Millions Evacuated After Catastrophic Flooding Hits China, Pakistan

To those of us who accept the view of mainstream science regarding global warming and man's role in bringing it about, when was the last time you used Al Gore as a reference on any point? Ever? Thought not.

The flooding that has taken place in Asia this season is extraordinary. Unfortunately, as time goes by, such weather events will become more and more the norm. Just like droughts and floods and super typhoons and melting glaciers and altered seasonal timing and sea level rise.

Welcome to the New World Order.
when was the last time you used Al Gore as a reference on any point?

When Obama was told by the FBI in 2009 that global warming - CO2 driven climate change - was a hoax, he reportedly had a big big shouting match with Algore at the White House, and has not been photoed with Algore since, even though Obama had bigot Eric Holder flush the case and enable the left wing stealing to continue...
when was the last time you used Al Gore as a reference on any point?

When Obama was told by the FBI in 2009 that global warming - CO2 driven climate change - was a hoax, he reportedly had a big big shouting match with Algore at the White House, and has not been photoed with Algore since, even though Obama had bigot Eric Holder flush the case and enable the left wing stealing to continue...
when was the last time you used Al Gore as a reference on any point?

When Obama was told by the FBI in 2009 that global warming - CO2 driven climate change - was a hoax, he reportedly had a big big shouting match with Algore at the White House, and has not been photoed with Algore since, even though Obama had bigot Eric Holder flush the case and enable the left wing stealing to continue...
Damn, LaDumkopf, your lies get sillier every day. And what would the FBI be doing making any judgement whatsoever on climate science? Damn, you just keep getting sillier and sillier.
when was the last time you used Al Gore as a reference on any point?

When Obama was told by the FBI in 2009 that global warming - CO2 driven climate change - was a hoax, he reportedly had a big big shouting match with Algore at the White House, and has not been photoed with Algore since, even though Obama had bigot Eric Holder flush the case and enable the left wing stealing to continue...
Damn, LaDumkopf, your lies get sillier every day. And what would the FBI be doing making any judgement whatsoever on climate science? Damn, you just keep getting sillier and sillier.
That's my favorite thing about Crapspiracy theorists .they never read their own shit .
That's my favorite thing about Crapspiracy theorists .they never read their own shit .

You have this peculiar situation in 2010 when Obama shut up for two years about Algore's FRAUD. Why?

Obama up until 2010 was a standard parrot. Then he shut up. Then he started parroting again.

What caused him to shut up for 2 years?
That's my favorite thing about Crapspiracy theorists .they never read their own shit .

You have this peculiar situation in 2010 when Obama shut up for two years about Algore's FRAUD. Why?

Obama up until 2010 was a standard parrot. Then he shut up. Then he started parroting again.

What caused him to shut up for 2 years?
Crapspiracy theory yammering from La dumpster.
I don't know what is causing the escalating weather problems

There is precisely no evidence of "escalating weather problems." We just set a new all time record for time between Cat 3 cane strikes on the US - more than 10 years without one.

Our East coast is not the weather vane for the world. If anything that lack of hurricane activity on our East coast is an indicator something is up. The energy has to go SOMEWHERE. Other parts of the planet and even our West coast are suffering extreme changes in weather patterns that are not so "kind".
And there it is, now lack of hurricane activity means AGW. See, as I've stated over and over, there isn't one situation on the globe that wouldn't attract an AGW k00k to say it's because of AGW. Now there you go. Why don't you all just bite the flippin bullet and just say everything is a cause of AGW. Get over it already and stop skating as badly as you are. EVERYTHING is due to AGW.
I have told them to cut back. I do so by voting for presidents and congresspersons who don't think global warming is a Chinese hoax.

Catastrophic rainfall during monsoon season, flooding in Texas, droughts in the southwest, super typhoon after super typhoon in the Pacific... these are all indications that global warming is beginning to intensify severe weather... as expected.
how do you know these are signs? There is no experimental evidence to support that comment.
You know this right?
Wow, monsoons never killed anyone in Asia before....


Being 67 I can tell you that the "natural" disasters ARE getting worse by the decade.. FAR worse.

Yes it is true that typhoons and monsoons have occurred every rainy season that I can remember. What IS happening is that the intensity of these naturally occurring seasonal weather patterns has steadily become much more than the years before. Half a century ago the deaths that happened were mainly because the infrastructure in these places was so primitive. Now there are many dams and well built highways in place yet the damage is increasing. Denying the reality that is taking place is just moronic.
so you answered your own concern with your own statement. You see, the surface areas have changed. You know why? They built dams and added concrete to the land. Do you think concrete absorbs water or does it move to a different area for that new area to become stressed. WOW, the level of intelligence with the lefty warmers is surely funny.

