Millions lose coverage

Also those were meant as reply to charwin95 but I forgot to tag them cause I'm irritated by the "whats yours is mine" crap. I spent my entire life planning for my retirement, planning for the lifestyle that /I/ wanted to have. The left wants to take more and more from me. It's stealing and it chased my friends out of the country. I don't want to leave the US because I love what America was when I was growing up - but the left is destroying it by greed and it irks me...

Post #504 just incase you got lost.

Are you fucking telling me the left are taking your money? Are you telling me that only the left are pushing health care insurance? Are you telling these so-called conservative do not have health insurance like you? Are you telling me that only the left own the health insurance business?

Your arrogance and irresponsible is just incredibly unbelievable.

Arn't you a bundle of partisan bullshit. I do notice you correctly identified which party are generally the thieving whiners though. :clap:

Very well, lets play partisan games. I don't actually belong to either side (as has been clearly noted in my sig since I joined here) but I can tell you what I see "in general broad brushing" as you partisan hacks are wont to do:

The majority of business, be it health insurance or otherwise, are owned by the right. They also comprise of the majority of our soldiers.
The left is comprised mostly of intellectual nitwits who can barely keep a job because "it's too hard" (also known as I'm "better than this") or "the man is holding me down" (also known as "I can't hack it.") [That would be why they're trying to steal everyone else's money to pay /their/ bills, because they're "better" than other American's thus they "deserve" it.]

While the right offers this nation a mildly annoying and politically intrusive religion and stability, the left offers a socialist/anarchist/communist uprising [essentially an overthrow of the government] to a HIGHLY politically invasive religion [not because of a spiritual belief mind you, but just because "its the right thing to do."] Christians are total fucking assholes to try to dictate to a woman that she can't have an abortion, but it's totally okay for Muslim's to tell them bitches how to dress themselves, cut their clits off to keep them "faithful" to their husbands, marry them bitches off the second they can conceive, and [my personal favorite,] stone them to fucking death for showing ankle or talking to a man outside their family.

While the right offers a strong military to protect me and my family and an overall devotion to the "family unit," the left offers the weakening of the military and shitting on of American soldiers [ignoring and making light of VA's very real and chronic issues (while pushing the same shit on the entire nation mind you,) constantly bitching about our soldiers pay and medical care costs] and an unhealthy devotion to single parent families (shit happens yes, but there is a /chronic/ lack of responsibility within the left where dads (hell sometimes moms & dads) are /not/ taking care of their family that the left /actively/ enables through their policies.)

While the right follows the laws of this nation and support our constitution (with a few missteps related to religion and right to pursue happiness/freedom "from" religion that they have in general corrected over the years,) the left fucking riots at the drop of a god damn hat and engages in PC doctrine to not only shut down free speech, but in fact free thought, legalizes fucking communism, and [my favorite one] hire fucking thugs to come in and beat up anyone who doesn't follow their opinions (ya know, sounds kind of like those fucking ISIS bastards in the ME to me, except these fucking asshole lefties don't even do it to "save their souls" they just do it cause "it's funny.")

While the right will cuss and whimper about losing a presidential election, the fucking left tries to overthrow the god damn legally elected president because their lifelong corrupt hag of a candidate didn't break the glass ceiling/get her turn.

While the right contains individuals who, in general, can tell you exactly why whatever gov/political/social issue/construct bugs them/needs to change and can "agree to disagree" in most cases, the left can only offer a blurb and if you disagree you are immediately a racist, yadda yadda yadda, NAZI and they often decide that you are an enemy/traitor of [their radical anarchist/communist vision of America] and need to be beaten into submission, and/or die depending on how demented/brain-dead they are.

While a racist or neo-nazi from the fringe far right is a piece of shit, it's typically a "harmless" piece of shit who gains nothing but a disgusted shake of the head from the majority of righties. A terrorist, anarchist, criminal, from the far left is a physically violent piece of shit who is fucking supported by other lefties and even encouraged to act out as "part of the resistance!"

