Millions could lose access to food stamps under Trump proposal, study finds

Gee, maybe if i start now i can qualify by '22 .....1/2 this BB thinks i'm nuts & 3 more years of Trump i'll probably be well on my way.....

I told you that you're a special kind of crazy.
Millions could lose access to food stamps under Trump proposal, study finds

Millions of Americans face losing access to food assistance under proposed rule changes by the Trump administration, a new analysis has found.

The changes, if they had been instituted last year, would have resulted in 3.7 million fewer people and 2.1m fewer households receiving the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, known as Snap or food stamps, during an average month, according to the study.

The altered rules would also reduce benefits received by many people, with 2.2m households set to have their average monthly assistance cut by $127. Nearly one million students would lose access to free or discounted lunches.

The poor are an easy target for Cons. Typical bonehead politics.
TommyTaint....why don't you just concentrate on your own country and butt out of what we do in ours. Your constant bitching gets tiresome.
Oh. Wait. I see you just did your usual.....start a thread to troll, then run back under your rock.
I was asked to define a living wage.....I did

I would tie minimum wage to things like the cost of college, automobiles, apartments......things that get you started in life
“Living wage” is like “fair share”

Libtards like throwing the terms around, but can never give any actual numbers.

I can give you numbers
Living wage is linked to the cost of living where you live
Fair share is subjective as to fairness
A good start is a tax rate that was in effect before we sold out to supply side economics in the 80s

In 1981, Reagan significantly reduced the maximum tax rate, which affected the highest income earners, and lowered the top marginal tax rate from 70% to 50%; in 1986 he further reduced the rate to 28%.
Still dodging.
It’s spelled out for you
Are you just playing retard on me?
You have provided no numbers.

Numbers change

A living wage is variable depending on location.
Fair tax I would start at 50 percent for income above a million a year
Oh. Wait. I see you just did your usual.....start a thread to troll, then run back under your rock.
Over a hundred responses, includiing several by myself. Its obviously an issue that needed discussing. Why dont you contribute to the topic and stop trolling ?

Hourly earnings are not relevant here. The top is making their wealth on things that are not hourly earnings. Yeah, it looks great on your graph when one goes from $7.75 an hour to $9.00 but that is never going to address the issue.
Oh really? Earnings mean nothing to the poor and middle class swing upward? From what planet are you residing on?

No, it means little to nothing to the poor and the middle class it goes like this.

"$1,000,000 for me, $100 for you, be happy".
“Living wage” is like “fair share”

Libtards like throwing the terms around, but can never give any actual numbers.

I can give you numbers
Living wage is linked to the cost of living where you live
Fair share is subjective as to fairness
A good start is a tax rate that was in effect before we sold out to supply side economics in the 80s

In 1981, Reagan significantly reduced the maximum tax rate, which affected the highest income earners, and lowered the top marginal tax rate from 70% to 50%; in 1986 he further reduced the rate to 28%.
Still dodging.
It’s spelled out for you
Are you just playing retard on me?
You have provided no numbers.

Numbers change

A living wage is variable depending on location.
Fair tax I would start at 50 percent for income above a million a year
More dodging.

Fair to you is punishing success. Typical Dimtard.
Trump doesn’t care
His base loves it when he takes food away from poor people
Food stamps need to be for food. Not long ago I saw a woman buy 4 20oz mountain Dews and candy bars with food stamps. She could've bought 1 2 liter and saved money. But no, so if my money is going for wasteful spending like that. Yes, eliminate the system. Oh, then she bought a twelve pack of beer and 2 packs of smokes with her money.
You lie

She has a credit card for SNAP
You have no idea if she is getting assistance or not

You got your fake story wrong though
You are supposed to tell us she was buying filet mignon and lobster with her food stamps
I call it as I see it. I don't mind supplying food for the needy, but when you waste it like that, they shouldn't get it.

Is it fair for me to point out the wasted billions in the military? About how they lose billions without every being able to show where it goes and argue they should not get the money any longer?
I think all of goverment should be scaled back at least 20% and some agencies done away with totally.

You can think whatever you want but that didn't address my question.
Millions could lose access to food stamps under Trump proposal, study finds

Millions of Americans face losing access to food assistance under proposed rule changes by the Trump administration, a new analysis has found.

The changes, if they had been instituted last year, would have resulted in 3.7 million fewer people and 2.1m fewer households receiving the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, known as Snap or food stamps, during an average month, according to the study.

The altered rules would also reduce benefits received by many people, with 2.2m households set to have their average monthly assistance cut by $127. Nearly one million students would lose access to free or discounted lunches.

The poor are an easy target for Cons. Typical bonehead politics.
Hey Tommy the twit, did you know 2 more people in London died because of your Mayor? Stick with your own countries problems let US deal with our own..

Maybe if those millions lose food assistance they might get a fucking JOB.

Maybe if Trump would go after the employers hiring illegals people could get a job that pays enough that they also do not need food stamps to survive.
i dont know were you live but most illegals out here are not making the kind of money you seem to think they are...

Irrelevant. I didn't say what I thought they were making. I'm saying they depress wages.

My point? The (D)'s have all kinds of things to run against Trump on. They could exploit this big time but they are bone heads that insist on RUSSIA and impeachment.

Sadly too many of them also support the things they should be offering an alternative for.
They have no choice other than impeachment. If trump`s allowed to use taxpayer dollars to bribe a foreign leader for personal favors then all presidents can do that. Would they have given Obama a free pass?

I can give you numbers
Living wage is linked to the cost of living where you live
Fair share is subjective as to fairness
A good start is a tax rate that was in effect before we sold out to supply side economics in the 80s

In 1981, Reagan significantly reduced the maximum tax rate, which affected the highest income earners, and lowered the top marginal tax rate from 70% to 50%; in 1986 he further reduced the rate to 28%.
Still dodging.
It’s spelled out for you
Are you just playing retard on me?
You have provided no numbers.

Numbers change

A living wage is variable depending on location.
Fair tax I would start at 50 percent for income above a million a year
More dodging.

Fair to you is punishing success. Typical Dimtard.
Doesn’t punish success to expect the wealthy to support the society they profit from.

My point? The (D)'s have all kinds of things to run against Trump on. They could exploit this big time but they are bone heads that insist on RUSSIA and impeachment.

Sadly too many of them also support the things they should be offering an alternative for.

They would still lose.

Your party only chance is a economic collapse and that is not happening until 2021...

I'm not a Democrat.

Green Party? Democratic Socialists of America? "Independent"?

Still dodging.
It’s spelled out for you
Are you just playing retard on me?
You have provided no numbers.

Numbers change

A living wage is variable depending on location.
Fair tax I would start at 50 percent for income above a million a year
More dodging.

Fair to you is punishing success. Typical Dimtard.
Doesn’t punish success to expect the wealthy to support the society they profit from.
Wouldn’t a fair tax be everyone pays the same rate?

Why yes, yes it would. But you have wealth envy, so you can’t comprehend what is fair.

Hourly earnings are not relevant here. The top is making their wealth on things that are not hourly earnings. Yeah, it looks great on your graph when one goes from $7.75 an hour to $9.00 but that is never going to address the issue.
Oh really? Earnings mean nothing to the poor and middle class swing upward? From what planet are you residing on?

No, it means little to nothing to the poor and the middle class it goes like this.

"$1,000,000 for me, $100 for you, be happy".
Wow, you are really jealous, aren’t you, of others, and what they have worked hard for, to get where they are. Maybe learn to work smart. It can pay off.
17 Billionaires Who Started Out Dirt Poor
I personally know a man that could not read or write, yet built himself a construction company of monumental proportions by working smart.

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