Milley told China in secret phone call that he would give advance warning if U.S. was ever going to attack

Which president demonstrated more competency? Were Pelosi & Milley conspiring a coup?

  • Trump was more competent than Biden

    Votes: 30 68.2%
  • Biden is more competent than Trump

    Votes: 7 15.9%
  • Biden and Trump are both incompetent AHs.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Nancy Pelosi committed sedition by requesting a military coup and should be arrested

    Votes: 28 63.6%
  • General Mark Milley needs to be fired for calling his Chinese counterpart

    Votes: 32 72.7%

  • Total voters
The conversation where he allegedly told China counterpart that he would give a heads up... took place October 30th and it was at the direction of the SOD, with 15 other govt officials listening to the call.

The phone call after the Jan 6th riot at our capital, on January 8th was to reassure China counterpart, that everything was fine with us....democracy is just a little sloppy some times.

You don't need some newly put in phony and unqualified SOD, (WHO WAS not given the constitutional consent of the Senate to be an SOD) Trump crony playing SOD the last month of Trump's presidency permission to make that second call.....that's Milley's damn job.
I just think Biden needs a thorough house cleaning. Trump put everyone in morally compromising situations. And it's not like anyone's gonna miss a paycheck.

Shinseki is the closest thing to a hero that I see. I never could have made it in the military where they salute the office and carry out legal orders.
Yes he would need approval. We do not allow our generals to conduct their own private diplomacy. You folks are out of your depth on this.
bs. I happens. But generally, a general falls on his sword, professionally, when he airs the fact that the potus is a naked idiot.
Milley's boss said he never authorized the January calls.

Nor did Milley's boss specifically forbid such a call, or order him not to make such a call.

Milley, with his responsibility, unquestionably has communications lines with many many military and diplomatic leaders in a multitude of countries. I, for one, do not doubt that he has spoken with many of them over a multitude of issues.

As one poster has already offered, other American officials were in on this call. Milley was not being a lone-ranger. He did it to quell the reported anxieties of a man --a peer --- that he had spoken to before.
He did it to lessen the risk of anyone in either government doing something stupid and increasing the risk of a widespread conflagration. A very very worthwhile motivation.

Seems to me to be a pretty reasonable responsible thing to do.

Importantly, if Don Trump WAS contemplating nuking Peking....and Milley had been informed of such by the POTUS or the Sec of Defense, then.......THEN.......such a call would have been very very sketchy.

Additionally, if the POTUS or the Sec of Defense had informed or ordered Milley to NOT speak with his Chinese counterpart , then,......THEN......such a call would have been very very sketchy.

But that is not what happened here.
Yes he would need approval. We do not allow our generals to conduct their own private diplomacy. You folks are out of your depth on this.

Milley’s spokesman said the actions being criticized by Republican lawmakers and Trump were neither illegal nor unusual.

“The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs regularly communicates with Chiefs of Defense across the world, including with China and Russia,” Butler said, explaining Milley’s actions as reported in the book. “These conversations remain vital to improving mutual understanding of U.S. national security interests, reducing tensions, providing clarity and avoiding unintended consequences or conflict.”
yeah, imo the only unusual aspect of all this bs was the suspicions of many, inside and outside the govt and even the US, that Trump was unstable at the time.

Paul Vann was another hero who tried to save Americans being uselessly sacraficed.
If nothing was wrong it will be well documented. The fact not one shred of evidence to exonerate Milley has come forth, all you have is speculation and opinions. Investigate the matter, bring forth evidence, that should satisfy everyone, right?
Nor did Milley's boss specifically forbid such a call, or order him not to make such a call.

Milley, with his responsibility, unquestionably has communications lines with many many military and diplomatic leaders in a multitude of countries. I, for one, do not doubt that he has spoken with many of them over a multitude of issues.

As one poster has already offered, other American officials were in on this call. Milley was not being a lone-ranger. He did it to quell the reported anxieties of a man --a peer --- that he had spoken to before.
He did it to lessen the risk of anyone in either government doing something stupid and increasing the risk of a widespread conflagration. A very very worthwhile motivation.

Seems to me to be a pretty reasonable responsible thing to do.

Importantly, if Don Trump WAS contemplating nuking Peking....and Milley had been informed of such by the POTUS or the Sec of Defense, then.......THEN.......such a call would have been very very sketchy.

Additionally, if the POTUS or the Sec of Defense had informed or ordered Milley to NOT speak with his Chinese counterpart , then,......THEN......such a call would have been very very sketchy.

