Millions Evacuated After Catastrophic Flooding Hits China, Pakistan

There is precisely no evidence of "escalating weather problems." We just set a new all time record for time between Cat 3 cane strikes on the US - more than 10 years without one.

Our East coast is not the weather vane for the world. If anything that lack of hurricane activity on our East coast is an indicator something is up. The energy has to go SOMEWHERE. Other parts of the planet and even our West coast are suffering extreme changes in weather patterns that are not so "kind".
And there it is, now lack of hurricane activity means AGW. See, as I've stated over and over, there isn't one situation on the globe that wouldn't attract an AGW k00k to say it's because of AGW. Now there you go. Why don't you all just bite the flippin bullet and just say everything is a cause of AGW. Get over it already and stop skating as badly as you are. EVERYTHING is due to AGW.

Weather extremes are on the increase. I did see where the ozone hole in the antarctic is closing up. The arctic ice is still receding. Do I "know" why these things are happening? No, I do not. Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

As far as I know there isn't a computer on earth with enough horsepower to predict weather on this planet for more than a couple of weeks. If there was one they wouldn't tell anybody anyway because with it one could accurately predict crop yields and they would be making fortunes in the futures markets.

Maybe if there was this super puter the insurance underwriters would be in on it to work the cost benefits of writing policies. Who the fuck knows? I don't. Furthermore I don't even care.
Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

Dude you wrote: "If anything that lack of hurricane activity on our East coast is an indicator something is up"

What else does that statement, something is up, mean other than the reason why there isn't hurricane activity is AGW? What else were you saying then? Please explain that statement.

What THAT statement means is exactly what it says you box of rocks. The atmosphere has stored up energy which comes from the sun as ALL energy does in one form or another..well maybe atomic energy doesn't come from the sun. The energy gets expressed here at ground level by weather patterns and events. Hurricanes get fueled by warm ocean water so on and so on.. The energy gets released as the water vapor condenses and falls as rain or hurricanes, tornado's, sharknado's, whatever... Rising ocean temps spawn more violent weather. Not necessarily on our country's East coast but SOMEWHERE.

Anyway I'm done with this stupid conversation because you are to stupid to understand weather basics. I am trained in weather because I am a pilot and we get taught that topic thoroughly and must understand it thoroughly or we don't get our ticket. Comprende' Shit for Brains?
Hurricanes get fueled by warm ocean water so on and so on.. The energy gets released as the water vapor condenses and falls as rain or hurricanes, tornado's, sharknado's, whatever...

so are you saying the Atlantic is getting cooler? Cause if not, then your point is useless. Cause you admit there is a lack of hurricanes on the east coast. Also, did the Atlantic stop evaporating? WTF does weather somewhere else on the globe matter to the temperatures of the Atlantic Ocean and its ability to evaporate and condense water vapor? You stated, it all starts in the warm ocean waters. So the conclusion therefore can only be, the water must be cooling.
Our East coast is not the weather vane for the world. If anything that lack of hurricane activity on our East coast is an indicator something is up. The energy has to go SOMEWHERE. Other parts of the planet and even our West coast are suffering extreme changes in weather patterns that are not so "kind".
And there it is, now lack of hurricane activity means AGW. See, as I've stated over and over, there isn't one situation on the globe that wouldn't attract an AGW k00k to say it's because of AGW. Now there you go. Why don't you all just bite the flippin bullet and just say everything is a cause of AGW. Get over it already and stop skating as badly as you are. EVERYTHING is due to AGW.

Weather extremes are on the increase. I did see where the ozone hole in the antarctic is closing up. The arctic ice is still receding. Do I "know" why these things are happening? No, I do not. Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

As far as I know there isn't a computer on earth with enough horsepower to predict weather on this planet for more than a couple of weeks. If there was one they wouldn't tell anybody anyway because with it one could accurately predict crop yields and they would be making fortunes in the futures markets.

Maybe if there was this super puter the insurance underwriters would be in on it to work the cost benefits of writing policies. Who the fuck knows? I don't. Furthermore I don't even care.
Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

Dude you wrote: "If anything that lack of hurricane activity on our East coast is an indicator something is up"

What else does that statement, something is up, mean other than the reason why there isn't hurricane activity is AGW? What else were you saying then? Please explain that statement.

What THAT statement means is exactly what it says you box of rocks. The atmosphere has stored up energy which comes from the sun as ALL energy does in one form or another..well maybe atomic energy doesn't come from the sun. The energy gets expressed here at ground level by weather patterns and events. Hurricanes get fueled by warm ocean water so on and so on.. The energy gets released as the water vapor condenses and falls as rain or hurricanes, tornado's, sharknado's, whatever... Rising ocean temps spawn more violent weather. Not necessarily on our country's East coast but SOMEWHERE.

