Millions could lose access to food stamps under Trump proposal, study finds

Food stamps need to be for food. Not long ago I saw a woman buy 4 20oz mountain Dews and candy bars with food stamps. She could've bought 1 2 liter and saved money. But no, so if my money is going for wasteful spending like that. Yes, eliminate the system. Oh, then she bought a twelve pack of beer and 2 packs of smokes with her money.
You lie

She has a credit card for SNAP
You have no idea if she is getting assistance or not

You got your fake story wrong though
You are supposed to tell us she was buying filet mignon and lobster with her food stamps
I call it as I see it. I don't mind supplying food for the needy, but when you waste it like that, they shouldn't get it.

Is it fair for me to point out the wasted billions in the military? About how they lose billions without every being able to show where it goes and argue they should not get the money any longer?
I think all of goverment should be scaled back at least 20% and some agencies done away with totally.

You can think whatever you want but that didn't address my question.
We could cut the military if we stopped being the world's police. We could also cut it if we just used drones or bombed the crap out of them. Instead of sending our troops.
You lie

She has a credit card for SNAP
You have no idea if she is getting assistance or not

You got your fake story wrong though
You are supposed to tell us she was buying filet mignon and lobster with her food stamps
I call it as I see it. I don't mind supplying food for the needy, but when you waste it like that, they shouldn't get it.

Is it fair for me to point out the wasted billions in the military? About how they lose billions without every being able to show where it goes and argue they should not get the money any longer?
I think all of goverment should be scaled back at least 20% and some agencies done away with totally.

You can think whatever you want but that didn't address my question.
We could cut the military if we stopped being the world's police. We could also cut it if we just used drones or bombed the crap out of them. Instead of sending our troops.

I'm all for no longer being the "world Police".
Have you ever heard of working hard and bettering yourself to move up the ladder? Even Walmart has management training programs for free. Store Managers with Walmart can make over a $100 grand a year. Opportunity is there for those willing.

That will work for the single employee. That will not work for the other 60.
/—-/ What??? That makes no sense even by your low standards.

Of course it does. There are a very limited number of management jobs.
/—-/ You can take Walmart managerial training and put it on your resume to help you get a better position at another retailer. You dope.

There are already 150 people working at that retailer after that same job.
Honey, they are not the only retailer that offers the training. And you can work your way up for that position as well as other management positions.
Your reply is the perfect example of why some will never make it. Always finding an excuse/obstacle rather than leaping over them.
And useful fodder for the Democrats. You have to give a damn about the people more than taking a swipe at a party. Trump will leave at some point.

This is where the fight needs to be.
Looking for Fraud in All the Wrong Places

and here: Newark Shop Owner Sentenced in $750K Food Stamp Fraud Scheme

Six of nine defendants denied bond in Oglesby racketeering case | Hartwell Sun, Hartwell, Georgia

Ex-Findlay Market vendors guilty in $3 million food stamp fraud case

More names released in connection with Beaumont food stamp fraud

Strasburg mayor turns himself in on fraud charges

If you take your normal everyday conservatives/liberals that are active in the community in regular everyday life in regular everyday cities and towns they are going to know who the hell is disabled, mentally ill, limited etc. They aren't going to be ok with cutting SNAP. They aren't going to be ok with cutting free or discounted lunches for children. They are already aware that there are kids that are putting half their lunch in pockets on Friday so they have something to eat on the weekend. Many of them are involved in their local food pantries and have watched people that were at one time donating become people in need. If you work in any way, shape or form with any of these people then the first thing you realize is nobody in their right mind is thinking so and so is a Republican/Democrat/Christian/Atheist/conservative/liberal. Nobody has time for that nonsense.
Except that it is only conservative politicians who take from poor folk and give to the rich. That is the essence of conservatism wherever you pay your taxes.

No. Would you like the opportunity to try that again or would you prefer to be labeled as disingenuous?
No, its the truth. Conservatives are Robin Hoods in reverse. Why would you deny that ?

Not exactly.....Conservatives want everyone to be working and paying their fair share...….while Liberal/Dem/Left prefer to keep everyone on the Government dole.

I want to see trump and his offspring work for a change. They're not a good example to set for those without jobs.
/——/ The Trumps do work, and at jobs you couldn’t do for 5 minutes.
I call it as I see it. I don't mind supplying food for the needy, but when you waste it like that, they shouldn't get it.

