Millions lose coverage

look on the bright side, now you can scratch your ass, sniff your finger, and be reminded of Republican government any time you want to.

We were reminded of Democrat government for the last eight years when we had to pay our bloated taxes, worry about the debt of our children, pay for increased healthcare premiums so that Obama's welfare queens and illegal aliens could get subsidies and endure the shame of having a weak and stupid affirmative action President. Thank god that nightmare is over.
Republicans vote to repeal Obamacare just blew up in their faces
Republicans’ vote to repeal Obamacare just blew up in their faces
Posted By: Katelyn Kivel May 4, 2017

New reports confirm that the Senate is refusing to even hold a vote on the Obamacare repeal bill the House just passed, killing it within hours of its passage.

Bloomberg is reporting that Senate Republicans will snub the U.S. House of Representatives’ version of the American Health Care Act, instead opting to write its own version with a 12-member working group. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), who is considered one of the more moderate Republicans in the chamber, said she’s looking forward to writing up a completely different healthcare reform bill with “a clean slate.”

Republicans' vote to repeal Obamacare just blew up in their faces
Moon Bats, don't worry about the improvements in Obamacare passing the Senate. The Republicans have their RINOs and you have nothing to worry about.

Republicans vote to repeal Obamacare just blew up in their faces
Republicans’ vote to repeal Obamacare just blew up in their faces
Posted By: Katelyn Kivel May 4, 2017

New reports confirm that the Senate is refusing to even hold a vote on the Obamacare repeal bill the House just passed, killing it within hours of its passage.

Bloomberg is reporting that Senate Republicans will snub the U.S. House of Representatives’ version of the American Health Care Act, instead opting to write its own version with a 12-member working group. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), who is considered one of the more moderate Republicans in the chamber, said she’s looking forward to writing up a completely different healthcare reform bill with “a clean slate.”

Republicans' vote to repeal Obamacare just blew up in their faces

House members can pass all the bills they want but the Senate know they have the slight majority when it come to GOP control and are not as stupid as the House members. Now I know some on the right will be offended by the idea of the Senate not putting the bill to a vote but when you do not have the votes, well it is a waste of time and will only show that Senators have a backbone!
and then we told them that "Everyone would be Covered with better benefits at a Fraction of the cost even those with preexisting conditions "

and then we told them that "Everyone would be Covered with better benefits at a Fraction of the cost even those with preexisting conditions "


If Trump had any balls he would pull Schumer and McConnell in along with Ryan and Pelosi and tell them he want the Nixon\Kennedy plan that Nixon was about to get pass before Watergate happen... Of course again he need a pair of Balls and then explain to the American people that repealing the ACA will be impossible seeing in the Senate the GOP will never have the votes so here is the next best thing...
Hey guys....a plan that has a $5000-$7000 deductible is not "coverage" may like to think it is, but is actually a donation.

Its worse than no coverage, for the VAST MAJORITY of healthy people they are forced to BOTH pay the plan premiums then ALSO pay for all their healthcare expenses out of pocket while LOSING the healthcare savings accounts and low cost catastrophic coverage they used to have before Obamacare.

Where is all THEIR money going? You guessed it, to Democratic party pals and free loaders.
It's going into the great money pit. Because...there STILL isn't enough healthy people to pay for the costs of the unhealthy with pre existing conditions. 'Tis why Obamacare is tanking.

I assume nothing. I am hopeful they will, but I assume nothing. Your guess is as good as mine at this point.

If he gets it through , signs it.

Then I hope Trump resigns .

Because his mission is finished



Except Trump promised better quality healthcare at a lower rate with everyone covered. This act is the antithesis of that.

I only wanted Trump to do is three things

1 piss off liberals

2 put in a conservative Supreme court Justice

3 end Obama Care.
Same here. :)
It is what happens when a mandate is eliminated.
The mandate has not been eliminated.

The Republicans kept the mandate....they shuffled it to the Insurance Companies collecting the Penalty.