Anyway I'm done with this stupid conversation because you are to stupid to understand weather basics. I am trained in weather because I am a pilot and we get taught that topic thoroughly and must understand it thoroughly or we don't get our ticket. Comprende' Shit for Brains?
Hurricanes get fueled by warm ocean water so on and so on.. The energy gets released as the water vapor condenses and falls as rain or hurricanes, tornado's, sharknado's, whatever...

so are you saying the Atlantic is getting cooler? Cause if not, then your point is useless. Cause you admit there is a lack of hurricanes on the east coast. Also, did the Atlantic stop evaporating? WTF does weather somewhere else on the globe matter to the temperatures of the Atlantic Ocean and its ability to evaporate and condense water vapor? You stated, it all starts in the warm ocean waters. So the conclusion therefore can only be, the water must be cooling.
God you are ignorant.
First all the oceans are in reality one gigantic body of water.
As to the cooling of the Atlantic or any ocean for that matter is currents
Deep currents are cold , shallow currents are warm .
There are places in any oven where mixing occurs and that is a major component of when or if a hurricane will form.
AGW has changed the way and the way that happens.
So the conclusion therefore can only be, the water must be cooling.

or, more precisely, NOT WARMING. To disprove warming, one does not have to prove cooling, just NO WARMING.

Study Finds Earth’s Ocean Abyss Has Not Warmed - NASA Science

"The cold waters of Earth’s deep ocean have not warmed measurably since 2005"

And, as everyone here should know, both the atmospheric and ocean temps were FUDGED by the warmers in 2005, so since it was last FUDGED, surprise, it has not warmed, because it didn't warm before it was FUDGED either.
Crapspiracy theory yammering from La dumpster.


Uber kleptocrat, liar, bigot, and socialist Barack Obama parroted every lie the FRAUD put out until 2010, then he shut up for two years, then he started parroting again, stealing hand over fist.


Something caused him to shut up. The only possible answer is the one I gave, which oh by the way is 100% what happened.
So the conclusion therefore can only be, the water must be cooling.

or, more precisely, NOT WARMING. To disprove warming, one does not have to prove cooling, just NO WARMING.

Study Finds Earth’s Ocean Abyss Has Not Warmed - NASA Science

"The cold waters of Earth’s deep ocean have not warmed measurably since 2005"

And, as everyone here should know, both the atmospheric and ocean temps were FUDGED by the warmers in 2005, so since it was last FUDGED, surprise, it has not warmed, because it didn't warm before it was FUDGED either.
where I agree with that, the fact that the hurricanes have subsided, must mean cooler water. It is the only conclusion one could have with a lack of them. Just saying.
And there it is, now lack of hurricane activity means AGW. See, as I've stated over and over, there isn't one situation on the globe that wouldn't attract an AGW k00k to say it's because of AGW. Now there you go. Why don't you all just bite the flippin bullet and just say everything is a cause of AGW. Get over it already and stop skating as badly as you are. EVERYTHING is due to AGW.

Weather extremes are on the increase. I did see where the ozone hole in the antarctic is closing up. The arctic ice is still receding. Do I "know" why these things are happening? No, I do not. Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

As far as I know there isn't a computer on earth with enough horsepower to predict weather on this planet for more than a couple of weeks. If there was one they wouldn't tell anybody anyway because with it one could accurately predict crop yields and they would be making fortunes in the futures markets.

Maybe if there was this super puter the insurance underwriters would be in on it to work the cost benefits of writing policies. Who the fuck knows? I don't. Furthermore I don't even care.
Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

Dude you wrote: "If anything that lack of hurricane activity on our East coast is an indicator something is up"

What else does that statement, something is up, mean other than the reason why there isn't hurricane activity is AGW? What else were you saying then? Please explain that statement.

What THAT statement means is exactly what it says you box of rocks. The atmosphere has stored up energy which comes from the sun as ALL energy does in one form or another..well maybe atomic energy doesn't come from the sun. The energy gets expressed here at ground level by weather patterns and events. Hurricanes get fueled by warm ocean water so on and so on.. The energy gets released as the water vapor condenses and falls as rain or hurricanes, tornado's, sharknado's, whatever... Rising ocean temps spawn more violent weather. Not necessarily on our country's East coast but SOMEWHERE.

Anyway I'm done with this stupid conversation because you are to stupid to understand weather basics. I am trained in weather because I am a pilot and we get taught that topic thoroughly and must understand it thoroughly or we don't get our ticket. Comprende' Shit for Brains?
Hurricanes get fueled by warm ocean water so on and so on.. The energy gets released as the water vapor condenses and falls as rain or hurricanes, tornado's, sharknado's, whatever...

so are you saying the Atlantic is getting cooler? Cause if not, then your point is useless. Cause you admit there is a lack of hurricanes on the east coast. Also, did the Atlantic stop evaporating? WTF does weather somewhere else on the globe matter to the temperatures of the Atlantic Ocean and its ability to evaporate and condense water vapor? You stated, it all starts in the warm ocean waters. So the conclusion therefore can only be, the water must be cooling.
God you are ignorant.
First all the oceans are in reality one gigantic body of water.
As to the cooling of the Atlantic or any ocean for that matter is currents
Deep currents are cold , shallow currents are warm .
There are places in any oven where mixing occurs and that is a major component of when or if a hurricane will form.
AGW has changed the way and the way that happens.
what does the fact that there is a lack of hurricanes have to do with water from the pacific? How do you suppose the circulation happens? you say currents, Well the sun beats down on the oceans daily, I highly doubt the energy in the Atlantic is disturbed by the energy from the Pacific. unless of course you think it does? I'd bet the surface waters are independent. And since water vapor and evaporation come from the surface, I'd say what you wrote is bull.
Crapspiracy theory yammering from La dumpster.


