Millionaire author John Grisham says not all men who watch child porn pedophiles

Crime writer John Grisham has said America is unjustly jailing too many citizens for viewing child pornography. In an interview with The Telegraph, Grisham, who earned $17 million last year and tied for 6th place in Forbes' ranking of top-earning authors, attacked the widespread incarceration of those who watch child porn.

Millionaire Author John Grisham Says Not All Men Who Watch Child Porn Are Pedophiles

TRUMP HATERS LMFAO this one is for you jackasses since you are all about LOVE and all.
and yet you all don't even see it coming your kids are gonna be sex toys , and leftist dumbasses are to stupid to see it coming gawd you fkrs are stupid as hell........................ Tranny's on the way to allow it ..

How many good authors can not print their books due to their 'wrong' political affiliation. Guys like Grisham kiss asses of globalists and receive popularity and huge orders for their books.

Yeppers and that's just how it rolls. If you are on the Democratic ass kisser side you can publish whatever and if not well that shit better go into " fiction" lol. .
Crime writer John Grisham has said America is unjustly jailing too many citizens for viewing child pornography. In an interview with The Telegraph, Grisham, who earned $17 million last year and tied for 6th place in Forbes' ranking of top-earning authors, attacked the widespread incarceration of those who watch child porn.

Millionaire Author John Grisham Says Not All Men Who Watch Child Porn Are Pedophiles

TRUMP HATERS LMFAO this one is for you jackasses since you are all about LOVE and all.
and yet you all don't even see it coming your kids are gonna be sex toys , and leftist dumbasses are to stupid to see it coming gawd you fkrs are stupid as hell........................ Tranny's on the way to allow it ..
Doesnt Law Enforcement have people who monitor and thus watch child porn?

Suppose a vigilante watched child porn to get clues about how to free child sex slaves?

What about people who watch a 16 year old engaging in sexual acts but thought that they were 18?

I think Grisham is right in that not all people do it as a substitute for having sex with kids. Some never intend to do it at all.
Crime writer John Grisham has said America is unjustly jailing too many citizens for viewing child pornography. In an interview with The Telegraph, Grisham, who earned $17 million last year and tied for 6th place in Forbes' ranking of top-earning authors, attacked the widespread incarceration of those who watch child porn.

Millionaire Author John Grisham Says Not All Men Who Watch Child Porn Are Pedophiles

TRUMP HATERS LMFAO this one is for you jackasses since you are all about LOVE and all.
and yet you all don't even see it coming your kids are gonna be sex toys , and leftist dumbasses are to stupid to see it coming gawd you fkrs are stupid as hell........................ Tranny's on the way to allow it ..
Doesnt Law Enforcement have people who monitor and thus watch child porn?

Suppose a vigilante watched child porn to get clues about how to free child sex slaves?

What about people who watch a 16 year old engaging in sexual acts but thought that they were 18?

I think Grisham is right in that not all people do it as a substitute for having sex with kids. Some never intend to do it at all.

All this bs is being engineered to break down society legal or not, pervert or not etc. ..
Those who watch it to arrest someone is not what the OP was referring to. Apples and oranges.
All this bs is being engineered to break down society legal or not, pervert or not etc. ..

I agree, but that does not mean that Grisham is wrong to make the observation that he made.
Agreed. Just as it is not wrong to bring up women who claim sexual harassment 40+ years ago but kept quiet yet now want the guy to pay for his groping now that those women are old and shriveled, no more awards or demands to star in movies, etc. Right?
Those who watch it to arrest someone is not what the OP was referring to. Apples and oranges.

There are people who have purchased porn movies that had under aged girls in the porn, but the girl misrepresented herself as of legal age.

People were put into prison for owning those videos, their property confiscated, put on a perv watch list and their lives ruined.

Were they apples oranges or bananas?
Those who watch it to arrest someone is not what the OP was referring to. Apples and oranges.

