Millions Evacuated After Catastrophic Flooding Hits China, Pakistan

Water Vapor Confirmed as Major Player in Climate Change

The distribution of atmospheric water vapor, a significant greenhouse gas, varies across the globe. During the summer and fall of 2005, this visualization shows that most vapor collects at tropical latitudes, particularly over south Asia, where monsoon thunderstorms swept the gas some 2 miles above the land.
Credit: NASA
> Watch video
Water vapor is known to be Earth’s most abundant greenhouse gas, but the extent of its contribution to global warming has been debated. Using recent NASA satellite data, researchers have estimated more precisely than ever the heat-trapping effect of water in the air, validating the role of the gas as a critical component of climate change.

Andrew Dessler and colleagues from Texas A&M University in College Station confirmed that the heat-amplifying effect of water vapor is potent enough to double the climate warming caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

With new observations, the scientists confirmed experimentally what existing climate models had anticipated theoretically. The research team used novel data from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite to measure precisely the humidity throughout the lowest 10 miles of the atmosphere. That information was combined with global observations of shifts in temperature, allowing researchers to build a comprehensive picture of the interplay between water vapor, carbon dioxide, and other atmosphere-warming gases. The NASA-funded research was published recently in the American Geophysical Union's Geophysical Research Letters.

NASA - Water Vapor Confirmed as Major Player in Climate Change
curious, what causes humidity?
if you don't know that, then maybe you are in the wrong thread .

Human impact on the environment
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"Anthropogenic" redirects here. It is not to be confused with Anthropogeny or Anthropization.

Environment in
The ecosystem of public parks often includes humans feeding the wildlife.
Human impact on the environment or anthropogenic impact on the environment includes impacts on biophysical environments, biodiversity, and other resources.[1][2] The term anthropogenic designates an effect or object resulting from human activity. The term was first used in the technical sense by Russian geologist Alexey Pavlov, and was first used in English by British ecologist Arthur Tansley in reference to human influences on climax plant communities.[3] The atmospheric scientist Paul Crutzen introduced the term "anthropocene" in the mid-1970s.[4] The term is sometimes used in the context of pollution emissions that are produced as a result of human activities but applies broadly to all major human impacts on the environment.[5]
Human impact on the environment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

TO Funny!

The magical secret hand shake that not even NASA can prove and the earth shows, by observed empirical evidence, does not exist...
All of the AGW goofballs in this forum hail from places like Scratchmyassville USA or Bumfook USA or some other Godforsaken place like that!! Places nobody will ever know about. I often wonder if they have ever even seen a real fireworks show in their lives!!:2up::rofl::rofl:

Go to an Italian wake in Brooklyn, New York and just stand there for a bit and watch........the level of hysterical is exactly what you see from the AGW k00ks in this forum every time there is a flood somewhere. Its priceless........but I effectively ended this thread a couple of pages back with this link >> Chronology of Extreme Weather ......goes back hundreds of years and displays mega-floods that killed huge #'s of people. But every time there is a flood someplace on earth, they make it out to be some kind of anomaly associated with climate change and the arrival of SUV's. duh.........lets face it, only the real dim witted are going to buy this crap which I guess does make their presentation understandable. But if you have half a brain..........:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
I would have used the actual reports but I had to dumb it down ,
if I hadn't you'd look even more ignorant.
Here on page 8 of the thread I'm still waiting to hear how much it rained. OP claims its caused by manmade global warming but has zero data of the environmental data.

Very unscientific.
it rained enough to cause massive damage you wouldn't understand why that's important .
Wow, annual monsoons caused flooding.

Why do you hate science?
false it was not an average or even above average monsoon.
but you just had to say something.

China’s Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) says that since 30 June, floods, hail, landslides, mudslides and other disasters have affected the 11 provinces of Jiangsu, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan.

MCA say that over 1 million people have been relocated, and over half a million others have required emergency assistance. Around 40,000 houses have been destroyed or have collapsed and 248,000 have been damaged. More than 1.5 million hectares of cropland has also been damaged.

MCA estimate that the severe weather has caused direct economic losses of over 38 billion yuan (around 5.7 billion US dollars).

Since 30 June, several daily rainfall records have been broken, including in Macheng (285 mm), Jingmen (273 mm), Jiangxia (263 mm), Zhongxiang (230 mm), Huangpi (227 mm), all in Hubei Province, and Chaohu (293 mm) in Anhui Province, according to a statement by MCA.
Page 9 coming up and still no data.

