Millions lose coverage

Before Obamacare - A Doctor was someone you chose after talking to other people, and recommendations from other Doctors.
After Obamacare - A Doctor is someone you chose off of a list on the internet that the government tells you to go to.

Before obamacare there were also networks of doctor's and has been for a looooong time. The government didn't get involved on who was and who wasn't in the network. You're all about fake news, aren't you?

The government is a necessity to ensure everybody does have a safety net and I am thankful they are allowed to collect taxes for the general welfare and that before you demonize somebody on welfare you should learn of the context and circumstance.

You are confused.

There is no requirement for the filthy ass government to provide any safety net or entitlement. You Moon Bats think we should have one because you are too sorry to proved for your own welfare but there is no requirement to have it. Only stupid Moon Bats voting for it and making it law and that is despicable.

The best way for the government to insure my welfare is to leave me alone and to stop taking my money and giving it away to assholes that are too sorry to provide for their own welfare. Wouldn't you agree?

It appears to me the government are allowed to do it and that you don't know who is on welfare or who needs it. If the government doesn't step up, I don't know who will.

Just because they can do something doesn't mean they should. With great power comes great responsibility
Before Obamacare - A Doctor was someone you chose after talking to other people, and recommendations from other Doctors.
After Obamacare - A Doctor is someone you chose off of a list on the internet that the government tells you to go to.

I like the way this is going.

Before Obamacare - you were responsible to pay your own bills

After Obamacare - the government stole money from other people to give you subsidies.

Before Obamacare - Small business employees had employer subsidized healthcare like everyone else with a job.

After Obamacare - 100,000's of full time employees, who had insurance for decades lost it so people without a job could have it.

Before Obamacare - illegals had no entitlement to government subsidized insurance.

After Obamacare - The government couldn't ask for immigration status with Obamacare so they handed out the subsidies to any illegal that wanted it.

Illegals did not get obamacare, if you had even close to a foreign name you had to prove you were here legally and then the govt didn't believe them. Yep, some got through the system first year with crooked insurance agents, but shortly got caught and were kicked off. Oh yes the govt did ask proof of immigration.
Fallen? Sanders is actually honest unlike president Tweet Twit.

You don't know the definition of honest if you think Sanders is honest. Honest people don't commit to a life of robbery
Who do you think is more honest? Sanders or Trump?

Oddly enough trump. He is at least honest about his greed

You do realize Sanders is actually one of the least wealthy members of the Senate, right?

He was till he endorsed Hillary.
Ignore Avatar's fake "christian " bs
Before Obamacare - A Doctor was someone you chose after talking to other people, and recommendations from other Doctors.
After Obamacare - A Doctor is someone you chose off of a list on the internet that the government tells you to go to.

I like the way this is going.

Before Obamacare - you were responsible to pay your own bills

After Obamacare - the government stole money from other people to give you subsidies.

Before Obamacare - Small business employees had employer subsidized healthcare like everyone else with a job.

After Obamacare - 100,000's of full time employees, who had insurance for decades lost it so people without a job could have it.

Before Obamacare - illegals had no entitlement to government subsidized insurance.

After Obamacare - The government couldn't ask for immigration status with Obamacare so they handed out the subsidies to any illegal that wanted it.

Illegals did not get obamacare, if you had even close to a foreign name you had to prove you were here legally and then the govt didn't believe them. Yep, some got through the system first year with crooked insurance agents, but shortly got caught and were kicked off. Oh yes the govt did ask proof of immigration.

If you had even close to a foreign name? Who the hell doesn't?

Because you dumbass Moon Bat losing government subsidized insurance does not mean you won't be able to get health care.

If you are poor sign up for Medicaid and get your filthy ass greedy welfare queen benefits. If you are an illegal then go back to Mexico. If you are working poor then stop voting for Liberals that screw up the economy like Obama did so that there are only minimal wage jobs available.

Is that mean that millions of Americans that are currently poor -------- Will just die?
Paul Ryan Was Right: This Was A Defining Moment For The Republican Party | HuffPost

It chose tax cuts for millionaires over insurance for millions.

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) reportedly delivered a message to his colleagues earlier this week, seeking their support for the American Health Care Act: “This is who we are. This will define us.”

It was one of the more accurate things he’s said in a long time.

The AHCA would expose many millions of Americans, including some of society’s most vulnerable members, to the possibility of crippling medical expenses ― forcing them to choose between financial hardship, medical hardship or both.


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The poor were on medicaid before ocare, they are on medicaid now. The poor will have the same care they always had. Liberals yammering about da po folk is just giving themselves oral masturbation. Insurers are ending obamacare as fast as they could. The obama abortion screwed the middle class completely out of insurance coverage. Deductibles were so high people effectively had no insurance.