Uber kleptocrat, liar, bigot, and socialist Barack Obama parroted every lie the FRAUD put out until 2010, then he shut up for two years, then he started parroting again, stealing hand over fist.


Something caused him to shut up. The only possible answer is the one I gave, which oh by the way is 100% what happened.
Crapspiracy theory alert

Weather extremes are on the increase. I did see where the ozone hole in the antarctic is closing up. The arctic ice is still receding. Do I "know" why these things are happening? No, I do not. Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

As far as I know there isn't a computer on earth with enough horsepower to predict weather on this planet for more than a couple of weeks. If there was one they wouldn't tell anybody anyway because with it one could accurately predict crop yields and they would be making fortunes in the futures markets.

Maybe if there was this super puter the insurance underwriters would be in on it to work the cost benefits of writing policies. Who the fuck knows? I don't. Furthermore I don't even care.
Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

Dude you wrote: "If anything that lack of hurricane activity on our East coast is an indicator something is up"

What else does that statement, something is up, mean other than the reason why there isn't hurricane activity is AGW? What else were you saying then? Please explain that statement.

What THAT statement means is exactly what it says you box of rocks. The atmosphere has stored up energy which comes from the sun as ALL energy does in one form or another..well maybe atomic energy doesn't come from the sun. The energy gets expressed here at ground level by weather patterns and events. Hurricanes get fueled by warm ocean water so on and so on.. The energy gets released as the water vapor condenses and falls as rain or hurricanes, tornado's, sharknado's, whatever... Rising ocean temps spawn more violent weather. Not necessarily on our country's East coast but SOMEWHERE.

Anyway I'm done with this stupid conversation because you are to stupid to understand weather basics. I am trained in weather because I am a pilot and we get taught that topic thoroughly and must understand it thoroughly or we don't get our ticket. Comprende' Shit for Brains?
Hurricanes get fueled by warm ocean water so on and so on.. The energy gets released as the water vapor condenses and falls as rain or hurricanes, tornado's, sharknado's, whatever...

so are you saying the Atlantic is getting cooler? Cause if not, then your point is useless. Cause you admit there is a lack of hurricanes on the east coast. Also, did the Atlantic stop evaporating? WTF does weather somewhere else on the globe matter to the temperatures of the Atlantic Ocean and its ability to evaporate and condense water vapor? You stated, it all starts in the warm ocean waters. So the conclusion therefore can only be, the water must be cooling.
God you are ignorant.
First all the oceans are in reality one gigantic body of water.
As to the cooling of the Atlantic or any ocean for that matter is currents
Deep currents are cold , shallow currents are warm .
There are places in any oven where mixing occurs and that is a major component of when or if a hurricane will form.
AGW has changed the way and the way that happens.
what does the fact that there is a lack of hurricanes have to do with water from the pacific? How do you suppose the circulation happens? you say currents, Well the sun beats down on the oceans daily, I highly doubt the energy in the Atlantic is disturbed by the energy from the Pacific. unless of course you think it does? I'd bet the surface waters are independent. And since water vapor and evaporation come from the surface, I'd say what you wrote is bull.
Thanks for showcasing your ignorance again!
I don't know what is causing the escalating weather problems

There is precisely no evidence of "escalating weather problems." We just set a new all time record for time between Cat 3 cane strikes on the US - more than 10 years without one.

Our East coast is not the weather vane for the world. If anything that lack of hurricane activity on our East coast is an indicator something is up. The energy has to go SOMEWHERE. Other parts of the planet and even our West coast are suffering extreme changes in weather patterns that are not so "kind".
And there it is, now lack of hurricane activity means AGW. See, as I've stated over and over, there isn't one situation on the globe that wouldn't attract an AGW k00k to say it's because of AGW. Now there you go. Why don't you all just bite the flippin bullet and just say everything is a cause of AGW. Get over it already and stop skating as badly as you are. EVERYTHING is due to AGW.

Weather extremes are on the increase. I did see where the ozone hole in the antarctic is closing up. The arctic ice is still receding. Do I "know" why these things are happening? No, I do not. Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

As far as I know there isn't a computer on earth with enough horsepower to predict weather on this planet for more than a couple of weeks. If there was one they wouldn't tell anybody anyway because with it one could accurately predict crop yields and they would be making fortunes in the futures markets.