Why do you hate science?
Post # 78, you fucked up dumb ass. Maybe you are illiterate as well as stupid?
North America most affected by increase in weather-related natural catastrophes | Munich Re

Press release

North America most affected by increase in weather-related natural catastrophes
A new study by Munich Re shows that North America has been most affected by weather-related extreme events in recent decades. The publication "Severe weather in North America" analyzes all kinds of weather perils and their trends. It reports and shows that the continent has experienced the largest increases in weather-related loss events.

For the period concerned – 1980 to 2011 – the overall loss burden from weather catastrophes was US$ 1,060bn (in 2011 values).The insured losses amounted to US$ 510bn, and some 30,000 people lost their lives due to weather catastrophes in North America during this time frame. With US$ 62.2bn insured losses and overall losses of US$ 125bn (in original values) Hurricane Katrina in 2005 was the costliest event ever recorded in the US. Katrina was also the deadliest single storm event, claiming 1,322 lives.

The study was prepared in order to support underwriters and clients in North America, the world’s largest insurance and reinsurance market. Using its NatCatSERVICE – with more than 30,000 records the most comprehensive loss data base for natural catastrophes – Munich Re analyzes the frequency and loss trends of different perils from an insurance perspective. The North American continent is exposed to every type of hazardous weather peril – tropical cyclone, thunderstorm, winter storm, tornado, wildfire, drought and flood. One reason for this is that there is no mountain range running east to west that separates hot from cold air.

From the people that insure the insurance companies.
27 - 28 Apr 2015
Organised by World Energy Council
Location: Rüschlikon/Zurich, Switzerland

About the event

The World Energy Council (WEC) project "Financing Resilient Energy Infrastructure" seeks to find out how the energy and finance sectors can work together and with other sectors to better understand risk and uncertainty in energy infrastructure and thereby unlock the capital needed to accelerate the transition to a resilient global energy economy.

This workshop on the impact of extreme weather and climate change on the energy sector is part of a series that elaborates different risks to the energy sector. A solid understanding of the nature of these risks and appropriately adapted energy financing mechanisms and infrastructure design is necessary in order to avoid an investment impasse which could threaten to cripple global energy systems.

In particular, this workshop will elaborate on the physical and economical impact of extreme weather events, drivers and trends in regard to extreme weather and climate change, physical and technical defensive measures, and solutions for energy infrastructure financing. Participation is by invitation only.

World Energy Council: Extreme Weather Industry & Expert Forum

A good many people with real educations and responsibilities are planning on how to meet the challenge of a changing climate that involves more extreme weather events.
It's the weather. Insurance solutions to cope with the financial consequences of extreme weather


Juerg Trueb, 03 Nov 15
Extreme weather events affect the energy industry across its whole value chain. Extreme weather events include wind storms, storm surges and floods, heat and cold waves as well as unseasonal weather such as drought or extremely high/low temperatures. The impact of extreme weather on the energy industry includes physical damages, business interruption, and fluctuations in demand or supply, and adverse effects on prices and companies’ profitability.

In particular, adverse weather impacts the production and transportation of energy, such as power lines being blown down or network functioning being disturbed. Shortages in supply and construction delays can be indirect results. Extremely high or low temperatures also affect energy production, as consumption may be higher/lower than expected, with consequent effects on earning. High temperatures affect the ability to cool thermal power plants, thus reducing their output.

All these climatic conditions will be exacerbated by climate change. The increase of global mean temperatures is thought to be the underlying cause of the changing frequency, intensity and duration of extreme weather events. Population growth and human activity have led to a significant increase in greenhouse gas emissions which, alongside with the natural climate variability, have created the global upward temperature trend. The rise in global average temperatures is disrupting the global climate system and will likely lead to shifts in the frequency, intensity and duration of extreme weather events. Human and economic exposure to the expected extreme weather events has increased, especially because of a higher concentration of people and assets (including infrastructure) in especially exposed areas like megacities and large settlement areas, which are often in coastal or flood prone areas [1]. The need to cut greenhouse gas emissions is clear. Implementation is coming through regulations, changes and subsidies. Climate policies impact decisions on future energy assets and improved energy efficiency.

Swiss Re, Munich Re, and the insurance companies worldwide are seeing the results of the increase in extreme weather events on their bottom line.
"Increased “extreme weather events” caused by man-made global warming are an alarmist myth, a study shows. In fact, contradicting claims by the Royal Society, the National Academy of Sciences and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, there was more “extreme weather” in the first half of the 20th Century than the second half."


