Militia in NV setting up checkpoints and demand ID's

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Thread summary: Bundy-loons have totally lost their shit, and in in the process have sent many more votes to the Democrats.

Thanks kooks! The moral and rational people of America, the liberals, appreciate your help. Just keep on doing what you're doing. And no, I'm not worried that you'll suddenly understand how crazy you've been acting and tone it down. You're all way too far down the crazy path to turn back now.
As a black man & American patriot....I wish you would've went right along with your family so that we wouldn't have to read your garbage. Hitler was a piece of a shit, but so are you...both of you gone would be nice.

Really, you wish death on someone for disagreeing with you.

I put the SOB on "ignore".

Says the statist who thinks a rancher should be killed for objecting to blm pasture rental fees and grazing restrictions.
See how it goes in Texas when it's not only the militia but the National Guard, state police and rangers.
People have a right to defend themselves from tyrants.

And the Federal government isn’t a ‘tyrant,’ it’s ignorant idiocy to maintain otherwise.

Saul Goodman, I understand that one of the radical terrorists was found with the following words;

{We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security}

I can see where loyal party members such as yourself are outraged that "militia" members would dare utter such un-American sentiments.
No camps needed if they're dead.

Batshit and his ilk seek a way to "process" millions of whites. Camps are the most efficient. Comrade Stalin proved this. Stalin butchered 65 million people - Batshit would like to see that number dwarfed by white Christians in America.
Then maybe we should step up and be Christians. Maybe we should show kindness to the clowns. Maybe we should be civil people even if they disagree and revile us.

I'm not a Christian. Batshit is a Stalinist thug, and should be treated as such. The foundation of every atrocity in history rests on people like guno, those who cheer as people with differing ideas are murdered.

We ask how the holocaust, the purges, the killing fields happen - the answer is guno. All that may be needed for evil to triumph is good men do nothing, but when evil slugs like Batshit actively promote evil, it all gets far worse.

Avatar feels compelled to attack his fellow Christians whenever they vehemently defend themselves. He seems to think that the only good Christians are martyrs.

"we should step up and be Christians. Maybe we should show kindness to the clowns. Maybe we should be civil people even if they disagree and revile us."

Avatar counsels to act like "Christians," to "show kindness", and "be civil . . . even if they disagree and revile us."

Your rhetoric is not balanced, Koshergrl, in my opinion.
The BLM should not have a paramilitary force, to introduce something that bothered me about the federal response, which I thought was justified.

The BLM regulates and manages the federal lands; it is not a law enforcement agency.
Thread summary: Bundy-loons have totally lost their shit, and in in the process have sent many more votes to the Democrats.

Thanks kooks! The moral and rational people of America, the liberals, appreciate your help. Just keep on doing what you're doing. And no, I'm not worried that you'll suddenly understand how crazy you've been acting and tone it down. You're all way too far down the crazy path to turn back now.

In other words, you lied, you got caught, so call names...
funy thing, if bundy was protesting wall street he would be called a hero for his actions by the same people who now condem him
Without a doubt. Lots of posters on both sides would jump across to the opposing condemn/praise camp.
still no proof this story is true. you would think if the story was true, we would be hearing much more about it in the news.

i call BS on the claim they are setting up checkpoints.
The BLM should not have a paramilitary force, to introduce something that bothered me about the federal response, which I thought was justified.

The BLM regulates and manages the federal lands; it is not a law enforcement agency.

You need to send them the memo.

Remember when we objected to DHS and the park service purchasing millions and millions and millions of rounds?

Enough to sustain them in active wartime for YEARS?

You jeered at us for objecting. So we'll put you in the front when they come to your neighborhood.
The feds are using the same strategy as used against the Montana Freemen, another group of welfare cheats. That is, sit back and let them self-destruct. And it will work. The Oath Keepers now say the Bundy Militia is a group of FBI plants.

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » Bundy Ranch Advisory for April 29, 2014
A typical FBI psy-op would plant “leaders” in every militia they could infiltrate. What those sorts of FBI agents or surrogates do is always “handled”. Some of the purported “leaders” of the militia at the ranch are doing exactly what any agent provocateur would do after having infiltrated the militia and claimed a role in leadership.

I think the only thing to worry about is whether the various Bundy-backer groups decide to open fire on each other. Hopefully, there won't be any innocents caught in the crossfire. But will the losers call the feds for help?
No, the feds are using the same strategy as they used against the american Indians.

Make everything they historically have used the land for, illegal. Then level huge fines against them, and seize the land.
The BLM should not have a paramilitary force, to introduce something that bothered me about the federal response, which I thought was justified.

The BLM regulates and manages the federal lands; it is not a law enforcement agency.

You need to send them the memo.

Remember when we objected to DHS and the park service purchasing millions and millions and millions of rounds?

Enough to sustain them in active wartime for YEARS?

You jeered at us for objecting. So we'll put you in the front when they come to your neighborhood.

Does it hurt you to tell the truth? Of course, DHS bought ammunition, and lots of it. Show us where the Park Service bought (1) millions of rounds and (2) abused their authority.

If the far right rises, we will take care of them locally and give what's left when the state and federal police arrive.
I would love for you to try to *take care of them locally*.

That's working out well in Nevada, lol.

The feds are using the same strategy as used against the Montana Freemen, another group of welfare cheats. That is, sit back and let them self-destruct. And it will work. The Oath Keepers now say the Bundy Militia is a group of FBI plants.

Oath Keepers » Blog Archive » Bundy Ranch Advisory for April 29, 2014
A typical FBI psy-op would plant “leaders” in every militia they could infiltrate. What those sorts of FBI agents or surrogates do is always “handled”. Some of the purported “leaders” of the militia at the ranch are doing exactly what any agent provocateur would do after having infiltrated the militia and claimed a role in leadership.

I think the only thing to worry about is whether the various Bundy-backer groups decide to open fire on each other. Hopefully, there won't be any innocents caught in the crossfire. But will the losers call the feds for help?

Which goes to show just how deluded these guys are. Their paranoia knows no limits. They are sure of one thing, and one thing only. They are good and everybody else is bad.
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