There are people who have purchased porn movies that had under aged girls in the porn, but the girl misrepresented herself as of legal age.

People were put into prison for owning those videos, their property confiscated, put on a perv watch list and their lives ruined.

Were they apples oranges or bananas?
Good. They are fucking warped in the head with needing to see YOUNG girls or worse...CHILDREN that look like children, just to get off. Let them rot in there.
Babies. Still in cribs. With FOR SALE signs on them. Now, use your imagination of what those helpless BABIES suffer when a perv gets hold of them. Go on. Imagine it. Try not to get hard while doing so.
Those who watch it to arrest someone is not what the OP was referring to. Apples and oranges.

There are people who have purchased porn movies that had under aged girls in the porn, but the girl misrepresented herself as of legal age.

People were put into prison for owning those videos, their property confiscated, put on a perv watch list and their lives ruined.

Were they apples oranges or bananas?
Good. They are fucking warped in the head with needing to see YOUNG girls or worse...CHILDREN that look like children, just to get off. Let them rot in there.

Babies. Still in cribs. With FOR SALE signs on them. Now, use your imagination of what those helpless BABIES suffer when a perv gets hold of them. Go on. Imagine it. Try not to get hard while doing so.

Lol, Gracie, you could not have looked at that girl and known she was 16 instead of 18.

And anyone making or distributing porn with preteens in it should have the book thrown at them.

But that is not everyone ever busted for child porn and you are kidding yourself if you think it is or think that the draconian BS we have in the legal code regarding this stuff wont ever affect you or someone you love.
Agreed. Just as it is not wrong to bring up women who claim sexual harassment 40+ years ago but kept quiet yet now want the guy to pay for his groping now that those women are old and shriveled, no more awards or demands to star in movies, etc. Right?

I am not sure what you just stated.
Agreed. Just as it is not wrong to bring up women who claim sexual harassment 40+ years ago but kept quiet yet now want the guy to pay for his groping now that those women are old and shriveled, no more awards or demands to star in movies, etc. Right?

I am not sure what you just stated.
Hell, don't feel lonely. Most of the time I confuse myself. :lol:
All this bs is being engineered to break down society legal or not, pervert or not etc. ..

I agree, but that does not mean that Grisham is wrong to make the observation that he made.

I think it has gray areas , and I don't think it nec. makes him an in the closet perv. either. But I agree with what you mentioned in your other post.

My take is kind of like this :Often they use really young women/girls and make them look older than they really are and it can be easily flubbed into men thinking it's a real young adult of course........When really it's a kid.

I think some of the dangers in porn are people think of it just like pot once you dabble in pot you can start trying out other things it leads to other stuff. So someone jerking off to a kid it could lead to them wanting the real thing same as those little kid robots where that one Country allowing them to use child like robots will keep real kids safe I dunno about that one....................................those to could lead to someone wanting the real thing.

Anyway that might be why some are in an up roar about Grisham saying what he did.
Babies. Still in cribs. With FOR SALE signs on them. Now, use your imagination of what those helpless BABIES suffer when a perv gets hold of them. Go on. Imagine it. Try not to get hard while doing so.

LMFAO omg that was enough to make me fall out of my chair " try not to get a hard on" .................. Bahahahahahahaha
All this bs is being engineered to break down society legal or not, pervert or not etc. ..

I agree, but that does not mean that Grisham is wrong to make the observation that he made.

I think it has gray areas , and I don't think it nec. makes him an in the closet perv. either. But I agree with what you mentioned in your other post.

My take is kind of like this :Often they use really young women/girls and make them look older than they really are and it can be easily flubbed into men thinking it's a real young adult of course........When really it's a kid.

I think some of the dangers in porn are people think of it just like pot once you dabble in pot you can start trying out other things it leads to other stuff. So someone jerking off to a kid it could lead to them wanting the real thing same as those little kid robots where that one Country allowing them to use child like robots will keep real kids safe I dunno about that one....................................those to could lead to someone wanting the real thing.

