‘Million Women March’ To Storm D.C. For Trump Inauguration

I think it a mischaracterization to say people came to the Women's March for the Trump inauguration. They cane to protest against Trump, his ascendancy to the presidency, and the ideology he's promoted. It's more accurate to say they came because of his inauguration, not for it.
Despite all these protests, Trump is in the White House.
Just shows you how deeply this country is, and just how bad the Dims blew it by choosing Hillary as their nominee.

They will never look at it that way. The best part about being a Democrat is never having to say you were wrong.
Really? Because Republicans never took blame for Iraq or the recessionn. That was "both sides fault". And NAFTA. You guys invented NAFTA. Own it

How could we possibly blame Democrats for that when a Dem President signed it into law.
Why is she mad she had to pay taxes on it?
A million is a hell of a lot. Tell them to bring their own feedbags. It's winter and the grazing will be sparse on the DC Mall.
And tents. They were already told they were not allowed to illegally reside at the college dorms like they were planning to do.
Wake me up when 'women' decide to march for -- Whatever the fuck it is they're marching for in Mecca

Or Teheran.

Somewhere it matters.

But, like ALL dimocrap scum cowards, they march where they're under the protection of hundreds of Cops and their safety is guaranteed.

I think they all want Trump to grab them by the pussy.

Or anybody.

"We are a special kind of diversity. We don't want people in our group that disagree with our principles....." An organizer of the women's march on why they booted a Pro Life Feminist Group

Anybody........ :dunno:
Wake me up when 'women' decide to march for -- Whatever the fuck it is they're marching for in Mecca

Or Teheran.

Somewhere it matters.

But, like ALL dimocrap scum cowards, they march where they're under the protection of hundreds of Cops and their safety is guaranteed.

I think they all want Trump to grab them by the pussy.

Or anybody.

"We are a special kind of diversity. We don't want people in our group that disagree with our principles....." An organizer of the women's march on why they booted a Pro Life Feminist Group

Anybody........ :dunno:

By nature, Democrats are very childish people. Their demonstrations prove that to be fact.

We had a fair election, and they don't like the results which means they don't want to live in a country with fair elections. That's why these protesters should move to Cuba or North Korea where there are no fair elections. It's your way all the time no matter what and there is no opposition.

“We cannot allow ourselves to give up, put our heads down and not hold this administration accountable for any violation of human rights or women’s rights.”

NEW YORK - Women anxious that a Donald Trump presidency in the United States could set back or destroy many of their rights are planning a massive march in Washington one day after he is sworn in, organizers said on Friday.

On Facebook, where the “Million Women March” is being organized, some 35,000 people said they would attend within the first 24 hours after it was announced, said Bob Bland, an organizer based in New York.

The march comes in response to Trump’s attitudes toward women that emerged during his campaign against Democrat Hillary Clinton, Bland told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

The Republican Trump insulted female reporters, a female political rival and other women over their looks, and a video surfaced in which he could be heard bragging about groping women and making unwanted sexual advances.

The video prompted several women to say publicly that Trump had groped them.

Trump denied their allegations and dismissed his words as “locker room talk.”

During the campaign Trump also said abortion should be largely banned, that the U.S. Supreme Court ruling Roe v Wade legalizing abortion should be overturned and that he would appoint an anti-abortion justice to the nation’s highest court.

He said women who had abortions should be punished, but later retracted this, saying that doctors who perform abortions should be punished.

Bland said plans for the march kicked off on Thursday, two days after Trump won the U.S. presidential election in a widely unexpected victory.

“A lot of women got up the second day with the same idea” for a march on Washington, and they coordinated on social media, she said.

“We need to be working together in a coherent, supportive way over the next four years, to activate more women into leadership positions, to be more politically active,” Bland said. “We cannot allow ourselves to give up, put our heads down and not hold this administration accountable for any violation of human rights or women’s rights.”

The march is being organized state by state, said Fontaine Pearson, 54, a coordinator in Memphis, Tennessee.

“We have a huge groundswell of women,” she said. “This is growing faster than anyone expected.”

The march is planned for Jan. 21, 2017, the day after Trump is to be sworn into office, at Washington, D.C.’s Lincoln Memorial.

The Lincoln Memorial was the site of the famed civil rights march in 1963, when Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech.

‘Million Women March’ To Storm D.C. For Trump Inauguration

Well, at least that's something to look forward to.
I wish all these people who are all upset, protesting, marching, and rioting now would have bothered to show up at the polls and voted when it actually meant something. Especially in the handful of states where Trump narrowly won. All this after the fact bullshit is impotent rage. It will change nothing. Trump is the president whether or not he represents your interests. He will be the one making appointments and passing laws. This would all be time better spent contacting their local senators and representatives to implore them to do what they can to stop what they can and try to mitigate the damage on things they can't stop. If their congressmen can't or won't do this, vote them out and install people that will in the next election.

Since these women can walk and chew gum at the same time - I'm sure they are also contacting their senators and representatives.
Wake me up when 'women' decide to march for -- Whatever the fuck it is they're marching for in Mecca

Or Teheran.

Somewhere it matters.

But, like ALL dimocrap scum cowards, they march where they're under the protection of hundreds of Cops and their safety is guaranteed.

I think they all want Trump to grab them by the pussy.

Or anybody.

"We are a special kind of diversity. We don't want people in our group that disagree with our principles....." An organizer of the women's march on why they booted a Pro Life Feminist Group

Anybody........ :dunno:
Apparently real abuses against women are a waste of time to protest. Or so I was told.

Tampon tax is easier to defend.
Wow, just look at the crowd. Hundreds of thousands just in D.C. alone! Millions across the nation!

Hundreds Of Thousands Of Protesters Welcome Donald Trump To Washington

And what did they accomplish again? Nothing. Hard to believe we have that many losers in our society.

It's their right.

And once again, the left fails to comprehend the difference between "I have a right to" and "It's a good idea to".
Remember, pro-life women are not in attendance. I guess they are not women? How inclusive.

Remind me to pencil in some time later to not give a shit what a bunch of leftist viragos think about my womanhood. Somewhere around the 12th of Bite Me should be good.
These rallies are the biggest since people protested the Viet Nam War, and that is WHY it ended. People were fed up, just like they are now. This immoral, crass trailer-trash piece of garbage will be impeached if he isn't shot through his orange head, first.

Ahahaha, the guy's first day on the job was yesterday and you are fed up already? :laugh: Best lib meltdown thread ever.

We were fed up long before Adolf Trump was ever sworn in.

Yes, we know. Losing and having your irrelevancy revealed to the world must be incredibly frustrating. I would sympathize, but I'm too busy laughing my ass off. You understand how it is.
These rallies are the biggest since people protested the Viet Nam War, and that is WHY it ended. People were fed up, just like they are now. This immoral, crass trailer-trash piece of garbage will be impeached if he isn't shot through his orange head, first.

Ahahaha, the guy's first day on the job was yesterday and you are fed up already? :laugh: Best lib meltdown thread ever.

We were fed up long before Adolf Trump was ever sworn in.

You will get over it.

Or not, in which case the rest of us will get to continue enjoying their delicious, salty tears and the wailing and gnashing of their teeth.

So, you know, whichever.

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