Milley told China in secret phone call that he would give advance warning if U.S. was ever going to attack

Which president demonstrated more competency? Were Pelosi & Milley conspiring a coup?

  • Trump was more competent than Biden

    Votes: 30 68.2%
  • Biden is more competent than Trump

    Votes: 7 15.9%
  • Biden and Trump are both incompetent AHs.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Nancy Pelosi committed sedition by requesting a military coup and should be arrested

    Votes: 28 63.6%
  • General Mark Milley needs to be fired for calling his Chinese counterpart

    Votes: 32 72.7%

  • Total voters
Did he do that?
That's what Woodward's book is saying...that he told the Chinese that he would do it.

Obviously there wasn't one to ever warn them about...however the issue is that he would, and said he would. Is that a crime? I don't know...but certianly shows that he has a willingness to undermine the chain of command, and what sounds like a willingness to commit a coup...and should resign from office, as that makes him unfit.
Add to that the fact that Milley left Blackhawk helicopters and some of our most sophisticated drones in Afghanistan to be handed over to China and you really have to wonder who he's working for.
These exact same people got away with arming ISIS in the Obama basically they've established a future precedence.
I just can't get over the fact that these very same people who are arming our enemies in the Middle-East want to disarm everyone in America.
So what if he said, grab 'em by the pussy? Do you have any proof that he grabbed anyone by the pussy? Who cares what he tweeted? So what if he tried buttering up the NK leader to stop him from making nukes? Why are words so important to you? I'm saying that Trump never did any of the things the left said he did or was going to do that really matter.
Oh, that's okay then.....:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Ignoring the chain of command and making unauthorized calls is not patriotic, it's idiotic and disgraceful to himself, the uniform, and the country.
Wrong, especially in this instance, as we have right wing fruitcakes in our congress who need tump's support to get elected and would spread the idea throughout the planet, since they are as illogical and as un-American as they can be. The military is the last resort, because they represent we the people and have legitimate concerns about heir tump. It is great for our country that tump can't do whatever the hell he pleases, like asking a government body to declare the election a fraud and leave the rest to him. Is this NOT disgraceful to you? The General needed to calm down our adversaries in the face of this threat and he did the right thing.

Trump asked top Justice Department officials to declare 2020​ › politics › donald-trump › t...

Jul 30, 2021 — Trump pressed top Justice Department officials in a late December phone call to declare the election he lost “corrupt,” and “leave the rest” ...

Read it and weep, because this is your president in full flight.
Wrong, especially in this instance, as we have right wing fruitcakes in our congress who need tump's support to get elected and would spread the idea throughout the planet, since they are as illogical and as un-American as they can be. The military is the last resort, because they represent we the people and have legitimate concerns about heir tump. It is great for our country that tump can't do whatever the hell he pleases, like asking a government body to declare the election a fraud and leave the rest to him. Is this NOT disgraceful to you? The General needed to calm down our adversaries in the face of this threat and he did the right thing.

Trump asked top Justice Department officials to declare 2020 › politics › donald-trump › t...
Jul 30, 2021 — Trump pressed top Justice Department officials in a late December phone call to declare the election he lost “corrupt,” and “leave the rest” ...

Read it and weep, because this is your president in full flight.
Apparently you are completely ignorant of how our government works, how its organized, or the functions of the Cabinet. Good bye, you are a waste of my time.
Wrong, especially in this instance, as we have right wing fruitcakes in our congress who need tump's support to get elected and would spread the idea throughout the planet, since they are as illogical and as un-American as they can be. The military is the last resort, because they represent we the people and have legitimate concerns about heir tump. It is great for our country that tump can't do whatever the hell he pleases, like asking a government body to declare the election a fraud and leave the rest to him. Is this NOT disgraceful to you? The General needed to calm down our adversaries in the face of this threat and he did the right thing.

