Millions could lose access to food stamps under Trump proposal, study finds

Tainted Tommy would do well to worry about the shithole of a country in which he actually lives, and stop trying to dictate to another country that is founded on principles that he is wholly incapable of understanding, how we should run our country. If we wanted degenerate British filth telling us how to run our country, we would not have kicked them out nearly two and a half centuries ago.
Millions of working people will lose their employer insurance under medicare for all fucking over the middle class seems typical politics for liberals.

Why does it matter where you get your coverage from? I will also note, people are losing their employer coverage on a regular basis now with nothing to fall back on.
Call the IRS with a question and get back to us with what it’s like dealing with a government employee who doesn’t give a crap about you nor your question because they know you can’t go anywhere else.

I get the same crap when I call my insurance company now. I called the other day with a question. I knew right off it was wrong. Called a couple days later and got the right answer.

It takes a PHD to understand insurance coverage no matter the source. While that is true, it does not have to be that way.
Millions of working people will lose their employer insurance under medicare for all fucking over the middle class seems typical politics for liberals.

Why does it matter where you get your coverage from? I will also note, people are losing their employer coverage on a regular basis now with nothing to fall back on.
Because not all coverage is the same I have options with my employer insurance you would have none with medicare for all I have zero interest in seeing the sequal to if you like your current plan and doctor you will be able to keep them period.
Millions of working people will lose their employer insurance under medicare for all fucking over the middle class seems typical politics for liberals.

Why does it matter where you get your coverage from? I will also note, people are losing their employer coverage on a regular basis now with nothing to fall back on.
Because not all coverage is the same I have options with my employer insurance you would have none with medicare for all I have zero interest in seeing the sequal to if you like your current plan and doctor you will be able to keep them period.

People really like Medicare. As I've said many times, if you disagree, try and get rid of it.

Obama is a piss poor example of what could be.
How about Capitalism?
We have capitalism already. You just don't like that there are poor and rich people. You don't seem to consider roles could be reversed in a generation or two.

Being poor or rich is not a permanent condition.
Define living wage. Give us a number.
A wage you can support yourself and your family on
A wage that will pay for housing, food, power, healthcare without government assistance
Give me a number.
Where do you live?

So you limit a living wage on where you live? Seems to me if you choose to living in a rural area you should get as much as a person that lives in a big city. Letting government set a living wage can be arbitrary at best. That would leave the most vulnerable to political games.
It is their employers problem

If you do business in a low cost area, you can pay a low cost wage
If you do business in an expensive area, you pay a wage where your employees can survive without taxpayer assistance

So then we are back to what is a living wage and still nothing.
Give me a number.
Where do you live?

So you limit a living wage on where you live? Seems to me if you choose to living in a rural area you should get as much as a person that lives in a big city. Letting government set a living wage can be arbitrary at best. That would leave the most vulnerable to political games.
It is their employers problem

If you do business in a low cost area, you can pay a low cost wage
If you do business in an expensive area, you pay a wage where your employees can survive without taxpayer assistance

So then what is a “living wage”? If states and the feds set the wage and employers pay the wage, how can you blame the employers? Seems the government is the failure in this.
What is the real Living Wage? | Living Wage Foundation
The living wage is generally a bit higher than the minimum wage. In the UK it usually equates to what the government (us) pay to top up the wages of people who work for minimum wage employers..

Governments have yet to understand that this amounts to a subsidy for abusive employers. If they made the living wage the actual minimum wage they would save billions in govt spending.

So living wage is much like fair share in the tax world. You can’t define it, you can’t put a number to it, you can only speculate and be arbitrary.

So how much should a living wage be?
And useful fodder for the Democrats. You have to give a damn about the people more than taking a swipe at a party. Trump will leave at some point.

This is where the fight needs to be.
Looking for Fraud in All the Wrong Places

and here: Newark Shop Owner Sentenced in $750K Food Stamp Fraud Scheme

Six of nine defendants denied bond in Oglesby racketeering case | Hartwell Sun, Hartwell, Georgia

Ex-Findlay Market vendors guilty in $3 million food stamp fraud case

More names released in connection with Beaumont food stamp fraud

Strasburg mayor turns himself in on fraud charges

If you take your normal everyday conservatives/liberals that are active in the community in regular everyday life in regular everyday cities and towns they are going to know who the hell is disabled, mentally ill, limited etc. They aren't going to be ok with cutting SNAP. They aren't going to be ok with cutting free or discounted lunches for children. They are already aware that there are kids that are putting half their lunch in pockets on Friday so they have something to eat on the weekend. Many of them are involved in their local food pantries and have watched people that were at one time donating become people in need. If you work in any way, shape or form with any of these people then the first thing you realize is nobody in their right mind is thinking so and so is a Republican/Democrat/Christian/Atheist/conservative/liberal. Nobody has time for that nonsense.
Except that it is only conservative politicians who take from poor folk and give to the rich. That is the essence of conservatism wherever you pay your taxes.

No. Would you like the opportunity to try that again or would you prefer to be labeled as disingenuous?
No, its the truth. Conservatives are Robin Hoods in reverse. Why would you deny that ?

Not exactly.....Conservatives want everyone to be working and paying their fair share...….while Liberal/Dem/Left prefer to keep everyone on the Government dole.

I want to see trump and his offspring work for a change. They're not a good example to set for those without jobs.

The same goes for the last several Presidents and their offspring.
People really like Medicare. As I've said many times, if you disagree, try and get rid of it.

