Millions could lose access to food stamps under Trump proposal, study finds

A wage you can support yourself and your family on
A wage that will pay for housing, food, power, healthcare without government assistance
Give me a number.
Where do you live?

So you limit a living wage on where you live? Seems to me if you choose to living in a rural area you should get as much as a person that lives in a big city. Letting government set a living wage can be arbitrary at best. That would leave the most vulnerable to political games.
It is their employers problem

If you do business in a low cost area, you can pay a low cost wage
If you do business in an expensive area, you pay a wage where your employees can survive without taxpayer assistance

So then what is a “living wage”? If states and the feds set the wage and employers pay the wage, how can you blame the employers? Seems the government is the failure in this.

They are your employees
YOU feed and house them without taxpayers subsidizing your profit margin
A lot of people who are getting food assistance have a job. That job just doesn't pay enough to live on.

The fastest way to get people off public assistance is to raise the minimum wage.

The federal minimum wage has not been raised since the bush boy years. It's long overdue to raise the federal minimum wage.

We are giving big business even more of our tax dollars by subsidizing their employee's income with public assistance.

Employers have an obligation to pay their employees a living wage.

It's not up to the government to subsidize wages because employers refuse to pay a living wage.
Define living wage. Give us a number.
A wage you can support yourself and your family on
A wage that will pay for housing, food, power, healthcare without government assistance
Give me a number.
Where do you live?
Nice dodge.
A wage you can support yourself and your family on
A wage that will pay for housing, food, power, healthcare without government assistance
Give me a number.
Where do you live?

So you limit a living wage on where you live? Seems to me if you choose to living in a rural area you should get as much as a person that lives in a big city. Letting government set a living wage can be arbitrary at best. That would leave the most vulnerable to political games.
It is their employers problem

If you do business in a low cost area, you can pay a low cost wage
If you do business in an expensive area, you pay a wage where your employees can survive without taxpayer assistance

So then what is a “living wage”? If states and the feds set the wage and employers pay the wage, how can you blame the employers? Seems the government is the failure in this.
What is the real Living Wage? | Living Wage Foundation
The living wage is generally a bit higher than the minimum wage. In the UK it usually equates to what the government (us) pay to top up the wages of people who work for minimum wage employers..

Governments have yet to understand that this amounts to a subsidy for abusive employers. If they made the living wage the actual minimum wage they would save billions in govt spending.
A lot of people who are getting food assistance have a job. That job just doesn't pay enough to live on.

The fastest way to get people off public assistance is to raise the minimum wage.

The federal minimum wage has not been raised since the bush boy years. It's long overdue to raise the federal minimum wage.

We are giving big business even more of our tax dollars by subsidizing their employee's income with public assistance.

Employers have an obligation to pay their employees a living wage.

It's not up to the government to subsidize wages because employers refuse to pay a living wage.
Define living wage. Give us a number.
A wage you can support yourself and your family on
A wage that will pay for housing, food, power, healthcare without government assistance

When has that ever happened with Minimum wage??????

Most MW jobs are entry level, somewhere to start & gain experience so you can qualify, apply and get a better paying job. That first rung on the career ladder. Those entry level jobs are not meant to be lifelong career choices.
I was asked to define a living wage.....I did

I would tie minimum wage to things like the cost of college, automobiles, apartments......things that get you started in life
“Living wage” is like “fair share”

Libtards like throwing the terms around, but can never give any actual numbers.
Under the proposal those that are single, non disabled, and no dependents could have their benefits cut. Tell me who in their right mind thinks those that have the ability to work shouldn’t and should receive a free ride when there are more jobs than unemployed available out there?

Actually, it was a slam towards states that bank waivers while touting "the virtue of labor" and "the dignity of work" which simply comes off as political slogan propaganda. Sonny Perdue is a shmuck.

Consider that there are people who are not able to qualify for SSI because that's a shitfest in applying and a 3 year process/fight and they don't appear on paper to have a mental/medical limitation; however, they can't hold down a job because of that mental/medical limitation. Now it's a cycle.
A lot of people who are getting food assistance have a job. That job just doesn't pay enough to live on.

The fastest way to get people off public assistance is to raise the minimum wage.

The federal minimum wage has not been raised since the bush boy years. It's long overdue to raise the federal minimum wage.

We are giving big business even more of our tax dollars by subsidizing their employee's income with public assistance.

Employers have an obligation to pay their employees a living wage.

It's not up to the government to subsidize wages because employers refuse to pay a living wage.

