

Because our national security cannot get by without a robot that can throw cinder blocks?????
The next generation of combat weapons will either be remote controlled or autonomous. Haven't we already learned this just from drones?

Expensive manned fighter planes are a sure loser in the next big war (if it comes). Huge, fragile targets like aircraft carriers will be early casualties.

Putting all America's eggs in the basket of exorbitant spending is more than a waste.

If the riches lavished on these potentially useless projects were devoted to overwhelming quantities of highly effective machines that did not risk the lives of service people, we would assure that we would not be challenged and, if we were, we would prevail.

Troops are the most expensive type of force, in every sense of the word.
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As a "right winger" I would be agreeable to a decrease in military spending since there are currently no countries which can challenge our military strength. Having said that, it should be reduced with a similar reduction in other things. I am not sure we need more obese "impoverished" children either.
I'd be curious to know how many righties want to keep this bit of spending in the DOD budget. They've already spent millions developing this robot mule to carry things for the troops. Now, it can throw cinder blocks! Wow! I'll bet that scares the terrorist's to death!

DARPA?s BigDog robot can throw cinder blocks farther than you - SlashGear

So long as there's foolishness like this buried in the DOD budget, don't tell me we can't cut defense spending.

Note to DOD: What the hell would be wrong with a real mules? They're a whole lot cheaper.

Two freaking per cent. If the DOD is hysterical about a 2% cut in spending maybe they should lay off a few of those fat assed generals in the Pentagon.
We could avoid sequestration if we grounded Michelle.
As a "right winger" I would be agreeable to a decrease in military spending since there are currently no countries which can challenge our military strength. Having said that, it should be reduced with a similar reduction in other things. I am not sure we need more obese "impoverished" children either.

You do realize that some of the cheapest foods are among the worst foods - nutritionally speaking. And that an obese child can be a malnourished child because even though they are taking in a lot of calories, they aren't taking in nutrients.

I know the old school of thought was "fat = prosperous" but that is certainly not the case anymore.

But yeah, there is plenty of waste in ALL government programs.
As a "right winger" I would be agreeable to a decrease in military spending since there are currently no countries which can challenge our military strength. Having said that, it should be reduced with a similar reduction in other things. I am not sure we need more obese "impoverished" children either.

You do realize that some of the cheapest foods are among the worst foods - nutritionally speaking. And that an obese child can be a malnourished child because even though they are taking in a lot of calories, they aren't taking in nutrients.

I know the old school of thought was "fat = prosperous" but that is certainly not the case anymore.

But yeah, there is plenty of waste in ALL government programs.
Oh FFS, stop with that hackneyed shit! Teenagers who weigh close to 200lbs are like that because they're starving. Fuck that! It's far too stupid to contest.
As a "right winger" I would be agreeable to a decrease in military spending since there are currently no countries which can challenge our military strength. Having said that, it should be reduced with a similar reduction in other things. I am not sure we need more obese "impoverished" children either.

You do realize that some of the cheapest foods are among the worst foods - nutritionally speaking. And that an obese child can be a malnourished child because even though they are taking in a lot of calories, they aren't taking in nutrients.

I know the old school of thought was "fat = prosperous" but that is certainly not the case anymore.

But yeah, there is plenty of waste in ALL government programs.
Oh FFS, stop with that hackneyed shit! Teenagers who weigh close to 200lbs are like that because they're starving. Fuck that! It's far too stupid to contest.

Vulgarities aside - you should consult a nutritionist and then get back to me.
btw - I didn't say "starving" I said malnourished. You know the difference, right?
I'd be curious to know how many righties want to keep this bit of spending in the DOD budget. They've already spent millions developing this robot mule to carry things for the troops. Now, it can throw cinder blocks! Wow! I'll bet that scares the terrorist's to death!

DARPA?s BigDog robot can throw cinder blocks farther than you - SlashGear

So long as there's foolishness like this buried in the DOD budget, don't tell me we can't cut defense spending.

Note to DOD: What the hell would be wrong with a real mules? They're a whole lot cheaper.

Have you ever heard the saying 'it is better say nothing and be thought a fool, than open your mouth and confirm it'?

Thought not.

Wise words.
There is a massive amount of waste in the military. As well as the federal government in general. I heard someone describe the military as a quasi "welfare state" into itself, where a person can sign up at age 18, become a cook or mechanic or any number of countless non-combat or intel related jobs, and basically do a civilian job in uniform, and retire at age 38 with full benefits and retirement pay for life.

Now, is that right? Wrong? Well, I dont blame the people who took advantage of it. It was and is a legal job, a noble job, a job that contributes to society, so they deserve what they were promised.

But should this continue? I dont know. Maybe only "combat" jobs should qualify for the sweet 20 year retirement. OR, maybe we should vastly expand our reserves for services like military cooks and other areas that could be done by reservists, without the full time pay/benefits, while downsizing the active elements of it. Or contract that work out for cheaper (hey they say private sector is better anyway).

But, I think it is FAR past time we get the fuck out of the Middle East. And once we do, get out of Germany. And Korea.

Im tired of subsidizing the rest of the world's military, so that those nations can spend their own money on their own people rather than defense.