While a righties give us "Charity" the lefties give us "Free Entitlements"

While the right are for "making money" the left are for "taking money"

While the right "plans for the future" the left "plans for right now"

While the right prefers "studied gradual change" the left prefers "immediate reactionary change"

Where the right loves America as an ideal, the left hates it as a flawed system

Where the right salutes soldiers in gratitude, the left spits on them for "being evil" [a shift of blame from the politics to person because they can't spit on the government and /fuck/ the soldiers feelings]

While the left gives us "hyper emotional reactions" to stressful situations the right gives us a "cooperative resolving reaction" - by this I mean a lefties reaction to stress is to lash out illogically and without thought for consequence of their actions, where as a rightie will consider the situation and move forward. -- A theoretical example, in being pulled over - the lefty will blame the officer for some grievance and loudly protest the ticket (sometimes even escalating it into violence) A righty will grumble about getting caught and pay the ticket. In fact, I would hazard to say in general that while the right "admits they screwed up," the left "refuses to admit they fucked up"

While the left is elitist the right is humble

While the left has almost no respect for rural folk, the right accepts that urban life is different

While the left will castrate you for being racist/sexist/etc, it is perfectly acceptable for them to be racist/sexist/etc. (and worse, despite their ability to invent micro-aggression's to bitch at others about, they can't even see their own blatant racism/sexism/etc.)

Word association:

Right -> Freedom, Individual, Religion, Capitalism
Left -> Control, Collective, Race, Communism/Socialism

Right -> Steady, Reliable, Faithful, Traditional
Left -> Hypocritical, Fair-weathered, Faithless, Radical

Right -> Strict, Honor, Duty, History
Left -> Uncontrolled, Blame, Owed, Revision

I could example all of my assessments of each side, but as you're clearly a partisan hack you'll no doubt just deny, blame, and claim everything I've noted as a lie regardless (If you even read it at all because you lefties are pretty zombified/braindead as of late)

Lets get personal though. The left has destroyed everything I saw good in their party with their uncompromising and violent "revolution." For nearly 20 years now I have very carefully avoided politically guiding my lefties out of respect for differences of opinion. I can no longer do that because the left wing ideology is so far gone that it has become a danger to their physical safety. These are very dark times.

I now direct my minions to the center; I actively liberate them from their left brain washing and directly confront their political parties lies (very easily I might add, your parties shepherding is absolutely pathetic.) The left will not have my wacky adorable adopted "children" any longer; these are my LGBTs, my furries, my "children" and I will not allow them to be emotionally abused by the corrupt and vile DNC any longer. I now advocate for the destruction of the Democrat party. It is a violent traitor party and Amercia can no longer support their goals. I am also now actively lobbying (yes, with money) to have their "status" revoked on charge of sedition and conversion to communism. I have officially declared the Democrat Party, and specifically California, in flagrant violation of the Communist Control Act of 1954 and intend to demand legal redress from the SCOTUS, I seek to have them expelled them from the protections afforded to them in nations political arena.
Also those were meant as reply to charwin95 but I forgot to tag them cause I'm irritated by the "whats yours is mine" crap. I spent my entire life planning for my retirement, planning for the lifestyle that /I/ wanted to have. The left wants to take more and more from me. It's stealing and it chased my friends out of the country. I don't want to leave the US because I love what America was when I was growing up - but the left is destroying it by greed and it irks me...

Post #504 just incase you got lost.

Are you fucking telling me the left are taking your money? Are you telling me that only the left are pushing health care insurance? Are you telling these so-called conservative do not have health insurance like you? Are you telling me that only the left own the health insurance business?

Your arrogance and irresponsible is just incredibly unbelievable.

Arn't you a bundle of partisan bullshit. I do notice you correctly identified which party are generally the thieving whiners though. :clap:

Very well, lets play partisan games. I don't actually belong to either side (as has been clearly noted in my sig since I joined here) but I can tell you what I see "in general broad brushing" as you partisan hacks are wont to do:

The majority of business, be it health insurance or otherwise, are owned by the right. They also comprise of the majority of our soldiers.
The left is comprised mostly of intellectual nitwits who can barely keep a job because "it's too hard" (also known as I'm "better than this") or "the man is holding me down" (also known as "I can't hack it.") [That would be why they're trying to steal everyone else's money to pay /their/ bills, because they're "better" than other American's thus they "deserve" it.]