According to this new law, the Insurance Company will charge you 30% MORE for your Insurance Policy for 1 or 2 years if you have not had insurance coverage for 61 days or longer.

That makes it mandatory for you to have coverage...and it makes it near impossible for those who can not afford insurance right now, but some day down the road, finally make enough money to afford to buy it at the normal price, they won't be able to buy a policy, because it is now 30% HIGHER priced than the normal price they had been struggling and saving up to afford.

That's an insurance mandate folks...

obama's the one that started the mandate to begin with.
yes he did, but at least it was a somewhat fair mandate and the money for the penalty went to help pay for the healthcare act.

the penalty now, is double to triple the amount of a penalty for those with low incomes under Ocare if they ever can afford insurance again and it goes to the insurance companies, simply getting them richer....
[QUt. Thankfully, the money you pay in taxes go to those who need it .

That is bullshit.

The welfare community consist of tens of million of ghetto monkeys whose only claim on the welfare check is the fact they vote Democrat every four years. Then there are the millions of illegals that don't suppose to be get the benefits but do because the law does not allow discrimination based upon immigration status, which is despicable.

I don't need the fucking government telling me who should be given the money that I earn. That takes away my liberty and it is not right.

Our Bill of Rights is a good idea but it is not strong enough. We should be protected from the government having the ability to take our money and give it away to special interest groups like the welfare queens that keep these filthy ass Democrats in office.
look on the bright side, now you can scratch your ass, sniff your finger, and be reminded of Republican government any time you want to.

We were reminded of Democrat government for the last eight years when we had to pay our bloated taxes, worry about the debt of our children, pay for increased healthcare premiums so that Obama's welfare queens and illegal aliens could get subsidies and endure the shame of having a weak and stupid affirmative action President. Thank god that nightmare is over.

Hey genius ... a lot of people getting subsidies to allow them to help them survive are white people...Americans born here..
The air you breathe is not tainted because an illegal immigrant breathes the same air..
Fallen to the level of quoting Bernie Sanders now?
Fallen? Sanders is actually honest unlike president Tweet Twit.

You don't know the definition of honest if you think Sanders is honest. Honest people don't commit to a life of robbery
Who do you think is more honest? Sanders or Trump?

Oddly enough trump. He is at least honest about his greed

You do realize Sanders is actually one of the least wealthy members of the Senate, right?

He was till he endorsed Hillary.
It is what happens when a mandate is eliminated.
The mandate has not been eliminated.

The Republicans kept the mandate....they shuffled it to the Insurance Companies collecting the Penalty.

According to this new law, the Insurance Company will charge you 30% MORE for your Insurance Policy for 1 or 2 years if you have not had insurance coverage for 61 days or longer.

That makes it mandatory for you to have coverage...and it makes it near impossible for those who can not afford insurance right now, but some day down the road, finally make enough money to afford to buy it at the normal price, they won't be able to buy a policy, because it is now 30% HIGHER priced than the normal price they had been struggling and saving up to afford.

That's an insurance mandate folks...

obama's the one that started the mandate to begin with.
yes he did, but at least it was a somewhat fair mandate and the money for the penalty went to help pay for the healthcare act.

the penalty now, is double to triple the amount of a penalty for those with low incomes under Ocare if they ever can afford insurance again and it goes to the insurance companies, simply getting them richer....

I read all the news and know car insurance, it's nasty as hell.

Hey guys....a plan that has a $5000-$7000 deductible is not "coverage" may like to think it is, but is actually a donation.

Its worse than no coverage, for the VAST MAJORITY of healthy people they are forced to BOTH pay the plan premiums then ALSO pay for all their healthcare expenses out of pocket while LOSING the healthcare savings accounts and low cost catastrophic coverage they used to have before Obamacare.

Where is all THEIR money going? You guessed it, to Democratic party pals and free loaders.

There has always been HSA's where did you get that from?

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