Millions lose coverage

I guess the left think insurance companies provide healthcare. folks, the doctors provide healthcare. try to keep up.
The doctors provide but the insurance companies are in control.
Nobody does freeloading and leeching better than Congress does. Nobody.

The Democrats have institutionalized freeloading. They have made it an entitlement. Of course they were aided by the RINOs.

I assume nothing. I am hopeful they will, but I assume nothing. Your guess is as good as mine at this point.

If he gets it through , signs it.

Then I hope Trump resigns .

Because his mission is finished



Except Trump promised better quality healthcare at a lower rate with everyone covered. This act is the antithesis of that.

I only wanted Trump to do is three things

1 piss off liberals

2 put in a conservative Supreme court Justice

3 end Obama Care.

They are who they are. Their happiness is for some reason tied to how much misery they can cause for the poor and middle class. Republicans view 'power' as their get-out-of-jail-free-card to fuck with poor people. Like someone that walks down the road and comes across a tired shivering little poodle that has been on the street for months and is just looking for something to eat and they kick it as hard as they can.

This is who these people are.

Nobody does freeloading and leeching better than Congress does. Nobody.

The Democrats have institutionalized freeloading. They have made it an entitlement. Of course they were aided by the RINOs.

You know what freeloading is? Freeloading is leaving your job from Congress to get treatment on your pre-existing condition for your foot funded by the taxpayers while you vote to take away the same courtesy for your constituents.
I guess the left think insurance companies provide healthcare. folks, the doctors provide healthcare. try to keep up.
The doctors provide but the insurance companies are in control.

My Primary Care Physician says he ain't in control of anything. Between the stupid government rules and the deals negotiated with the insurance companies (driven by oppressive government mandates) he has lost a lot of control.

I assume nothing. I am hopeful they will, but I assume nothing. Your guess is as good as mine at this point.

If he gets it through , signs it.

Then I hope Trump resigns .

Because his mission is finished



Except Trump promised better quality healthcare at a lower rate with everyone covered. This act is the antithesis of that.
well first this nasty that's called obummmerfail has to end. let's get there.

Except it isn't a failure. It is anything but.
Nobody does freeloading and leeching better than Congress does. Nobody.

Which is precisely why we need to stop them from taxing and spending our money. There is no reason we should work months to pay a tax bill. No matter how much money we make
libturds spreading all of the healthcare lies is what they do. they want humans dead. just remember that. they have started with babies, moved all of the middle class jobs off shore and putting more on foodstamps to starve and die off. yep they are classelssness at its best.
Nobody does freeloading and leeching better than Congress does. Nobody.

Which is precisely why we need to stop them from taxing and spending our money. There is no reason we should work months to pay a tax bill. No matter how much money we make

Yet they are allowed to tax and spend per our Constitution. Congress has to collect taxes and the tax money has to go somewhere.
I guess the left think insurance companies provide healthcare. folks, the doctors provide healthcare. try to keep up.
The doctors provide but the insurance companies are in control.

My Primary Care Physician says he ain't in control of anything. Between the stupid government rules and the deals negotiated with the insurance companies (driven by oppressive government mandates) he has lost a lot of control.
they only wish to treat patients.
Fallen to the level of quoting Bernie Sanders now?
Fallen? Sanders is actually honest unlike president Tweet Twit.

You don't know the definition of honest if you think Sanders is honest. Honest people don't commit to a life of robbery

Well Bernie is an honest socialist

Just to be fair like the

Nobody does freeloading and leeching better than Congress does. Nobody.

Which is precisely why we need to stop them from taxing and spending our money. There is no reason we should work months to pay a tax bill. No matter how much money we make

Yet they are allowed to tax and spend per our Constitution. Congress has to collect taxes and the tax money has to go somewhere.
they collect zero taxes, try again.
Nobody does freeloading and leeching better than Congress does. Nobody.

The Democrats have institutionalized freeloading. They have made it an entitlement. Of course they were aided by the RINOs.

You know what freeloading is? Freeloading is leaving your job from Congress to get treatment on your pre-existing condition for your foot funded by the taxpayers while you vote to take away the same courtesy for your constituents.

I agree.

I don't want to defend Congress (who would) but I think today the vote just before the Health Care bill was to remove the exemption Congress had on Obamacare. Lets celebrate small victories.
Nobody does freeloading and leeching better than Congress does. Nobody.

Which is precisely why we need to stop them from taxing and spending our money. There is no reason we should work months to pay a tax bill. No matter how much money we make

Yet they are allowed to tax and spend per our Constitution. Congress has to collect taxes and the tax money has to go somewhere.
they collect zero taxes, try again.

"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."
Before Obamacare - A Doctor was someone you chose after talking to other people, and recommendations from other Doctors.
After Obamacare - A Doctor is someone you chose off of a list on the internet that the government tells you to go to.

I like the way this is going.

Before Obamacare - you were responsible to pay your own bills

After Obamacare - the government stole money from other people to give you subsidies.

Before Obamacare - Small business employees had employer subsidized healthcare like everyone else with a job.

After Obamacare - 100,000's of full time employees, who had insurance for decades lost it so people without a job could have it.

Before Obamacare - illegals had no entitlement to government subsidized insurance.

After Obamacare - The government couldn't ask for immigration status with Obamacare so they handed out the subsidies to any illegal that wanted it.

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