Maybe if there was this super puter the insurance underwriters would be in on it to work the cost benefits of writing policies. Who the fuck knows? I don't. Furthermore I don't even care.
After Katrina you wing nuts screamed this would be happening in increasing numbers.

And here we are today and not one major hurricane has hit the US since then.
I don't know what is causing the escalating weather problems

There is precisely no evidence of "escalating weather problems." We just set a new all time record for time between Cat 3 cane strikes on the US - more than 10 years without one.

Our East coast is not the weather vane for the world. If anything that lack of hurricane activity on our East coast is an indicator something is up. The energy has to go SOMEWHERE. Other parts of the planet and even our West coast are suffering extreme changes in weather patterns that are not so "kind".
And there it is, now lack of hurricane activity means AGW. See, as I've stated over and over, there isn't one situation on the globe that wouldn't attract an AGW k00k to say it's because of AGW. Now there you go. Why don't you all just bite the flippin bullet and just say everything is a cause of AGW. Get over it already and stop skating as badly as you are. EVERYTHING is due to AGW.

Weather extremes are on the increase. I did see where the ozone hole in the antarctic is closing up. The arctic ice is still receding. Do I "know" why these things are happening? No, I do not. Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

As far as I know there isn't a computer on earth with enough horsepower to predict weather on this planet for more than a couple of weeks. If there was one they wouldn't tell anybody anyway because with it one could accurately predict crop yields and they would be making fortunes in the futures markets.

Maybe if there was this super puter the insurance underwriters would be in on it to work the cost benefits of writing policies. Who the fuck knows? I don't. Furthermore I don't even care.
After Katrina you wing nuts screamed this would be happening in increasing numbers.

And here we are today and not one major hurricane has hit the US since then.
nature does not follow your time line.
There is precisely no evidence of "escalating weather problems." We just set a new all time record for time between Cat 3 cane strikes on the US - more than 10 years without one.

Our East coast is not the weather vane for the world. If anything that lack of hurricane activity on our East coast is an indicator something is up. The energy has to go SOMEWHERE. Other parts of the planet and even our West coast are suffering extreme changes in weather patterns that are not so "kind".
And there it is, now lack of hurricane activity means AGW. See, as I've stated over and over, there isn't one situation on the globe that wouldn't attract an AGW k00k to say it's because of AGW. Now there you go. Why don't you all just bite the flippin bullet and just say everything is a cause of AGW. Get over it already and stop skating as badly as you are. EVERYTHING is due to AGW.

Weather extremes are on the increase. I did see where the ozone hole in the antarctic is closing up. The arctic ice is still receding. Do I "know" why these things are happening? No, I do not. Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

As far as I know there isn't a computer on earth with enough horsepower to predict weather on this planet for more than a couple of weeks. If there was one they wouldn't tell anybody anyway because with it one could accurately predict crop yields and they would be making fortunes in the futures markets.

Maybe if there was this super puter the insurance underwriters would be in on it to work the cost benefits of writing policies. Who the fuck knows? I don't. Furthermore I don't even care.
After Katrina you wing nuts screamed this would be happening in increasing numbers.

And here we are today and not one major hurricane has hit the US since then.
nature does not follow your time line.
AL won the Nobel Peace Prize for saying global warming was increasing the strength and frequency of hurricanes. Should he give the prize back?
Our East coast is not the weather vane for the world. If anything that lack of hurricane activity on our East coast is an indicator something is up. The energy has to go SOMEWHERE. Other parts of the planet and even our West coast are suffering extreme changes in weather patterns that are not so "kind".
And there it is, now lack of hurricane activity means AGW. See, as I've stated over and over, there isn't one situation on the globe that wouldn't attract an AGW k00k to say it's because of AGW. Now there you go. Why don't you all just bite the flippin bullet and just say everything is a cause of AGW. Get over it already and stop skating as badly as you are. EVERYTHING is due to AGW.

Weather extremes are on the increase. I did see where the ozone hole in the antarctic is closing up. The arctic ice is still receding. Do I "know" why these things are happening? No, I do not. Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

As far as I know there isn't a computer on earth with enough horsepower to predict weather on this planet for more than a couple of weeks. If there was one they wouldn't tell anybody anyway because with it one could accurately predict crop yields and they would be making fortunes in the futures markets.

Maybe if there was this super puter the insurance underwriters would be in on it to work the cost benefits of writing policies. Who the fuck knows? I don't. Furthermore I don't even care.
After Katrina you wing nuts screamed this would be happening in increasing numbers.

And here we are today and not one major hurricane has hit the US since then.
nature does not follow your time line.
AL won the Nobel Peace Prize for saying global warming was increasing the strength and frequency of hurricanes. Should he give the prize back?
View attachment 81204
he was and is right

And there it is, now lack of hurricane activity means AGW. See, as I've stated over and over, there isn't one situation on the globe that wouldn't attract an AGW k00k to say it's because of AGW. Now there you go. Why don't you all just bite the flippin bullet and just say everything is a cause of AGW. Get over it already and stop skating as badly as you are. EVERYTHING is due to AGW.