However, I've also hear that the only reason the dollar is artificially propped up by the rest of the world (and thus avoiding collapse) is that we have agreed behind closed doors to be the World Police, and in exchange the rest of the world props up the dollar.

Oh well. People far smarter than me make those choices.
You do realize that some of the cheapest foods are among the worst foods - nutritionally speaking. And that an obese child can be a malnourished child because even though they are taking in a lot of calories, they aren't taking in nutrients.

I know the old school of thought was "fat = prosperous" but that is certainly not the case anymore.

But yeah, there is plenty of waste in ALL government programs.
Oh FFS, stop with that hackneyed shit! Teenagers who weigh close to 200lbs are like that because they're starving. Fuck that! It's far too stupid to contest.

Vulgarities aside - you should consult a nutritionist and then get back to me.
btw - I didn't say "starving" I said malnourished. You know the difference, right?
That is tired shit. Come on, when you tell me fat people are malnourished because they don't have the advantages of a personal dietitian you've pretty much already lost the game, whatever the hell the game was.
Funny how hypocritical left wingers turn on a dime depending on who is residing in the White House. It wasn't long ago when an Obama political adviser was placing bombs in front of the Pentagon and recruiting stations. Even more recently the anti-war protesters were raising hell over funding of the Military/industrial complex. Now they are hysterical about a 2% cut in Defense spending when a democrat is in office.
I'd be curious to know how many righties want to keep this bit of spending in the DOD budget. They've already spent millions developing this robot mule to carry things for the troops. Now, it can throw cinder blocks! Wow! I'll bet that scares the terrorist's to death!

DARPA?s BigDog robot can throw cinder blocks farther than you - SlashGear

So long as there's foolishness like this buried in the DOD budget, don't tell me we can't cut defense spending.

Note to DOD: What the hell would be wrong with a real mules? They're a whole lot cheaper.

No, no we do not.

We also do not need much of the expensive travel to conferences and such that we currently waste mony on in the military.
Oh FFS, stop with that hackneyed shit! Teenagers who weigh close to 200lbs are like that because they're starving. Fuck that! It's far too stupid to contest.

Vulgarities aside - you should consult a nutritionist and then get back to me.
btw - I didn't say "starving" I said malnourished. You know the difference, right?
That is tired shit. Come on, when you tell me fat people are malnourished because they don't have the advantages of a personal dietitian you've pretty much already lost the game, whatever the hell the game was.

He is partly right. I was 265 pounds at one point in life, and knew nothing about nutrition. Im 180 now, and in great health. And I eat MORE food now than then.

Back then, I didnt understand calorie deficits, macronutrition, etc, etc. I never knew that a bottle of Orange Juice, or Apple Juice, had double or triple the calories as a diet soda. So if I had a Welch's grape juice with my meal, thinking it was healthy, it would be 200 calories and a shitload more sugar than a Diet Mt Dew (no sugar, 0 calories). Thats about a 1500 calorie difference in a week, in just ONE drink per day.

I used to think just eating bread and crackers and non-meat stuff was healthier than a steak. Its not.

And one reason I ate that bad? I was younger and had less money. And lived in an area with very few healthy options (south ATL). So, a $1 menu at McDonalds was an easy, cheap way to eat. And the fried food and fatty ingredients caused my total calories to soar.

Now, I eat a lot of spinach salads, fruits, veggies, lean meats. ONLY water and occassional diet soda. I take in more food by volume, but far less in calories.

I can honestly say I was just ignorant of reality of nutrition. Thats part my fault. But, everyone only knows what they know because someone else taught them, or led them to where they can be taught. I hired a personal trainer. Saved my life.

So yeah, he's partly right. If you are poor, and live in an area with very few healthy choices, you are likely only gonna have access to bad foods, and likely to not have the education to know any better. And you'll probably get fat.

Final example:

Large spinach salad with tomatoes, carrots, beets, onions, kale, vinagrette dressing from Whole Foods with a large water: About $10.00-$12.00 depending on weight, and about 350 calories.

2 double cheesburgers, fries, soda from McDonalds: About $5.00 off the dollar menu. About 1,000 calories.

See the math?
I'd be curious to know how many righties want to keep this bit of spending in the DOD budget. They've already spent millions developing this robot mule to carry things for the troops. Now, it can throw cinder blocks! Wow! I'll bet that scares the terrorist's to death!

DARPA?s BigDog robot can throw cinder blocks farther than you - SlashGear

So long as there's foolishness like this buried in the DOD budget, don't tell me we can't cut defense spending.

Note to DOD: What the hell would be wrong with a real mules? They're a whole lot cheaper.

Have you ever heard the saying 'it is better say nothing and be thought a fool, than open your mouth and confirm it'?

Thought not.

Wise words.

So you heard the words and still couldn't resist.
Now THAT'S sad.
Vulgarities aside - you should consult a nutritionist and then get back to me.
btw - I didn't say "starving" I said malnourished. You know the difference, right?
That is tired shit. Come on, when you tell me fat people are malnourished because they don't have the advantages of a personal dietitian you've pretty much already lost the game, whatever the hell the game was.

