Miller Lite Boycott Calls Grow Over Beer Commercial: 'Did Nobody Learn'

If you like Bud Light, why would it matter if a trans girl drinks the beer too, Karen?

Snowflakes are as snowflakes do.
And some guys still drink it. Others don't. Obviously, they don't give a flying rat's patoot what a random internet keyboard jockey has to say about them. Imagine that, thinking you're so important that somebody you don't even know is going to care what you think?
Apparently the left is afraid of seeing pictures like this:

Because they are a bunch of cucks and homos
And I care, why?
I know the last thing you want is a fact based conversation but here was my interaction with him on the topic of the drummed up outrage about Bud Light. is possible that they may see you as what you're not....that is true. They may see a self-confident male who doesn't care what someone else thinks about him. But with you...that isn't the case.

If I'm drinking, I don't want to face that kind of drama and be forced to split some homo's wig because he gets the idea that he wants to take my butt hole.
And some guys still drink it. Others don't. Obviously, they don't give a flying rat's patoot what a random internet keyboard jockey has to say about them. Imagine that, thinking you're so important that somebody you don't even know is going to care what you think?

Any man that would give up their favorite beer because someone else likes it too.....has got a flapping, pink, empty sack.
Any man that would give up their favorite beer because someone else likes it too.....has got a flapping, pink, empty sack.
Or gets sufficiently angry at the company's marketing department for insulting them that they decide the beer is not that important. And, of course, they don't give a flying rat's patoot what a random internet keyboard jockey has to say about them.'s bizarre that you think depriving yourself of something you like will hurt someone else.
In this case, it's hurting Budweiser's sales. The beer drinkers don't care about anyone else.
Any man that would give up their favorite beer because someone else likes it too.....has got a flapping, pink, empty sack.
The fatal flaw here is the assumption that Bud Light is anybody’s favorite beer.
Or he gets really ticked off when the company openly and figuratively slaps him in the face. You don't patronize a company that openly alienates you.

So, in your world no longer using women in bikinis is a slap in the face?
Or gets sufficiently angry at the company's marketing department for insulting them that they decide the beer is not that important. And, of course, they don't give a flying rat's patoot what a random internet keyboard jockey has to say about them.

Trying to 'punish' a company because a transgirl drinks beer.....has such a quivering Karen energy, Hadit.

This is just another reason I could never be a conservative: the trigger warnings they need on their beer.
I know the last thing you want is a fact based conversation but here was my interaction with him on the topic of the drummed up outrage about Bud Light.
I don't speak for him, nor he for me. We're not related and we don't coordinate messages. I simply don't care what he thinks and he doesn't care what I think. I comment what I'm thinking and he what he's thinking. Is that clear enough for you or do you feel the need to continue trying to connect us in some way?
Social media? What social media? Somebody named Alek Philips of =Newsweek doesn't really get it. He (she?) thinks Americans have become hyper sensitive about beer commercials and it ain't so..
So, in your world no longer using women in bikinis is a slap in the face?
I don't care what upsets someone else. If they choose to get upset about something, that's their call. Obviously, in this case, enough people got mad enough that they're having an economic impact, and apparently, that's a no-no to a certain segment of the population.
Trying to 'punish' a company because a transgirl drinks beer.....has such a quivering Karen energy, Hadit.

This is just another reason I could never be a conservative: the trigger warnings they need on their beer.
No, punishing a company because they've built up brand awareness celebrating something a large number of people appreciate, then making a total mockery of it is apparently enough to really get some guys mad enough to stop drinking a brand of beer and have a big impact on the company's bottom line. Why does that seem to trigger some of y'all, anyway? It sounds like you don't want people to have that kind of mindset when it comes to the products they enjoy.
No, punishing a company because they've built up brand awareness celebrating something a large number of people appreciate, then making a total mockery of it is apparently enough to really get some guys mad enough to stop drinking a brand of beer and have a big impact on the company's bottom line. Why does that seem to trigger some of y'all, anyway? It sounds like you don't want people to have that kind of mindset when it comes to the products they enjoy.
How about we return to having fun with beer ads, instead of the thinly veiled political preaching?

That's what makes this ad a touch irritating.

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