Milley told China in secret phone call that he would give advance warning if U.S. was ever going to attack

Which president demonstrated more competency? Were Pelosi & Milley conspiring a coup?

  • Trump was more competent than Biden

    Votes: 30 68.2%
  • Biden is more competent than Trump

    Votes: 7 15.9%
  • Biden and Trump are both incompetent AHs.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Nancy Pelosi committed sedition by requesting a military coup and should be arrested

    Votes: 28 63.6%
  • General Mark Milley needs to be fired for calling his Chinese counterpart

    Votes: 32 72.7%

  • Total voters
If this is true, he needs to resign....and further investigations need to take place.
So, that wasn't him saying you can grab women by the pussy? That wasn't him making those tweets? That wasn't him talking about how him and Kim are friends?
Thank Christ for that. It was a body double that was in the White House and not the real Donald Trump. Phew...I knew somebody couldn't really be that dumb and pig ignorant. Will the real Donald Trump please stand up!
So what if he said, grab 'em by the pussy? Do you have any proof that he grabbed anyone by the pussy? Who cares what he tweeted? So what if he tried buttering up the NK leader to stop him from making nukes? Why are words so important to you? I'm saying that Trump never did any of the things the left said he did or was going to do that really matter.
“His calls with the Chinese and others in October and January were in keeping with these duties and responsibilities conveying reassurance in order to maintain strategic stability,” said the spokesman, Col. Dave Butler.

All of Milley’s calls were coordinated with the rest of the Department of Defense and other relevant agencies, Butler added.

Milley did not tell Trump about the calls.

Woodward and Costa describe how Milley learned in October 2020 that the Chinese had become concerned that Trump would preemptively attack China because Trump was losing the 2020 election and his rhetoric against China was growing increasingly hostile."

Hahahaha. Who else did they call?
We are talking about calls in January that your 'proof' conveniently misses, which weren't authorized. Do keep up.
It was not treason. Milley acted to protect the United States. Everybody knew that trump was crazy. History will show that Milley is one of our greatest heroes. what would you do if you knew that the president was nuts. I always worried that trump had his hands on the nuclear launch codes. Milley had a tremendous amount of responsibility on his shoulders and he aced it.

I for one would never want to see Chinese missiles hitting the U.S.
Wow, this is great. We deserve an Alzheimer’s ridden, racist, molesty, Biden as a nation. America gets what she deserves good and hard.
Bi-Dung rubber-stamped Milley today...:death:.

Our Banana Republic falters along....:banana:.
Quite sad for our Republic, but expected.

Frankly, the entire episode, if true, just highlights how crazy and nuts Nancy P, Milly etc were and are.

When was there any threat of Trump bombing or attacking China to begin with?? The man ended conflicts while in office, not brought new ones...just silly to begin with
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Thank you General Miley... He understood the risks but in the interest of the country he did what was best...

Showed more guts than the GOP Party in that one phone call...

The problem with the Trumpsters is that many people who worked in the White House during the Trump administration questioned his leadership or said he was unfit to lead... How could they be all wrong, they wee hand picked by Trump himself...

At best(for Trumpsters), This would mean Trump was an awful judge of character and couldn't see the people he surrounded him with... This would mean he would be highly misinformed and advised... This would be Trump's fault, he picked them...

It is that or these people are right, the Trump WH was a shit show... This is far more likely when you consider some of these men have fought for this country...
Quite sad for our Republic, but expected.

Frankly, the entire episode, if true, just highlights how crazy and nuts Nancy P, Milly etc were and are.

When was there any threat of Trump bombing or attacking China to begin with?? The man ended conflicts while in office, not brought new ones...just silly to begin with

I know. It's F'in insane like the unhinged Dimm's, the media, and Big Tech!
Doesn't line up with documented reality at all!!
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Thank you General Miley... He understood the risks but in the interest of the country he did what was best...

Showed more guts than the GOP Party in that one phone call...

The problem with the Trumpsters is that many people who worked in the White House during the Trump administration questioned his leadership or said he was unfit to lead... How could they be all wrong, they wee hand picked by Trump himself...

At best(for Trumpsters), This would mean Trump was an awful judge of character and couldn't see the people he surrounded him with... This would mean he would be highly misinformed and advised... This would be Trump's fault, he picked them...

It is that or these people are right, the Trump WH was a shit show... This is far more likely when you consider some of these men have fought for this country...
what threat was there to warn the Chinese? of what threat? When was Trump ever talking about bombing China?
We are talking about calls in January that your 'proof' conveniently misses, which weren't authorized. Do keep up.
Who says they weren't authorized? That Milley talks to his Chinese counterpart is a given at this point. Let's have all the transcripts. My question now is who else did they talk to and what else did they say!
Who says they weren't authorized? That Milley talks to his Chinese counterpart is a given at this point. Let's have all the transcripts. My question now is who else did they talk to and what else did they say!
His boss said they weren't. Do keep up.
Who says they weren't authorized? That Milley talks to his Chinese counterpart is a given at this point. Let's have all the transcripts. My question now is who else did they talk to and what else did they say!
He's authorized to give warnings to the Chinese about potential attacks? Who would give him such authorization? I can only think of someone in his position that would have to come directly from the President.

Did Trump authorize him to warn the Chinese of potential attacks? Doubtful, since there was none.
I know. It's F'in insane like the unhinged Dimm's, the media, and Big Tech!
Doesn't line up with documented reality at all!!

Yeah Double Dealin Donnie never said anything bad about Ch-EYE-Nah last year did he?

Who says they weren't authorized? That Milley talks to his Chinese counterpart is a given at this point. Let's have all the transcripts. My question now is who else did they talk to and what else did they say!

I'm with you!
Let the transcripts be made public.
They could do it in a blink of an eye if they wanted to.

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