While the right offers this nation a mildly annoying and politically intrusive religion and stability, the left offers a socialist/anarchist/communist uprising [essentially an overthrow of the government] to a HIGHLY politically invasive religion [not because of a spiritual belief mind you, but just because "its the right thing to do."] Christians are total fucking assholes to try to dictate to a woman that she can't have an abortion, but it's totally okay for Muslim's to tell them bitches how to dress themselves, cut their clits off to keep them "faithful" to their husbands, marry them bitches off the second they can conceive, and [my personal favorite,] stone them to fucking death for showing ankle or talking to a man outside their family.

While the right offers a strong military to protect me and my family and an overall devotion to the "family unit," the left offers the weakening of the military and shitting on of American soldiers [ignoring and making light of VA's very real and chronic issues (while pushing the same shit on the entire nation mind you,) constantly bitching about our soldiers pay and medical care costs] and an unhealthy devotion to single parent families (shit happens yes, but there is a /chronic/ lack of responsibility within the left where dads (hell sometimes moms & dads) are /not/ taking care of their family that the left /actively/ enables through their policies.)

While the right follows the laws of this nation and support our constitution (with a few missteps related to religion and right to pursue happiness/freedom "from" religion that they have in general corrected over the years,) the left fucking riots at the drop of a god damn hat and engages in PC doctrine to not only shut down free speech, but in fact free thought, legalizes fucking communism, and [my favorite one] hire fucking thugs to come in and beat up anyone who doesn't follow their opinions (ya know, sounds kind of like those fucking ISIS bastards in the ME to me, except these fucking asshole lefties don't even do it to "save their souls" they just do it cause "it's funny.")

While the right will cuss and whimper about losing a presidential election, the fucking left tries to overthrow the god damn legally elected president because their lifelong corrupt hag of a candidate didn't break the glass ceiling/get her turn.

While the right contains individuals who, in general, can tell you exactly why whatever gov/political/social issue/construct bugs them/needs to change and can "agree to disagree" in most cases, the left can only offer a blurb and if you disagree you are immediately a racist, yadda yadda yadda, NAZI and they often decide that you are an enemy/traitor of [their radical anarchist/communist vision of America] and need to be beaten into submission, and/or die depending on how demented/brain-dead they are.

While a racist or neo-nazi from the fringe far right is a piece of shit, it's typically a "harmless" piece of shit who gains nothing but a disgusted shake of the head from the majority of righties. A terrorist, anarchist, criminal, from the far left is a physically violent piece of shit who is fucking supported by other lefties and even encouraged to act out as "part of the resistance!"

While a righties give us "Charity" the lefties give us "Free Entitlements"

While the right are for "making money" the left are for "taking money"

While the right "plans for the future" the left "plans for right now"

While the right prefers "studied gradual change" the left prefers "immediate reactionary change"

Where the right loves America as an ideal, the left hates it as a flawed system

Where the right salutes soldiers in gratitude, the left spits on them for "being evil" [a shift of blame from the politics to person because they can't spit on the government and /fuck/ the soldiers feelings]

While the left gives us "hyper emotional reactions" to stressful situations the right gives us a "cooperative resolving reaction" - by this I mean a lefties reaction to stress is to lash out illogically and without thought for consequence of their actions, where as a rightie will consider the situation and move forward. -- A theoretical example, in being pulled over - the lefty will blame the officer for some grievance and loudly protest the ticket (sometimes even escalating it into violence) A righty will grumble about getting caught and pay the ticket. In fact, I would hazard to say in general that while the right "admits they screwed up," the left "refuses to admit they fucked up"

While the left is elitist the right is humble

While the left has almost no respect for rural folk, the right accepts that urban life is different

While the left will castrate you for being racist/sexist/etc, it is perfectly acceptable for them to be racist/sexist/etc. (and worse, despite their ability to invent micro-aggression's to bitch at others about, they can't even see their own blatant racism/sexism/etc.)

