Milley told China in secret phone call that he would give advance warning if U.S. was ever going to attack

Which president demonstrated more competency? Were Pelosi & Milley conspiring a coup?

  • Trump was more competent than Biden

    Votes: 30 68.2%
  • Biden is more competent than Trump

    Votes: 7 15.9%
  • Biden and Trump are both incompetent AHs.

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Nancy Pelosi committed sedition by requesting a military coup and should be arrested

    Votes: 28 63.6%
  • General Mark Milley needs to be fired for calling his Chinese counterpart

    Votes: 32 72.7%

  • Total voters
Don't understand why users in here can still defend Milley. He had no ground to call China and did what he did, Trump or not Trump, it has nothing to do with Trump. Milley just wanted some payback from the CCP.
A General is not to make his own decisions like this, let alone communicate with an adversary of the US on his own.

More than ever I think the US has been taken over by a coup with Milley and Pelosi leading the way.
Although I view the actions of both Pelosi and Milley as treasonous, especially since they viewed Trump a bigger threat than China and would do anything to undermine him at any cost, the sad fact is that the DNC owns every aspect of the US Federal government.

So who will hold them to account? The DNC run media, the DNC run DOJ, the DNC run CIA?

All of this will probably be censored on social media as the major news outlets ignore it.

The GOP, if they do anything, will just hold hearings and complain.

That will be the extent of it.

Milley is showing that what matters most is loyalty to the DNC, and not a sitting elected President and not the country. The US no longer has civilian control of the military. It is owned by the DNC
The definition of treason under the US Constitution was posted on here. You can't have read it. If you had, you wouldn't be saying the above drivel.
Milley offered to give a hostile country, China, secret information as to our military maneuvers. Milley told military commanders to disregard all orders given by anyone but himself. In effect assigning the role of commander in chief. He is not even within the chain of command and has no business giving orders.
A General is not to make his own decisions like this, let alone communicate with an adversary of the US on his own.

More than ever I think the US has been taken over by a coup with Milley and Pelosi leading the way.
Thanks Ivan. Or is it Ming? Or Soon-Yi? Just what third-rate dictatorship are you posting from?
Milley offered to give a hostile country, China, secret information as to our military maneuvers. Milley told military commanders to disregard all orders given by anyone but himself. In effect assigning the role of commander in chief. He is not even within the chain of command and has no business giving orders.
Oh, boy, a credible link to this please. This outta be good.....fuck me...just how much bullshit do you gullible rubes swallow every day? It's like a pandemic...
So you are OK with a general making that call and acting on his own to undermine a sitting President?

This is what you are dealing with here with Milley who says that climate change is a bigger military threat than China.

You would agree with this, would you not? You have no choice here since you are a Left wing loon.

So you support military personelle undermining any sitting President based upon the premise that they judge them to be incompetent, this coming from a man who just oversaw the debacle in Afghanistan?
Milley has said that China is a partner. The greatest danger is from white people.
Oh, boy, a credible link to this please. This outta be good.....fuck me...just how much bullshit do you gullible rubes swallow every day? It's like a pandemic...
Haven't you been paying attention. These are the claims made in Bob Woodward's book. If these claims are not true, Milley has a huge lawsuit against Woodward and Costa.
So you are OK with a general making that call and acting on his own to undermine a sitting President?

This is what you are dealing with here with Milley who says that climate change is a bigger military threat than China.

You would agree with this, would you not? You have no choice here since you are a Left wing loon.

So you support military personelle undermining any sitting President based upon the premise that they judge them to be incompetent, this coming from a man who just oversaw the debacle in Afghanistan?

I'm OK with the nation's top general "acting on his own to undermine a sitting President" who is showing signs of being mentally unhinged and the danger of a nuclear war is present. You're damn straight I am! Anyone's ideas about climate change are entirely irrelevant to this issue, regardless of whether or not you call me ridiculous names.

Apparently, many people agree with me that there has been something wrong with trump all along, and it is absurd to assert that one man with noticiably deteriorating faculties is entitled to instigate a worldwide conflagration.

