Millions lose coverage

They are who they are. Their happiness is for some reason tied to how much misery they can cause for the poor and middle class. Republicans view 'power' as their get-out-of-jail-free-card to fuck with poor people. Like someone that walks down the road and comes across a tired shivering little poodle that has been on the street for months and is just looking for something to eat and they kick it as hard as they can.

This is who these people are.
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They are who they are. They're happiness is for some reason tied to how much misery they can cause for the poor and middle class. Republicans view 'power' as their get-out-of-jail-free-card to fuck with poor people. Like someone that walks down the road and comes across a tired shivering little poodle that has been on the street for months and is just looking for something to eat and they kick it as hard as they can.

This is who these people are.
Their ineptitude will be blamed on Obama, guaranteed. The trumptard cult will believe it.
Who are those millions, the ones who didn't want it in the first place but were forced to buy it or be prosecuted?
It may die in the Senate by design so republicans can blame the dems in their warped thinking even though they have house and senate majority
Get ready for ObamaSCARE from the Dems.... all day, every day, the Republicans are tossing people in hospital beds out in the streets!!!!

Or, more precisely, the GOP finally did something RIGHT for a change...

They are who they are. Their happiness is for some reason tied to how much misery they can cause for the poor and middle class. Republicans view 'power' as their get-out-of-jail-free-card to fuck with poor people. Like someone that walks down the road and comes across a tired shivering little poodle that has been on the street for months and is just looking for something to eat and they kick it as hard as they can.

This is who these people are.
-------------------------------------------------------- the only problem i ever has with obamacare was the 'unamerican' mandate to buy or pay a fine Issac .
Those millions and millions more were going to lose coverage anyway as Obamacare cratered into the ground. Obamacare was temporary, unsustainable as written, and destined to face plant.
Hey guys....a plan that has a $5000-$7000 deductible is not "coverage" may like to think it is, but is actually a donation.
Hey guys....a plan that has a $5000-$7000 deductible is not "coverage" may like to think it is, but is actually a donation.

Its worse than no coverage, for the VAST MAJORITY of healthy people they are forced to BOTH pay the plan premiums then ALSO pay for all their healthcare expenses out of pocket while LOSING the healthcare savings accounts and low cost catastrophic coverage they used to have before Obamacare.

Where is all THEIR money going? You guessed it, to Democratic party pals and free loaders.

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