Military will build border wall if Pelosi, Schumer don't agree to pay for it: Trump

Go Nuclear ! A simple majority. The country can’t afford to play this nonsensical political games over and over.!

"If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall. They know how important it is!"

Republicans leading the House and Senate support Trump’s aggressive push for funding. But they need Democrats to support the proposal in the Senate to pass the 60-vote threshold, complicating any funding negotiations.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
And who pays for that? I'm sure you trumpanzees can contribute, right?
Build the wall, get tough on the people helping the illegals. They leave on their own, the billions we save on welfare. Would pay for the wall.
It already exists. I've been through it.
it precludes a wall to avoid that Government obligation.
Huh? link.
Want to argue about it? Our Constitution is Express, not Implied.
There is an expressed rule of naturalization. I've been through it.
there is no provision for a wall with an uniform rule of naturalization.

Does anyone know what in the hell, Daniel is talking about when he posts this gibberish? I don't think he does but it doesn't stop him from posting it! He's giving R-Derp a run for his money as the US Message Board's dumbest poster...something I thought could never happen!
it precludes a wall to avoid that Government obligation.
Huh? link.
Want to argue about it? Our Constitution is Express, not Implied.
There is an expressed rule of naturalization. I've been through it.
there is no provision for a wall with an uniform rule of naturalization.

Does anyone know what in the hell, Daniel is talking about when he posts this gibberish? I don't think he does but it doesn't stop him from posting it! He's giving R-Derp a run for his money as the US Message Board's dumbest poster...something I thought could never happen!
not dumbed down enough for you, right wingers?
This is one of the key reasons Dimocrats don't want our borders secured:

63% of Non-Citizen Households Access Welfare Programs

63% of Non-Citizen Households Access Welfare Programs
They use the term "non-citizens" so they can include documented immigrants and permanent residents in the data... you know, people that are fully entitled to any welfare benefits.

Also, the earned income tax credit is considered a welfare program in this "study".

Bias: Extreme Right, Hate Group
how many applications are being processed per day along the "wall"?

Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure should be upgraded to accommodate in the tens of thousands.

We have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause.
After the meeting between The President and the two clowns from the Democrats, and after Schumer and Pelosi got bitch-slapped, they went out to whine to their lapdog media and it looks as if another Schumer Shut-Down is on the horizon.

" I will be the one to shut it down. I'm not gonna blame you for it. The last time you shut it down it didn't work. I will take the mantle of shutting down." - Trump

And it will be because of Schumer. The Schumer Shutdown.
Go Nuclear ! A simple majority. The country can’t afford to play this nonsensical political games over and over.!

"If the Democrats do not give us the votes to secure our Country, the Military will build the remaining sections of the Wall. They know how important it is!"

Republicans leading the House and Senate support Trump’s aggressive push for funding. But they need Democrats to support the proposal in the Senate to pass the 60-vote threshold, complicating any funding negotiations.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

A 40' wall. Without it, our borders are wide open


Just ask any moronic Trumpette.
Let Trump force the Republicans to vote to build the wall.

Democrats can use photos of the wall in their campaign ads for decades demonstrating how Republicans waste government money to placate their feeble minded base.

Not only will the illegal border crossing statistics show little reduction, the cost over runs & maintenance will be staggering along with the press of US citiizens having their and taken or be stuck on the wrong side of the wall.

Knowing how big a liar Trump is, they will build a 10' fence & Trump will call it his wall. You know, like the fat assed fuck is doing now.
Let Trump force the Republicans to vote to build the wall.

Democrats can use photos of the wall in their campaign ads for decades demonstrating how Republicans waste government money to placate their feeble minded base.

Not only will the illegal border crossing statistics show little reduction, the cost over runs & maintenance will be staggering along with the press of US citiizens having their and taken or be stuck on the wrong side of the wall.

Knowing how big a liar Trump is, they will build a 10' fence & Trump will call it his wall. You know, like the fat assed fuck is doing now.

I will take you up on that....yes....let's build that wall and see if you are right...
Let Trump force the Republicans to vote to build the wall.

Democrats can use photos of the wall in their campaign ads for decades demonstrating how Republicans waste government money to placate their feeble minded base.

Not only will the illegal border crossing statistics show little reduction, the cost over runs & maintenance will be staggering along with the press of US citiizens having their and taken or be stuck on the wrong side of the wall.

Knowing how big a liar Trump is, they will build a 10' fence & Trump will call it his wall. You know, like the fat assed fuck is doing now.

I will take you up on that....yes....let's build that wall and see if you are right...
free trade and less regulation!


Buy American!
Defending America's sovereignty is one of the most basic jobs of the government and the Corrupt Democratic Party has shown that they are protecting drug smugglers, human traffickers and pandering to the racist Aztlan Nationalist, not the American Citizens.
Upgrade Ellis Island to solve our problem! It is more cost effective.

Do you really think that the illegal aliens are going to to NYC to enter America?
lol. it is not illegal to go to Ellis Island to ask for legal asylum.
Ellis Island is a museum

Maybe our conservatives need to read the Statue next to it

Yeah they’ll all read it just as soon as lefties figure out some of those “in need” are wolves in sheeps’ clothing, and it’s the government’s responsibility to ensure the safety of the people to make sure they’re not letting in scum.

Why don’t REgressives have common fucking sense? Would you allow a bunch of homeless people into your house unchecked? Would you let them eat your food and sleep in your beds, take your money bc “it’s the ‘right’ thing to do”?

Who cares about the safety of you or your loved ones, right? These people are in need and needy people are always honest and well-behaved. <—- this is exactly how stupid you and others of similar mindset come off when pointing out the Statue of Liberty message guilt trip—throwing common sense out the window bc of some perceived moral the lot of you fake having in the first place.
Defending America's sovereignty is one of the most basic jobs of the government and the Corrupt Democratic Party has shown that they are protecting drug smugglers, human traffickers and pandering to the racist Aztlan Nationalist, not the American Citizens.
Upgrade Ellis Island to solve our problem! It is more cost effective.

Do you really think that the illegal aliens are going to to NYC to enter America?
lol. it is not illegal to go to Ellis Island to ask for legal asylum.
Ellis Island is a museum

Maybe our conservatives need to read the Statue next to it

Yeah they’ll all read it just as soon as lefties figure out some of those “in need” are wolves in sheeps’ clothing, and it’s the government’s responsibility to ensure the safety of the people to make sure they’re not letting in scum.

Why don’t REgressives have common fucking sense? Would you allow a bunch of homeless people into your house unchecked? Would you let them eat your food and sleep in your beds, take your money bc “it’s the ‘right’ thing to do”?

Who cares about the safety of you or your loved ones, right? These people are in need and needy people are always honest and well-behaved. <—- this is exactly how stupid you and others of similar mindset come off when pointing out the Statue of Liberty message guilt trip—throwing common sense out the window bc of some perceived moral the lot of you fake having in the first place.

But, fortunately, your ancestors who came here from another country were not like that at all....
This is one of the key reasons Dimocrats don't want our borders secured:

63% of Non-Citizen Households Access Welfare Programs

63% of Non-Citizen Households Access Welfare Programs

Well, if it says so in the Center for Immigration Studies blog, it MUST be true!

These are households that arte headed by non citizens. US citizens could also reside there.

You do realize that non citizens include people living here legally & may have been for longer tan the 5 year waiting period to receice certain aid.

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