Word association:

Right -> Freedom, Individual, Religion, Capitalism
Left -> Control, Collective, Race, Communism/Socialism

Right -> Steady, Reliable, Faithful, Traditional
Left -> Hypocritical, Fair-weathered, Faithless, Radical

Right -> Strict, Honor, Duty, History
Left -> Uncontrolled, Blame, Owed, Revision

I could example all of my assessments of each side, but as you're clearly a partisan hack you'll no doubt just deny, blame, and claim everything I've noted as a lie regardless (If you even read it at all because you lefties are pretty zombified/braindead as of late)

Lets get personal though. The left has destroyed everything I saw good in their party with their uncompromising and violent "revolution." For nearly 20 years now I have very carefully avoided politically guiding my lefties out of respect for differences of opinion. I can no longer do that because the left wing ideology is so far gone that it has become a danger to their physical safety. These are very dark times.

I now direct my minions to the center; I actively liberate them from their left brain washing and directly confront their political parties lies (very easily I might add, your parties shepherding is absolutely pathetic.) The left will not have my wacky adorable adopted "children" any longer; these are my LGBTs, my furries, my "children" and I will not allow them to be emotionally abused by the corrupt and vile DNC any longer. I now advocate for the destruction of the Democrat party. It is a violent traitor party and Amercia can no longer support their goals. I am also now actively lobbying (yes, with money) to have their "status" revoked on charge of sedition and conversion to communism. I have officially declared the Democrat Party, and specifically California, in flagrant violation of the Communist Control Act of 1954 and intend to demand legal redress from the SCOTUS, I seek to have them expelled them from the protections afforded to them in nations political arena.

In short you are just full of shit. So --------- what the heck happened to the high IQ?
Also those were meant as reply to charwin95 but I forgot to tag them cause I'm irritated by the "whats yours is mine" crap. I spent my entire life planning for my retirement, planning for the lifestyle that /I/ wanted to have. The left wants to take more and more from me. It's stealing and it chased my friends out of the country. I don't want to leave the US because I love what America was when I was growing up - but the left is destroying it by greed and it irks me...

Post #504 just incase you got lost.

Are you fucking telling me the left are taking your money? Are you telling me that only the left are pushing health care insurance? Are you telling these so-called conservative do not have health insurance like you? Are you telling me that only the left own the health insurance business?

Your arrogance and irresponsible is just incredibly unbelievable.

Arn't you a bundle of partisan bullshit. I do notice you correctly identified which party are generally the thieving whiners though. :clap:

Very well, lets play partisan games. I don't actually belong to either side (as has been clearly noted in my sig since I joined here) but I can tell you what I see "in general broad brushing" as you partisan hacks are wont to do:

The majority of business, be it health insurance or otherwise, are owned by the right. They also comprise of the majority of our soldiers.
The left is comprised mostly of intellectual nitwits who can barely keep a job because "it's too hard" (also known as I'm "better than this") or "the man is holding me down" (also known as "I can't hack it.") [That would be why they're trying to steal everyone else's money to pay /their/ bills, because they're "better" than other American's thus they "deserve" it.]

While the right offers this nation a mildly annoying and politically intrusive religion and stability, the left offers a socialist/anarchist/communist uprising [essentially an overthrow of the government] to a HIGHLY politically invasive religion [not because of a spiritual belief mind you, but just because "its the right thing to do."] Christians are total fucking assholes to try to dictate to a woman that she can't have an abortion, but it's totally okay for Muslim's to tell them bitches how to dress themselves, cut their clits off to keep them "faithful" to their husbands, marry them bitches off the second they can conceive, and [my personal favorite,] stone them to fucking death for showing ankle or talking to a man outside their family.