Employers have an obligation to pay their employees a living wage.

since when?...
The reason why the cost of living is so high. It is all behind taxes. The higher the taxes, the higher the cost of living gets. Like if this Green New Deal goes through. Taxes is going to rise very high. which food prices will increase a lot, because of the new tax hike to buy the products to put it out on the market. But the only way to solve the problem? It is to start cutting taxes which it will bring the price of things down. And those that are making minimum wage will be able to afford to take care of their families. But if the Green New Deal goes through. That minimum wage will have to go up around $50 per hour just so that the employees can have money to live. And which that will put many companies out of business. Because the Green New Deal will put a stop to manufacturing companies. And so if you want a pay raise? Demand Pres.Trump to cut the taxes by 3/4. and tell the president to slap AOC back to the bar that she use to work as a dancer. I heard that Hillary paid her to dance with her all day until she had past out on the table.



A lot of people who are getting food assistance have a job. That job just doesn't pay enough to live on.

The fastest way to get people off public assistance is to raise the minimum wage.

The federal minimum wage has not been raised since the bush boy years. It's long overdue to raise the federal minimum wage.

We are giving big business even more of our tax dollars by subsidizing their employee's income with public assistance.

Employers have an obligation to pay their employees a living wage.

It's not up to the government to subsidize wages because employers refuse to pay a living wage.
Define living wage. Give us a number.
A wage you can support yourself and your family on
A wage that will pay for housing, food, power, healthcare without government assistance
Give me a number.
Where do you live?
Nice dodge.

Not at all
Living wage depends on the cost of living where you live
Even a conservative can understand it
Define living wage. Give us a number.
A wage you can support yourself and your family on
A wage that will pay for housing, food, power, healthcare without government assistance
Give me a number.
Where do you live?
Nice dodge.

Not at all
Living wage depends on the cost of living where you live
Even a conservative can understand it
See. No actual numbers.
A lot of people who are getting food assistance have a job. That job just doesn't pay enough to live on.

The fastest way to get people off public assistance is to raise the minimum wage.

The federal minimum wage has not been raised since the bush boy years. It's long overdue to raise the federal minimum wage.

We are giving big business even more of our tax dollars by subsidizing their employee's income with public assistance.

Employers have an obligation to pay their employees a living wage.

It's not up to the government to subsidize wages because employers refuse to pay a living wage.
Define living wage. Give us a number.
A wage you can support yourself and your family on
A wage that will pay for housing, food, power, healthcare without government assistance

When has that ever happened with Minimum wage??????

Most MW jobs are entry level, somewhere to start & gain experience so you can qualify, apply and get a better paying job. That first rung on the career ladder. Those entry level jobs are not meant to be lifelong career choices.
I was asked to define a living wage.....I did

I would tie minimum wage to things like the cost of college, automobiles, apartments......things that get you started in life
“Living wage” is like “fair share”

Libtards like throwing the terms around, but can never give any actual numbers.

I can give you numbers
Living wage is linked to the cost of living where you live
Fair share is subjective as to fairness
A good start is a tax rate that was in effect before we sold out to supply side economics in the 80s

In 1981, Reagan significantly reduced the maximum tax rate, which affected the highest income earners, and lowered the top marginal tax rate from 70% to 50%; in 1986 he further reduced the rate to 28%.
Define living wage. Give us a number.
A wage you can support yourself and your family on
A wage that will pay for housing, food, power, healthcare without government assistance

When has that ever happened with Minimum wage??????

Most MW jobs are entry level, somewhere to start & gain experience so you can qualify, apply and get a better paying job. That first rung on the career ladder. Those entry level jobs are not meant to be lifelong career choices.
I was asked to define a living wage.....I did

I would tie minimum wage to things like the cost of college, automobiles, apartments......things that get you started in life
“Living wage” is like “fair share”

Libtards like throwing the terms around, but can never give any actual numbers.

I can give you numbers
Living wage is linked to the cost of living where you live
Fair share is subjective as to fairness
A good start is a tax rate that was in effect before we sold out to supply side economics in the 80s

In 1981, Reagan significantly reduced the maximum tax rate, which affected the highest income earners, and lowered the top marginal tax rate from 70% to 50%; in 1986 he further reduced the rate to 28%.
Still dodging.
A lot of people who are getting food assistance have a job. That job just doesn't pay enough to live on.

The fastest way to get people off public assistance is to raise the minimum wage.

The federal minimum wage has not been raised since the bush boy years. It's long overdue to raise the federal minimum wage.

We are giving big business even more of our tax dollars by subsidizing their employee's income with public assistance.

Employers have an obligation to pay their employees a living wage.

It's not up to the government to subsidize wages because employers refuse to pay a living wage.
Define living wage. Give us a number.
A wage you can support yourself and your family on
A wage that will pay for housing, food, power, healthcare without government assistance

When has that ever happened with Minimum wage??????

Most MW jobs are entry level, somewhere to start & gain experience so you can qualify, apply and get a better paying job. That first rung on the career ladder. Those entry level jobs are not meant to be lifelong career choices.
I was asked to define a living wage.....I did

I would tie minimum wage to things like the cost of college, automobiles, apartments......things that get you started in life
“Living wage” is like “fair share”

Libtards like throwing the terms around, but can never give any actual numbers.