Weather extremes are on the increase. I did see where the ozone hole in the antarctic is closing up. The arctic ice is still receding. Do I "know" why these things are happening? No, I do not. Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

As far as I know there isn't a computer on earth with enough horsepower to predict weather on this planet for more than a couple of weeks. If there was one they wouldn't tell anybody anyway because with it one could accurately predict crop yields and they would be making fortunes in the futures markets.

Maybe if there was this super puter the insurance underwriters would be in on it to work the cost benefits of writing policies. Who the fuck knows? I don't. Furthermore I don't even care.
After Katrina you wing nuts screamed this would be happening in increasing numbers.

And here we are today and not one major hurricane has hit the US since then.
nature does not follow your time line.
AL won the Nobel Peace Prize for saying global warming was increasing the strength and frequency of hurricanes. Should he give the prize back?
View attachment 81204
he was and is right

Al was right?
Then the earth must be cooling since hurricanes are decreasing for over a decade.
Our East coast is not the weather vane for the world. If anything that lack of hurricane activity on our East coast is an indicator something is up. The energy has to go SOMEWHERE. Other parts of the planet and even our West coast are suffering extreme changes in weather patterns that are not so "kind".
And there it is, now lack of hurricane activity means AGW. See, as I've stated over and over, there isn't one situation on the globe that wouldn't attract an AGW k00k to say it's because of AGW. Now there you go. Why don't you all just bite the flippin bullet and just say everything is a cause of AGW. Get over it already and stop skating as badly as you are. EVERYTHING is due to AGW.

Weather extremes are on the increase. I did see where the ozone hole in the antarctic is closing up. The arctic ice is still receding. Do I "know" why these things are happening? No, I do not. Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

As far as I know there isn't a computer on earth with enough horsepower to predict weather on this planet for more than a couple of weeks. If there was one they wouldn't tell anybody anyway because with it one could accurately predict crop yields and they would be making fortunes in the futures markets.

Maybe if there was this super puter the insurance underwriters would be in on it to work the cost benefits of writing policies. Who the fuck knows? I don't. Furthermore I don't even care.
Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

Dude you wrote: "If anything that lack of hurricane activity on our East coast is an indicator something is up"

What else does that statement, something is up, mean other than the reason why there isn't hurricane activity is AGW? What else were you saying then? Please explain that statement.

What THAT statement means is exactly what it says you box of rocks. The atmosphere has stored up energy which comes from the sun as ALL energy does in one form or another..well maybe atomic energy doesn't come from the sun. The energy gets expressed here at ground level by weather patterns and events. Hurricanes get fueled by warm ocean water so on and so on.. The energy gets released as the water vapor condenses and falls as rain or hurricanes, tornado's, sharknado's, whatever... Rising ocean temps spawn more violent weather. Not necessarily on our country's East coast but SOMEWHERE.

Anyway I'm done with this stupid conversation because you are to stupid to understand weather basics. I am trained in weather because I am a pilot and we get taught that topic thoroughly and must understand it thoroughly or we don't get our ticket. Comprende' Shit for Brains?
Hurricanes get fueled by warm ocean water so on and so on.. The energy gets released as the water vapor condenses and falls as rain or hurricanes, tornado's, sharknado's, whatever...

so are you saying the Atlantic is getting cooler? Cause if not, then your point is useless. Cause you admit there is a lack of hurricanes on the east coast. Also, did the Atlantic stop evaporating? WTF does weather somewhere else on the globe matter to the temperatures of the Atlantic Ocean and its ability to evaporate and condense water vapor? You stated, it all starts in the warm ocean waters. So the conclusion therefore can only be, the water must be cooling.

You are without a doubt an idiot. No, I never implied the Atlantic is getting cooler. These circular Atlantic storms usually get started off the coast of Africa. If the conditions are not helpful to generate the depressions to get the storms from being formed it makes no difference the water temperature in the western Atlantic. The water temp in the western Atlantic and Caribbean only serves to intensify these storms once they are formed further East. So what you really need to know is what or why these baby storms are not being formed. The drought conditions in Africa may have a lot more to do with it than anything. It is a complicated arrangement when one considers that high water temps in the Southern Pacific can cause drought in Africa and drought and more fires on the West coast of North America.

I really doubt you have the mental horsepower to follow on this discussion so why not call it a day and admit you just want to argue with your supposed "libs" and choose topics that fit on the size of a bumper sticker. I am not your "huckleberry" as I don't give a damn about "lib" causes and I certainly don't have the time nor the inclination to bring you up to speed on the topic of weather.
Weather extremes are on the increase. I did see where the ozone hole in the antarctic is closing up. The arctic ice is still receding. Do I "know" why these things are happening? No, I do not. Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

As far as I know there isn't a computer on earth with enough horsepower to predict weather on this planet for more than a couple of weeks. If there was one they wouldn't tell anybody anyway because with it one could accurately predict crop yields and they would be making fortunes in the futures markets.

