Militia in NV setting up checkpoints and demand ID's

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It doesn't make any difference to statist pigs. They know they're lying when they do it. Their objective is not to preserve liberty or's to reduce the population, redistribute wealth, and move despised populations out of the way...and the easiest way to do that, if the populations are to kill them.
This sounds chillingly reminiscent of the way the Great Chinese Famine went down:

"Failure to abide by the policies led to persecution. The social pressure imposed on the citizens in terms of farming and business, which the government controlled, led to state instability. "

"During the Great Leap Forward, farming was organized into communes and the cultivation of private plots forbidden. Iron and steel production was identified as a key requirement for economic advancement. Millions of peasants were ordered away from agricultural work..."

"In the case of these Chinese famines, the urban population (under the dictates of Maoism) had protected legal rights for certain amounts of grain consumption, whereas the rural peasantry were given no such rights and were subject to non-negotiable production quotas, the surplus of which they were to survive on.
As local officials in the countryside competed to over-report the levels of production that their communes had achieved in response to the new economic organisation, local peasants were left with a vastly decreased surplus in order to meet their quotas, and then no surplus at all. When they eventually failed to produce enough crops even to meet the quotas to feed the cities, peasant farmers were unfairly accused of hoarding, profiteering and other counter-revolutionary activities by Chinese Communist Party officials, who cited the massively inflated production estimates of the local party leaders as evidence."

"During that terrible calamity the government faced no pressure from newspapers, which were controlled, and none from opposition parties, which were absent."

Some activists went against the Great Leap Forward movement, but they were seen as the opponents of Mao and were silenced in the purges of the following "Anti-Rightist Movement".

Great Chinese Famine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Locals speak up:

"Mikela Miller, 29, who has lived in Bunkerville for four years, said any complaints about militias are misleading.
“They’re not at schools, not at churches and there are no checkpoints,” she said. “They are some of the nicest people. I felt more threatened when the BLM looked through binoculars and scopes.”

today must be liberal lunatics implode day. their lies and spin are being shreaded at every turn.

but as i just posted in another thread, this is why they target the low infomation voter. this is why they go to great lengs to keep them low information voters. they only want someone who will react with outrage to the spun sensationalist headlines and look no further.
Locals speak up:

"Mikela Miller, 29, who has lived in Bunkerville for four years, said any complaints about militias are misleading.
“They’re not at schools, not at churches and there are no checkpoints,” she said. “They are some of the nicest people. I felt more threatened when the BLM looked through binoculars and scopes.”

today must be liberal lunatics implode day. their lies and spin are being shreaded at every turn.

but as i just posted in another thread, this is why they target the low infomation voter. this is why they go to great lengs to keep them low information voters. they only want someone who will react with outrage to the spun sensationalist headlines and look no further.

Easiest way to keep them pliant? Pay them to do nothing. Punish them if they try to better themselves.
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Locals speak up:

"Mikela Miller, 29, who has lived in Bunkerville for four years, said any complaints about militias are misleading.
“They’re not at schools, not at churches and there are no checkpoints,” she said. “They are some of the nicest people. I felt more threatened when the BLM looked through binoculars and scopes.”

today must be liberal lunatics implode day. their lies and spin are being shreaded at every turn.

but as i just posted in another thread, this is why they target the low infomation voter. this is why they go to great lengs to keep them low information voters. they only want someone who will react with outrage to the spun sensationalist headlines and look no further.

Easiest way to keep them pliant? Pay them to do nothing. Punish them if they try to better themselves.

keep them just angry enough so you can pass of the blame on the republicans. like lets propose a vote to raise minimum wage when we know we don't have the votes to make it pass. then we can blame the republicans. of course you never see a law like that come up for vote when they have the votes to pass it.
So far it hasn't been proven checkpoints were set up.

Sheriff Gillespie already said there are no, and never were any checkpoints.

It was a lie form the start, perpetrated by a member of congress - who should be censured.

I've written my congressman demanding that Horsford be dragged before the House Ethics committee and face censure over this. I urge every thinking person here to do the same. (I make no such request to the democrats here.)
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Sheriff Gillespie confirming the no roadblocks existed would be big news. Where did get that story?

Horsford is a fucking liar - a demagogue scumbag - he made the entire claim up.

{Metro Police Sgt. Jesse Roybal said today the department had received Horsford’s letter, was aware of complaints and allegations and were “investigating each report. As of this time, there are no criminal charges in any of these cases.”

Pressed further, Roybal said police were trying to verify Horsford’s claims but Roybal was not certain to what extent that investigation had gone.

Roybal added the sheriff was "in contact with multiple people in elected office" regarding the matter.

If someone does encounter the claimed checkpoints or people with guns near churches or schools, Roybal also said, "they need to report it to (Metro)."}

Metro investigating concerns over militia activity near Bundy ranch - Las Vegas Sun News
The only reports they have received have been via the letter.