Read Art. III again. What Milley did was heroic.
I'm OK with the nation's top general "acting on his own to undermine a sitting President" who is showing signs of being mentally unhinged and the danger of a nuclear war is present. You're damn straight I am! Anyone's ideas about climate change are entirely irrelevant to this issue, regardless of whether or not you call me ridiculous names.

Apparently, many people agree with me that there has been something wrong with trump all along, and it is absurd to assert that one man with noticiably deteriorating faculties is entitled to instigate a worldwide conflagration.
Milley should have resigned after the Afghanistan debacle, but this takes the cake.

Now you want me to believe Milley should have the judgement to determine if his commander in chief is mentally stable when he proves he is an incompetent general that has no judgement based on how he handled the Afghanistan debacle?

Should he have a psychology degree now or did he just stay at a Holiday Inn Express?

The only mentally incompetent person is Biden who shows us this 24/7.
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Something similar happened at the end of the Nixon administration. The president was unhinged enough to maybe start WW3 out of spite. It's comforting to know that the military will not blindly follow an order to implement a nuclear first strike.
Trump didn't order a nuclear strike-----the General was off his rocker and telling the chinese that he would help them in a war against us. We are lucky that the Chnese didn't nuke us.
If Trump wins the next election, don't be surprised if the tanks roll into Washington to stop it.
Why do you think Trump had the right to launch a nuclear strike because he feels like it?
Trump didn't order an attack. Had China decided to attack us, thanks to Milley we would have no way to counter attack...........putting all of our lives in danger.
trump had the where-with-all to start WWIII, and he is mentally incompetent. Somebody had to take his toys away. Note that this was done after his minions attacked the United States Government.
Your insults Trump are BASELESS BULLSHIT made up in the drug riddle mind of the libs and believe by their fellow druggies.
Speaking as a TDS suffering progressive free of rational thought and behavior, this general stud is a global hero, he was simply protecting us from the Orange Man.

Let's not assume the left-politic TDS melting snowstorm has buttfucked our military in addition to our justice & intelligence departments. Brennan is a global hero too, same with Cuomo. It only appears they blow communistic cocks and blow sperm at the American public.
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Trump didn't order a nuclear strike-----the General was off his rocker and telling the chinese that he would help them in a war against us. We are lucky that the Chnese didn't nuke us.
The general is off his rocker. For one thing, he never thought for a moment that Trump was in danger of ordering a nuclear strike. If he was, he would have gone to the cabinet and vice president. This is something he and Nancy Pelosi cooked up. This is so outrageous that it must be hidden from the military chain of command. As Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Milley is an advisor to the president. He is not in the chain of command.
Milley should have resigned after the Afghanistan debacle, but this takes the cake.

Now you want me to believe Milley should have the judgement to determine if his commander in chief is mentally stable when he proves he is an incompetent general in how he handled the Afghanistan debacle?

Should he have a psychology degree now or did he just stay at a Holiday Inn Express?

The only mentally incompetent person is Biden who shows us this 24/7.

I stand by my comment. I have disliked presidents in the past, but trump is the first one I have thought to be actually mentally unstable. IHe could bet the farm in a fit of rage. I wouldn't trust him to drive my car. I can't imagine why you love trump so much.
The general is off his rocker. For one thing, he never thought for a moment that Trump was in danger of ordering a nuclear strike. If he was, he would have gone to the cabinet and vice president. This is something he and Nancy Pelosi cooked up. This is so outrageous that it must be hidden from the military chain of command. As Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Milley is an advisor to the president. He is not in the chain of command.
The entire DNC was going round telling everyone that would listen that the commander in chief was insane in order to win an election

They had no real concerns how this might put the nation at risk abroad in terms of how those hearing it would react.

If generals from China called and said President Xi might attack the US, for example, it would be much more likely a war would result.
Mark Milley called a Chinese General and offered to communicate secret information regarding military maneuvers of this country. That is treason. It would have been an ideal time for China to make a move on Taiwan or even a preemptive strike against this country secure that they had a highly placed mole.

Or, China assumed Milley was off his rocker.

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