While the right offers a strong military to protect me and my family and an overall devotion to the "family unit," the left offers the weakening of the military and shitting on of American soldiers [ignoring and making light of VA's very real and chronic issues (while pushing the same shit on the entire nation mind you,) constantly bitching about our soldiers pay and medical care costs] and an unhealthy devotion to single parent families (shit happens yes, but there is a /chronic/ lack of responsibility within the left where dads (hell sometimes moms & dads) are /not/ taking care of their family that the left /actively/ enables through their policies.)

While the right follows the laws of this nation and support our constitution (with a few missteps related to religion and right to pursue happiness/freedom "from" religion that they have in general corrected over the years,) the left fucking riots at the drop of a god damn hat and engages in PC doctrine to not only shut down free speech, but in fact free thought, legalizes fucking communism, and [my favorite one] hire fucking thugs to come in and beat up anyone who doesn't follow their opinions (ya know, sounds kind of like those fucking ISIS bastards in the ME to me, except these fucking asshole lefties don't even do it to "save their souls" they just do it cause "it's funny.")

While the right will cuss and whimper about losing a presidential election, the fucking left tries to overthrow the god damn legally elected president because their lifelong corrupt hag of a candidate didn't break the glass ceiling/get her turn.

While the right contains individuals who, in general, can tell you exactly why whatever gov/political/social issue/construct bugs them/needs to change and can "agree to disagree" in most cases, the left can only offer a blurb and if you disagree you are immediately a racist, yadda yadda yadda, NAZI and they often decide that you are an enemy/traitor of [their radical anarchist/communist vision of America] and need to be beaten into submission, and/or die depending on how demented/brain-dead they are.

While a racist or neo-nazi from the fringe far right is a piece of shit, it's typically a "harmless" piece of shit who gains nothing but a disgusted shake of the head from the majority of righties. A terrorist, anarchist, criminal, from the far left is a physically violent piece of shit who is fucking supported by other lefties and even encouraged to act out as "part of the resistance!"

While a righties give us "Charity" the lefties give us "Free Entitlements"

While the right are for "making money" the left are for "taking money"

While the right "plans for the future" the left "plans for right now"

While the right prefers "studied gradual change" the left prefers "immediate reactionary change"

Where the right loves America as an ideal, the left hates it as a flawed system

Where the right salutes soldiers in gratitude, the left spits on them for "being evil" [a shift of blame from the politics to person because they can't spit on the government and /fuck/ the soldiers feelings]

While the left gives us "hyper emotional reactions" to stressful situations the right gives us a "cooperative resolving reaction" - by this I mean a lefties reaction to stress is to lash out illogically and without thought for consequence of their actions, where as a rightie will consider the situation and move forward. -- A theoretical example, in being pulled over - the lefty will blame the officer for some grievance and loudly protest the ticket (sometimes even escalating it into violence) A righty will grumble about getting caught and pay the ticket. In fact, I would hazard to say in general that while the right "admits they screwed up," the left "refuses to admit they fucked up"

While the left is elitist the right is humble

While the left has almost no respect for rural folk, the right accepts that urban life is different

While the left will castrate you for being racist/sexist/etc, it is perfectly acceptable for them to be racist/sexist/etc. (and worse, despite their ability to invent micro-aggression's to bitch at others about, they can't even see their own blatant racism/sexism/etc.)

Word association:

Right -> Freedom, Individual, Religion, Capitalism
Left -> Control, Collective, Race, Communism/Socialism

Right -> Steady, Reliable, Faithful, Traditional
Left -> Hypocritical, Fair-weathered, Faithless, Radical

Right -> Strict, Honor, Duty, History
Left -> Uncontrolled, Blame, Owed, Revision

I could example all of my assessments of each side, but as you're clearly a partisan hack you'll no doubt just deny, blame, and claim everything I've noted as a lie regardless (If you even read it at all because you lefties are pretty zombified/braindead as of late)

Lets get personal though. The left has destroyed everything I saw good in their party with their uncompromising and violent "revolution." For nearly 20 years now I have very carefully avoided politically guiding my lefties out of respect for differences of opinion. I can no longer do that because the left wing ideology is so far gone that it has become a danger to their physical safety. These are very dark times.