He is partly right. I was 265 pounds at one point in life, and knew nothing about nutrition. Im 180 now, and in great health. And I eat MORE food now than then.

Back then, I didnt understand calorie deficits, macronutrition, etc, etc. I never knew that a bottle of Orange Juice, or Apple Juice, had double or triple the calories as a diet soda. So if I had a Welch's grape juice with my meal, thinking it was healthy, it would be 200 calories and a shitload more sugar than a Diet Mt Dew (no sugar, 0 calories). Thats about a 1500 calorie difference in a week, in just ONE drink per day.

I used to think just eating bread and crackers and non-meat stuff was healthier than a steak. Its not.

And one reason I ate that bad? I was younger and had less money. And lived in an area with very few healthy options (south ATL). So, a $1 menu at McDonalds was an easy, cheap way to eat. And the fried food and fatty ingredients caused my total calories to soar.

Now, I eat a lot of spinach salads, fruits, veggies, lean meats. ONLY water and occassional diet soda. I take in more food by volume, but far less in calories.

I can honestly say I was just ignorant of reality of nutrition. Thats part my fault. But, everyone only knows what they know because someone else taught them, or led them to where they can be taught. I hired a personal trainer. Saved my life.

So yeah, he's partly right. If you are poor, and live in an area with very few healthy choices, you are likely only gonna have access to bad foods, and likely to not have the education to know any better. And you'll probably get fat.

Final example:

Large spinach salad with tomatoes, carrots, beets, onions, kale, vinagrette dressing from Whole Foods with a large water: About $10.00-$12.00 depending on weight, and about 350 calories.

2 double cheesburgers, fries, soda from McDonalds: About $5.00 off the dollar menu. About 1,000 calories.

See the math?

I appreciate your educational intiative - I don't have your patience.
But my story is very similar to yours. Eating healthy is more expensive isn't it?
But it's worth it. Congratulations.
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As a "right winger" I would be agreeable to a decrease in military spending since there are currently no countries which can challenge our military strength. Having said that, it should be reduced with a similar reduction in other things. I am not sure we need more obese "impoverished" children either.

You do realize that some of the cheapest foods are among the worst foods - nutritionally speaking. And that an obese child can be a malnourished child because even though they are taking in a lot of calories, they aren't taking in nutrients.

I know the old school of thought was "fat = prosperous" but that is certainly not the case anymore.

But yeah, there is plenty of waste in ALL government programs.

And generally?

You find some multi-billionaire with hooks in lobbyists that infest congress like locusts protecting that "waste".
That is tired shit. Come on, when you tell me fat people are malnourished because they don't have the advantages of a personal dietitian you've pretty much already lost the game, whatever the hell the game was.

He is partly right. I was 265 pounds at one point in life, and knew nothing about nutrition. Im 180 now, and in great health. And I eat MORE food now than then.

Back then, I didnt understand calorie deficits, macronutrition, etc, etc. I never knew that a bottle of Orange Juice, or Apple Juice, had double or triple the calories as a diet soda. So if I had a Welch's grape juice with my meal, thinking it was healthy, it would be 200 calories and a shitload more sugar than a Diet Mt Dew (no sugar, 0 calories). Thats about a 1500 calorie difference in a week, in just ONE drink per day.

I used to think just eating bread and crackers and non-meat stuff was healthier than a steak. Its not.

And one reason I ate that bad? I was younger and had less money. And lived in an area with very few healthy options (south ATL). So, a $1 menu at McDonalds was an easy, cheap way to eat. And the fried food and fatty ingredients caused my total calories to soar.

Now, I eat a lot of spinach salads, fruits, veggies, lean meats. ONLY water and occassional diet soda. I take in more food by volume, but far less in calories.

I can honestly say I was just ignorant of reality of nutrition. Thats part my fault. But, everyone only knows what they know because someone else taught them, or led them to where they can be taught. I hired a personal trainer. Saved my life.

So yeah, he's partly right. If you are poor, and live in an area with very few healthy choices, you are likely only gonna have access to bad foods, and likely to not have the education to know any better. And you'll probably get fat.

Final example:

Large spinach salad with tomatoes, carrots, beets, onions, kale, vinagrette dressing from Whole Foods with a large water: About $10.00-$12.00 depending on weight, and about 350 calories.

2 double cheesburgers, fries, soda from McDonalds: About $5.00 off the dollar menu. About 1,000 calories.

See the math?

I appreciate your educatiuonal intiative - I don't have your patience.

It wasnt really about patience. It was ignorance on my part. I just didnt know what I didnt know. I played sports in college (football at a small 1-AA school) so I was used to eating whatever I wanted. As I got out of college and couldnt find a job, I lived in a very humble area of town, didnt have much money, and got by on a lot of $1 menu food, and bought mostly white bread w/ peanut butter and jelly to eat. Drank orange juice, grape juice, apple juice, thinking it was my only healthy options- without knowing they are loaded with sugar and calories.

But, at the same time, I also know the ONLY person who can make a fat person become non-fat is themselves. Im a living example. But, they have to know how to do it. THat should be taught in elementary through highs school. Obesity prevention should be mandatory in all public schools. It would be a great investment.

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