But that is not what happened here.
Apparently, Pelosi was in on the heads up that Trump might be irrational. A somewhat similar situation arose in Nixon's final days.
"These conversations remain vital to improving mutual understanding of U.S. national security interests, reducing tensions, providing clarity and avoiding unintended consequences or conflict.”

Indeed, thanx for posting that, poster BB.

Some here seemingly think that informal back-channel person-to-person communications between country's military and diplomatic corps is not allowed. But having an open communication channel ....back-channel, personal, even informal .... can be, and is, a practical and helpful assist when there are great risks at stake. It doesn't replace the formalized nation-to-nation communicating, but this is an assist, after all, people deal with people.

The caterwauling over "treason" is simply partisan histrionics. A preference by them to talk about Milley being a bad soldier, and not talk about a POTUS whose behavior and apparent instability was viewed with alarm by many in government....including his own hand-picked people.
If nothing was wrong it will be well documented. The fact not one shred of evidence to exonerate Milley has come forth, all you have is speculation and opinions. Investigate the matter, bring forth evidence, that should satisfy everyone, right?
its really simple...
If nothing was wrong it will be well documented. The fact not one shred of evidence to exonerate Milley has come forth, all you have is speculation and opinions. Investigate the matter, bring forth evidence, that should satisfy everyone, right?

There were many others listening on the call and I bet they have a transcript of it too.

While we're at it, lets find out how many other country were called and what was said to them?
If nothing was wrong it will be well documented. The fact not one shred of evidence to exonerate Milley has come forth, all you have is speculation and opinions. Investigate the matter, bring forth evidence, that should satisfy everyone, right?
'the FACTS exonerate him. He didn't do anything wrong. He did not share any secret. His actions were know to others in the DoD. He was authorized by his position to talk to foreign counterparts.

As chillicote put it better than I, IF Trump did order an illegal attack, then telling the Chinese "may" have been wrong ... but at least since Iran-Contra we haven't had rogue presidents (that we know of). BUT Miley would have had a duty to notify the US civil govt of any illegality, and probably he had a legal duty to try and stop it within the military. But that didn't occur.
If nothing was wrong it will be well documented. The fact not one shred of evidence to exonerate Milley has come forth, all you have is speculation and opinions. Investigate the matter, bring forth evidence, that should satisfy everyone, right?
oh please, look who's leading the Miley bitching Ted "my Dad killed JFK" Cruz and Little Marco. Milley doesn't need "exonoration." These chickenhawk wanna be presidents, but never gonna make it, and "we shudda stayed in Afghan" mediawhores are the ringleaders.
There were many others listening on the call and I bet they have a transcript of it too.

While we're at it, lets find out how many other country were called and what was said to them?
I'm all for a full investigation. Settle this with evidence, one way or the other.
To the communist cucks who claim this is NOT treason.

Change the POTUS from Trump to Obama…..NOW it is treason and you can all choke on a fat dick until you turn blue in the face and die.
Senate hearings with Miley etc. is on October 1st
Thanks. That is only a hearing though, they won't be reading transcripts or viewing authorization requests and scheduled calendar items.

He still needs to resign, he is now hindering the administration with this. Odd Biden didn't dump him by now, given the importance he puts on optics over substance.
To the communist cucks who claim this is NOT treason.

Change the POTUS from Trump to Obama…..NOW it is treason and you can all choke on a fat dick until you turn blue in the face and die.

I didn't realize you had an oral fixation.
Hey, you communist cuck faggots…your HERO Che Guevera was a dick squeezing coward who was captured while hiding in Bolivia like a little pussy…..crying and begging for his life.

The conversation where he allegedly told China counterpart that he would give a heads up... took place October 30th and it was at the direction of the SOD, with 15 other govt officials listening to the call.

The phone call after the Jan 6th riot at our capital, on January 8th was to reassure China counterpart, that everything was fine with us....democracy is just a little sloppy some times.

You don't need some newly put in phony and unqualified SOD, (WHO WAS not given the constitutional consent of the Senate to be an SOD) Trump crony playing SOD the last month of Trump's presidency permission to make that second call.....that's Milley's damn job.
You better learn the chain of command and the US gov't pecking order. Milley was sold-out, and he made up a story to cover his "unauthorized" call. It is what it is. In fact, Milley can disobey PTOUS' stupid order if he wants to; no reason to call General Li and played fav.

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