Obama is a piss poor example of what could be.
Its so popular they throw you in jail if you don't participate.

Yes, everyone likes getting a benefit.
Sorry, who has been thrown in jail?
Do you think the Medicare tax is optional?

You've never employed anyone, or you'd know it isn't.

I missed who has been sent to prison. I know a lot of people who do not pay into Medicare.

How much did the owners of the business busted with all the illegals pay into Medicare? Did they even get a small fine? No.
The poor fell further behind under Obama also.
We had an actual recession not the "Best of Tax Cut Economics times."

Which doesn't excuse crushing the poor.
/—-/ No one is crushing the poor you nimrod. Trump’s economy is reducing the UE to historic levels. If you want a job you can find one.

Low paying jobs. Wall Street gets billions, the poor get low paying service jobs.
/—-/ The poor get many types of jobs. They can train for better ones. And Wall Street doesn’t get billions. People, Unions and corporations invest billions in Wall Street. You big dope.

There you go again....

The poor can train for better jobs. With over 30 million poor, is every one of them able to train for better jobs?
Are there 30 million unfilled better jobs out there?
There are currently 2 million more jobs than people looking for work. Anyone still on food stamps is a lazy mother fucker. Let them starve.

Many people on food stamps already have jobs.
It is the salaries that suck
We had an actual recession not the "Best of Tax Cut Economics times."

Which doesn't excuse crushing the poor.
/—-/ No one is crushing the poor you nimrod. Trump’s economy is reducing the UE to historic levels. If you want a job you can find one.

Low paying jobs. Wall Street gets billions, the poor get low paying service jobs.
/—-/ The poor get many types of jobs. They can train for better ones. And Wall Street doesn’t get billions. People, Unions and corporations invest billions in Wall Street. You big dope.

There you go again....

The poor can train for better jobs. With over 30 million poor, is every one of them able to train for better jobs?
Are there 30 million unfilled better jobs out there?
Why not let them train at home , practice plumbing carpentry? Will you clean up after the poor for improving them selves and not fine them?
Where do you live?

So you limit a living wage on where you live? Seems to me if you choose to living in a rural area you should get as much as a person that lives in a big city. Letting government set a living wage can be arbitrary at best. That would leave the most vulnerable to political games.
It is their employers problem

If you do business in a low cost area, you can pay a low cost wage
If you do business in an expensive area, you pay a wage where your employees can survive without taxpayer assistance

So then what is a “living wage”? If states and the feds set the wage and employers pay the wage, how can you blame the employers? Seems the government is the failure in this.
What is the real Living Wage? | Living Wage Foundation
The living wage is generally a bit higher than the minimum wage. In the UK it usually equates to what the government (us) pay to top up the wages of people who work for minimum wage employers..

Governments have yet to understand that this amounts to a subsidy for abusive employers. If they made the living wage the actual minimum wage they would save billions in govt spending.

So living wage is much like fair share in the tax world. You can’t define it, you can’t put a number to it, you can only speculate and be arbitrary.

So how much should a living wage be?
There are plenty of figures in the link I gave you. It doesnt sound a lot to me and obviously varies dependant on where you live. That is because housing is the biggest variable.
We had an actual recession not the "Best of Tax Cut Economics times."

Which doesn't excuse crushing the poor.
/—-/ No one is crushing the poor you nimrod. Trump’s economy is reducing the UE to historic levels. If you want a job you can find one.

Low paying jobs. Wall Street gets billions, the poor get low paying service jobs.
/—-/ The poor get many types of jobs. They can train for better ones. And Wall Street doesn’t get billions. People, Unions and corporations invest billions in Wall Street. You big dope.

There you go again....

The poor can train for better jobs. With over 30 million poor, is every one of them able to train for better jobs?
Are there 30 million unfilled better jobs out there?
/----/ "The poor can train for better jobs. "
Besides your pizz poor, defeatist attitude what is stopping them?
Which doesn't excuse crushing the poor.
/—-/ No one is crushing the poor you nimrod. Trump’s economy is reducing the UE to historic levels. If you want a job you can find one.

Low paying jobs. Wall Street gets billions, the poor get low paying service jobs.
/—-/ The poor get many types of jobs. They can train for better ones. And Wall Street doesn’t get billions. People, Unions and corporations invest billions in Wall Street. You big dope.

There you go again....

The poor can train for better jobs. With over 30 million poor, is every one of them able to train for better jobs?
Are there 30 million unfilled better jobs out there?
/----/ "The poor can train for better jobs. "
Besides your pizz poor, defeatist attitude what is stopping them?

He stated what is stopping them. You understand what is stopping them. You have no answer to what is stopping them so you are stuck repeating the same thing over and over again.
/—-/ No one is crushing the poor you nimrod. Trump’s economy is reducing the UE to historic levels. If you want a job you can find one.

Low paying jobs. Wall Street gets billions, the poor get low paying service jobs.
/—-/ The poor get many types of jobs. They can train for better ones. And Wall Street doesn’t get billions. People, Unions and corporations invest billions in Wall Street. You big dope.

There you go again....

The poor can train for better jobs. With over 30 million poor, is every one of them able to train for better jobs?
Are there 30 million unfilled better jobs out there?
/----/ "The poor can train for better jobs. "
Besides your pizz poor, defeatist attitude what is stopping them?

He stated what is stopping them. You understand what is stopping them. You have no answer to what is stopping them so you are stuck repeating the same thing over and over again.
/----/ Nothing is stopping them.

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