Maybe if there was this super puter the insurance underwriters would be in on it to work the cost benefits of writing policies. Who the fuck knows? I don't. Furthermore I don't even care.
Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

Dude you wrote: "If anything that lack of hurricane activity on our East coast is an indicator something is up"

What else does that statement, something is up, mean other than the reason why there isn't hurricane activity is AGW? What else were you saying then? Please explain that statement.

What THAT statement means is exactly what it says you box of rocks. The atmosphere has stored up energy which comes from the sun as ALL energy does in one form or another..well maybe atomic energy doesn't come from the sun. The energy gets expressed here at ground level by weather patterns and events. Hurricanes get fueled by warm ocean water so on and so on.. The energy gets released as the water vapor condenses and falls as rain or hurricanes, tornado's, sharknado's, whatever... Rising ocean temps spawn more violent weather. Not necessarily on our country's East coast but SOMEWHERE.

Anyway I'm done with this stupid conversation because you are to stupid to understand weather basics. I am trained in weather because I am a pilot and we get taught that topic thoroughly and must understand it thoroughly or we don't get our ticket. Comprende' Shit for Brains?
Hurricanes get fueled by warm ocean water so on and so on.. The energy gets released as the water vapor condenses and falls as rain or hurricanes, tornado's, sharknado's, whatever...

so are you saying the Atlantic is getting cooler? Cause if not, then your point is useless. Cause you admit there is a lack of hurricanes on the east coast. Also, did the Atlantic stop evaporating? WTF does weather somewhere else on the globe matter to the temperatures of the Atlantic Ocean and its ability to evaporate and condense water vapor? You stated, it all starts in the warm ocean waters. So the conclusion therefore can only be, the water must be cooling.
God you are ignorant.
First all the oceans are in reality one gigantic body of water.
As to the cooling of the Atlantic or any ocean for that matter is currents
Deep currents are cold , shallow currents are warm .
There are places in any oven where mixing occurs and that is a major component of when or if a hurricane will form.
AGW has changed the way and the way that happens.
what does the fact that there is a lack of hurricanes have to do with water from the pacific? How do you suppose the circulation happens? you say currents, Well the sun beats down on the oceans daily, I highly doubt the energy in the Atlantic is disturbed by the energy from the Pacific. unless of course you think it does? I'd bet the surface waters are independent. And since water vapor and evaporation come from the surface, I'd say what you wrote is bull.

May I quote DAWS101

"God you are ignorant"
Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

Dude you wrote: "If anything that lack of hurricane activity on our East coast is an indicator something is up"

What else does that statement, something is up, mean other than the reason why there isn't hurricane activity is AGW? What else were you saying then? Please explain that statement.

What THAT statement means is exactly what it says you box of rocks. The atmosphere has stored up energy which comes from the sun as ALL energy does in one form or another..well maybe atomic energy doesn't come from the sun. The energy gets expressed here at ground level by weather patterns and events. Hurricanes get fueled by warm ocean water so on and so on.. The energy gets released as the water vapor condenses and falls as rain or hurricanes, tornado's, sharknado's, whatever... Rising ocean temps spawn more violent weather. Not necessarily on our country's East coast but SOMEWHERE.

Anyway I'm done with this stupid conversation because you are to stupid to understand weather basics. I am trained in weather because I am a pilot and we get taught that topic thoroughly and must understand it thoroughly or we don't get our ticket. Comprende' Shit for Brains?
Hurricanes get fueled by warm ocean water so on and so on.. The energy gets released as the water vapor condenses and falls as rain or hurricanes, tornado's, sharknado's, whatever...

so are you saying the Atlantic is getting cooler? Cause if not, then your point is useless. Cause you admit there is a lack of hurricanes on the east coast. Also, did the Atlantic stop evaporating? WTF does weather somewhere else on the globe matter to the temperatures of the Atlantic Ocean and its ability to evaporate and condense water vapor? You stated, it all starts in the warm ocean waters. So the conclusion therefore can only be, the water must be cooling.
God you are ignorant.
First all the oceans are in reality one gigantic body of water.
As to the cooling of the Atlantic or any ocean for that matter is currents
Deep currents are cold , shallow currents are warm .
There are places in any oven where mixing occurs and that is a major component of when or if a hurricane will form.
AGW has changed the way and the way that happens.
what does the fact that there is a lack of hurricanes have to do with water from the pacific? How do you suppose the circulation happens? you say currents, Well the sun beats down on the oceans daily, I highly doubt the energy in the Atlantic is disturbed by the energy from the Pacific. unless of course you think it does? I'd bet the surface waters are independent. And since water vapor and evaporation come from the surface, I'd say what you wrote is bull.
Thanks for showcasing your ignorance again!