Trump asked top Justice Department officials to declare 2020 › politics › donald-trump › t...
Jul 30, 2021 — Trump pressed top Justice Department officials in a late December phone call to declare the election he lost “corrupt,” and “leave the rest” ...

Read it and weep, because this is your president in full flight.
Most of this shit seems to be written by Hollywood writers.
Ignoring the chain of command and making unauthorized calls is not patriotic, it's idiotic and disgraceful to himself, the uniform, and the country.
It’s clear that Milley was a delusional man run amok. He had convinced himself he was standing against a coming revolution when all he was really doing was violating the constitutional order to feed his own ego. Further, it’s fairly obvious that his talks with Nancy Pelosi were to ingratiate himself so he could keep his job in the next administration. There’s a reason Milley is pushing critical race theory in the military. He’s a political actor concerned with staying in power, not with actually helping keep the military in a condition where it can perform its legal role.

the bottom line is that Milley seriously eroded our nuclear credibility.

Foreign powers will draw the obvious conclusion that there are rogue elements at the highest level that would subvert any American decision to counter a threat or action with our nuclear arsenal.

Thus though we possess a nuclear arsenal ....our ability to ever use them no matter what threat we face is highly suspect.

Meanwhile back at the ranch who now has control of the Nuclear Football?

Democrats have made it obvious they do not trust biden with that huge respnsibility.

Less we forget the N. Korean Threat

Missile experts estimate its range at 8,100 miles, and say a North Korean ICBM could hit the U.S. mainland less than 30 minutes after launch. In January, Mr. Kim outlined a goal of extending the flight range to about 9,300 miles.

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That's what Woodward's book is saying...that he told the Chinese that he would do it.

Obviously there wasn't one to ever warn them about...however the issue is that he would, and said he would. Is that a crime? I don't know...but certianly shows that he has a willingness to undermine the chain of command, and what sounds like a willingness to commit a coup...and should resign from office, as that makes him unfit.

So he never did anything but talk to his counterpart to quell fears over what Trump might do. There is no chain of command to undermine for an illegal order. An illegal order probably wouldn't be carried out. I don't think the Chinese understand that concept though, so it might have taken some convincing. But I'll wait for the transcripts or more information.
So he never did anything but talk to his counterpart to quell fears over what Trump might do. There is no chain of command to undermine for an illegal order. An illegal order probably wouldn't be carried out. I don't think the Chinese understand that concept though, so it might have taken some convincing. But I'll wait for the transcripts or more information.
what fear ? what order?
Milley should be court martial education and tried for treason. What he did is textbook treason.

Is he the only one though?
Apparently you are completely ignorant of how our government works, how its organized, or the functions of the Cabinet. Good bye, you are a waste of my time.
Translation: I just got my arse kicked. I will now leave before I make even MORE of a fool of myself.

To which Grump says: "That ship sailed a long time ago my Loony friend."
Milley should be court martial education and tried for treason. What he did is textbook treason.

Is he the only one though?
The definition of treason under the US Constitution was posted on here. You can't have read it. If you had, you wouldn't be saying the above drivel.
Don't understand why users in here can still defend Milley. He had no ground to call China and did what he did, Trump or not Trump, it has nothing to do with Trump. Milley just wanted some payback from the CCP.
Come on! trump was and is mentally ill and incompetent to function as president. Somebody had to act.
So you are OK with a general making that call and acting on his own to undermine a sitting President?

This is what you are dealing with here with Milley who says that climate change is a bigger military threat than China.

You would agree with this, would you not? You have no choice here since you are a Left wing loon.

So you support military personelle undermining any sitting President based upon the premise that they judge them to be incompetent, this coming from a man who just oversaw the debacle in Afghanistan?
Translation: I just got my arse kicked. I will now leave before I make even MORE of a fool of myself.

To which Grump says: "That ship sailed a long time ago my Loony friend."
What are you? The champion of the ignorant and stupid? Get over yourself.

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