In other words, they changed where the water can go. or do you think not? Let's hear this marvel.
Wow, monsoons never killed anyone in Asia before....


Being 67 I can tell you that the "natural" disasters ARE getting worse by the decade.. FAR worse.

Yes it is true that typhoons and monsoons have occurred every rainy season that I can remember. What IS happening is that the intensity of these naturally occurring seasonal weather patterns has steadily become much more than the years before. Half a century ago the deaths that happened were mainly because the infrastructure in these places was so primitive. Now there are many dams and well built highways in place yet the damage is increasing. Denying the reality that is taking place is just moronic.
so you answered your own concern with your own statement. You see, the surface areas have changed. You know why? They built dams and added concrete to the land. Do you think concrete absorbs water or does it move to a different area for that new area to become stressed. WOW, the level of intelligence with the lefty warmers is surely funny.

In other words, they changed where the water can go. or do you think not? Let's hear this marvel.
I don't know what is causing the escalating weather problems

There is precisely no evidence of "escalating weather problems." We just set a new all time record for time between Cat 3 cane strikes on the US - more than 10 years without one.

Our East coast is not the weather vane for the world. If anything that lack of hurricane activity on our East coast is an indicator something is up. The energy has to go SOMEWHERE. Other parts of the planet and even our West coast are suffering extreme changes in weather patterns that are not so "kind".
And there it is, now lack of hurricane activity means AGW. See, as I've stated over and over, there isn't one situation on the globe that wouldn't attract an AGW k00k to say it's because of AGW. Now there you go. Why don't you all just bite the flippin bullet and just say everything is a cause of AGW. Get over it already and stop skating as badly as you are. EVERYTHING is due to AGW.

Weather extremes are on the increase. I did see where the ozone hole in the antarctic is closing up. The arctic ice is still receding. Do I "know" why these things are happening? No, I do not. Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

As far as I know there isn't a computer on earth with enough horsepower to predict weather on this planet for more than a couple of weeks. If there was one they wouldn't tell anybody anyway because with it one could accurately predict crop yields and they would be making fortunes in the futures markets.

Maybe if there was this super puter the insurance underwriters would be in on it to work the cost benefits of writing policies. Who the fuck knows? I don't. Furthermore I don't even care.
I don't know what is causing the escalating weather problems

There is precisely no evidence of "escalating weather problems." We just set a new all time record for time between Cat 3 cane strikes on the US - more than 10 years without one.

Our East coast is not the weather vane for the world. If anything that lack of hurricane activity on our East coast is an indicator something is up. The energy has to go SOMEWHERE. Other parts of the planet and even our West coast are suffering extreme changes in weather patterns that are not so "kind".
And there it is, now lack of hurricane activity means AGW. See, as I've stated over and over, there isn't one situation on the globe that wouldn't attract an AGW k00k to say it's because of AGW. Now there you go. Why don't you all just bite the flippin bullet and just say everything is a cause of AGW. Get over it already and stop skating as badly as you are. EVERYTHING is due to AGW.

Weather extremes are on the increase. I did see where the ozone hole in the antarctic is closing up. The arctic ice is still receding. Do I "know" why these things are happening? No, I do not. Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

As far as I know there isn't a computer on earth with enough horsepower to predict weather on this planet for more than a couple of weeks. If there was one they wouldn't tell anybody anyway because with it one could accurately predict crop yields and they would be making fortunes in the futures markets.

Maybe if there was this super puter the insurance underwriters would be in on it to work the cost benefits of writing policies. Who the fuck knows? I don't. Furthermore I don't even care.
Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

Dude you wrote: "If anything that lack of hurricane activity on our East coast is an indicator something is up"

What else does that statement, something is up, mean other than the reason why there isn't hurricane activity is AGW? What else were you saying then? Please explain that statement.
Wow, monsoons never killed anyone in Asia before....


Being 67 I can tell you that the "natural" disasters ARE getting worse by the decade.. FAR worse.

