Millions lose coverage


No. Just someone who knows people need money and everybody is under different circumstances and that I don't view taking care of other people through as automatically a bad thing. If my tax dollars are going to go somewhere, I hope it goes to someone who is in need.

I am quite capable of determining who I should help and who I shouldn't. I don't need the government doing it for me. . There is no reason that the government should force me to pay your bills. That is oppressive thievery and a form of slavery.

Why do you think that a stupid bureaucrat, whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups, is better at spending the money that you make than you are? Are you that stupid?
I'm going to laughing my ass of at Trumpsters. Guaranteed.
This legislation is so bad, that GOP Congress wrote an opt out in the law, so their own terrible legislation won't effect them. And then on top of that, they hurried up and passed the legislation before they knew the consequences they laid on their own constituents. What pussy's. Those are signs of exactly how bad this piece of shit legislation is. Suck it up losers, you asked for it!
I've been laughing since November.....
At snowflakes like you!

OK genius, why did the GOP include legislation that gives only them an opt-out on the new law.
I'll wait for your response.
As far as I'm concerned, it's Congress who are the welfare queens.

We have a lot of welfare queens in this country. The core voting consistency of the Democrat Party is the largest groups. There are other groups.

I vote Democrat and have done so all my life and will continue to do so. I work and am not on foodstamps and don't have an EBT card.
why do they want your support? you fail every aspect of their purpose.

For what it's worth I am very socially liberal and believe every citizen should be guaranteed healthcare and a safety net.

Good for you Moon Bat. Who in the hell is going to pay for it, you or do you want somebody else to pay for it? After all, there ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

Most every major country has a health care plan for it's people. Some better than others of course.
It is what happens when a mandate is eliminated.
The mandate has not been eliminated.

The Republicans kept the mandate....they shuffled it to the Insurance Companies collecting the Penalty.

According to this new law, the Insurance Company will charge you 30% MORE for your Insurance Policy for 1 or 2 years if you have not had insurance coverage for 61 days or longer.

That makes it mandatory for you to have coverage...and it makes it near impossible for those who can not afford insurance right now, but some day down the road, finally make enough money to afford to buy it at the normal price, they won't be able to buy a policy, because it is now 30% HIGHER priced than the normal price they had been struggling and saving up to afford.

That's an insurance mandate folks...

Damn nice reading comprehension.

Well this law sucks the big one.

You are exactly right

Maybe you geniuses Trumpster's should discover how you're going to get fucked over. Because, I know you dump fucks are totally clueless.
Allowing states to define “essential health benefits” could weaken ACA protections against catastrophic costs for people with employer coverage nationwide | Brookings Institution
Doesn't matter. See, this is about "freedom" 'n stuff.

So the Republicans are just doing folks a favor, making them "free" to not have coverage and lose everything if they get sick.

And of course, the rest of us will be free to pay for them, and for those who get emergency service only because they can't pay for a plan.

So it's a good thing. Freedom. Yeah.
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No. Just someone who knows people need money and everybody is under different circumstances and that I don't view taking care of other people through as automatically a bad thing. If my tax dollars are going to go somewhere, I hope it goes to someone who is in need.

I am quite capable of determining who I should help and who I shouldn't. I don't need the government doing it for me. . There is no reason that the government should force me to pay your bills. That is oppressive thievery and a form of slavery.

Why do you think that a stupid bureaucrat, whose boss is a corrupt politician elected by special interest groups, is better at spending the money that you make than you are? Are you that stupid?

The government does it to make sure everyone who needs assistance gets it and like I said, your tax dollars are bound to go somewhere and it's not at all oppressive. You still keep money, you still support yourself.

I would say sometimes the government spends money wisely and other times they don't. Thankfully, the money you pay in taxes go to those who need it and there are those who get help since everybody who is on it gets assistance regardless of who you deem worthy or not.
It is what happens when a mandate is eliminated.
The mandate has not been eliminated.

