Millions lose coverage

Congress has the legal right to steal our money and give it away to the welfare queens but that don't make it right.

As far as I'm concerned, it's Congress who are the welfare queens.

We have a lot of welfare queens in this country. The core voting consistency of the Democrat Party is the largest groups. There are other groups.

I vote Democrat and have done so all my life and will continue to do so. I work and am not on foodstamps and don't have an EBT card.
why do they want your support? you fail every aspect of their purpose.

For what it's worth I am very socially liberal and believe every citizen should be guaranteed healthcare and a safety net.
I completely agree. we just disagree where all that comes from.

"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

Congress has the legal right to steal our money and give it away to the welfare queens but that don't make it right.

As far as I'm concerned, it's Congress who are the welfare queens.
well they at least do some work.

That is stereotyping. Congress often does no work at all.
sure is, and they do some work. Hey, libs can stereotype I'll stereotype I'm good with that You?

You know who else does work? It's called the working poor. Thankfully they can receive assistance regardless of being demonized by some for it.
Congress has the legal right to steal our money and give it away to the welfare queens but that don't make it right.

As far as I'm concerned, it's Congress who are the welfare queens.
well they at least do some work.

That is stereotyping. Congress often does no work at all.
sure is, and they do some work. Hey, libs can stereotype I'll stereotype I'm good with that You?

You know who else does work? It's called the working poor. Thankfully they can receive assistance regardless of being demonized by some for it.
a few, but the most, no.
As far as I'm concerned, it's Congress who are the welfare queens.
well they at least do some work.

That is stereotyping. Congress often does no work at all.
sure is, and they do some work. Hey, libs can stereotype I'll stereotype I'm good with that You?

You know who else does work? It's called the working poor. Thankfully they can receive assistance regardless of being demonized by some for it.
a few, but the most, no.

I have never gone on welfare and would only go on welfare as a last resort, but who are you to tell me I shouldn't receive assistance if I fall on hard times, lose work and have nothing to fall back on? There are people who work from paycheck to paycheck in this country and receiving extra help is a necessity for many.
As far as I'm concerned, it's Congress who are the welfare queens.

We have a lot of welfare queens in this country. The core voting consistency of the Democrat Party is the largest groups. There are other groups.

I vote Democrat and have done so all my life and will continue to do so. I work and am not on foodstamps and don't have an EBT card.
why do they want your support? you fail every aspect of their purpose.

For what it's worth I am very socially liberal and believe every citizen should be guaranteed healthcare and a safety net.
I completely agree. we just disagree where all that comes from.

One of the big reasons I support government help and involvement is to ensure they step up when others don't.
Congress has the legal right to steal our money and give it away to the welfare queens but that don't make it right.

As far as I'm concerned, it's Congress who are the welfare queens.

We have a lot of welfare queens in this country. The core voting consistency of the Democrat Party is the largest groups. There are other groups.

I vote Democrat and have done so all my life and will continue to do so. I work and am not on foodstamps and don't have an EBT card.
why do they want your support? you fail every aspect of their purpose.

For what it's worth I am very socially liberal and believe every citizen should be guaranteed healthcare and a safety net.

Good for you Moon Bat. Who in the hell is going to pay for it, you or do you want somebody else to pay for it? After all, there ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

Congress has the legal right to steal our money and give it away to the welfare queens but that don't make it right.

As far as I'm concerned, it's Congress who are the welfare queens.

We have a lot of welfare queens in this country. The core voting consistency of the Democrat Party is the largest groups. There are other groups.

I vote Democrat and have done so all my life and will continue to do so. I work and am not on foodstamps and don't have an EBT card.

Bragging about shit you're supposed to do.....
As far as I'm concerned, it's Congress who are the welfare queens.

We have a lot of welfare queens in this country. The core voting consistency of the Democrat Party is the largest groups. There are other groups.

I vote Democrat and have done so all my life and will continue to do so. I work and am not on foodstamps and don't have an EBT card.
why do they want your support? you fail every aspect of their purpose.

For what it's worth I am very socially liberal and believe every citizen should be guaranteed healthcare and a safety net.

Good for you Moon Bat. Who in the hell is going to pay for it, you or do you want somebody else to pay for it? After all, there ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

I believe we all pay for it together as everyone should be using it and in the same pool.

"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

Congress has the legal right to steal our money and give it away to the welfare queens but that don't make it right.

As far as I'm concerned, it's Congress who are the welfare queens.

We have a lot of welfare queens in this country. The core voting consistency of the Democrat Party is the largest groups. There are other groups.

I vote Democrat and have done so all my life and will continue to do so. I work and am not on foodstamps and don't have an EBT card.

Bragging about shit you're supposed to do.....

All I'm saying is it doesn't do good to talk in absolutes.

You know who else does work? It's called the working poor. Thankfully they can receive assistance regardless of being demonized by some for it.

The working poor would have a lot more money if they didn't vote for Liberals that screwed up the economy, wouldn't they?

Just think of all those working poor that voted for Obama and they got increased poverty, decreased family income, increase income disparity and dismal economic growth. They were dumbasses, weren't they?

The best way to stop being poor is to stop voting for Liberals.

You know who else does work? It's called the working poor. Thankfully they can receive assistance regardless of being demonized by some for it.

The working poor would have a lot more money if they didn't vote for Liberals that screwed up the economy, wouldn't they?

Just think of all those working poor that voted for Obama and they got increased poverty, decreased family income, increase income disparity and dismal economic growth. They were dumbasses, weren't they?

The best way to stop being poor is to stop voting for Liberals.

It was Liberals who got our economy back on track. It was liberals who gave safety nets to the working poor while people on this forum want to take it away.