Does he really need a whole showcase? :lol:
Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

Dude you wrote: "If anything that lack of hurricane activity on our East coast is an indicator something is up"

What else does that statement, something is up, mean other than the reason why there isn't hurricane activity is AGW? What else were you saying then? Please explain that statement.

What THAT statement means is exactly what it says you box of rocks. The atmosphere has stored up energy which comes from the sun as ALL energy does in one form or another..well maybe atomic energy doesn't come from the sun. The energy gets expressed here at ground level by weather patterns and events. Hurricanes get fueled by warm ocean water so on and so on.. The energy gets released as the water vapor condenses and falls as rain or hurricanes, tornado's, sharknado's, whatever... Rising ocean temps spawn more violent weather. Not necessarily on our country's East coast but SOMEWHERE.

Anyway I'm done with this stupid conversation because you are to stupid to understand weather basics. I am trained in weather because I am a pilot and we get taught that topic thoroughly and must understand it thoroughly or we don't get our ticket. Comprende' Shit for Brains?
Hurricanes get fueled by warm ocean water so on and so on.. The energy gets released as the water vapor condenses and falls as rain or hurricanes, tornado's, sharknado's, whatever...

so are you saying the Atlantic is getting cooler? Cause if not, then your point is useless. Cause you admit there is a lack of hurricanes on the east coast. Also, did the Atlantic stop evaporating? WTF does weather somewhere else on the globe matter to the temperatures of the Atlantic Ocean and its ability to evaporate and condense water vapor? You stated, it all starts in the warm ocean waters. So the conclusion therefore can only be, the water must be cooling.
God you are ignorant.
First all the oceans are in reality one gigantic body of water.
As to the cooling of the Atlantic or any ocean for that matter is currents
Deep currents are cold , shallow currents are warm .
There are places in any oven where mixing occurs and that is a major component of when or if a hurricane will form.
AGW has changed the way and the way that happens.
what does the fact that there is a lack of hurricanes have to do with water from the pacific? How do you suppose the circulation happens? you say currents, Well the sun beats down on the oceans daily, I highly doubt the energy in the Atlantic is disturbed by the energy from the Pacific. unless of course you think it does? I'd bet the surface waters are independent. And since water vapor and evaporation come from the surface, I'd say what you wrote is bull.

May I quote DAWS101

"God you are ignorant"
Funny how God haters always use Gods name in vain.
I don't know what is causing the escalating weather problems

There is precisely no evidence of "escalating weather problems." We just set a new all time record for time between Cat 3 cane strikes on the US - more than 10 years without one.

Our East coast is not the weather vane for the world. If anything that lack of hurricane activity on our East coast is an indicator something is up. The energy has to go SOMEWHERE. Other parts of the planet and even our West coast are suffering extreme changes in weather patterns that are not so "kind".
And there it is, now lack of hurricane activity means AGW. See, as I've stated over and over, there isn't one situation on the globe that wouldn't attract an AGW k00k to say it's because of AGW. Now there you go. Why don't you all just bite the flippin bullet and just say everything is a cause of AGW. Get over it already and stop skating as badly as you are. EVERYTHING is due to AGW.

Weather extremes are on the increase. I did see where the ozone hole in the antarctic is closing up. The arctic ice is still receding. Do I "know" why these things are happening? No, I do not. Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

As far as I know there isn't a computer on earth with enough horsepower to predict weather on this planet for more than a couple of weeks. If there was one they wouldn't tell anybody anyway because with it one could accurately predict crop yields and they would be making fortunes in the futures markets.

Maybe if there was this super puter the insurance underwriters would be in on it to work the cost benefits of writing policies. Who the fuck knows? I don't. Furthermore I don't even care.
After Katrina you wing nuts screamed this would be happening in increasing numbers.

And here we are today and not one major hurricane has hit the US since then.

I didn't "scream" anything. I am not a liberal. If you had any idea what kind of training regarding the weather one gets to become an airplane pilot you would not say such ignorant crap. I would appreciate you directing your uninformed anger at the appropriate individuals.
There is precisely no evidence of "escalating weather problems." We just set a new all time record for time between Cat 3 cane strikes on the US - more than 10 years without one.

Our East coast is not the weather vane for the world. If anything that lack of hurricane activity on our East coast is an indicator something is up. The energy has to go SOMEWHERE. Other parts of the planet and even our West coast are suffering extreme changes in weather patterns that are not so "kind".
And there it is, now lack of hurricane activity means AGW. See, as I've stated over and over, there isn't one situation on the globe that wouldn't attract an AGW k00k to say it's because of AGW. Now there you go. Why don't you all just bite the flippin bullet and just say everything is a cause of AGW. Get over it already and stop skating as badly as you are. EVERYTHING is due to AGW.