Is it fair for me to point out the wasted billions in the military? About how they lose billions without every being able to show where it goes and argue they should not get the money any longer?
I think all of goverment should be scaled back at least 20% and some agencies done away with totally.

You can think whatever you want but that didn't address my question.
We could cut the military if we stopped being the world's police. We could also cut it if we just used drones or bombed the crap out of them. Instead of sending our troops.

I'm all for no longer being the "world Police".
/—-/ So you agree with President Trump. Great.
That will work for the single employee. That will not work for the other 60.
/—-/ What??? That makes no sense even by your low standards.

Of course it does. There are a very limited number of management jobs.
/—-/ You can take Walmart managerial training and put it on your resume to help you get a better position at another retailer. You dope.

There are already 150 people working at that retailer after that same job.
Honey, they are not the only retailer that offers the training. And you can work your way up for that position as well as other management positions.
Your reply is the perfect example of why some will never make it. Always finding an excuse/obstacle rather than leaping over them.

You completely ignored the argument so why bother? A small number can do what you suggest.
Millions could lose access to food stamps under Trump proposal, study finds

Millions of Americans face losing access to food assistance under proposed rule changes by the Trump administration, a new analysis has found.

The changes, if they had been instituted last year, would have resulted in 3.7 million fewer people and 2.1m fewer households receiving the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, known as Snap or food stamps, during an average month, according to the study.

The altered rules would also reduce benefits received by many people, with 2.2m households set to have their average monthly assistance cut by $127. Nearly one million students would lose access to free or discounted lunches.

The poor are an easy target for Cons. Typical bonehead politics.
Unemployment is at theoretical zero in America. Now go tell your socialist government why we kicked your asses out and how you need to emulate the US.
Is it fair for me to point out the wasted billions in the military? About how they lose billions without every being able to show where it goes and argue they should not get the money any longer?
I think all of goverment should be scaled back at least 20% and some agencies done away with totally.

You can think whatever you want but that didn't address my question.
We could cut the military if we stopped being the world's police. We could also cut it if we just used drones or bombed the crap out of them. Instead of sending our troops.

I'm all for no longer being the "world Police".
/—-/ So you agree with President Trump. Great.

The problem is, Trump refuses to actually act on it. Every time he makes a claim he is going to do something about it he backs off.

Either he has no back bone or he understands how easily people are manipulated.
Millions could lose access to food stamps under Trump proposal, study finds

Millions of Americans face losing access to food assistance under proposed rule changes by the Trump administration, a new analysis has found.

The changes, if they had been instituted last year, would have resulted in 3.7 million fewer people and 2.1m fewer households receiving the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, known as Snap or food stamps, during an average month, according to the study.

The altered rules would also reduce benefits received by many people, with 2.2m households set to have their average monthly assistance cut by $127. Nearly one million students would lose access to free or discounted lunches.

The poor are an easy target for Cons. Typical bonehead politics.
Unemployment is at theoretical zero in America. Now go tell your socialist government why we kicked your asses out and how you need to emulate the US.

Any country could do well if they were able to simply create billions out of nothing.
I know a lot of people that get food stamps. 99% of them are lazy people that never worked a day in their lives. It’s beneath them to waste their time. Their priorities are cigs, weed, heroin, booze, bling and meth. They think it’s the governments job to provide food for their kids. Food stamp recipients should be scrutinized. Elderly people and legitimate people with disability should be provided for. Also, our soldiers and their families should be provided for. They shouldn’t have to be on welfare.

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I think all of goverment should be scaled back at least 20% and some agencies done away with totally.

You can think whatever you want but that didn't address my question.
We could cut the military if we stopped being the world's police. We could also cut it if we just used drones or bombed the crap out of them. Instead of sending our troops.

I'm all for no longer being the "world Police".
/—-/ So you agree with President Trump. Great.

The problem is, Trump refuses to actually act on it. Every time he makes a claim he is going to do something about it he backs off.

Either he has no back bone or he understands how easily people are manipulated.
So you think Democrats attacking Trump for withdrawing from Syria are morons then.
You can think whatever you want but that didn't address my question.
We could cut the military if we stopped being the world's police. We could also cut it if we just used drones or bombed the crap out of them. Instead of sending our troops.