‘Extreme Weather Events’: Another Alarmist Myth

'Extreme Weather Events': Another Alarmist Myth

Climatologist Debunks 'Extreme Weather' Myth, Says Current Weather is 'Business as Usual'

Of all the AGW alarmist hysteria out there, the "extreme weather" is the most laughable. Anybody who bothers to take a close look at this "extreme weather" garbage quickly realizes they are being duped. In fact, when the alarmists started this nonsense a few years ago, that is what ultimately brought me into this forum...the fake shit was just getting too absurd.:up:
"Increased “extreme weather events” caused by man-made global warming are an alarmist myth, a study shows. In fact, contradicting claims by the Royal Society, the National Academy of Sciences and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, there was more “extreme weather” in the first half of the 20th Century than the second half."


‘Extreme Weather Events’: Another Alarmist Myth

'Extreme Weather Events': Another Alarmist Myth

Climatologist Debunks 'Extreme Weather' Myth, Says Current Weather is 'Business as Usual'

Of all the AGW alarmist hysteria out there, the "extreme weather" is the most laughable. Anybody who bothers to take a close look at this "extreme weather" garbage quickly realizes they are being duped. In fact, when the alarmists started this nonsense a few years ago, that is what ultimately brought me into this forum...the fake shit was just getting too absurd.:up:

Those pesky FACTS gettin in the way of Old Frauds lies and deceptions... When is the dam fool going to learn that your entitled to your opinion not the facts which destroy his agenda...
Even left wing icon Warren Buffett's insurance companies are profiting from lack of "extreme weather."

Here on page 8 of the thread I'm still waiting to hear how much it rained. OP claims its caused by manmade global warming but has zero data of the environmental data.

Very unscientific.
it rained enough to cause massive damage you wouldn't understand why that's important .
Wow, annual monsoons caused flooding.

Why do you hate science?
false it was not an average or even above average monsoon.
but you just had to say something.

China’s Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) says that since 30 June, floods, hail, landslides, mudslides and other disasters have affected the 11 provinces of Jiangsu, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan.

MCA say that over 1 million people have been relocated, and over half a million others have required emergency assistance. Around 40,000 houses have been destroyed or have collapsed and 248,000 have been damaged. More than 1.5 million hectares of cropland has also been damaged.

MCA estimate that the severe weather has caused direct economic losses of over 38 billion yuan (around 5.7 billion US dollars).

Since 30 June, several daily rainfall records have been broken, including in Macheng (285 mm), Jingmen (273 mm), Jiangxia (263 mm), Zhongxiang (230 mm), Huangpi (227 mm), all in Hubei Province, and Chaohu (293 mm) in Anhui Province, according to a statement by MCA.
Page 9 coming up and still no data.

Why do you hate science?
Post # 78, you fucked up dumb ass. Maybe you are illiterate as well as stupid?
what's evidence in that post? Where is the supporting historical information. I saw nothing but a commentary. holy crap again. Dude you are losing it. :oops-28:
North America most affected by increase in weather-related natural catastrophes | Munich Re

Press release

North America most affected by increase in weather-related natural catastrophes
A new study by Munich Re shows that North America has been most affected by weather-related extreme events in recent decades. The publication "Severe weather in North America" analyzes all kinds of weather perils and their trends. It reports and shows that the continent has experienced the largest increases in weather-related loss events.

For the period concerned – 1980 to 2011 – the overall loss burden from weather catastrophes was US$ 1,060bn (in 2011 values).The insured losses amounted to US$ 510bn, and some 30,000 people lost their lives due to weather catastrophes in North America during this time frame. With US$ 62.2bn insured losses and overall losses of US$ 125bn (in original values) Hurricane Katrina in 2005 was the costliest event ever recorded in the US. Katrina was also the deadliest single storm event, claiming 1,322 lives.

The study was prepared in order to support underwriters and clients in North America, the world’s largest insurance and reinsurance market. Using its NatCatSERVICE – with more than 30,000 records the most comprehensive loss data base for natural catastrophes – Munich Re analyzes the frequency and loss trends of different perils from an insurance perspective. The North American continent is exposed to every type of hazardous weather peril – tropical cyclone, thunderstorm, winter storm, tornado, wildfire, drought and flood. One reason for this is that there is no mountain range running east to west that separates hot from cold air.

From the people that insure the insurance companies.
wow :lmao::lol::tongue-44:
"Increased “extreme weather events” caused by man-made global warming are an alarmist myth, a study shows. In fact, contradicting claims by the Royal Society, the National Academy of Sciences and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, there was more “extreme weather” in the first half of the 20th Century than the second half."


‘Extreme Weather Events’: Another Alarmist Myth

'Extreme Weather Events': Another Alarmist Myth

Climatologist Debunks 'Extreme Weather' Myth, Says Current Weather is 'Business as Usual'

Of all the AGW alarmist hysteria out there, the "extreme weather" is the most laughable. Anybody who bothers to take a close look at this "extreme weather" garbage quickly realizes they are being duped. In fact, when the alarmists started this nonsense a few years ago, that is what ultimately brought me into this forum...the fake shit was just getting too absurd.:up:
warmers, historical factual data is necessary for evidence. Without it, all you post are paragraphs of nonsense as I've always stated.

have a nice day.