I now direct my minions to the center; I actively liberate them from their left brain washing and directly confront their political parties lies (very easily I might add, your parties shepherding is absolutely pathetic.) The left will not have my wacky adorable adopted "children" any longer; these are my LGBTs, my furries, my "children" and I will not allow them to be emotionally abused by the corrupt and vile DNC any longer. I now advocate for the destruction of the Democrat party. It is a violent traitor party and Amercia can no longer support their goals. I am also now actively lobbying (yes, with money) to have their "status" revoked on charge of sedition and conversion to communism. I have officially declared the Democrat Party, and specifically California, in flagrant violation of the Communist Control Act of 1954 and intend to demand legal redress from the SCOTUS, I seek to have them expelled them from the protections afforded to them in nations political arena.

In short you are just full of shit. So --------- what the heck happened to the high IQ?

Waaahhh! "I don't like your opinions so I think you're stupid!" HAHAHA
Also those were meant as reply to charwin95 but I forgot to tag them cause I'm irritated by the "whats yours is mine" crap. I spent my entire life planning for my retirement, planning for the lifestyle that /I/ wanted to have. The left wants to take more and more from me. It's stealing and it chased my friends out of the country. I don't want to leave the US because I love what America was when I was growing up - but the left is destroying it by greed and it irks me...

Post #504 just incase you got lost.

Are you fucking telling me the left are taking your money? Are you telling me that only the left are pushing health care insurance? Are you telling these so-called conservative do not have health insurance like you? Are you telling me that only the left own the health insurance business?

Your arrogance and irresponsible is just incredibly unbelievable.

Arn't you a bundle of partisan bullshit. I do notice you correctly identified which party are generally the thieving whiners though. :clap:

Very well, lets play partisan games. I don't actually belong to either side (as has been clearly noted in my sig since I joined here) but I can tell you what I see "in general broad brushing" as you partisan hacks are wont to do:

The majority of business, be it health insurance or otherwise, are owned by the right. They also comprise of the majority of our soldiers.
The left is comprised mostly of intellectual nitwits who can barely keep a job because "it's too hard" (also known as I'm "better than this") or "the man is holding me down" (also known as "I can't hack it.") [That would be why they're trying to steal everyone else's money to pay /their/ bills, because they're "better" than other American's thus they "deserve" it.]

While the right offers this nation a mildly annoying and politically intrusive religion and stability, the left offers a socialist/anarchist/communist uprising [essentially an overthrow of the government] to a HIGHLY politically invasive religion [not because of a spiritual belief mind you, but just because "its the right thing to do."] Christians are total fucking assholes to try to dictate to a woman that she can't have an abortion, but it's totally okay for Muslim's to tell them bitches how to dress themselves, cut their clits off to keep them "faithful" to their husbands, marry them bitches off the second they can conceive, and [my personal favorite,] stone them to fucking death for showing ankle or talking to a man outside their family.

While the right offers a strong military to protect me and my family and an overall devotion to the "family unit," the left offers the weakening of the military and shitting on of American soldiers [ignoring and making light of VA's very real and chronic issues (while pushing the same shit on the entire nation mind you,) constantly bitching about our soldiers pay and medical care costs] and an unhealthy devotion to single parent families (shit happens yes, but there is a /chronic/ lack of responsibility within the left where dads (hell sometimes moms & dads) are /not/ taking care of their family that the left /actively/ enables through their policies.)

While the right follows the laws of this nation and support our constitution (with a few missteps related to religion and right to pursue happiness/freedom "from" religion that they have in general corrected over the years,) the left fucking riots at the drop of a god damn hat and engages in PC doctrine to not only shut down free speech, but in fact free thought, legalizes fucking communism, and [my favorite one] hire fucking thugs to come in and beat up anyone who doesn't follow their opinions (ya know, sounds kind of like those fucking ISIS bastards in the ME to me, except these fucking asshole lefties don't even do it to "save their souls" they just do it cause "it's funny.")

While the right will cuss and whimper about losing a presidential election, the fucking left tries to overthrow the god damn legally elected president because their lifelong corrupt hag of a candidate didn't break the glass ceiling/get her turn.