It's bogus.

The Republicans control the ethics committee; Horsford needs to be censured and stripped of all committee positions. This kind of behavior cannot be permitted by members of Congress. If Horsford wants to be a demagogue, resign from Congress and go work for MSDNC.
I suspect this springs from reports he received from either outright imposters who claimed to be living there and weren't, or journalists who were just lying...and it's possible they are one and the same.

Or he made it up out of whole cloth.
Yes, it has gone full circle. These militia guys, most from Montana and Idaho, are stopping drivers in the Bundy ranch area, and demanding to see ID's with proof of residency. They do this, while carrying high powered weapons. They do this to "restore liberty". The other ranchers in the area are writing to authorities that they want them OUT. They have, indeed, become terrorists, in that their tactics are now full scale intimidation of the public. As for me, I have no problem whatsoever with law enforcement agencies doing their duty and doing whatever it takes to enforce the law.

Nevada Militia Sets Up Armed Checkpoints, Demands to See Drivers' I.D.

The feds should maybe use drones as those nuts are looking for human confrontation

It is truly unfortunate that there aren't more scumbags like you around to run off at the mouth like this. Wishing death by drone are we? I want you to walk into the street, shout that shit, and put it on youtube.
If the militia thugs kill even one person, the government is justified in taking whatever action it has to to take these screwballs out. Time to lay down some law on these bastards.

“We must respect individual constitutional liberties, but residents of and visitors to Clark County should not be expected to live under the persistent watch of an armed militia,” Horsford wrote in a letter to Gillespie. “Residents have expressed their desire to see these groups leave their community. I urge you to investigate these reports and to work with local leaders to ensure that their concerns are addressed in a manner that allows the community [to] move forward without incident.”

They aren’t the only residents who feel threatened. According to a report from KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, the militiamen have also threatened people who live in the nearby town of Mesquite, and businesses there claim they have lost over $100,000 because of their presence.

The station reported that a local hotel was forced to evacuate all of its clients one evening following a bomb threat. The hotel also received at least nine threatening calls after it permitted Bureau of Land Management rangers to stay there. The callers demanded the BLM rangers be kicked out or the hotel “would not be standing in the morning.”

One hotel worker told the news crew he had been told by an anonymous militia member that he would be “dragged out in the parking lot and shot”.

News crews were unable to find any armed checkpoints when they went out searching for them. A militia group spokesman named Ryan Payne denied to KVVU-TV that they were conducting such checks.

“We are not to set up checkpoints, we are not to pull over civilians, without, you know, reasonable cause,” Payne said. Of course, militiamen have no legal right to pull anyone over – with or without reasonable cause.

But local residents remain far from assured. “We are not a playground for armed militias,” Horsford said. “This unfortunate incident and the outside groups that have come for their own agenda are putting a black eye on this community.”

“We must respect individual constitutional liberties, but residents of and visitors to Clark County should not be expected to live under the persistent watch of an armed militia,” Horsford wrote in a letter to Gillespie. “Residents have expressed their desire to see these groups leave their community. I urge you to investigate these reports and to work with local leaders to ensure that their concerns are addressed in a manner that allows the community [to] move forward without incident.”

They aren’t the only residents who feel threatened. According to a report from KLAS-TV in Las Vegas, the militiamen have also threatened people who live in the nearby town of Mesquite, and businesses there claim they have lost over $100,000 because of their presence.

The station reported that a local hotel was forced to evacuate all of its clients one evening following a bomb threat. The hotel also received at least nine threatening calls after it permitted Bureau of Land Management rangers to stay there. The callers demanded the BLM rangers be kicked out or the hotel “would not be standing in the morning.”

One hotel worker told the news crew he had been told by an anonymous militia member that he would be “dragged out in the parking lot and shot”.

News crews were unable to find any armed checkpoints when they went out searching for them. A militia group spokesman named Ryan Payne denied to KVVU-TV that they were conducting such checks.

“We are not to set up checkpoints, we are not to pull over civilians, without, you know, reasonable cause,” Payne said. Of course, militiamen have no legal right to pull anyone over – with or without reasonable cause.

But local residents remain far from assured. “We are not a playground for armed militias,” Horsford said. “This unfortunate incident and the outside groups that have come for their own agenda are putting a black eye on this community.”

...and there it is, my friends. The hero's of liberty and freedom have managed to terrorize the town, threatening citizens, business owners, and pretty damned much anyone they feel like bullying. The sooner they saddle up their pickup trucks get their tattooed asses back to Montana and Idaho, the happier everyone will be.
This sounds like some clever propaganda but I'd be god damned if I'd allow a so called "militia" member ask for my ID. Goes against the entire principle of a militia which is why I call bullshit.
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