Skooks, thank you sir.....:udaman:
it rained enough to cause massive damage you wouldn't understand why that's important .
Wow, annual monsoons caused flooding.

Why do you hate science?
false it was not an average or even above average monsoon.
but you just had to say something.

China’s Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) says that since 30 June, floods, hail, landslides, mudslides and other disasters have affected the 11 provinces of Jiangsu, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan.

MCA say that over 1 million people have been relocated, and over half a million others have required emergency assistance. Around 40,000 houses have been destroyed or have collapsed and 248,000 have been damaged. More than 1.5 million hectares of cropland has also been damaged.

MCA estimate that the severe weather has caused direct economic losses of over 38 billion yuan (around 5.7 billion US dollars).

Since 30 June, several daily rainfall records have been broken, including in Macheng (285 mm), Jingmen (273 mm), Jiangxia (263 mm), Zhongxiang (230 mm), Huangpi (227 mm), all in Hubei Province, and Chaohu (293 mm) in Anhui Province, according to a statement by MCA.
Page 9 coming up and still no data.

Why do you hate science?
Post # 78, you fucked up dumb ass. Maybe you are illiterate as well as stupid?
what's evidence in that post? Where is the supporting historical information. I saw nothing but a commentary. holy crap again. Dude you are losing it. :oops-28:

Who needs evidence, they have consensus!
North America most affected by increase in weather-related natural catastrophes | Munich Re

Press release

North America most affected by increase in weather-related natural catastrophes
A new study by Munich Re shows that North America has been most affected by weather-related extreme events in recent decades. The publication "Severe weather in North America" analyzes all kinds of weather perils and their trends. It reports and shows that the continent has experienced the largest increases in weather-related loss events.

For the period concerned – 1980 to 2011 – the overall loss burden from weather catastrophes was US$ 1,060bn (in 2011 values).The insured losses amounted to US$ 510bn, and some 30,000 people lost their lives due to weather catastrophes in North America during this time frame. With US$ 62.2bn insured losses and overall losses of US$ 125bn (in original values) Hurricane Katrina in 2005 was the costliest event ever recorded in the US. Katrina was also the deadliest single storm event, claiming 1,322 lives.

The study was prepared in order to support underwriters and clients in North America, the world’s largest insurance and reinsurance market. Using its NatCatSERVICE – with more than 30,000 records the most comprehensive loss data base for natural catastrophes – Munich Re analyzes the frequency and loss trends of different perils from an insurance perspective. The North American continent is exposed to every type of hazardous weather peril – tropical cyclone, thunderstorm, winter storm, tornado, wildfire, drought and flood. One reason for this is that there is no mountain range running east to west that separates hot from cold air.

From the people that insure the insurance companies.
Biggest crock of crap you've posted yet. Weather is now insurance claims! What a hoot!
Here on page 8 of the thread I'm still waiting to hear how much it rained. OP claims its caused by manmade global warming but has zero data of the environmental data.

Very unscientific.
it rained enough to cause massive damage you wouldn't understand why that's important .
Wow, annual monsoons caused flooding.

Why do you hate science?
false it was not an average or even above average monsoon.
but you just had to say something.

China’s Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) says that since 30 June, floods, hail, landslides, mudslides and other disasters have affected the 11 provinces of Jiangsu, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan.

MCA say that over 1 million people have been relocated, and over half a million others have required emergency assistance. Around 40,000 houses have been destroyed or have collapsed and 248,000 have been damaged. More than 1.5 million hectares of cropland has also been damaged.

MCA estimate that the severe weather has caused direct economic losses of over 38 billion yuan (around 5.7 billion US dollars).

Since 30 June, several daily rainfall records have been broken, including in Macheng (285 mm), Jingmen (273 mm), Jiangxia (263 mm), Zhongxiang (230 mm), Huangpi (227 mm), all in Hubei Province, and Chaohu (293 mm) in Anhui Province, according to a statement by MCA.
Page 9 coming up and still no data.

Why do you hate science?
Post # 78, you fucked up dumb ass. Maybe you are illiterate as well as stupid?
Science, which you and every other Gorebal Warmer mock, involves entire presentation of all relivant data with sources. To state randomly a city got 250mm of rain during a monsoon with no source is not science. To avoid stating that region receives on AVERAGE 1,600mm a year precipitation is just more anti science. The failure to state any facts about Pakistan monsoon meterological data in the OP is anti science.

Bottom line is, you guys are haters of science.

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