Democrats can twist in the wind and diddle themselves thinking up ways to be even more obstructive than they are now. Happy 2018 and the 20 seats the dimwitted have to defend.

Depends on which state you're located, the state that did not expand Medicaid I can say for certain anyone under 100% of FPL are not on Medicaid or obamacare, nothing.

I assume nothing. I am hopeful they will, but I assume nothing. Your guess is as good as mine at this point.

If he gets it through , signs it.

Then I hope Trump resigns .

Because his mission is finished



Except Trump promised better quality healthcare at a lower rate with everyone covered. This act is the antithesis of that.

I only wanted Trump to do is three things

1 piss off liberals

This is the reason Trump will NEVER be a great president by dividing this country. Liberals are also Americans.
I guess the left think insurance companies provide healthcare. folks, the doctors provide healthcare. try to keep up.
The doctors provide but the insurance companies are in control.
no, anyone can get treated by a doctor. anyone. you don't need insurance.

Is that mean people like Bear who do not have health insurance-------- Can just walk in to ER?
Maybe you geniuses Trumpster's should discover how you're going to get fucked over. Because, I know you dump fucks are totally clueless.
Allowing states to define “essential health benefits” could weaken ACA protections against catastrophic costs for people with employer coverage nationwide | Brookings Institution
Doesn't matter. See, this is about "freedom" 'n stuff.

So the Republicans are just doing folks a favor, making them "free" to not have coverage and lose everything if they get sick.

And of course, the rest of us will be free to pay for them, and for those who get emergency service only because they can't pay for a plan.

So it's a good thing. Freedom. Yeah.

And of course, the rest of us will be free to pay for them, and for those who get emergency service only because they can't pay for a plan.

That is why rates will not go down.
Before Obamacare - A Doctor was someone you chose after talking to other people, and recommendations from other Doctors.
After Obamacare - A Doctor is someone you chose off of a list on the internet that the government tells you to go to.

I like the way this is going.

Before Obamacare - you were responsible to pay your own bills

After Obamacare - the government stole money from other people to give you subsidies.

Before Obamacare - Small business employees had employer subsidized healthcare like everyone else with a job.

After Obamacare - 100,000's of full time employees, who had insurance for decades lost it so people without a job could have it.

Before Obamacare - illegals had no entitlement to government subsidized insurance.

After Obamacare - The government couldn't ask for immigration status with Obamacare so they handed out the subsidies to any illegal that wanted it.

Illegals did not get obamacare, if you had even close to a foreign name you had to prove you were here legally and then the govt didn't believe them. Yep, some got through the system first year with crooked insurance agents, but shortly got caught and were kicked off. Oh yes the govt did ask proof of immigration.

If you had even close to a foreign name? Who the hell doesn't?

I'll tell you what, I wrote several with american names and when finished the eligibility letter would ask for additional information and some had to prove they were born here and send in a copy of birth certificate. Again immigrants had to prove they were here legally to get a subsidy.
Congress has the legal right to steal our money and give it away to the welfare queens but that don't make it right.

As far as I'm concerned, it's Congress who are the welfare queens.

We have a lot of welfare queens in this country. The core voting consistency of the Democrat Party is the largest groups. There are other groups.

I vote Democrat and have done so all my life and will continue to do so. I work and am not on foodstamps and don't have an EBT card.
If that's the case why do you think the government should take care of your healthcare? You can do everything else on your own so why can't you shop for your own insurance?

The government regulating and nationalizing healthcare is a good way to eliminate insurance companies and get rid of skyrocketing premiums and costs and ensure everyone can be treated.
So if that's the case why can't they do housing and food? Why do you draw the line at healthcare.
We have a lot of welfare queens in this country. The core voting consistency of the Democrat Party is the largest groups. There are other groups.

I vote Democrat and have done so all my life and will continue to do so. I work and am not on foodstamps and don't have an EBT card.
If that's the case why do you think the government should take care of your healthcare? You can do everything else on your own so why can't you shop for your own insurance?

The government regulating and nationalizing healthcare is a good way to eliminate insurance companies and get rid of skyrocketing premiums and costs and ensure everyone can be treated.

You know what I do when I get a boo boo? Walk it off...

A cut ? Super glue works fine.

You lefty s go to the damn hospital when you have the sniffles..and it drives up every one's health care costs...


People need treatment for different reasons. I usually just rest when I have the sniffles but if people get sick of course they are going to go to the hospital. That's how it works.
Then they should pay for it, it's kinda how shit works.

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