Million Dollar Yacht Launched – Oops!


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

Wonder if the boat yard is going to get more business in the future? And, why is the Coast Guard investigating this? More @ Capsized yacht pulled upright; sinking cause unknown - All Access
Sounds like whoever did the launch lost control of it, possibly bad strapping, causing it to roll. My question, why would they have so many onboard during the launch?
Sounds like dumb all around.

Coast Guard is probably handling the environmental aspect of it.
I know what my 42-foot SeaRay cost and this 85-footer's well beyond a million bucks IMO, especially if it's a custom made toy. Be interesting to find out what went wrong as it's obviously not the first time the builder launched a new one.

And good luck to the guy in charge of launching. Christmas bonus likely to be a bit thin this year.

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