Anyway that might be why some are in an up roar about Grisham saying what he did.

Yeah, some men just have a preference for thin, tight skin youngish looking women, just like some men have a preference for Reubenesque women or red heads or Asians or whatever. I wont even go into the kinky shit.

But the laws on child porn are just over the top. For example, if you are looking at a porn site and get a redirect trojan into your browser, it can take you to other sites you never consciously decided to go to. Among all those thumbnail pics can you swear that none of them are younger than 18? If you did get one on your PC you are in violation of child porn laws and could get the full Monty if the law found out and someone had an axe to grind with you.

We have given the state way too much power in this matter, IMO.
Babies. Still in cribs. With FOR SALE signs on them. Now, use your imagination of what those helpless BABIES suffer when a perv gets hold of them. Go on. Imagine it. Try not to get hard while doing so.
LMFAO omg that was enough to make me fall out of my chair " try not to get a hard on" .................. Bahahahahahahaha
OMG, Falling out of a chair porn probably exists too.
All this bs is being engineered to break down society legal or not, pervert or not etc. ..

I agree, but that does not mean that Grisham is wrong to make the observation that he made.

I think it has gray areas , and I don't think it nec. makes him an in the closet perv. either. But I agree with what you mentioned in your other post.

My take is kind of like this :Often they use really young women/girls and make them look older than they really are and it can be easily flubbed into men thinking it's a real young adult of course........When really it's a kid.

I think some of the dangers in porn are people think of it just like pot once you dabble in pot you can start trying out other things it leads to other stuff. So someone jerking off to a kid it could lead to them wanting the real thing same as those little kid robots where that one Country allowing them to use child like robots will keep real kids safe I dunno about that one....................................those to could lead to someone wanting the real thing.

Anyway that might be why some are in an up roar about Grisham saying what he did.

Yeah, some men just have a preference for thin, tight skin youngish looking women, just like some men have a preference for Reubenesque women or red heads or Asians or whatever. I wont even go into the kinky shit.

But the laws on child porn are just over the top. For example, if you are looking at a porn site and get a redirect trojan into your browser, it can take you to other sites you never consciously decided to go to. Among all those thumbnail pics can you swear that none of them are younger than 18? If you did get one on your PC you are in violation of child porn laws and could get the full Monty if the law found out and someone had an axe to grind with you.

We have given the state way too much power in this matter, IMO.

Oh yeah I have heard of that, those porn sites are really bad for that virus crap and I have heard where men have been accused of that and had t used against them.

And I know you probably won't believe this one LOL, but a few years ago the CIA purposely put out some child porn shit planting it on peoples' computers.


ALERT!!!: New virus that may be planting child porn to set up people as pedophiles
And I know you probably won't believe this one LOL, but a few years ago the CIA purposely put out some child porn shit planting it on peoples' computers.

View attachment 160454

ALERT!!!: New virus that may be planting child porn to set up people as pedophiles

You give the CIA too much credit.

They couldnt pull off something like that if their lives depended on it.

They are not nearly as competent as most seem to think they are.

At least they are on our side so it is good when they do manage to get it right.
I really don't know what to think about this. My knowledge about it is kinda slim.

I mean I'm sure not EVERYONE who does ANYTHING is anything in particular in common.

If you think about it, not everyone who watches rape videos is a rapist, not everyone who gets on liveleak loves violence, etc etc. So I would venture to guess, technically, he's probably right. Some people view it just for its taboo nature, not because they are hugely turned on by it.

Kinda like I enjoy watching videos of muslims being killed by American soldiers. But does that mean I want to go kill any myself? Hell no. No raghead is worth my freedom.
Like watching Marcellus getting raped in pulp fiction. Imagine if watching that put you on a sex offenders list.

Now I don't want to protect pedophiles in any way. I don't want to make watching child porn legal. But if conservatives had their way watching pulp fiction would be illegal

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