If you notice the $15/hour minimum wage increase is just enough to get people off of State aid and do no more depending on where you live. It's similar to what occurred under Clinton and his one year of training and people made one dollar more than it took to qualify. They did that knowing that the jobs they were training people for were being shipped overseas at the same time. It isn't something warm and snuggly with rainbows and hugs.
A wage you can support yourself and your family on
A wage that will pay for housing, food, power, healthcare without government assistance

When has that ever happened with Minimum wage??????

Most MW jobs are entry level, somewhere to start & gain experience so you can qualify, apply and get a better paying job. That first rung on the career ladder. Those entry level jobs are not meant to be lifelong career choices.
I was asked to define a living wage.....I did

I would tie minimum wage to things like the cost of college, automobiles, apartments......things that get you started in life
“Living wage” is like “fair share”

Libtards like throwing the terms around, but can never give any actual numbers.

I can give you numbers
Living wage is linked to the cost of living where you live
Fair share is subjective as to fairness
A good start is a tax rate that was in effect before we sold out to supply side economics in the 80s

In 1981, Reagan significantly reduced the maximum tax rate, which affected the highest income earners, and lowered the top marginal tax rate from 70% to 50%; in 1986 he further reduced the rate to 28%.
Still dodging.
It’s spelled out for you
Are you just playing retard on me?
The Obama administration used to brag about the number of new people who registered for food stamps. Obama told Americans hat good factory jobs were gone forever and to get used to government subsidies and Black unemployment in double digits. In three years the current President has reduced the unemployment rate to a historic low in spite of resistance from the democrat majority in congress and yet there are people who still whine about the fact that Americans are gainfully employed and don't need food stamps.
Blame the rich, that inspires hate and anger.

More , it's HOW they make a $$$.....otoh..... believing capitalism and a meritocracy can coexist is rather idealist

That way everyone is focusing on hate and division and not the real problems

Yup, and as soon as you 'hate' , you've a tool for some faction trying TO divert from the REAL issues

Fact is, we could fuel ourselves all this winter, if hate was fuel


And yet you promote it.

More, i'm parroting you papa....

When has that ever happened with Minimum wage??????

Most MW jobs are entry level, somewhere to start & gain experience so you can qualify, apply and get a better paying job. That first rung on the career ladder. Those entry level jobs are not meant to be lifelong career choices.
I was asked to define a living wage.....I did

I would tie minimum wage to things like the cost of college, automobiles, apartments......things that get you started in life
“Living wage” is like “fair share”

Libtards like throwing the terms around, but can never give any actual numbers.

I can give you numbers
Living wage is linked to the cost of living where you live
Fair share is subjective as to fairness
A good start is a tax rate that was in effect before we sold out to supply side economics in the 80s

In 1981, Reagan significantly reduced the maximum tax rate, which affected the highest income earners, and lowered the top marginal tax rate from 70% to 50%; in 1986 he further reduced the rate to 28%.
Still dodging.
It’s spelled out for you
Are you just playing retard on me?
You have provided no numbers.
Millions could lose access to food stamps under Trump proposal, study finds

Millions of Americans face losing access to food assistance under proposed rule changes by the Trump administration, a new analysis has found.

The changes, if they had been instituted last year, would have resulted in 3.7 million fewer people and 2.1m fewer households receiving the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, known as Snap or food stamps, during an average month, according to the study.

The altered rules would also reduce benefits received by many people, with 2.2m households set to have their average monthly assistance cut by $127. Nearly one million students would lose access to free or discounted lunches.

The poor are an easy target for Cons. Typical bonehead politics.
/—-/ The truly needy will always have access to food stamps and food pantries - the freeloaders, not so much. They need to get a job and pay their own way.
Seems to me if you choose to living in a rural area you should get as much as a person that lives in a big city.

One has more resources than the other, if one is resourceful

The minimum wage used to support people.

Min wage was invented by Gub'Mit as a starter benchmark for part time workers ,like HS kids after school
It was never meant to be a 'livable wage'

Fucking piece of shit.

aren't you just a ray of sunshine today....

Consider that there are people who are not able to qualify for SSI because that's a shitfest in applying and a 3 year process/fight and they don't appear on paper to have a mental/medical limitation; however, they can't hold down a job because of that mental/medical limitation. Now it's a cycle.

Gee, maybe if i start now i can qualify by '22 .....1/2 this BB thinks i'm nuts & 3 more years of Trump i'll probably be well on my way.....

The right wing is all for helping the Rich at the expense of the Poor.
That's your best talking point, Einstien?

Unemployment is at a 59 year low, and record low for minorities.

Wages are at a 20+ year high, and and raising higher among lower income Americans.

Try to say something that wasn't spoon fed to you.

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