While the right contains individuals who, in general, can tell you exactly why whatever gov/political/social issue/construct bugs them/needs to change and can "agree to disagree" in most cases, the left can only offer a blurb and if you disagree you are immediately a racist, yadda yadda yadda, NAZI and they often decide that you are an enemy/traitor of [their radical anarchist/communist vision of America] and need to be beaten into submission, and/or die depending on how demented/brain-dead they are.

While a racist or neo-nazi from the fringe far right is a piece of shit, it's typically a "harmless" piece of shit who gains nothing but a disgusted shake of the head from the majority of righties. A terrorist, anarchist, criminal, from the far left is a physically violent piece of shit who is fucking supported by other lefties and even encouraged to act out as "part of the resistance!"

While a righties give us "Charity" the lefties give us "Free Entitlements"

While the right are for "making money" the left are for "taking money"

While the right "plans for the future" the left "plans for right now"

While the right prefers "studied gradual change" the left prefers "immediate reactionary change"

Where the right loves America as an ideal, the left hates it as a flawed system

Where the right salutes soldiers in gratitude, the left spits on them for "being evil" [a shift of blame from the politics to person because they can't spit on the government and /fuck/ the soldiers feelings]

While the left gives us "hyper emotional reactions" to stressful situations the right gives us a "cooperative resolving reaction" - by this I mean a lefties reaction to stress is to lash out illogically and without thought for consequence of their actions, where as a rightie will consider the situation and move forward. -- A theoretical example, in being pulled over - the lefty will blame the officer for some grievance and loudly protest the ticket (sometimes even escalating it into violence) A righty will grumble about getting caught and pay the ticket. In fact, I would hazard to say in general that while the right "admits they screwed up," the left "refuses to admit they fucked up"

While the left is elitist the right is humble

While the left has almost no respect for rural folk, the right accepts that urban life is different

While the left will castrate you for being racist/sexist/etc, it is perfectly acceptable for them to be racist/sexist/etc. (and worse, despite their ability to invent micro-aggression's to bitch at others about, they can't even see their own blatant racism/sexism/etc.)

Word association:

Right -> Freedom, Individual, Religion, Capitalism
Left -> Control, Collective, Race, Communism/Socialism

Right -> Steady, Reliable, Faithful, Traditional
Left -> Hypocritical, Fair-weathered, Faithless, Radical

Right -> Strict, Honor, Duty, History
Left -> Uncontrolled, Blame, Owed, Revision

I could example all of my assessments of each side, but as you're clearly a partisan hack you'll no doubt just deny, blame, and claim everything I've noted as a lie regardless (If you even read it at all because you lefties are pretty zombified/braindead as of late)

Lets get personal though. The left has destroyed everything I saw good in their party with their uncompromising and violent "revolution." For nearly 20 years now I have very carefully avoided politically guiding my lefties out of respect for differences of opinion. I can no longer do that because the left wing ideology is so far gone that it has become a danger to their physical safety. These are very dark times.

I now direct my minions to the center; I actively liberate them from their left brain washing and directly confront their political parties lies (very easily I might add, your parties shepherding is absolutely pathetic.) The left will not have my wacky adorable adopted "children" any longer; these are my LGBTs, my furries, my "children" and I will not allow them to be emotionally abused by the corrupt and vile DNC any longer. I now advocate for the destruction of the Democrat party. It is a violent traitor party and Amercia can no longer support their goals. I am also now actively lobbying (yes, with money) to have their "status" revoked on charge of sedition and conversion to communism. I have officially declared the Democrat Party, and specifically California, in flagrant violation of the Communist Control Act of 1954 and intend to demand legal redress from the SCOTUS, I seek to have them expelled them from the protections afforded to them in nations political arena.

In short you are just full of shit. So --------- what the heck happened to the high IQ?

Waaahhh! "I don't like your opinions so I think you're stupid!" HAHAHA

Having no health insurance ------ Paying for your arrogance and stupidity is much worse and no difference from illegals.

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