Militia in NV setting up checkpoints and demand ID's

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Or with telling them they're stupid not to develop the far reaches, when the feds decades ago, at the behest of city dwelling environmentalists, made it impossible?

Vacationing statists don't want to look at housing. They want to look at farmland and wetlands...

And if you're unfortunate enough to own wetlands, the feds take it outright.
Liberals were absolutely shocked at the number of people who showed up to toss the feds out on their asses. Liberals never expected that Utah would not let the feds take the stolen cattle across state lines. Shocked that they couldn't even be auctioned off in Nevada.

Liberals see resistance and a growing resistance at that. For every person who showed up at the Bundy ranch, there are THOUSANDS more all across the country. Liberals can try to kill everyone that doesn't agree with them. That's what civil wars are made of. If the demonic obamabots think that they can start bombing American towns, that's what international wars are made of. Nothing would weaken this regime more than an internal shooting conflict. Let's get started.
And you wonder why we carry guns.

Because you are too fucking dumb to make your points with anything else.

Irony. An authoritarian rube, claiming a poster is "too" (yes that is an inappropriate use of the word too) fucking "dumb" to make points with anything but guns (yes, because posts on an internet forum making a point about a situation is the same as using guns).
Plus he's wrong. The guns aren't to make a point. They're to protect life, limb and property from statist pukes who want to steal from and kill us.
A few surgical drone strikes will take care of it, that how we have been taking care of terrorists around the world , and now we should do it to these terrorists at home :eusa_whistle:

Followed by camps for any white person who doesn't swear loyalty to the party and to Barack Obama, right Batshit?

Never again - oh wait...
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The government does not have the authority to just start investigating people who are following the law.

You are talking about what this country was like before the un-patriot act. Everyone in the country is currently being investigated.
Liberals are so damn stupid, they believe this story with absolutely no proof. Not a one of these morons ask themselves, "Where are the pictures, surely the politician claiming to have seen this had a smart phone with a camera?". Nope, big gov says something and they'll follow. During the Bush years these douches claimed right wingers were the authoritarians...they've become the authoritarians the American right wing never was or has been.
That being said, there is no doubt that Bundy is in the wrong.
Huh? It was right to run a man out of business by forcing him to reduce his herd to 150 cows? It's wrong to defend your family from a tyrannical government agency?

If so, your definition of being in the wrong and mine are on two different planets.

Oh nonsense. Run out of business. Look at the real estate values in his area. That land is a waste for being a cattle ranch. It's worth millions for development into residential, a golf course, hotel, ect. Bundy is going to end up losing a fortune because of his foolishness, poor business sense and mismanagement.

huh? I'm gonna guess you live in an area with scarce land availability. Real estate values? In the desert? Huh?
They dont have authority to set up roadblocks. So if they are doing so, they are breaking the law by illegally detaining people. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

If this story is a bunch of hooey like some say, those spreading lies need to seriously rethink their lives. People could die or be imprisoned.

The story is false - there were no roadblocks. Some of the protesters celebrated the retreat of BLM forces in town.

Rep. Steven Horsford lied like the fucking pile of shit (ie democrat) that he is. Horsford is a scumbag. Sheriff Gillespie has confirmed that no road blocks exist, and the only ones the ever existed were set up by federal agents.
They aren't allowed to develop it, or sell it in parcels less than whatever the feds deem okay.
jillian is Jewish, and she was first to scream "send the drones!"

Really, you can be Jewish and a raging progressive who supports the very policies that in WWii led to the decimation of the European Jewish population. I don't know how, but they often manage to pull it off.

You don't really know that. Jillian claims to be a lawyer, and couldn't define a tort to save her life. People can claim anything on the internet - converse with them awhile and the bullshit becomes apparent.

Saul Goodman (C_Clayton_Jones) is a sleazy guy, but does understand legal terms and the general concepts of law. His knowledge supports his claims, so I believe him when he claims to be a lawyer.

Jillian, not so much...
Then maybe we should step up and be Christians. Maybe we should show kindness to the clowns. Maybe we should be civil people even if they disagree and revile us.

I'm not a Christian. Batshit is a Stalinist thug, and should be treated as such. The foundation of every atrocity in history rests on people like guno, those who cheer as people with differing ideas are murdered.

We ask how the holocaust, the purges, the killing fields happen - the answer is guno. All that may be needed for evil to triumph is good men do nothing, but when evil slugs like Batshit actively promote evil, it all gets far worse.
funy thing, if bundy was protesting wall street he would be called a hero for his actions by the same people who now condem him
Then maybe we should step up and be Christians. Maybe we should show kindness to the clowns. Maybe we should be civil people even if they disagree and revile us.

I'm not a Christian. Batshit is a Stalinist thug, and should be treated as such. The foundation of every atrocity in history rests on people like guno, those who cheer as people with differing ideas are murdered.

We ask how the holocaust, the purges, the killing fields happen - the answer is guno. All that may be needed for evil to triumph is good men do nothing, but when evil slugs like Batshit actively promote evil, it all gets far worse.

Avatar feels compelled to attack his fellow Christians whenever they vehemently defend themselves. He seems to think that the only good Christians are martyrs.
As a Jew who lost 4 family member in the Warsaw ghetto upraising to even suggest equivalency with this white subhuman terrorist rightwing trash is disgusting

As a black man & American patriot....I wish you would've went right along with your family so that we wouldn't have to read your garbage. Hitler was a piece of a shit, but so are you...both of you gone would be nice.

Really, you wish death on someone for disagreeing with you.

I put the SOB on "ignore".
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