The best way to stop the poor from being poorer is to vote for Liberals. Tax cuts for the wealthy don't create jobs. They keep it for themselves and some of them will resort to automation even if you give them money.

I believe we all pay for it together as everyone should be using it and in the same pool.

I have a much better idea Moon Bat. You pay your bills and I will pay mine. I don't need the government taking my money by force and giving it to somebody elese, do you?

Collectivism doesn't work because there are so many lazy worthless greedy assholes around. The big city ghettos are full of them. That is the Democrats voter base.

If you need help then because I am a generous person I may chose to help you. Of course if I think you are a lazy bum then maybe I won't.

I believe we all pay for it together as everyone should be using it and in the same pool.

I have a much better idea Moon Bat. You pay your bills and I will pay mine. I don't need the government taking my money by force and giving it to somebody elese, do you?

Collectivism doesn't work because there are so many lazy worthless greedy assholes around. The big city ghettos are full of them. That is the Democrats voter base.

If you need help then because I am a generous person I may chose to help you. Of course if I think you are a lazy bum then maybe I won't.

Your tax dollars are going to go somewhere and collectivism is all around us in this country. Eliminating social programs and safety nets will not stop your tax dollars and safety nets from going elsewhere. Just be happy that your tax dollars are helping those in need, not everyone who is lazy.
We have a lot of welfare queens in this country. The core voting consistency of the Democrat Party is the largest groups. There are other groups.

I vote Democrat and have done so all my life and will continue to do so. I work and am not on foodstamps and don't have an EBT card.
why do they want your support? you fail every aspect of their purpose.

For what it's worth I am very socially liberal and believe every citizen should be guaranteed healthcare and a safety net.

Good for you Moon Bat. Who in the hell is going to pay for it, you or do you want somebody else to pay for it? After all, there ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

I believe we all pay for it together as everyone should be using it and in the same pool.

But why should I pay for out right reckless of others?

Not saying you, but it's obvious people want to take risks with driving cars.. not taking care of themselves... their health ..

And you want to come crying to me that you want me to pay for it?

Fallen to the level of quoting Bernie Sanders now?
Fallen? Sanders is actually honest unlike president Tweet Twit.

You don't know the definition of honest if you think Sanders is honest. Honest people don't commit to a life of robbery
Who do you think is more honest? Sanders or Trump?

Oddly enough trump. He is at least honest about his greed

You do realize Sanders is actually one of the least wealthy members of the Senate, right?

You know who else does work? It's called the working poor. Thankfully they can receive assistance regardless of being demonized by some for it.

The working poor would have a lot more money if they didn't vote for Liberals that screwed up the economy, wouldn't they?

Just think of all those working poor that voted for Obama and they got increased poverty, decreased family income, increase income disparity and dismal economic growth. They were dumbasses, weren't they?

The best way to stop being poor is to stop voting for Liberals.

It was Liberals who got our economy back on track. It was liberals who gave safety nets to the working poor while people on this forum want to take it away.

The best way to stop the poor from being poorer is to vote for Liberals. Tax cuts for the wealthy don't create jobs. They keep it for themselves and some of them will resort to automation even if you give them money.

I am sorry but the economy is not back on track after the disaster in 2007 caused by the Democrat sponsored CRA.

Obama lost 1,500,000 jobs in the first hundred days of 2009 because of the mismanagement of the housing collapse by the Democrat Congress.

After that Obama went on to increase poverty, run the debt, decrease family income, increase income disparity an have dismal economic growth. He was the first President to not have achieved at least one year of 3% economic growth during his administration because of his stupid economic policies that included dumb things like Obamacare..

Obama was a failure in every respect. The Moon Bats were idiots electing him.

You know who else does work? It's called the working poor. Thankfully they can receive assistance regardless of being demonized by some for it.

The working poor would have a lot more money if they didn't vote for Liberals that screwed up the economy, wouldn't they?

Just think of all those working poor that voted for Obama and they got increased poverty, decreased family income, increase income disparity and dismal economic growth. They were dumbasses, weren't they?

The best way to stop being poor is to stop voting for Liberals.

It was Liberals who got our economy back on track. It was liberals who gave safety nets to the working poor while people on this forum want to take it away.

The best way to stop the poor from being poorer is to vote for Liberals. Tax cuts for the wealthy don't create jobs. They keep it for themselves and some of them will resort to automation even if you give them money.

Have you learned nothing over the last eight years?
I dont know about you but when I have more disposable income I spend more money. Multiply that by a couple hundred million people ....well you get the idea.
Or maybe you dont,you seem that far gone..
The poor were on medicaid before ocare, they are on medicaid now. The poor will have the same care they always had. Liberals yammering about da po folk is just giving themselves oral masturbation. Insurers are ending obamacare as fast as they could. The obama abortion screwed the middle class completely out of insurance coverage. Deductibles were so high people effectively had no insurance.

Democrats can twist in the wind and diddle themselves thinking up ways to be even more obstructive than they are now. Happy 2018 and the 20 seats the dimwitted have to defend.
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I vote Democrat and have done so all my life and will continue to do so. I work and am not on foodstamps and don't have an EBT card.
why do they want your support? you fail every aspect of their purpose.

For what it's worth I am very socially liberal and believe every citizen should be guaranteed healthcare and a safety net.

Good for you Moon Bat. Who in the hell is going to pay for it, you or do you want somebody else to pay for it? After all, there ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

I believe we all pay for it together as everyone should be using it and in the same pool.

But why should I pay for out right reckless of others?

Not saying you, but it's obvious people want to take risks with driving cars.. not taking care of themselves... their health ..

And you want to come crying to me that you want me to pay for it?


Again, that is stereotyping and generalizing. You are so upset about those people while never even considering others who get sick due to circumstance and through no fault of their own, not to mention those are who born with a pre-existing condition.

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