Millions lose coverage


"The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

Congress has the legal right to steal our money and give it away to the welfare queens but that don't make it right.

As far as I'm concerned, it's Congress who are the welfare queens.

We have a lot of welfare queens in this country. The core voting consistency of the Democrat Party is the largest groups. There are other groups.

I vote Democrat and have done so all my life and will continue to do so. I work and am not on foodstamps and don't have an EBT card.
If that's the case why do you think the government should take care of your healthcare? You can do everything else on your own so why can't you shop for your own insurance?

The government regulating and nationalizing healthcare is a good way to eliminate insurance companies and get rid of skyrocketing premiums and costs and ensure everyone can be treated.

The government is a necessity to ensure everybody does have a safety net and I am thankful they are allowed to collect taxes for the general welfare and that before you demonize somebody on welfare you should learn of the context and circumstance.

You are confused.

There is no requirement for the filthy ass government to provide any safety net or entitlement. You Moon Bats think we should have one because you are too sorry to proved for your own welfare but there is no requirement to have it. Only stupid Moon Bats voting for it and making it law and that is despicable.

The best way for the government to insure my welfare is to leave me alone and to stop taking my money and giving it away to assholes that are too sorry to provide for their own welfare. Wouldn't you agree?

It appears to me the government are allowed to do it and that you don't know who is on welfare or who needs it. If the government doesn't step up, I don't know who will.

Only two republicans in the Senate are against it, it will be changed go back to the house , revote go back to the Senate and passed.

Don't worry about it we still care.


I'm pretty sure more than just two Republicans don't like what they see or have some sort of reservations about this bill.
It is what happens when a mandate is eliminated.
The mandate has not been eliminated.

The Republicans kept the mandate....they shuffled it to the Insurance Companies collecting the Penalty.

According to this new law, the Insurance Company will charge you 30% MORE for your Insurance Policy for 1 or 2 years if you have not had insurance coverage for 61 days or longer.(so if you go 60 days without insurance, then they can charge you a 30% penalty on your insurance price for the next year etc.)

That makes it mandatory for you to have coverage...and it makes it near impossible for those who can not afford insurance right now, but some day down the road, finally make enough money to afford to buy it at the normal price, they won't be able to buy a policy, because it is now 30% HIGHER priced than the normal price they had been struggling and saving up to afford.
And if you lose your job or go out of business and are looking for a new job or new business venture, and you go longer than 60 days without paying for insurance because you could no longer afford to pay for it while you have no income coming in....when you do get a job and go to buy insurance again, you will be penalized for not having insurance coverage and charged the 30% penalty for the next year or two on your premium price.

That's an insurance mandate folks...
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It appears to me the government are allowed to do it and that you don't know who is on welfare or who needs it. If the government doesn't step up, I don't know who will.

What I do know is that I am capable of providing for my own welfare and the last fucking thing I need is the oppressive government taking my money and giving it away to somebody else.

Why do you want to give the filthy government the ability to take your money and give it to somebody else? Are you stupid or what?
Congress has the legal right to steal our money and give it away to the welfare queens but that don't make it right.

As far as I'm concerned, it's Congress who are the welfare queens.

We have a lot of welfare queens in this country. The core voting consistency of the Democrat Party is the largest groups. There are other groups.

I vote Democrat and have done so all my life and will continue to do so. I work and am not on foodstamps and don't have an EBT card.
If that's the case why do you think the government should take care of your healthcare? You can do everything else on your own so why can't you shop for your own insurance?

The government regulating and nationalizing healthcare is a good way to eliminate insurance companies and get rid of skyrocketing premiums and costs and ensure everyone can be treated.

You know what I do when I get a boo boo? Walk it off...

A cut ? Super glue works fine.

You lefty s go to the damn hospital when you have the sniffles..and it drives up every one's health care costs...

What does this bill do for those who buy it through their employers and want their deductibles to go down and want to pay less each month....? Isn't this why they wanted to get rid of Obama care, because their deductibles are too high and they pay too much?

It appears to me the government are allowed to do it and that you don't know who is on welfare or who needs it. If the government doesn't step up, I don't know who will.

What I do know is that I am capable of providing for my own welfare and the last fucking thing I need is the oppressive government taking my money and giving it away to somebody else.

Why do you want to give the filthy government the ability to take your money and give it to somebody else? Are you stupid or what?

No. Just someone who knows people need money and everybody is under different circumstances and that I don't view taking care of other people through as automatically a bad thing. If my tax dollars are going to go somewhere, I hope it goes to someone who is in need.
Have you learned nothing over the last eight years?
I dont know about you but when I have more disposable income I spend more money. Multiply that by a couple hundred million people ....well you get the idea.
Or maybe you dont,you seem that far gone..

Maybe you do, but that's because the poor and middle class actually invest in our economy and create demand which in turn creates jobs.

Is that not what I just said?
If you give the middle class,the upper middle class,the lower middle class tax breaks they spend more money which of course grows the economy and creates jobs.
The more the gov steals from me the less I spend.

Except your tax dollars will go somewhere. Why are you so against said dollars providing a safety net to people?

Do you also remember what Mnuchin said? There's no guarantee the middle class would benefit from Trump's tax plan.

My taxes would be lowered.
Meh...I'm not middle class.

Yet you touted the middle class having tax breaks when there's no guarantee it helps them, according to Mnuchin.

They may be lowered, but they're still going somewhere.

As far as I'm concerned, it's Congress who are the welfare queens.

We have a lot of welfare queens in this country. The core voting consistency of the Democrat Party is the largest groups. There are other groups.

I vote Democrat and have done so all my life and will continue to do so. I work and am not on foodstamps and don't have an EBT card.
If that's the case why do you think the government should take care of your healthcare? You can do everything else on your own so why can't you shop for your own insurance?

The government regulating and nationalizing healthcare is a good way to eliminate insurance companies and get rid of skyrocketing premiums and costs and ensure everyone can be treated.

You know what I do when I get a boo boo? Walk it off...

A cut ? Super glue works fine.

You lefty s go to the damn hospital when you have the sniffles..and it drives up every one's health care costs...


People need treatment for different reasons. I usually just rest when I have the sniffles but if people get sick of course they are going to go to the hospital. That's how it works.
And the Trump cuks who voted for Trump and Republicans will blame everyone besides Trump and Republicans
When the shit hits the fan
Why not? it's always your fault. Libs fuck everything up. On purpose so we will beg them for help. And suckers like you fall for it every time.
I'm going to laughing my ass of at Trumpsters. Guaranteed.
This legislation is so bad, that GOP Congress wrote an opt out in the law, so their own terrible legislation won't effect them. And then on top of that, they hurried up and passed the legislation before they knew the consequences they laid on their own constituents. What pussy's. Those are signs of exactly how bad this piece of shit legislation is. Suck it up losers, you asked for it!
I'm going to laughing my ass of at Trumpsters. Guaranteed.
This legislation is so bad, that GOP Congress wrote an opt out in the law, so their own terrible legislation won't effect them. And then on top of that, they hurried up and passed the legislation before they knew the consequences they laid on their own constituents. What pussy's. Those are signs of exactly how bad this piece of shit legislation is. Suck it up losers, you asked for it!
I've been laughing since November.....
At snowflakes like you!

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