Milley told China in secret phone call that he would give advance warning if U.S. was ever going to attack

Which president demonstrated more competency? Were Pelosi & Milley conspiring a coup?

  • Trump was more competent than Biden

    Votes: 30 68.2%
  • Biden is more competent than Trump

    Votes: 7 15.9%
  • Biden and Trump are both incompetent AHs.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Nancy Pelosi committed sedition by requesting a military coup and should be arrested

    Votes: 28 63.6%
  • General Mark Milley needs to be fired for calling his Chinese counterpart

    Votes: 32 72.7%

  • Total voters

Let's pray for these Pentagon officers. They are in dangerous waters.

So they were there at the meeting discussing Trumpybear's possible insanity and "what if" scenarios, yet said nothing until the book comes out?

Kewl, make um testily. Woodward will love the free advertisement.
The first call to China was on October 30th, before the election.
Leftist dolts do not realize 1 fact - Trump never ordered any military action against china in his 1st term.

In fact, I believe Milley wanted some payback $ from china.
So they were there at the meeting discussing Trumpybear's possible insanity and "what if" scenarios, yet said nothing until the book comes out?

Kewl, make um testily. Woodward will love the free advertisement.

milley will testify as soon as he gets asked. what i want is dan quale up there. i bet he would love to spell it all out how it went down on that call with pence.
You only speak for yourself....of course you are entitled to your opinion.....though you need to understand opinions are like assholes --eveyone has one.

In a nutshell you are a partisan hack who watches too much msm which gave you a bad case of TDS

There is help for that but you must learn to think for yourself to get over it.
It is not only my opinion, but also the opinion of most American voters. Tump was indeed irrational and out of sync after his loss, and actually before his loss as well. The fear was that he might do something to stay in office, and our security had to be protected after watching his actions since the election.
Partisan or not, his post election rhetoric was not rational and has put our democracy at risk.
Of course, we all know where you mindless tumpeciles stand on the matter, as in "fuck" our country, yes?
That dog don't hunt. If the USA wants to discuss things with China, we have an entire State Department for that. This is treason and no amount of TDS gymnastics can change that. That you folks condone it for political purposes is no surprise, yet not any less despicable.
The military is our last resort in preventing an out of control President from acting out his fantasies.
Thank god for our patriotic General, who did his job.
Time for the Bi-Dung Administration to be transparent!
Let America see the transcript of Milley's phone call with the Chinese!!

Afterall, our last Administration was truly transparent to Americans by releasing Trump's phone call to the Ukrainian President.

Come on Dimm's, put up or continue to shut up. El Presidente made a campaign promise to be the most TRANSPARENT ADMINISTRATION IN HISTORY!!
So they were there at the meeting discussing Trumpybear's possible insanity and "what if" scenarios, yet said nothing until the book comes out?

Kewl, make um testily. Woodward will love the free advertisement.
I'm shocked, shocked that the US military would tell for govts the US will not illegally attack them. SHOCKED what is the world coming to. Sen Little Marco is right on for defending the insane man who said his father killed JFK Maga
The military is our last resort in preventing an out of control President from acting out his fantasies.
Thank god for our patriotic General, who did his job.
Ignoring the chain of command and making unauthorized calls is not patriotic, it's idiotic and disgraceful to himself, the uniform, and the country.
..most of you [and you ] don't know shit about the military.....there are a lot of generals that are not smart--in fact they are Fact, it was a general that wanted to start a TOTAL, [ comma here, be careful ] unnecessary war with China, and the POTUS had to relieve the PSYCHO General = MacArthur....he wanted to use nukes
..don't try to argue wars/etc with me--you will lose and look very silly
1) Who's arguing wars?
2) I'd put my knowledge up against yours any day of the week.
The predictable result of having a profoundly damaged, sociopathic, malignant narcissist in the White House.

It's comforting to know that top people saw what was happening and prepared for the worst.

Phew. Good news.
When exactly was Mark Milley elected be the American people to be to be the Commander in Chief?
Ignoring the chain of command and making unauthorized calls is not patriotic, it's idiotic and disgraceful to himself, the uniform, and the country.

“His calls with the Chinese and others in October and January were in keeping with these duties and responsibilities conveying reassurance in order to maintain strategic stability,” said the spokesman, Col. Dave Butler.

All of Milley’s calls were coordinated with the rest of the Department of Defense and other relevant agencies, Butler added.

Milley did not tell Trump about the calls.

Woodward and Costa describe how Milley learned in October 2020 that the Chinese had become concerned that Trump would preemptively attack China because Trump was losing the 2020 election and his rhetoric against China was growing increasingly hostile."

Hahahaha. Who else did they call?
No he didn't. That's what the left said for four years. Trump didn't do any of the things the left accused him of.
So, that wasn't him saying you can grab women by the pussy? That wasn't him making those tweets? That wasn't him talking about how him and Kim are friends?
Thank Christ for that. It was a body double that was in the White House and not the real Donald Trump. Phew...I knew somebody couldn't really be that dumb and pig ignorant. Will the real Donald Trump please stand up!
Textbook treason.
Giving aide to the enemy.
Add to that the fact that Milley left Blackhawk helicopters and some of our most sophisticated drones in Afghanistan to be handed over to China and you really have to wonder who he's working for.

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