Milley told China in secret phone call that he would give advance warning if U.S. was ever going to attack

Which president demonstrated more competency? Were Pelosi & Milley conspiring a coup?

  • Trump was more competent than Biden

    Votes: 30 68.2%
  • Biden is more competent than Trump

    Votes: 7 15.9%
  • Biden and Trump are both incompetent AHs.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Nancy Pelosi committed sedition by requesting a military coup and should be arrested

    Votes: 28 63.6%
  • General Mark Milley needs to be fired for calling his Chinese counterpart

    Votes: 32 72.7%

  • Total voters
All the Left knows is that everyone that disagrees with them is insane or stupid and should be ignored.

But this undermining a sitting President goes on elsewhere by censoring them in the press. They did it to Trump and now they are doing it to Biden by cutting his mic.
I stand by my comment. I have disliked presidents in the past, but trump is the first one I have thought to be actually mentally unstable. IHe could bet the farm in a fit of rage. I wouldn't trust him to drive my car. I can't imagine why you love trump so much.
That's your problem. Once you see "Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump ......" you lose all your senses. It has nothing to do with Trump. Milley had no right to call General Li and said what he said. First of all, Milley could disobey POTUS if POTUS gave out stupid order. There was no need for Milley to call General Li. In fact, will he obey POTUS's order and call China as well?

Open your eyes, Milley is sold-out.
Haven't you been paying attention. These are the claims made in Bob Woodward's book. If these claims are not true, Milley has a huge lawsuit against Woodward and Costa.
Yeah, but what Woodward said, and what you Deplorable Loons are saying, are two different things. It's like comparing the Dallas Cowboys with the Troy City Titans. The only thing they have in common is they are football teams. That's it.
LOL. Read the Constitution, you have no clue as to the elements to indict for treason.


Trump is a narcissist. When he doesn't get his way he will do anything. The general was correct, Trump lacks empathy, a character flaw which he has shown over and over with childish vindictiveness.

As to President Biden, he has empathy. He stutters, that is not a symptom of anyone's mental acuity. The fact that so many trump supporters echo each other on social media, claiming this malady is an example a a mental decline, is hateful, ignorant and wrong.

Biden can be trusted, Trump cannot be trusted, ask anyone of his appointees who he tossed under the bus.

You’re still doing the stuttering thingy?
Most of this shit seems to be written by Hollywood writers.
So most from them and plenty from others...

There are accusation here that Trump clearly broke the law again... DOJ should step in and have an investigation to check these claims.. Maybe they already are, they don't have to tell us..
Milley offered to give a hostile country, China, secret information as to our military maneuvers. Milley told military commanders to disregard all orders given by anyone but himself. In effect assigning the role of commander in chief. He is not even within the chain of command and has no business giving orders.

But he didn't give them it... He said he would... That be assure the President of USA who was in the middl of breaking laws to try stay in power wouldn't resort to a 'wag the dog' type of desperation...

I tell you what we will do... Biden gives Milley a pardon... That way he can't plead the 5th when testifying..

Milley might have broke the laws (still to be proven) but he didn't do something that was wrong... Trump was loosing it, breaking the law, listening to crackpots and spreading lies... The law wasn't designed that well to handle that when the GOP were full of cowardice..
Millie wasn't spying for China. He was spying for ISIS. Remember, Pres. Trump had to do a secret mission to kill Soleimani. That he didn't tell anyone, especially Pelosi about that mission. And after , Pelosi and her goonies were passing rules that Pres. Trump cannot do any secret missions unless it is approved by them.

But like I have said. After this coup that they have done on Pres. Trump. That China doesn't trust them anymore. That this Shadow government wants Xi Jinping removed and replaced him with another. It is because China and Russia can destroy this Shadow government. But the Shadow government will need the help of the American people to fight for them. It is because they don't have that many members to take over their countries. And they cannot manipulate the minds of their people because Xi Jinping will have anyone that comes into their country trying to manipulate their people's minds he will have them killed without a trial. That is why they are labeled as dictators. But which they think that it is a badge of honor.