Weather extremes are on the increase. I did see where the ozone hole in the antarctic is closing up. The arctic ice is still receding. Do I "know" why these things are happening? No, I do not. Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

As far as I know there isn't a computer on earth with enough horsepower to predict weather on this planet for more than a couple of weeks. If there was one they wouldn't tell anybody anyway because with it one could accurately predict crop yields and they would be making fortunes in the futures markets.

Maybe if there was this super puter the insurance underwriters would be in on it to work the cost benefits of writing policies. Who the fuck knows? I don't. Furthermore I don't even care.
After Katrina you wing nuts screamed this would be happening in increasing numbers.

And here we are today and not one major hurricane has hit the US since then.

I didn't "scream" anything. I am not a liberal. If you had any idea what kind of training regarding the weather one gets to become an airplane pilot you would not say such ignorant crap. I would appreciate you directing your uninformed anger at the appropriate individuals.
Nobody said you "screamed" or was a liberal. :cuckoo:

But I'm happy certified meteorologists trained you.....
And there it is, now lack of hurricane activity means AGW. See, as I've stated over and over, there isn't one situation on the globe that wouldn't attract an AGW k00k to say it's because of AGW. Now there you go. Why don't you all just bite the flippin bullet and just say everything is a cause of AGW. Get over it already and stop skating as badly as you are. EVERYTHING is due to AGW.

Weather extremes are on the increase. I did see where the ozone hole in the antarctic is closing up. The arctic ice is still receding. Do I "know" why these things are happening? No, I do not. Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

As far as I know there isn't a computer on earth with enough horsepower to predict weather on this planet for more than a couple of weeks. If there was one they wouldn't tell anybody anyway because with it one could accurately predict crop yields and they would be making fortunes in the futures markets.

Maybe if there was this super puter the insurance underwriters would be in on it to work the cost benefits of writing policies. Who the fuck knows? I don't. Furthermore I don't even care.
Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

Dude you wrote: "If anything that lack of hurricane activity on our East coast is an indicator something is up"

What else does that statement, something is up, mean other than the reason why there isn't hurricane activity is AGW? What else were you saying then? Please explain that statement.

What THAT statement means is exactly what it says you box of rocks. The atmosphere has stored up energy which comes from the sun as ALL energy does in one form or another..well maybe atomic energy doesn't come from the sun. The energy gets expressed here at ground level by weather patterns and events. Hurricanes get fueled by warm ocean water so on and so on.. The energy gets released as the water vapor condenses and falls as rain or hurricanes, tornado's, sharknado's, whatever... Rising ocean temps spawn more violent weather. Not necessarily on our country's East coast but SOMEWHERE.

Anyway I'm done with this stupid conversation because you are to stupid to understand weather basics. I am trained in weather because I am a pilot and we get taught that topic thoroughly and must understand it thoroughly or we don't get our ticket. Comprende' Shit for Brains?
Hurricanes get fueled by warm ocean water so on and so on.. The energy gets released as the water vapor condenses and falls as rain or hurricanes, tornado's, sharknado's, whatever...

so are you saying the Atlantic is getting cooler? Cause if not, then your point is useless. Cause you admit there is a lack of hurricanes on the east coast. Also, did the Atlantic stop evaporating? WTF does weather somewhere else on the globe matter to the temperatures of the Atlantic Ocean and its ability to evaporate and condense water vapor? You stated, it all starts in the warm ocean waters. So the conclusion therefore can only be, the water must be cooling.

You are without a doubt an idiot. No, I never implied the Atlantic is getting cooler. These circular Atlantic storms usually get started off the coast of Africa. If the conditions are not helpful to generate the depressions to get the storms from being formed it makes no difference the water temperature in the western Atlantic. The water temp in the western Atlantic and Caribbean only serves to intensify these storms once they are formed further East. So what you really need to know is what or why these baby storms are not being formed. The drought conditions in Africa may have a lot more to do with it than anything. It is a complicated arrangement when one considers that high water temps in the Southern Pacific can cause drought in Africa and drought and more fires on the West coast of North America.

I really doubt you have the mental horsepower to follow on this discussion so why not call it a day and admit you just want to argue with your supposed "libs" and choose topics that fit on the size of a bumper sticker. I am not your "huckleberry" as I don't give a damn about "lib" causes and I certainly don't have the time nor the inclination to bring you up to speed on the topic of weather.
But your response to me was this:

"The energy gets expressed here at ground level by weather patterns and events. Hurricanes get fueled by warm ocean water so on and so on.. The energy gets released as the water vapor condenses and falls as rain or hurricanes, tornado's, sharknado's, whatever... Rising ocean temps spawn more violent weather. Not necessarily on our country's East coast but SOMEWHERE."

Now you're changing that to you don't need warm oceans, you need the coast of Africa to be what?

I thought the ocean temps were rising, and it would spawn more violent weather. But that isn't happening. WTF?

so hurricanes don't develop over the middle Atlantic? Again, Algore stated more of them due to the CO2. now you're back peddling since there hasn't been any. It is not what was stated by little Al.

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