The Republicans kept the mandate....they shuffled it to the Insurance Companies collecting the Penalty.

According to this new law, the Insurance Company will charge you 30% MORE for your Insurance Policy for 1 or 2 years if you have not had insurance coverage for 61 days or longer.

That makes it mandatory for you to have coverage...and it makes it near impossible for those who can not afford insurance right now, but some day down the road, finally make enough money to afford to buy it at the normal price, they won't be able to buy a policy, because it is now 30% HIGHER priced than the normal price they had been struggling and saving up to afford.

That's an insurance mandate folks...

obama's the one that started the mandate to begin with.
It is what happens when a mandate is eliminated.
The mandate has not been eliminated.

The Republicans kept the mandate....they shuffled it to the Insurance Companies collecting the Penalty.

According to this new law, the Insurance Company will charge you 30% MORE for your Insurance Policy for 1 or 2 years if you have not had insurance coverage for 61 days or longer.

That makes it mandatory for you to have coverage...and it makes it near impossible for those who can not afford insurance right now, but some day down the road, finally make enough money to afford to buy it at the normal price, they won't be able to buy a policy, because it is now 30% HIGHER priced than the normal price they had been struggling and saving up to afford.

That's an insurance mandate folks...

Damn nice reading comprehension.

Well this law sucks the big one.

You are exactly right


This law sucks.. they better change it to get rid of the mandate

People decide not to get health insurance and then do, they have to pay outrageous insurance rates..
OK genius, why did the GOP include legislation that gives only them an opt-out on the new law.
I'll wait for your response
OMG I just went through this in another thread but this is why. Congressmen are employers, they employ their staff and they provide health care insurance to their employees. Just like your boss, if he or she provides health care ins he or she is exempt from the ACA and this bill today. No difference at all. If you make the members of congress go onto the ACA their employees will have to as well. But in the bill, both the ACA (obamacare) and this bill will exempt you if you cover your employees. Get it? In fact if you are offered ins from your employer you can't go on the ACA at all.
It is what happens when a mandate is eliminated.
The mandate has not been eliminated.

The Republicans kept the mandate....they shuffled it to the Insurance Companies collecting the Penalty.

According to this new law, the Insurance Company will charge you 30% MORE for your Insurance Policy for 1 or 2 years if you have not had insurance coverage for 61 days or longer.

That makes it mandatory for you to have coverage...and it makes it near impossible for those who can not afford insurance right now, but some day down the road, finally make enough money to afford to buy it at the normal price, they won't be able to buy a policy, because it is now 30% HIGHER priced than the normal price they had been struggling and saving up to afford.

That's an insurance mandate folks...

Damn nice reading comprehension.

Well this law sucks the big one.

You are exactly right


It is a trick just like car insurance.

You could have the greatest driving record in the world, but if you lapse on your coverage , they Jack it up...

Fallen to the level of quoting Bernie Sanders now?
Fallen? Sanders is actually honest unlike president Tweet Twit.

You don't know the definition of honest if you think Sanders is honest. Honest people don't commit to a life of robbery
Who do you think is more honest? Sanders or Trump?

Oddly enough trump. He is at least honest about his greed
There it is folks. Trump is more honest because he is greedier, or whatever bullshit mental lies "good christian Avatar" is telling herself to feel better. Fake christians folks. Family values:all bullshit. You stand for nothing Avatar, and it is damn depressing. This right here shows most conservative christians are nothing but a sad joke. You would vote for pontius pilate before Jesus if pilate was a republican.
look on the bright side, now you can scratch your ass, sniff your finger, and be reminded of Republican government any time you want to.

Most every major country has a health care plan for it's people. Some better than others of course.

I don't give a shit if other countries are communist or socialist or whatever. If they want to give up their liberty for collectivism then that is their business. It is wrong for my country. It takes away my liberty to have the friggin government tell me what to do and to take my money that I earned and give it to somebody else.

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