But if Pres. Trump would have done the same, he would still be President. But the shadow government was screaming that he was a dictator so that he would not carry out any secret mission to have them assassinated.

So every time they pull a stunt on Pres. Trump. They will scream that he is a dictator so that he will not secretly assassinate them for treason. .

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But he didn't give them it... He said he would... That be assure the President of USA who was in the middl of breaking laws to try stay in power wouldn't resort to a 'wag the dog' type of desperation...

I tell you what we will do... Biden gives Milley a pardon... That way he can't plead the 5th when testifying..

Milley might have broke the laws (still to be proven) but he didn't do something that was wrong... Trump was loosing it, breaking the law, listening to crackpots and spreading lies... The law wasn't designed that well to handle that when the GOP were full of cowardice..
Nahhhh, he didn't break the law... He had the phone call under direction of Trump's secretary of Defense, Mark Esper, and 15 other govt officials were listening in on the phone call.... It wasn't secret, it was part of his job, and I seriously doubt it went down the way it is being sensationalized and portrayed....that call was October 30.
I have the feeling the USA should slowly awake and arrest Trump and his loyals. How for heavens sake was only one US-American able l to give with the own vote this weird man control over the nukes of the USA?
Nahhhh, he didn't break the law... He had the phone call under direction of Trump's secretary of Defense, Mark Esper, and 15 other govt officials were listening in on the phone call.... It wasn't secret, it was part of his job, and I seriously doubt it went down the way it is being sensationalized and portrayed....that call was October 30.

The problem is very simple: Donald Trump caused in a sophisticated way of manipulations his loyals to attack the USA. This forced other people who are first of all loyal to the USA to control the orders from Donald Trump. Some of his personal loyalists seem not to understand that Donald Trump is no god. Still exist on this planet enough nukes for 1000 overkills of the whole planet - including the USA. And "Yes": the USA is really not an own planet - completely independent what someone believes and completely independent how someone thinks.
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We need to be careful here.

After the growing popularity of fake news by the media it wouldn’t surprise me if Bob Woodward decided to add some fiction to his new book to help sales. Hopefully we will find out the truth of the matter one way or the other in short order.

If true both General Miley, Nancy Pelosi and possibly a bunch of other people should face charges.

Unfortunately that will never happen. High level democrats and their friends are totally above the rule of law. Since they were trying to undermine Trump the liberal media will portray them as heroes not traitors. Liberal commentators will claim Trump went batshit crazy after he lost the election. Of course that is totally false but half the nation has Trump Derangement Syndrome and will buy the lie like cotton candy at the county fair.

If Trump runs in 2024 the liberal media will be asking people not to put Trump back in office where he might start a nuclear war with China. Oddly Trump is the most antiwar President in decades. Slow Joe Biden is far more likely to start a nuclear war because he is in the early stages of dementia and dementia can cause anger and aggression issues in some cases.

Watching liberal idiots twist themselves into a pretzel trying to defend Milley is both hilarious, and sad. You clowns would be absolutely livid if this were done to Obama, or Biden. Our govt. is broken and no longer works for the people. If a general can do this without repercussions we are nothing more than a banana republic, third world shit hole. But of course, that's what liberals are striving for so finally got there!!!!
Most of this shit seems to be written by Hollywood writers.
Contact between leaders, whether it is military or diplomatic, is normal and desirable to keep the peace,
whether it comes from Hollywood or Timbuktu, especially when the relationship is adversarial as it is with China. He did his job to keep the peace, because China could easily have misinterpreted tump's
behavior as out of control. Tump was and still is out of control.
Apparently you are completely ignorant of how our government works, how its organized, or the functions of the Cabinet. Good bye, you are a waste of my time.
Our government has worked in this fashion forever, champ. You think that this is the first time that our leaders have communicated with our adversaries? Communication is crucial and proper because talking keeps the peace, especially when there is an out of control loser.
Apparently you are completely ignorant of how our government works, how its organized, or the functions of the Cabinet. Good bye, you are a waste of my time.
You did not read the article that I enclosed, or maybe you don't read to keep in step with tump.

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