Yes it is true that typhoons and monsoons have occurred every rainy season that I can remember. What IS happening is that the intensity of these naturally occurring seasonal weather patterns has steadily become much more than the years before. Half a century ago the deaths that happened were mainly because the infrastructure in these places was so primitive. Now there are many dams and well built highways in place yet the damage is increasing. Denying the reality that is taking place is just moronic.
so you answered your own concern with your own statement. You see, the surface areas have changed. You know why? They built dams and added concrete to the land. Do you think concrete absorbs water or does it move to a different area for that new area to become stressed. WOW, the level of intelligence with the lefty warmers is surely funny.

In other words, they changed where the water can go. or do you think not? Let's hear this marvel.

Fuck you Sparky. What I think is that you are a bag of hammers barking up the wrong tree. "Lefty"? Did I mention "Fuck you Sparky"? 60% of this country votes Democrat you drooling simpleton. I'm not one of them. But you do have a target rich environment in other sectors. Good luck with that as you can't seem to find your ass with either hand.
Wow, monsoons never killed anyone in Asia before....


Being 67 I can tell you that the "natural" disasters ARE getting worse by the decade.. FAR worse.

Yes it is true that typhoons and monsoons have occurred every rainy season that I can remember. What IS happening is that the intensity of these naturally occurring seasonal weather patterns has steadily become much more than the years before. Half a century ago the deaths that happened were mainly because the infrastructure in these places was so primitive. Now there are many dams and well built highways in place yet the damage is increasing. Denying the reality that is taking place is just moronic.
so you answered your own concern with your own statement. You see, the surface areas have changed. You know why? They built dams and added concrete to the land. Do you think concrete absorbs water or does it move to a different area for that new area to become stressed. WOW, the level of intelligence with the lefty warmers is surely funny.

In other words, they changed where the water can go. or do you think not? Let's hear this marvel.

Fuck you Sparky. What I think is that you are a bag of hammers barking up the wrong tree. "Lefty"? Did I mention "Fuck you Sparky"? 60% of this country votes Democrat you drooling simpleton. I'm not one of them. But you do have a target rich environment in other sectors. Good luck with that as you can't seem to find your ass with either hand.
so you can't answer my question on what you meant by the statement? ok, then I do really think you are a libturd.
I don't know what is causing the escalating weather problems

There is precisely no evidence of "escalating weather problems." We just set a new all time record for time between Cat 3 cane strikes on the US - more than 10 years without one.

Our East coast is not the weather vane for the world. If anything that lack of hurricane activity on our East coast is an indicator something is up. The energy has to go SOMEWHERE. Other parts of the planet and even our West coast are suffering extreme changes in weather patterns that are not so "kind".
And there it is, now lack of hurricane activity means AGW. See, as I've stated over and over, there isn't one situation on the globe that wouldn't attract an AGW k00k to say it's because of AGW. Now there you go. Why don't you all just bite the flippin bullet and just say everything is a cause of AGW. Get over it already and stop skating as badly as you are. EVERYTHING is due to AGW.

Weather extremes are on the increase. I did see where the ozone hole in the antarctic is closing up. The arctic ice is still receding. Do I "know" why these things are happening? No, I do not. Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

As far as I know there isn't a computer on earth with enough horsepower to predict weather on this planet for more than a couple of weeks. If there was one they wouldn't tell anybody anyway because with it one could accurately predict crop yields and they would be making fortunes in the futures markets.

Maybe if there was this super puter the insurance underwriters would be in on it to work the cost benefits of writing policies. Who the fuck knows? I don't. Furthermore I don't even care.
Don't put words in my mouth asshole. I'm not in the AWG club and I'm not in your gay as fuck "everybody is blaming AWG" club either.

Dude you wrote: "If anything that lack of hurricane activity on our East coast is an indicator something is up"

What else does that statement, something is up, mean other than the reason why there isn't hurricane activity is AGW? What else were you saying then? Please explain that statement.

What THAT statement means is exactly what it says you box of rocks. The atmosphere has stored up energy which comes from the sun as ALL energy does in one form or another..well maybe atomic energy doesn't come from the sun. The energy gets expressed here at ground level by weather patterns and events. Hurricanes get fueled by warm ocean water so on and so on.. The energy gets released as the water vapor condenses and falls as rain or hurricanes, tornado's, sharknado's, whatever... Rising ocean temps spawn more violent weather. Not necessarily on our country's East coast but SOMEWHERE.

Anyway I'm done with this stupid conversation because you are to stupid to understand weather basics. I am trained in weather because I am a pilot and we get taught that topic thoroughly and must understand it thoroughly or we don't get our ticket. Comprende' Shit for Brains?

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