Million dead so as Daddy's Little Lord Fauntleroy can play Dear World Leader!!

I have a monthly deduction taken out of my bank for "Save The Children" and I regularly donate to other charities like "Medicins San Frontieres."

Care to see receipts?

And what do you PERSONALLY do?

well i don't complain about others ... i do like to make fun of them....

any way, i give about 100,000 a year....

i fund two scholarships at two different universities....

i fund youth orchestras for inner cit kids and youth sports teams for inner city kids and i do probono work building low income hosing....

so now that we are done measuring our dicks.....

why does george bush concern you so much....he is leaving shortly....

i would imagine once hillary is in office....there will be peace in the warming will be solved and there will be jobs and health care for all.....
well i don't complain about others ... i do like to make fun of them....

any way, i give about 100,000 a year....

i fund two scholarships at two different universities....

i fund youth orchestras for inner cit kids and youth sports teams for inner city kids and i do probono work building low income hosing....

so now that we are done measuring our dicks.....

why does george bush concern you so much....he is leaving shortly....

i would imagine once hillary is in office....there will be peace in the warming will be solved and there will be jobs and health care for all.....

That backfired in a big way, didn't it, Kai Manu (look up a Tongan dictionary) :rofl:

You've had me pegged as a boozy skid row bum, instead of a very successful company director who (legally) made enough money - in 5 years - to comfortably retire on almost ten years ago (when I was 55), haven't you?

And I can prove that too!

And no, it won't get any better under the Democrats. In fact I think their history of interferring in other folks affairs is worse than the Republicans.

As I keep saying, America's national narcissism problem is systemic and will never change until it looks closely at its Christo-capitalist institutions.
That backfired in a big way, didn't you, Kai Manu (look up a Tongan dictionary) :rofl:

You've had me pegged as a boozy skid row bum, instead of a very successful company director who (legally) made enough money - in 5 years - to comfortably retire on almost ten years (when I was 55), haven't you?

And I can prove that too!

And no, it won't get any better under the Democrats. In fact I think their history of interferring in other folks affairs is worse than the Republicans.

As I keep saying, America's national narcissism problem is systemic and will never change until it looks closely at its Christo-capitalist institutions.

seems you are the more pompous....but i think we knew that going in.....

anyway, i like what i do for a living....feel no need to rape my fellow citizens and cut and run.....i enjoy teaching the next generation and helping those that i can.....
seems you are the more pompous....but i think we knew that going in.....

anyway, i like what i do for a living....feel no need to rape my fellow citizens and cut and run.....i enjoy teaching the next generation and helping those that i can.....

Pompous? Not at all!

In fact my innate ability to
"Talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with kings--nor lose the common touch.." (Kipling, "If")
is probably my forte.

In fact our federal government thought so much of this seventh grade dropout’s liaison, not to mention my technical ability; they regularly seconded me from my Civil Aviation Authority employer to represent Australia by supervising overseas aid projects for our Foreign Affairs Department.

And that's only the half of it!

However I can appreciate your intrinsic Calvinist streak that believes God divides men into sinful “losers” and “decent” folk by their appearances.

What a shame that a sanctimonious \!/ like you doesn’t judge Chugalug Georgie in the same way as you do me. :badgrin:
Pompous? Not at all!

In fact my innate ability to is probably my forte.

In fact our federal government thought so much of this seventh grade dropout’s liaison, not to mention my technical ability; they regularly seconded me from my Civil Aviation Authority employer to represent Australia by supervising overseas aid projects for our Foreign Affairs Department.

And that's only the half of it!

However I can appreciate your intrinsic Calvinist streak that believes God divides men into sinful “losers” and “decent” folk by their appearances.

What a shame that a sanctimonious \!/ like you doesn’t judge Chugalug Georgie in the same way as you do me. :badgrin:

god does not divde men .... men divde themselves....

others see you as you are .... you see yourself as you would like to be .....

.... deemed brilliant by english criminals .....
god does not divde men .... men divde themselves....

others see you as you are .... you see yourself as you would like to be .....

.... deemed brilliant by english criminals .....

You've just dropped your pompous Proddie handcuffs again. Imbo! :clap2:

Or was that a Freudian slip?

when don't you.....

i have never been told that i am witty or brilliant.....nor do i believe that i a young age i learned not to dwell on such things....

so tell me of you brilliant ozzie leadership and the war on islam?
when don't you.....

i have never been told that i am witty or brilliant.....nor do i believe that i a young age i learned not to dwell on such things....

so tell me of you brilliant ozzie leadership and the war on islam?

Go away, you God bothering Goose! You're starting to rave!
Clearly there ain't much of it in you, you class climbing Christian \!/. You can 't even spell it correctly! :rofl:

well look at this .... you have stooped to proof reading in an attempt to gain the high moral ground .... and yet your hole gets deeper .....
Pompous? Not at all!

In fact my innate ability to is probably my forte.

In fact our federal government thought so much of this seventh grade dropout’s liaison, not to mention my technical ability; they regularly seconded me from my Civil Aviation Authority employer to represent Australia by supervising overseas aid projects for our Foreign Affairs Department.
So Captain Kangaroo comes out of the closet and admits he was a stooge on the Foreign Affairs committee for his precious government....


(drunkard...:razz: )

Put it this way.

At one stage my clearance was high enough to enter and leave American territory without a visa or clearing customs.

Now go ask the Sergeant Bilkos here if they ever had that kinda clearance.
I guess a little poking and prodding gets you to revel in your prior service with the government, eh Captain?

So Herr Rafferty loathes his Reichwing government but likes to take occasional strolls down memory lane and remind people that he was a high ranking Nazi. :rofl:
(drunkard...:razz: )

I guess a little poking and prodding gets you to revel in your prior service with the government, eh Captain?

So Herr Rafferty loathes his Reichwing government but likes to take occasional strolls down memory lane and remind people that he was a high ranking Nazi. :rofl:

Never expound on things you haven't PERSONALLY experienced.
Never expound on things you haven't PERSONALLY experienced.

BTW, in A.A I was nicknamed "Danny the Drunk" because of my refusal to apply the softer sounding medical label "alcoholic" to myself.

So you can call me a "drunkard" to you hearts content, it don't hurt one bit.

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