I'm all for no longer being the "world Police".
/—-/ So you agree with President Trump. Great.

The problem is, Trump refuses to actually act on it. Every time he makes a claim he is going to do something about it he backs off.

Either he has no back bone or he understands how easily people are manipulated.
So you think Democrats attacking Trump for withdrawing from Syria are morons then.

Yes...on top of that I think Republicans who did are morons and I think Trump is a moron for not doing it. All of them are.
We could cut the military if we stopped being the world's police. We could also cut it if we just used drones or bombed the crap out of them. Instead of sending our troops.

I'm all for no longer being the "world Police".
/—-/ So you agree with President Trump. Great.

The problem is, Trump refuses to actually act on it. Every time he makes a claim he is going to do something about it he backs off.

Either he has no back bone or he understands how easily people are manipulated.
So you think Democrats attacking Trump for withdrawing from Syria are morons then.

Yes...on top of that I think Republicans who did are morons and I think Trump is a moron for not doing it. All of them are.
And Obama who invaded Syria is a triple moron.
I'm all for no longer being the "world Police".
/—-/ So you agree with President Trump. Great.

The problem is, Trump refuses to actually act on it. Every time he makes a claim he is going to do something about it he backs off.

Either he has no back bone or he understands how easily people are manipulated.
So you think Democrats attacking Trump for withdrawing from Syria are morons then.

Yes...on top of that I think Republicans who did are morons and I think Trump is a moron for not doing it. All of them are.
And Obama who invaded Syria is a triple moron.

Absolutely. Some are plain morons. Some are hypocrites and morons. That is Obama.
Millions could lose access to food stamps under Trump proposal, study finds

Millions of Americans face losing access to food assistance under proposed rule changes by the Trump administration, a new analysis has found.

The changes, if they had been instituted last year, would have resulted in 3.7 million fewer people and 2.1m fewer households receiving the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, known as Snap or food stamps, during an average month, according to the study.

The altered rules would also reduce benefits received by many people, with 2.2m households set to have their average monthly assistance cut by $127. Nearly one million students would lose access to free or discounted lunches.

The poor are an easy target for Cons. Typical bonehead politics.

I'm pretty sure you'll survive.
Millions could lose access to food stamps under Trump proposal, study finds

Millions of Americans face losing access to food assistance under proposed rule changes by the Trump administration, a new analysis has found.

The changes, if they had been instituted last year, would have resulted in 3.7 million fewer people and 2.1m fewer households receiving the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, known as Snap or food stamps, during an average month, according to the study.

The altered rules would also reduce benefits received by many people, with 2.2m households set to have their average monthly assistance cut by $127. Nearly one million students would lose access to free or discounted lunches.

The poor are an easy target for Cons. Typical bonehead politics.

I'm pretty sure you'll survive.
Considering Tommy’s Taint isn’t even American, he should STFU.
Millions of working people will lose their employer insurance under medicare for all fucking over the middle class seems typical politics for liberals.
Millions of working people will lose their employer insurance under medicare for all fucking over the middle class seems typical politics for liberals.

Why does it matter where you get your coverage from? I will also note, people are losing their employer coverage on a regular basis now with nothing to fall back on.
A lot of people who are getting food assistance have a job. That job just doesn't pay enough to live on.

The fastest way to get people off public assistance is to raise the minimum wage.

The federal minimum wage has not been raised since the bush boy years. It's long overdue to raise the federal minimum wage.

We are giving big business even more of our tax dollars by subsidizing their employee's income with public assistance.

Employers have an obligation to pay their employees a living wage.

It's not up to the government to subsidize wages because employers refuse to pay a living wage.
Define living wage. Give us a number.
A wage you can support yourself and your family on
A wage that will pay for housing, food, power, healthcare without government assistance

You didn't gave a number.

By the way, based on how many hours?
Millions of working people will lose their employer insurance under medicare for all fucking over the middle class seems typical politics for liberals.

Why does it matter where you get your coverage from? I will also note, people are losing their employer coverage on a regular basis now with nothing to fall back on.
Call the IRS with a question and get back to us with what it’s like dealing with a government employee who doesn’t give a crap about you nor your question because they know you can’t go anywhere else.

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